The Wife Collector: Rising to the Top (closed for wideeyedone)


Really Experienced
Feb 11, 2017
Harrison Benning was a forty old man who was on his way to rule the world. Well, at least large swaths of it. Having sold a successful tech firm by the age of 25, he had acquired the capital he needed to do what he really wanted in life...

As a child, Harrison was charismatic and strong. He always played king of the hill during recess, and he was always the king. The children complained that he was too rough with them as he tossed them down on their asses repeatedly. When they would go and tell the teacher, Harrison would apologize genuinely, and go and buy his offended peers ice pops from the cafeteria. The next day, he'd still throw the kids on their asses, but by that time they knew that it was nothing personal. It was just how the game was going to be. Those who didn't want to play, left. But most ended up staying.

"There was something about Harrison," his elementary school teachers would say.

In high school Harrison was easily one of the most popular kids in school. He wasn't a jock, nor was he a druggie, nor was he particularly outgoing. There was a calmness to him - the kind that came from someone who was perfectly comfortable with who they were, which in high school was a big deal. He stood out to both teachers and peers. The guys seemed to want to befriend him, the girls enamored by him, though they couldn't quite put their finger on why. Was it his confidence? He was attractive, but there were many attractive young men. Was it his smile? Or was it something in those brown eyes of his that seemed to somehow see through the one he was looking at? Or, was it the fact that even though he seemed to see through the person, he some how made them feel comfortable that he wouldn't use that 'power' against them?

He was his class president all four years in high school, and had raised funds for a new computer lab back then, renovations to their gym, and new stage lights for their theater.

"There's something about that Mr. Benning," said Principal Daws. Everyone agreed. By the time he left his high school, it had really become his high school.

In college, Harrison Benning majored in software engineering, and graduated valedictorian. He had his share of girl friends, and a large following of friends otherwise, but in addition to that, in his third year, he began an online business arranging tutors for students for all kinds of classes. He used his friendships and his charismatic glow to put together a small empire of tutors under his company name, that both people on campus and others around the world could benefit from. When school officials tried to shut him down over policy breaches (namely, using school resources to run a business) the entire school protested on his behalf. Many students earned money through this work, and many others benefited from the tutoring services. The school had to acquiesce under pressure from the students, and dropped its demand. Harrison then presented the president with a check for $100, 000 as a token of his appreciation for all the school had done for him. By the time he graduated college, it had become his college.

"There's something about that Harrison Benning," faculty and students alike would say.

And so it went. He developed his own tech firm out of college, and it made companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft vie for the brain power that was attracted to his firm. He was the envy of the business and tech world, and wherever he went, between just who he was and how much money he had, clam presence, coupled with that magical way about him that somehow just attracted the world to him, he was king of the world.

Or so he thought.

One day, about a year before he would sell his tech firm, he was walking with his girlfriend. He was a handsome man, at this time about 24 years old, with short messy, dark brown hair and brown eyes that would light up when he would smile. He had a well built frame, and stood tall at five feet eleven inches. He wore khaki slacks and a button down shirt, and crocs. He held his girl friend's hand as they walked the streets of Palo Alto.

"So, I was thinking. We've been seeing each other for a few years now." She started after a time of walking quietly.


"And... I know we've talked about how we both don't really believe in marriage."


"But, we're committed to each other, right?"


"I guess, it's just that, there are women fawning all over you and sometimes I wonder..."

"...if we were to get married I would be more committed?"

"I guess it sounds stupid now that it's said out loud."

"How many men cheat on their wives? Commitment is commitment. Marriage or not. You have my word, and if that means something to you, then that's all you should need. That is all you need."

Harrison's girl friend sighed and squeezed his hand tightly, smiling, looking down at the ground and then at him.

"You're completely right."

Harrison smiled, nodding.



"I want to have your child."

Harrison stopped walking.

"What? What is it? If... you don't want to have kids just yet I'd understand, I just-"

"No. That's not it."

Harrison began walking again. But this time slowly, as if lost in thought. It was in that moment, something changed inside Harrison. He wasn't sure what. But something had struck a nerve. He wasn't upset. He wasn't angry. He wasn't afraid. But something had moved within his soul, and he looked at his girlfriend, a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah I'd like that." Then he smiled.


