There are birds having sex outside my window!

I love it when birds fuck. The doves around here are talkin' up some poontang these days.
The kestrels have been mating here for a few weeks - Yay!

Spring fever! :kiss:

I'm feeling twitterpated! ;)
I have 4 birds and 2 of them fuck like bunnies all the time, I think I must be a bad influence on them...hehehe :D
Squirrel sex here. All over the place. LOL

I *think* I heard squirrel sex today, but more importantly, I saw the first 2 robins of the year! Yay!

Man, what a nice weekend we had here, finally.
Soblue said:
I *think* I heard squirrel sex today, but more importantly, I saw the first 2 robins of the year! Yay!

Man, what a nice weekend we had here, finally.

Tell us what squirrel sex sounded like?



It's kind of hard to describe, but it was kind of cute. I'll look for a wav file :D
raindancer said:
A bluejay and a little wren were doing it in my bedroom. :eek:

:eek: Isn't that cross-breeding? Now we'll have lots of little bluejens.......