The world is fucked! last week Neil Armstrong, this week Max Bygraves.


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
The Mayans, bunch of cunts that they were, may have had a point! God seems to be harvesting his chosen few, last week Neil, this week Max :(

Does anyone know if the mayans may have been early adopters of the jehovas witnesss concept?
If the Maya had been better seers, perhaps they wouldn't have overharvested all of their resources and then they wouldn't have had to abandon every one of their cities. That's right; the Europeans had nothing to do with it.
If the Maya had been better seers, perhaps they wouldn't have overharvested all of their resources and then they wouldn't have had to abandon every one of their cities. That's right; the Europeans had nothing to do with it.

hindsight is always 20 20. fall to your knees and give thanks!
Poor old Max. I can't say his music ever appealed to me but he always came across as a nice bloke.
Poor old Max. I can't say his music ever appealed to me but he always came across as a nice bloke.

i have several of his vinyl lps.. some decent stuff. (some shit aswell obviously).

i'm offline for a couple of days while i decide if gmp are serious about beating loan sharks and drug dealers, since the scum have been taking each other out with 'grenades around here it could be interesting.