A month later, however, their relationship turned sour. His girlfriend really wanted the commitment of marriage, and so Harrison's prospect for having a child dropped. There would be other women of course, but it would take time to develop a relationship again with someone who would want to have his child. And that was important now to Harrison.

That year, in the summer, Harrison took a tour to scout out investments South Asia. He visited Karachi in Pakistan and Delhi in India. There, he saw poverty everywhere, first hand. How was it that there were corporations like his, that had amassed such incredible wealth, and yet there was still such immense poverty in the world? In the heat of South Asia, something began to simmer in his soul. He saw that it was only the 5% of the population that could afford the products of western corporations. The rest of the people's lives continued around the small shacks and stalls that lined the congested street of every major city in the region. He saw the same in the Middle East, and even in some Eastern European countries as well. Massively wealthy corporations looked to influence the world, and yet most of the population of the world had little to do with them. Beyond consuming Coca Cola and smoking cigarettes, the average person on the street had nothing to do with Apple. They had nothing to do with Microsoft, or with any of the other major tech firms, or with any of the other major corporations for that matter.

Harrison Benning had dominated every new phase of his life as he had grown up. Now, he had thought he was already on top of the world. But his travels through the "Rest of the world" had shown him that was far from the case. There was an entire world out there waiting for him.

Harrison sold his tech firm for billions. And then, after making some smart investments that would guarantee him a steady stream of capital, he began to construct his empire.
From the age of 25 to 40, he went to every street vendor he could find, every hole-in-the-wall establishment, every mom and pop store in the streets of towns small and large throughout the world, particularly in its poorer and lesser known parts, and slowly, one-by-one, bought them out. He let the people who owned the business originally continue to work, except as his employee, and he helped them grow their business in the smallest of ways, that made a big difference for them. It was amazing what an investment of fifty dollars for a new sign could do for a tailor in some side street of Dhaka. Harrison began to become known in those countries. A great investor. A great man of the people.

"There is something about that Mr. Benning."

But something else happened along the way to Harrison Benning. As his success grew, he realized that he would, eventually, reach the top again. And this time, he wasn't sure where else to go. And so it happened, on one fateful business transaction, that a desperate family in Bucharest, Romania wanted to sell their business to him. Yet their business wasn't worth the trouble. Harrison estimated it wouldn't last the remainder of the year. The father took him aside, and with all seriousness, offered him his daughter's hand in marriage. They were desperate for the money, and, he said, "She will produce good children for you. Strong children."

And then it happened. Something clicked inside Harrison Benning. Harrison had found his new way to reach the top.

"I accept your proposal. And I'll take good care of her."

And he did. Harrison set up his new wife, eighteen year old Anya, in a luxurious apartment in Bucharest. He spent most of his time working away from Romania of course, but as often as he could, he would stop in, spent a week or two, and go on. Anya was happy because she would stay in her home city, see her parents, and only have to worry about pleasing her husband whenever he was around. Harrison was easy to get along with, and Anya didn't mind the independence. Harrison seemed less interested in her as a person as he was in her ability to conceive him a child. He was pleasant enough, but it was clear to her that his interest was in the potential of a child, along with his business. After a year, she still hadn't become pregnant, and now Harrison's visits became less. Her family began to worry. Her bank account hadn't been refreshed in a few months, and Harrison wasn't returning her calls.

Then one night Harrison showed up, letting himself in unannounced, with another young woman on his arm.

"Anya, this is Lei. She's my second wife, from China. Lei, this is Anya."

Anya was mortified. It was of course the reason she had not been getting her bank account refreshed. But more than that, Anya shed tears of anger because... she really thought she was somehow his wife.

"I cannot believe this Harrison. How can you do this?"

"Anya," Harrison wiped away a tear from her cheek, even though her eyes shot daggers at him, "it's simple. You haven't had a child for me. I need children. You can't expect that this would continue like that."

"Well, you're barely here with me. So how am I supposed to have a God damned child!?" Anya was outraged. Lei hid instinctive behind Harrison. Lei had been told that she was a second wife. She didn't really have a choice in the matter, and she's as happy to just be out of her own home.

"That's not true, Anya, we've been together plenty. We-"

"Then come on then! Let's go. Right now. You fuck me tonight and you don't stop. You fill me with your God damn seed." Anya began unbuttoning her blouse.

