They realize it's just fiction, right?


Literotica Guru
Sep 18, 2011
Was catching up on a few of my comments (which doesn't take long, trust me). Between a couple more recent comments and a recent email about one of my stories (an especially cruel interracial cuckolding scene) - I'm left to wonder, "The readers do understand these are just pretend people doing pretend things, don't they?" I guess I should be happy that I got under someone's skin enough to write a comment or send an email, but I'm still scratching my head about their ability to separate, "This is made-up fun" versus "This happened to real people." If nothing else, I'm not that good of a writer for people to make that mistake!
Was catching up on a few of my comments (which doesn't take long, trust me). Between a couple more recent comments and a recent email about one of my stories (an especially cruel interracial cuckolding scene) - I'm left to wonder, "The readers do understand these are just pretend people doing pretend things, don't they?" I guess I should be happy that I got under someone's skin enough to write a comment or send an email, but I'm still scratching my head about their ability to separate, "This is made-up fun" versus "This happened to real people." If nothing else, I'm not that good of a writer for people to make that mistake!

I think the LW crowd may actually have some issues with reality/fiction.

Some of them are so volatile, especially towards women, that they disturb me a bit.

But I take those comments as, like you said, the story triggered some form of emotion in them so I guess it was a success.
My next LW story is about a swap gone wrong. In the "note to reader" I'm going to mention that it's not fiction - it actually happened to me and my first ex-wife. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke. :D As a reader, I much prefer to believe it actually happened than to know it's just a made-up story.
My next LW story is about a swap gone wrong. In the "note to reader" I'm going to mention that it's not fiction - it actually happened to me and my first ex-wife. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke. :D As a reader, I much prefer to believe it actually happened than to know it's just a made-up story.

In incest especially if an author mentions it really happened their ratings go through the roof.

There is a femal incest author here, who according to her bio, really slept with her son and her daughter and had threesomes with her husband and daughter (but the son didn't want to sleep with his little sister, imagine!)

Her stories are very poorly written, with a boatload of mistakes and totally unbelievable, but all have red H's and tons of disturbing comments.
In incest especially if an author mentions it really happened their ratings go through the roof.

There is a femal incest author here, who according to her bio, really slept with her son and her daughter and had threesomes with her husband and daughter (but the son didn't want to sleep with his little sister, imagine!)

Her stories are very poorly written, with a boatload of mistakes and totally unbelievable, but all have red H's and tons of disturbing comments.

"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." H. L. Mencken.

It would appear that many of the readers on this site project themselves into a story's characters and situations as if they were living it themselves. I think they're the same ones who talk back to movies and disturb others.

Some are just sick fucks. :D
Actually several of my stories are true or based on true events. Of course, they all happened years and years ago. In the last millennium.
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." H. L. Mencken.

It would appear that many of the readers on this site project themselves into a story's characters and situations as if they were living it themselves. I think they're the same ones who talk back to movies and disturb others.

Some are just sick fucks. :D

You know, I know in real life incest is not a sexy thing, its child abuse, its disturbing etc...

But "lit incest" is so far from the real thing its almost not the same I mean everyone is willing, hot, has a great time.

But a drift over to the "incest is best" thread in the fetish forum or some of the comments I get through e-mail make me cringe.
It is always a tight line with stories, because with a decent one you do project yourself in there. With the LW crowd, you have a lot of the posters who are basically a lot of ill educated, middle to late middle aged men, who probably have had bad relationships, and see themselves in any story they read and get angry. Many of them have the view of women that they are all devious sluts, that men are always the victim and so forth, and what is really sad is some of the stories are pretty true to life (talking the reconciliation stories) or where it isn't cut and dried, and they are all ripping the author apart, when some of them are almost touching. With the interracial stories, you get the Fox News kind of crowd involved, the ones whose biggest fear was black guys just simply wanting to steal white women and such. The funniest ones are where the wife cheats, and they are denigrating her as a slut, who should be sold to a mexican whorehouse, and they totally overlook in the same story the guy is cheating, that of course is okay ....

I have to admit, the cruel cuckolding stories get under my skin, but that is because I don't like humiliation stories at all,, they only are not erotic, they are maddening...but I don't tell the author to die, I don't tell him/her they are a piece of shit, I will tell them the story rubbed me the wrong way, was foul , whatever in my comments, but I don't take it personally.

I don't read the incest stories at all, and on the occassion where it slips in on another story I am not happy about it at all, but I don't begrudge that is someone else's fantasy. In my case, it was because I have dealt with the real things, and as others have said, there is nothing erotic about it, my wife was sexually used by her father through her pre teen and teen years, and the damage it left was a swath as wide as an interstate highway that is still causing problems 30+ years later, so it would be hard for me to find anything erotic about it and more then a bit of it troubles me...but I would never take it out on the author like that or wish them harm, I own my feelings on that.
Then how do you explain Laurels nail-biting, head-twitching, Depends-loading reactions to the fiction posted on LIT?
I did have one story where the reaction was pretty intense, but nothing like what's described here. For better or worse, I guess that's what I get for staying out of LW and Incest.
While the welcoming reaction in incest is strong, I quickly found out that there are some sick motherfuckers in there. I got so many sick e-mails that I vowed not to write that category anymore and jumped into the lions den of LW. At least there you can bet on 50% of the crowd digging what you write.
All this reminds me of a story told by an actor in a regularly-seen soap of a decade or three ago. He played a hospital doctor and he stopped at an accident. One of the witnesses said "Oh good; we're glad you are here Doctor". He was confused; mortified. Fortunately the Ambulance turned up, but the actor was surprised that someone had really thought him a doctor.

