The Worlds a changing; Yet more unusual alliances made: Iran and India!


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Strategic shift in south Asia

In an effort to garner international support for their side of the endless Kashmir dispute, both India and Pakistan have been doing their best to attract the friendship of the United States since the beginning of the 'war on terrorism'. The US is seen as the only third party that could intervene to solve the Kashmir dispute. While Pakistan holds US President George W Bush's immediate attention, India seemed to be winning the long-term battle, at least until now. We reveal what is going on.

India surprised both Pakistan and the US in the signing of its recent accord with Iran. This strategic agreement, which will allow India the use of Iranian military bases in the event of any outbreak of tensions with Pakistan, affects the future of the sub-continent.

The revelation by India of the pact not only heightens tension in south Asia, but also leaves the US with a dilemma: how to react to India's alliance with Iran, which remains part of the US 'axis of evil'.

The pact was signed a week before the visit of Iran's President, Mahammad Khatami, to India to join the celebrations for India's national day on 26 January. Signed in Tehran by the Indian naval chief and the Iranian minister of defence, the pact marks a complete turnaround by Iran, which used to be a close ally of Pakistan. How the pact fits in with India's defence relationship with Israel is unclear, but the threat this can pose to Pakistan is all too real.

Iran benefits by gaining access to Indian military expertise, which will include upgrades of its fighters, as well as new tanks and artillery. India will also help train the Iranian army and navy. India will be allowed to deploy troops and equipment in Iran during a crisis with Pakistan and gain access to Iranian ports.

It looks very much like an encirclement of Pakistan by India. The pressure on Pakistan's defences would be almost overwhelming. We expect Pakistan to respond. Much will depend on the reaction of the Bush administration.

Wow, that alliance has a lot of destabilizing implications.
Sounds like a new arms race is brewing with complex Byzantine alliances and pacts much like the ones that started the First World War in Europe.

They always said that Asia-Pacific region is the most likely Theater of Operations for the next major war.

The article from Janes
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Frimost said:
Wow, that alliance has a lot of destabilizing implications.
Sounds like a new arms race is brewing with complex Byzantine alliances and pacts much like the ones that started the First World War in Europe.[/URL]

A pity you began this excellently written piece of prose with "Wow"...


Re: Re: The Worlds a changing; Yet more unusual alliances made: Iran and India!

p_p_man said:
A pity you began this excellently written piece of prose with "Wow"...


hehe... pp man you pee again.

hey.. how was the doughtnuts...

more coffee.. ? well SIR...:eek:

Don't you have any things to say ?

Beside pee on it ?


And I say the whole situation is just liketheir



well .. something for you guys to piss around. I guess ...:eek: ```

*IGNORE ME *or not yes ?
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Re: Re: The Worlds a changing; Yet more unusual alliances made: Iran and India!

p_p_man said:
A pity you began this excellently written piece of prose with "Wow"... :D ppman

Hmmmmmm . . . I wonder how much oil is involved . . . India would be looking to secure a supply of oil and Iran has plenty . . . in the event of a U$-Iran Imperialist War for Undeveloped Oil Reserves . . . I wonder where India would stand . . . things are getting complicated for the U$ . . . :)
The difference between p_p_man and Don is that when it is all said and done, and the world suddenly becomes a safer place, and it turns out that Tony and GW were correct, then p_p_man will humbly eat his crow whereas Don will pretend it didn't happen, that it was ALL a big CIA smokescreen and we were controlling the oil all along and that's why we were letting $addam violate all the embargoes, but $addam told the inspectors this and as such, became a liability to Imperial Amerikkka...
The Most Dangerous Country is . . .

SINthysist said:
The difference between p_p_man and Don is that when it is all said and done, and the world suddenly becomes a safer place, and it turns out that Tony and GW were correct, then p_p_man will humbly eat his crow whereas Don will pretend it didn't happen, that it was ALL a big CIA smokescreen and we were controlling the oil all along and that's why we were letting $addam violate all the embargoes, but $addam told the inspectors this and as such, became a liability to Imperial Amerikkka...

