They are coming after all of us!


Aug 18, 2012
Republican claims MY private Porn watching effects HIS kids! If Trump gets elected, people like this will be coming for ALL of us!
This thread has been done since 1999, Republicans have come and gone and Lit is still here.
195 House Republicans did vote against protecting access to contraception, so there’s no telling how far they’ll crack down on freedoms if they gain full control of the federal government.

The looney wing of the party has never been in full control before.
Does that Republican (who would have me obey the rules of his superstitions) notify his children every time he looks at a dodgy site like Li'l Mike Johnson does?
So, there is nothing wrong with that
I’ve no issue with you being on a sex site. Hell, I’m here, too! What are you wearing??? 🤤 😘
Stand up. Turn around and show us what ya working with. It would help if you just smiled a bit more. Instead, you’re a racist POS liar.
This thread has been done since 1999, Republicans have come and gone and Lit is still here.
And when it finally does happen, you'll wring your limp wrists impotently and say "Nobody could have KNOWN!"

but it won't affect you much if at all....because most of your porn is homemade. you hear from little Soon-Yi much nowadays or is she still "no contact" with you?
I heard she got married and you weren't invited to the wedding.
This thread has been done since 1999, Republicans have come and gone and Lit is still here.
Everything alright in television land over there, AJ? :unsure:

You were incommunicado for nearly a month and now you're suddenly back with no fanfare, doing one-post-a-day drops with single non-aggressive sentences for content.

so unlike your usual mouth-a-minute & snark-a-lot persona. The good times car hit a ditch or something? :cry: