Shameless Romantic
- Joined
- Jul 19, 2001
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This is a closed thread for Tammi and your truly. We both invite you to read along as we weave a little tale of intrigue, thievery, and yes, of course, sexual exploration!
Quentin “Quint” McCann, Insurance Investigator
“Too hot! Too goddamned fucking hot for this early in the year!” I said to no one in particular. I had leaned back in my cheap office chair and looked around my cubbyhole of an office. Then I looked out to see the rich fuckers in their yachts heading out into the bay. Maybe some are heading down to St. Kitt’s for a long weekend, maybe a couple are heading out for that round-the-world cruise that Muffy has been whining about for years. Probably most are just out for an afternoon of fun ‘n’ games with their secretaries. Fuck! They’re all bastards and whores anyway.
I couldn’t stand the thought that some fat balding fucker with more money than God was out there getting some sweet piece of ass from a pretty young babe, while I sit here shuffling paper and trying to keep the bill collectors and my ex’s lawyer off my back. Shit! That’s what I get for taking an office with a view when they wouldn’t give me a raise. And some office; a glorified broom closet and it was a mess but I really didn’t give a shit.
I had already finished entering in my last report for the day and it was still only three o’clock. How to kill the rest of the day? Paper wad basketball? Nah! Go out and make time with Marquesa the new receptionist? Why, bother? She already has taken a shine to Todd the young stud in commercial accounts. How about sneaking out the back way and heading over to Leon’s for a cold brew and a head start on the weekend? Now that was more appealing. I rubbed my chin and thought it over. Damn, it’s worth a gamble.
Getting up from the chair and sticking my head out the door, I saw that the coast was clear. I ran my hand through my thinning blond hair and checked my necktie. Didn’t want to look too casual, more like I was going about some important business. Partway down the hall, I turned the corner to head toward the stairwell when Jenkins caught me.
“McCann!” he called out. “Come a second!”
I knew his “seconds” could be like hours sometimes, but had little choice since he oversaw all claims.
“What up?” I asked.
“I see you finished filing this morning,” he told me, putting me into a corner.
“Well I got a hot one for you,” he said waving me into his office. “You ever been to the Metro Museum Of Art?”
“A few times, why?”
“I just got a call from the collections curator,” he went on. “Something about some paintings being switched or something. I want you to head down there and nose around a little.”
“But isn’t that Matthew’s specialty?”
“Yeah, but he’s out of town on a special. I want you to follow up and see just what’s going on.”
Shit! I was actually going to have to do some work this afternoon. He gave me some preliminary paperwork and sent me on my way. I hated crap like this. Probably just some paperwork snafu. But wait. I could just run over quickly, show some face, then head over to Leon’s. Hmm, maybe.
I didn’t mind the drive over to the Museum, putting the top down on my old Buick Century convertible and enjoying the sunshine and afternoon breeze. Only problem was that I was sweating like a pig when they directed me to the Museum boardroom when I arrived.
“Mr. McCann? Hello,” said the burly balding guy seated at the head of the table. He got up to introduce himself. “I’m Chester Morris, Museum Director. This is Alan Harris, Head Curator, and Miranda Wilson, his assistant.” There were some others there, mostly board members, but I didn’t catch their names. “So let’s tell you why you’re here. Miranda?”
The tall willowy blonde with thick eyeglasses stood up and walked around to hand me a thick booklet full of pictures of paintings.
“This is the Thibodeau Collection, bequeathed to the Museum over thirty years ago. It contains some of the finest Impressionist and German expressionist paintings in the world. Over two hundred works in all.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen them,” I shot off. “Nice stuff.”
“Yes, well, this morning after taking down a Van Gogh as part of our regular maintenance and conservation effort, it was discovered that it was a fake. A very, very professional well executed fake. The only way we could tell was that the special markings that identify it were incomplete.”
“So …” I said, waving my hand impatiently, hoping she’s speed things up and let me get to my bar stool on time.
“So we believe that there was a theft involved.”
“You sure that the makings weren’t just removed by a previous cleaning?” I had to ask.
“Oh, no, sir. We document everything.”
“You see, Mr. McCann, since your company is our lead insurer we felt that we had to report this immediately,” said Chester with a groan. “This could be potentially very embarrassing to our Museum since we rely on donations and endowments.”