"Anya... Lei is my second wife. That's not going to change. I'll stay with you tonight, but if you don't produce me a child after tonight, I'm letting you go." Harrison was calm. Collected. He knew exactly what he wanted; what he needed to do.

"Fine. What about her then." Anya spurted out toward Lei.

"She'll stay in your guest room. We'll be in the bedroom. Lei, go. I'll get you in the morning before we leave." Lei quietly padded off to the other room.

And Harrison and Anya went to her bed. He fucked her five times that night.

A month later, Anya missed her period. She was the happiest first wife ever.
Aarav Lagarhi was a fabric merchant. He traded in the finest silks and embroidered, beaded chiffons and satins. His overhead was costly, and he often had to buy fabric on credit. His creditors were eating up his profits. That is what made him interested in selling to Mr. Benning. Mr. Benning wanted to buy his shop and let him run it. The only additional concern was that Mr. Benning wanted one of his daughters for a wife. Beautiful, young and obedient, that is what he said.

Her father chose Kata out of all of his daughters to give to the man. That is what he told her. He told her that she was the most delicate, the most lovely. That the man would like her smooth, golden soft skin. That the man would like her long dark hair. Her hair was so long that when she knelt it brushed the floor.

Then her mother took her to the bride's chamber and dressed her in her beaded finery. Her mother told her about what the man, her husband, would do. She told Kata about who men took women to bed. Her mother told her that he would open her legs and break her virginity and claim her as his own.

Kata shook her head no, but her mother grabbed her chin.

"There is not NO. You will do as you are told. You will obey your husband. Your father and I will lose everything if you do not."

Kata blinked back tears and lowered her eyes.

"Yes, mother." She whispered. The other women of the family came in to help dress her and paint her hands.

She was going to marry the man with the money. She was going to marry Mr. Benning.
Harrison and Kata sat next to each other on the love seat, with her family filling their living room. Kata was dressed in a beautiful sari, and Harrison smiled as people took pictures. He knew the family was torn. He could see it on their faces. But he knew he'd give them what they needed, and they knew that her daughter would be well taken care of. And she would be. Harrison had set up her home in a well-to-do area of Delhi, in a large home with walls, a gate and a guard at its front. All standard for people of that neighborhood. He'd take her there after the wedding and de-flower her, and inform her of her place in his life, the terms and conditions of their marriage, and how things would be for her.

She didn't make eye contact with him, and he didn't expect her to. Even if she was happy to marry him, she wouldn't have shown it. It wasn't part of their culture, Harrison knew that.

After the wedding was over, the family cried as they waved her goodbye. She sat in Harrison's Mercedes, on the passengers side, and shed tears of her own.

If only she knew what lay ahead of her, Harrison thought, what she would be a part of. He knew she would be okay. They always were. They didn't have a choice but to be.

As the car drove off and away from the village Kata had grown up in all her life, Harrison placed his hand on Kata's thigh and gently rubbed it up and down.

"My dear Kata. I want you to understand what it is that's going to happen. I'm going to take care of you. You're going to have your own home, with servants at the ready. You'll have a bank account in which I'll deposit four thousand dollars a month, and you can use those dollars on whatever you want, but I won't give you a cent more. Food, home and clothing is taken care of for you, in addition to that. All I expect from you in return, is that you be respectful of me, that you lie with me whenever I demand, and provide me with children. I know you don't want to be here, but you are my wife now, and I'm your husband. If you don't like it, you don't have to. Just follow the rules I've mentioned and you'll be fine. Just like the others. You're number fifteen, and there will be more after you. Get used to the idea now, and it will be easier on you."

Harrison looked over at his diminutive but beautiful bride. He couldn't wait to fuck this one. She was just a delight.
Kata had always been a competitive girl. She wanted to bring the highest bride price. She wanted to have the prettiest clothes. She wanted her father to call her thennost clever and her mother to call her the best seamstress. Part of her was very pleased that she was married to a rich man that had bought her a fine house and was giving her a generous allowance.

But number 15? She didn't like the idea of being 15th. He was rubbing her thigh. She was determined to move up in the rankings. She smiled shyly at him and looked at her from the side of her eyes.

