They called and canceled over an hour ago.

The Squid King

Spineless Tyrant
Jan 6, 2002
I guess I will try to extend the olive brach some other time.

Now I got food for ten, and just me to eat it.

I'm not going to dwell on it though.

So, I got 1000 posts today. What should my new title be?
Something that means something to you. :)
Any ideas or hints?
ma_guy said:
See his earlier thread. *Spank*

Sorry Squid, Bummer of a break!

My earlier post was meant hints or ideas as to what
sort of title he wanted. Just to give him some ideas. :)

Sorry Squid that does suck. :rose:
That is too bad. I know you were a bit excited about them coming over. Sometimes you need to break out the tequila and salt to go with the lemons.:)
debbiexxx said:
My earlier post was meant hints or ideas as to what
sort of title he wanted. Just to give him some ideas. :)

Doh! My bad. You can spank me for that one! ;)