There is a HUGE difference


Sep 4, 2001
between arguing an issue, and just being an insulting fool.

State what you believe, give your reasons, back it up.

But if you get condecending or start throwing insults, don't get all defensive when people get upset.

Grow up. There's no reason to be an asshole. There's enough registered trolls haunting this place without regular posters starting to stink.
I did not point this thread toward anyone in particular .. I'm pointing at the whole damn lot of you .. if you're doing it, you know it. The only purpose of this thread is to simply state my own thoughts on what an incredible waste it is; how insanely hypocritical it is for an intelligent person to sling shit that way.

If a thread can be started singling out every other type of poster there is on the GB: flirters, people with big siglines, registered trolls, nude avs .. whatever .. then I'll finally start a bitch thread for my own pet peeve: unneccessary unkindness.
*bratcat* said:
Apparently, I do not have enough in my "tiny" brain to support a valid argument...I am supposed to go back to flirting and whining cause someone told me I should. :rolleyes:

Since when have you ever done what someone told you to do?
I should have known better than to think for even a second that the shit wouldn't end up in here, too.

Me and my ridiculous expectations.
Lavender, I don't need a thicker skin. I just believe that people - even those with sincere and passionate convictions - can manage to behave civilly and respectfully toward others.

If I need thicker skin - then you need a hearty dose of compassion.
lavender said:
I'm a very compassionate person - just not on the board.

I've seen you be less than compassionate in your attitude toward others on this board.

As you said: you think this is the way it works, I don't agree. I don't think we can go any further with this.
Pulls up in a comfy chair with a spliff, a cocktail and a videocam...
celiaKitten said:
I have, Hanns.. it's rare, I admit, but it has happened.

I've seen a lot do it. I have, Siren has (once), Marxist has, PC has, etc, etc.

Some have not, that is true...
celiaKitten said:
between arguing an issue, and just being an insulting fool.

State what you believe, give your reasons, back it up.

But if you get condecending or start throwing insults, don't get all defensive when people get upset.

Grow up. There's no reason to be an asshole. There's enough registered trolls haunting this place without regular posters starting to stink.

finally, a LOGICAL wench.

clone yourself a couple of times, please.
Lancecastor said:
It's tomorrow....they get a little cranky around a full, but horny too...

Apparently so, from the looks of a couple of threads tonight.
I think in a forum such as this, where there are obviously people with very strong personalities, you can expect for things to get out of hand at times. I understand what you are saying about people using condescending tones, but I think it goes along with how passionately they feel about issues.

I can become fierce when defending my stance on drunk drivers, and have noted that have at times, I have been downright hateful. I try not to take everything that is posted to me too seriously, if I did, I would walk around pissed quite a bit.

But in the end, I think everyone has a little respect for each others point of view. Whether they agree with it or not.