These are the "moderates"

Hanns_Schmidt said:
...And these are the educated, moderate and peaceful muslims we have been told about

God fucking help us
So - 89% don't think terrorist attacks against America are justified, and how does this disprove my statement that most Muslims don't think terrorism is justified? lol

Oh, but 37% feel they've been unfairly targeted by fruitcakes like yourself – we'll now ain't that a shocker! And most think that the West is conducting a war on Islam? Where would they get such a crazy idea! I mean it's not like there are people running around saying “all Muslims are baby-killers and must die,” and “Islam is our new enemy” or anything! :D
Hanns....would you promise to slug me while fucking me with a red hot poker???
Good effort! But the facts screw you again Hanns lol

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Oh hang on, there was me thinking that 11% of WESTERN, EDUCATED, BRITISH muslims who think attacking America is justified, is a worrying outcome.
So, you feel your hatred and loathing of Islam is justified by the fact that 11% of British Muslims think that terrorist attacks against the US are justified?

Well polls show that 10% of the population of the United States think that the World Trade Centre/Pentagon attacks were justified.

So - if we need to boycott Muslims owned business because 11% of British Muslims think the attacks are justified - I guess we need to boycott American owned businesses too :D
The percentage will rise to about 80% as you go nearer the middle east
Let's see:
In Iran 13% say the attacks on 9/11 were justified
In Pakistan 18% say the attacks were justified
In Kuwait 36%
In Lebanon 20%
In Turkey 9%

See - you should have taken my advice about actually checking your facts before shooting your mouth off - you keep making yourself look foolish! lol

You know who the worst offender is in terms of thinking that the 9/11 attacks were justified is? Russian Christians - 52% of them think the attacks were justified. And yet we never see you hollering about the evils of Russian Orthodox Christianity...
And the MAJORITY of WESTERN, EDUCATED, BRITISH Muslims, which it was wrong for Al Queda to be blamed (which means they think someone else did it - popular arab conspiracy is the JEWS did it of course)
You didn't read the question did you? ;)

It wasn't asking about the attack on America, it was asking if they felt it was wrong to blame al-Queda for every attack since9/11 - and there are a lot of non-Muslims who agree with them, myself included. Automatically assuming that al-Queda is responsible for everything that happens could easily blind us to the existence of other terrorist organizations, letting them operate with impunity right under our noses.