"I will follow your rules. My mother talked to me about what a wife and husband do together. What would you like me to call you, husband?" Kata was no longer in competition with her sisters, she had won that battle. Now there were wives to compete with and Kata was sure she would win. However, she never wanted Mr. Benning to know. He didn't need to know why she was going to be his best wife, she was just going to be.
“Harrison,” he put his hand back on the steering wheel, smiling. “Just call me Harrison.” He was surprised at what seemed to be her eagerness in the whole matter. Though perhaps he shouldn’t be by now. He had married enough women from “eastern” cultures to know that – depending on how western they weren’t – they would be fully willing in the matter of even a formal arranged marriage, for the sake of their family. Any other Western man might have been bothered by the fact that his wife (or wives) was more interested in perpetuating their loyalty to their family through their marriage than they were interested in the actual relationship itself, but it didn’t matter to Harrison. His rules were as he had laid them out clearly. Respect, congeniality and fertility. Other than that, he really didn’t care.

“And your name is now Kata Benning, since you’re my wife,” he added. “As for what your mother told you about what a man and woman do, I’ll teach you more. It’ll be important for your role as my wife. In fact it’s one of the most important things. I’m going to spend the next month working from our slash your home so that we can get to know each other a bit, and you can get used to being my wife. After that, I’ll be traveling frequently, and will stop by every couple months for probably about a week. If after six months you’re not pregnant, I will divorce you and send you back to your family. I know it’s not something you can control, that last part. But that’s just how it has to be. It’s nothing personal.”

Harrison wasn’t sure how much Kata was getting of all this. He didn’t make an effort to modify his English so that his wives could understand better. They’d get the picture eventually. And in his experience, speaking properly was the best way to get their English up to par quickly. Kata’s English seemed perfectly fine, but sometimes he had noticed with some of his other wives that when he would speak his mind fully, they wouldn’t grasp the subtleties. Ultimately, again, it didn’t really matter.
Kata smiled at him demurely and then watched her village fade away, they drove through the countryside and then into the city. When they arrived at the house, a guard opened the gate into the walled compound.

"Mr. Be-, I mean Harrison, it is beautiful. Thank you for such a lovely home." It was a lovely home, larger than any of her sister's homes. He parked the car and she was greeted by the servants.

She was gracious to each of them. She had a two bags of possessions, and one of the servants took them up to her room for her.

Kata was thinking about ways she could make her home more appealing for Harrison. She knew she would have to pay attention to his likes and dislikes.
Harrison enjoyed watching Kata get comfortable in her new home. She really was a delight to look at. Her petite frame and delicate features were exactly according to Harrison's taste. He watched her hips move as she walked up the stairs, feeling himself become excited between his legs as he followed her. There would be plenty of time to attend to house matters, and to get to know each other on a more emotional level.

The sun was setting now, and the well-known "wedding night" was now upon them. He knew that Kata would be expecting him to make his advance, and he was unabashedly ready to do so.

The two of them went into the master bedroom, and after the servants had finished putting her few clothes away and left, he sat down on the bed, looked at Kata, and patted the bed next to him, indicating for her to sit down.

Harrison so he began to unbutton his shirt. "Kata, I want you to know that I think you're very beautiful. I'm happy to have you as my wife."
Kata sat down beside him but several inches away from him. The red silk of her sari was trimmed with elaborate embroidery and beading. She took off the veil and exposed her long, ebony hair. Her straight, shiny hair hung all
The way to the bed.

"Would you like me to undress, Harrison?" She asked even as her cheeks flamed red in embarrassment. She had never seen a man unclothed before. She lowered her eyes as his shirt began to open.

"Thank you for choosing me as your wife." She added. She did not want to leave his compliment unanswered.
Harrison smiled. He could see that she wanted to be willing, and yet she was so uncomfortable by his presence. The combination of her desire to please and her shyness before him was utterly lust inducing. He moved closed to Kata and extended his hand out to her cheek, caressing it gently. He looked at her even as she kept her gaze cast down. "Thank you for being my wife," he said with a voice filled with contentment. He was truly a lucky man.

Kata's arms were bare in the sari. He ran his fingers down her arm to her hand, and then picked her hand up tenderly in his, and kissed the back of it, keeping his eyes fixed upon her. He kissed her hand again, then her wrist, and slowly, ever so slowly, kept on kissing her arm until he reached her shoulder.

