There goes another one... *sigh*


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Children should outlive their parents but I received news this week that another one of my young students was gone, taken on his motorcycle by a car that crossed the center-line late at night...

Good kid, not bright, but hard working and honest, left behind a wife (married at 17) and two kids. He served in the National Guard, even went to Africa with his unit and was working as a paramedic.

He was an asset to his community.

I have no complaints.

I learned to ride my MC on the left side of the lane, towards the center, but now we ride on the right, towards the curb because so many people are driving with their eyes on their phone instead of the road. If I rode left, I'd be dead, two cars came over the line near me this summer.
But he wasnt too smart riding a bike. A while back I watched a kid ride his crotch rocket into a large Mercury Medicare. The driver was an 80 year old woman who never saw the kid leave the light like a shot before she pulled into his path. The kid went up maybe 15 feet and landed on the curb head first. Shattered his helmet.

My brother in law was runover by a truck while riding his new bike.

I learned to ride my MC on the left side of the lane, towards the center, but now we ride on the right, towards the curb because so many people are driving with their eyes on their phone instead of the road. If I rode left, I'd be dead, two cars came over the line near me this summer.

Youre a dolt.

I learned to ride my MC on the left side of the lane, towards the center, but now we ride on the right, towards the curb because so many people are driving with their eyes on their phone instead of the road. If I rode left, I'd be dead, two cars came over the line near me this summer.

The phones do bug me. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but I do not answer mine when I am driving.

But he wasnt too smart riding a bike. A while back I watched a kid ride his crotch rocket into a large Mercury Medicare. The driver was an 80 year old woman who never saw the kid leave the light like a shot before she pulled into his path. The kid went up maybe 15 feet and landed on the curb head first. Shattered his helmet.

My brother in law was runover by a truck while riding his new bike.

I said he wasn't the brightest kid, but in rural KANSAS, a bike can save a struggling young family a lot of needed and hard to come by cash...
We always miss our Jamies, and what might have been. Sometimes the blood just won't come all the way out of that Lindsay-Woolsy shirt.

We have a memorial service this afternoon for one who ate his gun. I think those are hardest of all, really.

Okay, off to stimulus while it's still there.
Yeah, we had a family double suicide not too long ago...

So sad. Those stats don't get folded into the economic reports, but it was the economy that drove them to it.
I said he wasn't the brightest kid, but in rural KANSAS, a bike can save a struggling young family a lot of needed and hard to come by cash...

I get all that. I'd love to ride a bike, its fun and cheap....and lethal. When you bury enough bodies youll come round to my thinking.
Thanks for the warm fuzzy JAMES...

Even kbate saw "National Guard" and do not go off on a policy rant...


Sorry about your loss.

I sold my last bike a decade ago. I considered replacing it when the price of gas went up. I did not.

Fun to ride. Hard to see. Invisible at the worst possible moment.
You should rename your self "Mike Yates Jr." and make threads with lines like that as the title.

That is all Mike needs; someone to make him feel smarter.

Then we will have no end to his threads...

All four topics!
Sorry about your loss.

I sold my last bike a decade ago. I considered replacing it when the price of gas went up. I did not.

Fun to ride. Hard to see. Invisible at the worst possible moment.

I know what you mean so I take a lot of care in making sure my mirrors cover all my blind spots.

I never want to be the cause of orphans...
Thanks for the warm fuzzy JAMES...

Even kbate saw "National Guard" and do not go off on a policy rant...



Death is too serious for plastic fuzzies. Whomever flirts with it or winks at those who do needs a Converse hightop up his ass.
I am old and my brain is crunchy.

Show up for all of the lectures.
Read the text, cover to cover.

Plead the "Grandma died" case when grade come in.
I am old and my brain is crunchy.

Show up for all of the lectures.
Read the text, cover to cover.

Plead the "Grandma died" case when grade come in.

Not just the text, but related books; the professors are too busy leaving no child behind...

That can get you your Associate's degree, but it's a bit tough when you need a thesis.

Bull-fucking shit. The closer you get to your thesis the less valuable classes become.

That's when you begin the one-on-one with your professor to find out what the hell she wants to see in your thesis in order to make hers look even smarter and more influential. That's why I spent more time than I wanted to studying Object-Orienting...

;) ;)