There is a reason they call it the "White House"....

It was made for a White President.

Though it is commonly thought that the White House got its name after it was repainted after having been burned by the British during the War of 1812, in fact the name was first used in 1811, before the war. The most popular theory is that the name derives from White House Plantation, Martha Custis Washington's home where she and the first president spent time together.

Official stationery still referred to the building as the Executive Mansion until 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt established "the White House" as the building's official name.

Though it is commonly thought that the White House got its name after it was repainted after having been burned by the British during the War of 1812, in fact the name was first used in 1811, before the war. The most popular theory is that the name derives from White House Plantation, Martha Custis Washington's home where she and the first president spent time together.

Official stationery still referred to the building as the Executive Mansion until 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt established "the White House" as the building's official name.

I like 'executive mansion'. It makes us sound just a little less dumbassery.

Though it is commonly thought that the White House got its name after it was repainted after having been burned by the British during the War of 1812, in fact the name was first used in 1811, before the war. The most popular theory is that the name derives from White House Plantation, Martha Custis Washington's home where she and the first president spent time together.

Official stationery still referred to the building as the Executive Mansion until 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt established "the White House" as the building's official name.

Wiki Answers is not a credible source and here's why: Canada burned down the White House during the War of 1812. Classic Britain. Trying to steal the thunder from its maple-lovingest colony.

What I'm trying to say is: Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile.
Wiki Answers is not a credible source and here's why: Canada burned down the White House during the War of 1812. Classic Britain. Trying to steal the thunder from its maple-lovingest colony.

What I'm trying to say is: Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile.

I thought that story was that the British came down from Canada and burned the White House? Canada was under British rule until 1867.
I thought that story was that the British came down from Canada and burned the White House? Canada was under British rule until 1867.

Yeah, but it's been Canada since 1790-somep'm. That's like saying the Salem witch trials should be considered a part of British history instead of American history since it was pre-1776.

What I'm trying to say is: Canada rules. And Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile.
Yeah, but it's been Canada since 1790-somep'm. That's like saying the Salem witch trials should be considered a part of British history instead of American history since it was pre-1776.

What I'm trying to say is: Canada rules. And Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile.

The British and British North America (now Canada) forces occupied Washington, D.C. in the war of 1812 (the actual burning happened in 1814). During that occupancy, the British also burned the U.S. Treasury building and other public buildings. Private homes and unarmed citizens were spared. The American forces were more concerned about Baltimore, because Washington, D.C. had no real strategic advantage then. It is often considered the US military's most disgraced moment. It was actually heavy storms and a tornado that drove British forces away. No foreign power has occupied American soil since then.

And I do not know what Shagly is, but I will keep that in mind.
And I do not know what Shagly is

He's the guy who refers to MLK Jr. as "Martin Luther Coon".

He also carries the same views that a good percentage of the right-fringe posters on here do; he just happens to be less subtle about them.
The British and British North America (now Canada) forces occupied Washington, D.C. in the war of 1812 (the actual burning happened in 1814). During that occupancy, the British also burned the U.S. Treasury building and other public buildings. Private homes and unarmed citizens were spared. The American forces were more concerned about Baltimore, because Washington, D.C. had no real strategic advantage then. It is often considered the US military's most disgraced moment. It was actually heavy storms and a tornado that drove British forces away. No foreign power has occupied American soil since then.

And I do not know what Shagly is, but I will keep that in mind.

Oh, no one called it British North America in 1814. It was Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Face it - you guys got mapled! No hard feelings, though. You won in the long run. All we have now is a relatively stable economy and healthcare for our populace and enough fresh water to drown a fish in :(

And to be fair, I'm not 100% sure that Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile. I'm just going off of all of the idiotic, racist, pedophile-esque things he says.
Yeah, but it's been Canada since 1790-somep'm. That's like saying the Salem witch trials should be considered a part of British history instead of American history since it was pre-1776.

What I'm trying to say is: Canada rules. And Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile.
They probably called it the "White Hoose".
I think that marked the only time that Canada was mean to us...
I can't say I blame them. Both the British and the US had invaded Canada. The US had declared war for the second time against the British Empire. We were pissed about Britain's trade restrictions against the US in their war against France and that American merchants were being forced to serve the British army. We wanted to drive them out of North America for good. To do so, it meant assuming control of Canada. Britain considered Canada one of its' colonies. At the time, we thought we would be welcomed as liberators, but we got exactly the opposite response. Just like the response we are getting in the Middle East today.

Oh, no one called it British North America in 1814. It was Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Face it - you guys got mapled! No hard feelings, though. You won in the long run. All we have now is a relatively stable economy and healthcare for our populace and enough fresh water to drown a fish in :(

And to be fair, I'm not 100% sure that Shagly is an idiot racist pedophile. I'm just going off of all of the idiotic, racist, pedophile-esque things he says.
Hey, I will make a deal with you. I won't tell anyone that Canadians were disguised as British red coats during the War of 1812; you don't tell anyone the US was a free country in the 1500s, but took us about 200 years to do the paperwork. ;)

And to be fair, we can both ignore whatever Shagly says about the White House.
I see Shagly the racist paedophile is running true to form.