Hi SIN . . . the most dangerous country in ther world at the moment is the U$ . . . owners of nuclear, biological and chemical arsenals that have never been authenticated, the appointed administration fronted by an alcoholic-in-remission is threatening to use those nuclear and chemical and biological weapons to make an unprovoked invasion of another country in breach of international law . . . to secure access to undeveloped oil reserves for the next forty years or so . . . consequently, the appointed leaders of the U$ Fourth Reich would most likely be liable to charges of "Crimes Against Humanity" or "International Terrorism" when these plans come to fruition . . . :)
If you would have watched the State of the Union you would have seen George Bush call for funding hydrogen cell fuel technology so that a child born today's first car would burn hydrogen and produce water...

You're fawked up. You're just fawked up.
Well, the lads in the forces won't be missing excellent curry meals much.
That's because India still uses the River as toilet and bath...

Plus as a grave...
CelestialBody said:
But humor me, what does one have to do with the other?
Nothing much except half of the Indians don't know what erectricity is.
is threatening to use those nuclear and chemical and biological weapons to make an unprovoked invasion of another country in breach of international law

Since when are we threatening to use chemical or biological weapons against Iraq? Oh yeah, since never other than in Don's nightly drug-induced hallucinations.
Yeah right, maybe in the burials of the rich and middle class but what of the lower castes like the “untouchables”? What have the gavial of the Ganges River been feeding on over the last few thousand years or so then? They have not developed a taste for human flesh for nothing and it’s not from attacking the occasional swimmer of fisherman who fell off his boat.

I have talked to people from India who moved to the U.S. and their feelings can be summed up by that Seinfeld episode where Elaine’s friend asks her to go to India for her wedding and she meets her parents from India and they tell her not to go because it is a terrible place and they still have the plague there of all things.

They may still feel some loyalty to their nation, but the one I was just talking to a few weeks ago was telling me how he can’t even run a business there because the police demand constant kick-backs every time they come into the store.

Kind of off subject anyway...

People, you have such a one-track mind! Everything in the world is not about fucking oil! God! This is about surrounding and isolating India's arch-nemesis Pakistan.
Here are some sobering numbers I got copied out of a book recently at the bookstore.

620,000 Active troops
513,000 reserves
4,570 Main Battle Tanks
10 Submarines
8 Frigates
353 Combat Aircraft

1,303,000 Active troops
535,000 reserves
6,204 Main Battle tanks
16 Submarines
8 Frigates
11 Destroyers
1 Aircraft carrier
747 Combat Aircaft
ChilledVodka said:
That's because India still uses the River as toilet and bath...

Plus as a grave...

ha.. that was ANCIENT.. you talking about..

have you be to India ?

hehe.. :D go ask yayati .. LOL
Have they learnt to use paper to asswipe, yet?


Not my material, but it wasn't copyrighted.
ChilledVodka said:
Have they learnt to use paper to asswipe, yet?


Not my material, but it wasn't copyrighted.

Of couse.. :rolleyes: for the foreigner...

hehe. .when I was there ...

there spacilly bought the toilet paper for me to use..

and even in the Five Star World Class Hotle..

Still have tape~water at the side... to wash...:D

hehe.. this thread all the POSTER are NON human...

hehe... you are worst...

you are just a Bottle..:eek:

and I am just a cartoon... lol

and the real people are no
haha.. :devil yayati !! magic.. !!

when I called .. :rolleyes: I meant

*ask yayati *.. haha lol here you are ...

hehe.. go tell the drunken botter



hehe.. lOOky ...

specks likes you after kissing the Vodka... <burp>

hey... I was right ...

lOOky ..



* Turban * up there :rolleyes:


can you take a joke ? yayati?

AAmma.. mma mma.. Ahc~hay.. ya ya . ti ti .... bar~La cum~ lol


now you and the other can start washing the Turban,,, LOL


Don't cry Firmost ,,,```
Frimost said:
Since when are we threatening to use chemical or biological weapons against Iraq? Oh yeah, since never other than in Don's nightly drug-induced hallucinations.

Hey, wasn't it the US that infused their own troops with radioactivity by giving them dirty munitions to use and then when everyone started getting sick, they are struck dumb.
Short memories some of you patriots.