“Sure, pally,” I answered.
“But that’s not all,” Miranda said. “After we discovered this, we did a quick check and found that several others were also fakes.”
“Are you sure that you haven’t been hanging the fakes all along?”
“We’re quite certain, sir,” she said. They were all inspected thoroughly and authenticated when we received them from the Thibodeau estate.”
Fuck! That cold beer was slipping farther and farther from my grasp as this story unfolded. I had to set my thoughts aside and start to ask questions, demand reports and accounting for times, people, dates, authentication reports, the whole nine yards. In a way, after working some real crappy residential investigations for a couple of years, this was starting to peak my interest.
“Well, why don’t we take a little field trip, eh?” I said finally after sending the curator, his assistant and a half dozen volunteer secretaries scrambling. I love doing that! As we got up and filed toward the door, one of the board members, a tall lanky brunette approached me.
“So what do you think, Mr. McCann?” she asked, her light brown eyes checking me out closely. “Is this an inside job?”
I chuckled at her question and gave her an up and down look. Forty-something maybe, very, very pretty, gorgeous brunette hair, silky complexion, richly tailored skirted suit, expensive-looking jewelry, a huge rock but on the wrong hand. She had the look of a choice suburban lady, probably low mileage but high maintenance. And the tone of her voice made me wonder about … about … about something that I couldn’t put my finger on. A beautiful, pampered rich bitch who never had to work a day in her life, with nothing better to do with her time. This museum is probably just her Friday afternoon project, just like the orphanage is Monday’s project and the hair salon is Thursday’s “thing-to-do.” Who cares about the rest of her week? Something told me that I didn’t like her, not at all.
“We’ll have to dig a little deeper before we decide that, Miss … Miss … uh, Miss …” My voice trailed off. Damn! I had forgotten her name! She looked at me with those big light brown eyes and smiled, showing off a million dollar smile.
“Don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten my name already, Mr. McCann,” she laughed. “Most men never forget anything about me once we’ve met.”
“I’ll bet they don’t,” I said holding the boardroom door open for her to slip through. Shit! She looked just as fine from the rear as she walked ahead of me, then turned and waited for me to catch up to her.
Quentin “Quint” McCann, Insurance Investigator
“Too hot! Too goddamned fucking hot for this early in the year!” I said to no one in particular. I had leaned back in my cheap office chair and looked around my cubbyhole of an office. Then I looked out to see the rich fuckers in their yachts heading out into the bay. Maybe some are heading down to St. Kitt’s for a long weekend, maybe a couple are heading out for that round-the-world cruise that Muffy has been whining about for years. Probably most are just out for an afternoon of fun ‘n’ games with their secretaries. Fuck! They’re all bastards and whores anyway.
I couldn’t stand the thought that some fat balding fucker with more money than God was out there getting some sweet piece of ass from a pretty young babe, while I sit here shuffling paper and trying to keep the bill collectors and my ex’s lawyer off my back. Shit! That’s what I get for taking an office with a view when they wouldn’t give me a raise. And some office; a glorified broom closet and it was a mess but I really didn’t give a shit.
I had already finished entering in my last report for the day and it was still only three o’clock. How to kill the rest of the day? Paper wad basketball? Nah! Go out and make time with Marquesa the new receptionist? Why, bother? She already has taken a shine to Todd the young stud in commercial accounts. How about sneaking out the back way and heading over to Leon’s for a cold brew and a head start on the weekend? Now that was more appealing. I rubbed my chin and thought it over. Damn, it’s worth a gamble.
Getting up from the chair and sticking my head out the door, I saw that the coast was clear. I ran my hand through my thinning blond hair and checked my necktie. Didn’t want to look too casual, more like I was going about some important business. Partway down the hall, I turned the corner to head toward the stairwell when Jenkins caught me.
“McCann!” he called out. “Come a second!”
I knew his “seconds” could be like hours sometimes, but had little choice since he oversaw all claims.
“What up?” I asked.
“I see you finished filing this morning,” he told me, putting me into a corner.
“Well I got a hot one for you,” he said waving me into his office. “You ever been to the Metro Museum Of Art?”
“A few times, why?”
