They're going


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
Some of my friends are leaving next week. I'm so afraid for them. I'm terrified that they'll never come back. Somewhere, over there, they'll die. And for what? I hope that it's worth it.

The helicopters are silent
The tanks move on rails
The artillery shells quit falling
And no one has anything to say
Come home.
My best friend's daughter (Air Force) and son (Marines) have both shipped out headed for that area--she is a single mom and a total wreck (needless to say.) I agree totally with your sentiments, KM.
Lucky for me my heart leaves me here to get pissed on by the pro war people.
I haven't heard from one of my closest friends since before Christmas.. I'm scared to death for him. In the past I"ve always thought to myself that well I know he's okay because I'm on his list to be notified and I haven't heard anything. But he doesn't know what happened to my home, he doesn't know my new number or my new address.

I also have another friend who calls me every morning to talk on their way to work. He hasn't called in a week.. I'm worried he's been called and hadn't had a chance to let me know.

I'm just hoping and praying for everyone who goes to come home safe and sound.. even as unrealistic as that is.
I better not lose a single fucking gaming buddy to this war or so help me...
KillerMuffin said:

The helicopters are silent
The tanks move on rails
The artillery shells quit falling
And no one has anything to say
Come home.

alwaysawake said:
My best friend's daughter (Air Force) and son (Marines) have both shipped out headed for that area--she is a single mom and a total wreck (needless to say.) I agree totally with your sentiments, KM.

My son is in Kuawiat right now
I've got a friend shipping out in a week. Marines. We're all tense around here, since there are alot of Reserves in our group of friends.
KillerMuffin said:
Some of my friends are leaving next week. I'm so afraid for them. I'm terrified that they'll never come back. Somewhere, over there, they'll die. And for what? I hope that it's worth it.

The helicopters are silent
The tanks move on rails
The artillery shells quit falling
And no one has anything to say
Come home.


They took their oath and have not faltered. That in and of itself is honor. No one with honor will ever die unrightuously.

Lend them your strenght and show them your pride. Let them not doubt. For doubt leads to hesitation, and to hesitate is to die.

And whether they come home or not, never forget them. They put it on the line. For us all

KillerMuffin said:
The helicopters are silent
The tanks move on rails
The artillery shells quit falling
And no one has anything to say
Come home.

My boss, her son was suppose to get married later in the spring. He had a legal wedding 2 nights ago so that he could make sure his bride was taken care of before he left. He left yesterday morning along with another coworkers hubby.

It saddens me to see these two women so upset, watching a loved one leave.
The Empire speaks

Hi, I'm from the Committee to Send Your Children to Die for Our Oil, and it has come to my attention that some of you pusillanimous preverts are less than enthusiastic about the coming attack on Iraq. What the fuck is the matter with you people? They have it; we want it; it's as simple as that. This isn't just about war, it's about U.S. world domination, see? Europe and Japan get most of their oil from the Middle East. By controlling it, we can hold a gun to their head any time we want, just by threatening to cut off their supply of Texas tea. And it's only right that America should dominate the world! Why, we're the world's only superpower, the WOS. We be the WOS! We be the WOS! What's the point of being a superpower if you can't kick a little ass every now and then?

You like drivin' those big, gas-guzzlin' SUV's, don't you? What do you think they run on-- peanut oil? You think them hippie protesters are gonna save you? Try stickin' one of them in your tank-- won't get you very far.

America Uber Alles! Heil Bush! All Hail Our Glorious Unelected Leader! Take it from me-- you're better off having all the important decisions made for you, anyway.

Kick their ass! Take their gas! Yee-haw!

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There are myriad other threads and billions upon billions of bytes of bandwidth that you can put your political agenda all over.

This war hurts people. It hurts people you know. Something that I would have hoped that you would have had the decency and humanity to respect.

Apparently not. Apparently all of your political mouthings about humanity to man has been nothing more than pseudo-intellectual posturing.

