

We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
Thoughts? I'm thinking about another thread and the time my then girlfriend saw me shoplift for the first time. She came from a lovely middle class background, I came from Manc.
What I'm getting at, really, is that I have no moral compass when it comes to theft. Yeah, steal from me and I'll hunt you down with an axe. But I'm not Tesco, I don't rip off my suppliers. I'm not Microsoft, I don't release shit ware and bully my competitors.
I've stolen a couple of things. One was a Playboy when I was too young to buy one. I shoved it quickly inside my winter coat and walked out of the store. I'd never shoplifted a thing before that.

Later, my first time in grad school, I still smoked, and used to stick a pack or two of cigarettes into my jacket pocket when I was in the beer cooler picking up beer. (Hell of a set of priorities I had for what to spend my money on.) I did this with a built-in out plan. I'd walk in, reach for some beer up high, pretend it was just more convenient if I used both hands and "temporarily" stuck the packs in my pocket. I figured, if they said something, I'd pull them like I'd just forgotten and pay for them, and if they didn't, I'd bring them home home with me for free. They never did catch me, and eventually I felt shitty and stopped.

I can't think of anything else. I usually overcompensate now, probably out of buried guilt for those cigs. If a store forgets to charge me for something, I tell them, or even go back if I've discovered it later. I have some hippy dippy sense that karma will make me choke on or trip or impale myself on anything I got for free.
So who did you shoplift from? And you had evidence they were an immoral business?
my thoughts are this: no-one should be forced to steal in order to feed themselves or their family

stealing luxury items or stuff just because you want it and don't think you should pay for it is wrong
i must have nicked at least 20 majorette toy cars from a local quincalla (kind of like dollar stores) when i was 13 or so, back home in spain. i was never caught.
I stole a fun-sized milky way from the teacher's cupboard in grade five. I was with two other girls. I felt terrible. I knew my life was over. I confessed the crime and toooootally ratted on my co-conspirators in a two and a half page long letter that I handed over to my teacher with shaking hands the next week. I didn't tell my parents at first, and then a good four months later, we were watching the Simpsons episode where Bart steals a video game and the guilt became too much for my little soul and I burst into tears and told my mom first, and then my dad. As a family, we decided on an appropriate punishment. I was sickening. Now I am bad and steal movies and TV shows from poor, starving celebrities.

I had a friend who'd pinch things compulsively. I didn't and don't understand why.
my thoughts are this: no-one should be forced to steal in order to feed themselves or their family

stealing luxury items or stuff just because you want it and don't think you should pay for it is wrong

My mate Martin had a Saturday job at Kwik Save. You know Kwik Save, it's not Waitrose. He had a rule, if you were stealing food, he didn't see it.
What I dislike about your code is that you're stealing from me, not the supermarket. You just don't realize it. Or give a fuck.
My mate Martin had a Saturday job at Kwik Save. You know Kwik Save, it's not Waitrose. He had a rule, if you were stealing food, he didn't see it.

*nods* unless it's someone clearly able to afford to pay and thieving the good stuff, then i'd tell them to put it back or i'd squeal on 'em.

you know i work in a charity shop - we get people with all sorts of budgets visit us. what gets my goat big time is the customer who tries to haggle for discounts or makes us offers for items saying they don't have enough money, and who then pull out a fat wad of twenties or fifties in order to pay maybe 6 or 7 quid, or even nick from us. the people most in need are those least likely to ask for money off!
What I dislike about your code is that you're stealing from me, not the supermarket. You just don't realize it. Or give a fuck.

No, you're right, when I'm poor and hungry I really couldn't give a fuck about the 0.000001p extra you have to pay for your caviare.
You are all bad. I was the good little catholic girl that was too scared to steal anything. That's what friends were for. :)
No, you're right, when I'm poor and hungry I really couldn't give a fuck about the 0.000001p extra you have to pay for your caviare.

I'll call bullshit. You're able bodied and capable.
Wait, what? You call bullshit on what?

I'd guess he calls bullshit on any justification for stealing now. There's difference between being poor, hungry and desperate and being an entitled asshole.
I'd guess he calls bullshit on any justification for stealing now. There's difference between being poor, hungry and desperate and being an entitled asshole.

Meh, I've never quite lost the attitude. I'm the dude that will cut your mugger. Then demand a tithe.
Wait, what? You call bullshit on what?

On what? On the notion that you're with your middle class girlfriend and you have to shoplift because you are poor and hungry. So you were starving, with no other means of feeding yourself? She couldn't buy a beef pie for you?

You set up the scenario and asked for thoughts.

I've been poor. Working cured the condition.
On what? On the notion that you're with your middle class girlfriend and you have to shoplift because you are poor and hungry. So you were starving, with no other means of feeding yourself? She couldn't buy a beef pie for you?

You set up the scenario and asked for thoughts.

I've been poor. Working cured the condition.

LOL. My middle class gf I wouldn't ask to feed me. The way I'm wired. She wasn't exactly loaded. My point was she'd never seen anyone steal food before.

Ah, working cured your poverty. It did mine, too. Of course, I had to wait until multi millionaires worked out their shit and there was a job.
I got caught stealing when I was around 9 or 10. I took Baseball cards from a candy store. The owner made me go home and tell my parents who then made me go back and apologize to him. I felt terrible and only stole once after that. I broke into a drug dealers dorm room who had ripped me off and stole a huge bag of pot from him. And that was thirty years ago.

I won't even download pirated songs or movies. It's wrong and doesn't fit with my values.