I admire you.....
For being such a strong, unique, inspirational and so very kind woman that follows her heart no matter how many times she's been wronged....you shine.
From a distance, I've watched you. I've read and been touched, I've read and been puzzled, I've read and been on the edge of my seat just holding on, with TEARS in my eyes from laughing so hard.
You have the most interesting sense of humor...its refreshing and witty and sharp and always right on time.
As a lawyer, you very well could be hard and cold and quite cynical in your dealings with human beings...you see the worst of the worst, you've been touched by tragedies that really could have have been a detriment to your heart, but NO.
Just like the rest of us, your bad days are reflected in your words...we all know when Sirenita is upset and unhappy, there's simply no wondering whats on your mind.
But unlike some, you always know when you're *gasping* wrong, or when you went too far, and you do your best to make amends. I admit, it often takes you awhile, but thats not important.
As long as I've been reading along, I've gotten to the point in which I can tell from your words when you're about to come around, and it always makes me smile.
As I said before, all that you've experienced in your life, and most especially your line of work, could have really become a detriment, but instead, you have held onto to your dignity, your soft and loving heart, and you've managed to continue to reach out to others and just give unconditionally. For this, I thank you sincerely, and want you to know for those things you have done for me (most especially, always making me stop and think a little harder) and so many others, you will remain in my heart through all the 2~D world of cyberspace that you blast through, and make 3~D. You are as real to me as if you were sitting here beside me, and I don't give a damn that you're a poster on the internet. To me, you are so very genuine and real, day after day.....funny and witty and often disarming in a "WTH is she talking about" kind of way...so giving and warm and complex and more than anything, you are a generous lady whose heart bleeds. Yet you go on, just being our Sirenita. It often makes me wonder how those in your world can bear it...to experience you in person, in action...how do they not just eat you up simply because they just can't get enough of you?
Thank you sirenita...you're a very special lady.
For being such a strong, unique, inspirational and so very kind woman that follows her heart no matter how many times she's been wronged....you shine.
From a distance, I've watched you. I've read and been touched, I've read and been puzzled, I've read and been on the edge of my seat just holding on, with TEARS in my eyes from laughing so hard.
As a lawyer, you very well could be hard and cold and quite cynical in your dealings with human beings...you see the worst of the worst, you've been touched by tragedies that really could have have been a detriment to your heart, but NO.
Just like the rest of us, your bad days are reflected in your words...we all know when Sirenita is upset and unhappy, there's simply no wondering whats on your mind.
As I said before, all that you've experienced in your life, and most especially your line of work, could have really become a detriment, but instead, you have held onto to your dignity, your soft and loving heart, and you've managed to continue to reach out to others and just give unconditionally. For this, I thank you sincerely, and want you to know for those things you have done for me (most especially, always making me stop and think a little harder) and so many others, you will remain in my heart through all the 2~D world of cyberspace that you blast through, and make 3~D. You are as real to me as if you were sitting here beside me, and I don't give a damn that you're a poster on the internet. To me, you are so very genuine and real, day after day.....funny and witty and often disarming in a "WTH is she talking about" kind of way...so giving and warm and complex and more than anything, you are a generous lady whose heart bleeds. Yet you go on, just being our Sirenita. It often makes me wonder how those in your world can bear it...to experience you in person, in action...how do they not just eat you up simply because they just can't get enough of you?
Thank you sirenita...you're a very special lady.

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