There's nothing thoughtful here, so don't look for it.


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I've posted two rather thoughtful threads which pretty much turned into "Jimmie, you're an idiot" stuff.

So here is a post with no real logic or consideration whatsoever.

Tom Daschle is an idiot. To compare radio talk shows with Muslim Fundamentalists is perhaps the stupidest thing I've heard in a very long time.

It's no wonder the Democrats got their asses handed to them in the latest election. Leaders like that ensure that it will continue to happen.

Fuck you, Tom, and your astounding ignorance.

And if you don't agree with me, fuck you, too.
Hey! I just thought the WWJD group might have a positive spin to it, is all. No anti-Jim undercurrent there.
Mischka said:
Hey! I just thought the WWJD group might have a positive spin to it, is all. No anti-Jim undercurrent there.

Nah. Not you. You're fine.
Mischka said:
Why, thank ya. You're quite fine yourself. ;)

Sheesh! Can't I even have a horribly-bitchy evil moment here without you trying to make me smile? :)
JazzManJim said:
I've posted two rather thoughtful threads which pretty much turned into "Jimmie, you're an idiot" stuff.

So here is a post with no real logic or consideration whatsoever.

Tom Daschle is an idiot. To compare radio talk shows with Muslim Fundamentalists is perhaps the stupidest thing I've heard in a very long time.

It's no wonder the Democrats got their asses handed to them in the latest election. Leaders like that ensure that it will continue to happen.

Fuck you, Tom, and your astounding ignorance.

And if you don't agree with me, fuck you, too.
Makes sense, though.

When he suggested that President Bush wasn't winning the War on Terror, it was the talk shows that slammed him.

If you can't make your point, trash the people who are standing in your way. Political Hardball 101.