Oh, shit, sorry!
But well, if its any consolation there really is an Easter bunny!

Yes, and the Tooth Fairy regularly visits my Dentist.

Actually several of my stories are true or based on true events. Of course, they all happened years and years ago. In the last millennium.

Me Dear, you ain't old enough. :rose:
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In some cultures the concept of Fiction is not understood at all.

Literotica is read world-wide. It is unlikely, but a few of the readers may have real difficulty with story-telling.

"If it is written, it must be true."

A few hours on this site must be mind-changing. :D
In some cultures the concept of Fiction is not understood at all.

Literotica is read world-wide. It is unlikely, but a few of the readers may have real difficulty with story-telling.

"If it is written, it must be true."

A few hours on this site must be mind-changing. :D

Didn't know that - sort of like when natives were first shown photographs of themselves, apparently, not all of them could interpret the image and some who did thought it a kind of witchcraft. Wouldn't know from experience, just going by what I once read/heard. (Much like your comments... I'll accept it as truth because it's more entertaining that way.)

In incest especially if an author mentions it really happened their ratings go through the roof.

There is a femal incest author here, who according to her bio, really slept with her son and her daughter and had threesomes with her husband and daughter (but the son didn't want to sleep with his little sister, imagine!)

Her stories are very poorly written, with a boatload of mistakes and totally unbelievable, but all have red H's and tons of disturbing comments.

Oh shit, don't say this! I haven't posted any incest stories yet for this year's survivor contest. Now I'm SORELY tempted to start each bullshit story with "this really happened, it's all true" just to see the reaction!!!

Prior to this, I've actually been playing with putting a disclaimer at the top of my lesbian stories: "Just because I use a man's name as my pseudonym, please don't assume that I am actually 'a man.' I may well be a chick who uses a man's name because of how many sick bastards are on the internet."

I figured, if nothing else, it would stop some of the automatic "one-bombs" male authors receive in the lesbian category.

Bad lovecraft68, BAD! LMAO!!!!

Seriously, as a reader, I get it. It's more fun to imagine what you're reading is real - from sci-fi to whatever. As an author, perhaps I have an obligation to do what I can to lead the reader into suspending disbelief?
Believe the stories are real? Yeah, LW's has that problem big time. I got two heart attacks thrown my way on the last one.

I'm not sure if that is a good measure of success or not. :D
I have just been looking at some sites that purport to give Islamic answers to questions about writing and reading fiction.

The prevalance of questions asked shows that there are a few interpretations of Islam that question the existence of fiction, or at best regard it as a waste of a believer's time. The harshest treat fiction as Lies and therefore forbidden.

However the majority treat fiction as we would expect - a form of entertainment that is frivolous but acceptable.


But Western democracies have problems with the concept of fiction in TV soap operas. Too many people believe in the characters as real people, not as actors playing a part. I can appreciate the technical skill of an actor producing a character that appears real, but that is art, not reality.

For example, if I can find it, this is Eve Best acting the role of Beatrice in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing: Beatrice, with Charles Edwards as Benedict.

I think Eve gives a fantastic performance and I can believe she is Beatrice, but she's not. She is an actor giving a great performance in a role. If I were to meet Eve, I would congratulate her on her performance, not expect her to be Shakespeare's Beatrice. Her acting works well interacting with Charles playing Benedict (and the audience's reactions).

Too many soap opera fans cannot distinguish between the role and the performer.
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All this reminds me of a story told by an actor in a regularly-seen soap of a decade or three ago. He played a hospital doctor and he stopped at an accident. One of the witnesses said "Oh good; we're glad you are here Doctor". He was confused; mortified. Fortunately the Ambulance turned up, but the actor was surprised that someone had really thought him a doctor.

Yes, and the Tooth Fairy regularly visits my Dentist.

Me Dear, you ain't old enough.
You're very kind. Completely mistaken but very kind.
Except for fantasy type stories, a lot of people believe my first person stories actually happened. Once, one of my readers told me a character was in love with me and wanted to marry me. I felt pretty good alout that, because that was the impression I canted to convey.

Another time, a reader of an incest story wanted to treat me as a confidante. He told me in an email how much fun he had doing to his little daughter what I described Frank Williams doing to Little Mandy. I was so disturbed, I sent the email to Laurel wondering if he could be traced, but she said he couldn't. :eek:
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Believe the stories are real? Yeah, LW's has that problem big time. I got two heart attacks thrown my way on the last one.

I'm not sure if that is a good measure of success or not. :D

Yeah, I thought The Promiscuous Wife was entertaining and funny. When I saw your score I thought DAMN, He knows how to piss people off. Job well done!
Yeah, I thought The Promiscuous Wife was entertaining and funny. When I saw your score I thought DAMN, He knows how to piss people off. Job well done!

I aim to please. :D

But I think I aimed a little too low this time.

My Merry band of trolls arrived early and are still there.