You're just another hypocrite who doesn't care about anyone at all.
Re: The Empire speaks

Hi, I'm from the Committee to Send Your Children to Die for Our Oil, and it has come to my attention that some of you pussilanimous preverts are less than enthusiastic about the coming attack on Iraq. What the fuck is the matter with you people? They have it; we want it; it's as simple as that. This isn't just about war, it's about U.S. world domination, see? Europe and Japan get most of their oil from the Middle East. By controlling it, we can hold a gun to their head any time we want, just by threatening to cut off their supply of Texas tea. And it's only right that America should dominate the world! Why, we're the world's only superpower, the WOS. We be the WOS! We be the WOS! What's the point of being a superpower if you can't kick a little ass every now and then?

You like drivin' those big, gas-guzzlin' SUV's, don't you? What do you think they run on-- peanut oil? You think them hippie protesters are gonna save you? Trying stickin' one of them in your tank-- won't get you very far.

America Uber Alles! Heil Bush! All Hail Our Glorious Unelected Leader! Take it from me-- you're better off having all the important decisions made for you, anyway.

Kick their ass! Take their gas! Yee-haw!


Good show boy.

I can't help but wonder whether you would really stand up for your beliefs. Put your life on the line for them. Or suck dick? The unanswered question.

If I were REDWAVE, that would be how I would react.

And if it came down to the line I think he would fight for his beliefs.

But arguing over who is more willing to throw away there existence to something as ephemeral as ideology seems pointless.
Sillyman said:
If I were REDWAVE, that would be how I would react.

And if it came down to the line I think he would fight for his beliefs.

But arguing over who is more willing to throw away there existence to something as ephemeral as ideology seems pointless.

Hmmmmmm, you see an argument and I see only a question. Perhaps REDWAVE can answer? Ya think?

KillerMuffin said:
There are myriad other threads and billions upon billions of bytes of bandwidth that you can put your political agenda all over.

This war hurts people. It hurts people you know. Something that I would have hoped that you would have had the decency and humanity to respect.

Apparently not. Apparently all of your political mouthings about humanity to man has been nothing more than pseudo-intellectual posturing.

You're just another hypocrite who doesn't care about anyone at all.
However wacko, stubborn, far out and liberal Redwave may be, the cause he believes in - namely humanitarianism - is far more noble than the cause that any American sheepsoldier claims they are fighting for.
What else can be said?

It happens. More reserves were called up. We're all just waiting to see what happens next. Nothing to do but wait.
Times that try our souls...

It's rough watching the one's you care about leave to fight, and it's tough for them. For you, it's not being able to go with them and point out the dangers, and provide comfort to them. For those that leave, it's not being there to watch over you, to take the kids to the park, to share a dinner, or watch a movie.
Know this, that they are well aware of the danger, and face it knowing a cause greater than themselves. They go to suffer the separation so that they will not have to do it again, and that their children will not have to know that pain of separation for war....ever!
They have an honor that few have, and bring criticisms from the weaker of their peers.
Be proud, be concerned, and let them know you care, and you're waiting for them to return.
Coolville said:
However wacko, stubborn, far out and liberal Redwave may be, the cause he believes in - namely humanitarianism - is far more noble than the cause that any American sheepsoldier claims they are fighting for.

Pretty much a dick lick yourself aren't you? Oh well, what can one expect from an inbred piece of shit like yourself.

If you ever have to be in Florida, PM me. We'll go for a walk in the woods. :)

My best friend is S.F. and awaiting orders again.

What they ain't telling us is that the war in Afghanistan (anyone in the media remember that conflict?) is not going as planned.

A war in Iraq is a dumb dumb idea. Young people dying for oil that we don't need. That's what we get for letting the Petroleum Trust become our leaders. Shame on the Republican party and the general silence of the Democrats.
We have a friend in the Marines, and he's gotten orders to go to Japan at the end of March. Another friend of ours is in the Army, and he and his wife (also enlisted) have been stationed in Germany for almost 2 years now, but are on full alert (??) to be shipped off with less than 48 hours notice. They were told over a month ago to make certain that all thier affairs are in order, and to have thier homes pretty much packed up, and shipped back to the states.

My ex sister in law's lil brother is also in the marines, and he got shipped to Thailand either just before, or just after Christmas.

Hubby's boss is in the reserves, and he has already been told he is almost garunteed to be pulled for active duty within the next 3 months, to help fill the bases here in the states, while the rest are sent over seas.