Then he moved her hair aside exposing her neck, and he kissed her there, just under the ear. He then placed his fingers tenderly on her cheek to turn her face towards him. Kata was still looking down, and her light brown skin allowed for a flush of red that Harrison could clearly see.

"Kata. Look at me." His new bride opened her eyes and her beautiful brown orbs looked at him. She had both anticipation and anxiety in them, and it endeared her to Harrison even more. "Did it feel nice when I kissed your arm? Your neck?" Harrison gave a gentle smile, and tucked some strands of her hair behind her ear.
His touch on her arms gave her goosebumps and then his lips on her skin made her feel warm. He was being gentle with her and she knew he didn't have to be. He asked her if his kisses felt good. She looked up at him through his lashes. He seemed so much bigger than her.

"It does feel nice." She whispered. He tucked some of her hair behind her ears and she made a contentedly little sighing sound.

"Harrison, would you brush my hair? I know that this is a strange request but I think it would feel nice and soothing. I like it when you touch my hair." She lowered her eyes almost instantly after asking. As if she thought she shouldn't have asked.

"I just thought it might help me get used to being touched by you, and I thought you might like it too." She offered softly.
Harrison smiled a gentle smile. It was such a sweet and perfect request from his new bride.

"Of course, I would love that," he said with tenderness, as he got off the bed and went to the dresser, returning with a comb.

"Here," he guided Kata to stand up by extending his hand, and took his position behind her. Before he started, he moved her hair to the side, and from his spot behind her, leaned in and planted a soft kiss just below her ear. Then, he lovingly held her soft hair in his hand and began running the comb through it. Harrison was careful, but it turned out he didn't need to be as much as he thought he would. Usually such long hair he had expected would have been difficult to comb. But Kata's hair was easy, and he ran his fingers through it, marveling at how smooth it felt.

He kept going for some time, enjoying the intimacy it seemed to create between them. He could feel some of the natural tension that would be present in a wedding night such as this, dissipate a little. And every so often, he would lean in and plant a light kiss on Kata's cheek, or on her shoulder.

"Your hair is beautiful, Kata. Like the rest of you. I'm very happy, Kata, that you're my bride." And it was true. This was a beautiful moment between the two of them, and Harrison was glad that Kata seemed to engage with him by making her own request. Usually the girls were too shy, especially on the wedding night, to do so. It indicated to Harrison that she was a bit different.
Kata reached down and began unwinding the fabric of her red Sari. She removed just the outer layer. Her hands were shaking as she did.

"That feels very nice, Harrison." She whispered. His name felt strange on her tongue. But she knew the more she said it, the more natural it would become. "I hope you don't think I am too forward, but I want to be a good wife to you, even if I am a little afraid." Her voice shook just a little and she looked at her feet.

Kata tried not to be afraid, but each touch, each moment, was bringing her closer and closer to truly being his wife. Her mother had told her about it, in the abstract, and even with a few gestures. But she couldn't imagine it for real.
Harrison smiled, and placed his hand on Kata's no exposed upper arm, caressing her, his touch reassuring, kind.

"Just your desire to be a good wife means that you're already more than halfway there. Don't worry. I am absolutely sure that you will be wonderful." Harrison's voice was calm, collected. But within his desire for her was increasing, burning hotter every moment. Her innocence, and from that innocence her desire to please him... this engendered a deep appreciation for the little thing that sat before him, and he knew it would also eventually lead to a kind of love - as it had with the others. As long as there would be children...

Harrison leaned in and kissed Kata's shoulder once, then a second time, and then ont he side of her arm.

"I don't want you to be afraid. What we're going to do... it'll feel good to you. It might hurt a little in the beginning, but I promise I'll be gentle, and I promise you'll grow to love it very quickly."

Harrison planted a soft kiss at the base of Kata's slender neck, and slid his strong hand around her waist, gripping it gently. It was his, after all.
Kata reached up to her shoulder and began to unwind her sari. She shivered as she undressed herself. She closed her eyes as the yards of embroidered silk fluttered to the floor. She laid her head back on his shoulder.

"Harrison, I am going to be a very good wife to you." She was shivering, tiny goosebumps rising on her caramel colored skin. She nervously turned to face him. Her eyes were still closed when she kissed his throat.

She placed her hands on his chest softly. He could feel her trembling.