There are no free lunches

Petroleum basically hasn't been updated since 2001, style-wise.
The PN comes out once a week. As long as it's legible, who gives a shit about the style?
The PN comes out once a week. As long as it's legible, who gives a shit about the style?
It actually gives everyone an idea on who updates it.

(Hint: they're writing from a 2000s.mindset)
The funny thing is the Chinese are behaving like America’s greatest capitalist robber barons to pursue growth.

Think Standard Oil, for example.

The Loon is a Harsh Mistress

You have a cow, I have some magic beans.

If you like your health insurance, if you like your doctor, you can keep them!

All we want is just a two-week lockdown to bend the Covid curve of Hospital admissions...
The PN comes out once a week. As long as it's legible, who gives a shit about the style?
Well, you know, style is everything. If it's not in the latest politically accepted style it must be a conservative plot to take over the world through lies, disinformation, and orange-ness.