“I just got a call from the collections curator,” he went on. “Something about some paintings being switched or something. I want you to head down there and nose around a little.”
“But isn’t that Matthew’s specialty?”
“Yeah, but he’s out of town on a special. I want you to follow up and see just what’s going on.”
Shit! I was actually going to have to do some work this afternoon. He gave me some preliminary paperwork and sent me on my way. I hated crap like this. Probably just some paperwork snafu. But wait. I could just run over quickly, show some face, then head over to Leon’s. Hmm, maybe.
I didn’t mind the drive over to the Museum, putting the top down on my old Buick Century convertible and enjoying the sunshine and afternoon breeze. Only problem was that I was sweating like a pig when they directed me to the Museum boardroom when I arrived.
“Mr. McCann? Hello,” said the burly balding guy seated at the head of the table. He got up to introduce himself. “I’m Chester Morris, Museum Director. This is Alan Harris, Head Curator, and Miranda Wilson, his assistant.” There were some others there, mostly board members, but I didn’t catch their names. “So let’s tell you why you’re here. Miranda?”
The tall willowy blonde with thick eyeglasses stood up and walked around to hand me a thick booklet full of pictures of paintings.
“This is the Thibodeau Collection, bequeathed to the Museum over thirty years ago. It contains some of the finest Impressionist and German expressionist paintings in the world. Over two hundred works in all.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen them,” I shot off. “Nice stuff.”
“Yes, well, this morning after taking down a Van Gogh as part of our regular maintenance and conservation effort, it was discovered that it was a fake. A very, very professional well executed fake. The only way we could tell was that the special markings that identify it were incomplete.”
“So …” I said, waving my hand impatiently, hoping she’s speed things up and let me get to my bar stool on time.
“So we believe that there was a theft involved.”
“You sure that the makings weren’t just removed by a previous cleaning?” I had to ask.
“Oh, no, sir. We document everything.”
“You see, Mr. McCann, since your company is our lead insurer we felt that we had to report this immediately,” said Chester with a groan. “This could be potentially very embarrassing to our Museum since we rely on donations and endowments.”
“Sure, pally,” I answered.
“But that’s not all,” Miranda said. “After we discovered this, we did a quick check and found that several others were also fakes.”
“Are you sure that you haven’t been hanging the fakes all along?”
“We’re quite certain, sir,” she said. They were all inspected thoroughly and authenticated when we received them from the Thibodeau estate.”
Fuck! That cold beer was slipping farther and farther from my grasp as this story unfolded. I had to set my thoughts aside and start to ask questions, demand reports and accounting for times, people, dates, authentication reports, the whole nine yards. In a way, after working some real crappy residential investigations for a couple of years, this was starting to peak my interest.
“Well, why don’t we take a little field trip, eh?” I said finally after sending the curator, his assistant and a half dozen volunteer secretaries scrambling. I love doing that! As we got up and filed toward the door, one of the board members, a tall lanky brunette approached me.
“So what do you think, Mr. McCann?” she asked, her light brown eyes checking me out closely. “Is this an inside job?”
I chuckled at her question and gave her an up and down look. Forty-something maybe, very, very pretty, gorgeous brunette hair, silky complexion, richly tailored skirted suit, expensive-looking jewelry, a huge rock but on the wrong hand. She had the look of a choice suburban lady, probably low mileage but high maintenance. And the tone of her voice made me wonder about … about … about something that I couldn’t put my finger on. A beautiful, pampered rich bitch who never had to work a day in her life, with nothing better to do with her time. This museum is probably just her Friday afternoon project, just like the orphanage is Monday’s project and the hair salon is Thursday’s “thing-to-do.” Who cares about the rest of her week? Something told me that I didn’t like her, not at all.
“We’ll have to dig a little deeper before we decide that, Miss … Miss … uh, Miss …” My voice trailed off. Damn! I had forgotten her name! She looked at me with those big light brown eyes and smiled, showing off a million dollar smile.
“Don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten my name already, Mr. McCann,” she laughed. “Most men never forget anything about me once we’ve met.”
“I’ll bet they don’t,” I said holding the boardroom door open for her to slip through. Shit! She looked just as fine from the rear as she walked ahead of me, then turned and waited for me to catch up to her.