The Whorehouse on 13th street


Literotica Guru
Jul 10, 2005
(Open to all, but please PM me before posting. Looking for guys and girls to play visitors to the house. Ghost hunters maybe, Uni students on a dare, etc, etc. Any sex goes in this whorehouse, so bi, gay and lesbian is all good)

The address of 128 13th Street was famous in the small town of Dalton, Ohio. It had been built in the mid 19th century my a rich merchant just moved into the area. It had been grand and opulent for its day, and even now, in the 21st century, its run down façade still showed the beauty of its design. Its original owner hadn't lived long enough to truly appreciate his dwelling though. Three months after completion of the property he was shot by an envious competitor and the house had been sold at auction. Its new owner was also a businessman, but his business was in flesh.

To the dismay of the town Joshua McKenzie turned the fabulous house into the towns biggest whorehouse. Its upper two floors became the business areas of the property with eight large spacious bedrooms and two bathrooms. Downstairs catered for the waiting clients with a kitchen, bar area, smoking lounge and office for McKenzie himself. He decorated the inside richly with satin, velvet, brass fittings, the very best furniture and art and of course the very best clothes for his girls, but not just girls. Being open minded and seeing profit in anything, Joshua also employed a few young men for the discerning ladies, or, indeed, the discerning men. Unlike most of the rest of the town back then he didn't turn his nose up at men wanting to spend time with other men, their money was all the same to him.

The house past down through the McKenzie family for generations, its purpose never changing although at times its business had to be hidden away from the more spiritually enlightened members of the towns populace. Finally, twenty years ago, the last of the McKenzie's died. The woman, Abigail Fuller, a direct descendant of Joshua, died in the house alone, unmarried and with no children. The house was ramshackle by then, Abigail not having the funds to maintain it properly and so it went on the open market for sale. But even then, back in 1993, it had a reputation. It was a house people tried not to look at when walking by, it seemed to watch a person even though it had no eyes. Its presence was felt by any in its vicinity. The house just couldn't be sold and so it sat in the middle of its now overgrown garden, its boarded up windows staring blankly at the world and mostly forgotten by all ..... that is until now.
Nadia had come to the New World from her native homeland, Dublin, Scotland, when she was only 8 years old. A knobby kneed young thing, her curiosity always knew no bounds, getting her into more trouble than she knew what to do with. Her poor parents always shook their heads, wondering what to do with such a girl as theirs. She was always so strong-willed, their little Nadia, much like her grandpa before her.

That parenting pity turned to alarm the day their young little daughter snuck her way into the McKenzie whorehouse on 13th street. All the manor's workers had looked after her well enough while she was there, and even after she had gotten the switch for three nights afterwards, she still found herself returning to the lavish world where men and women alike could be mystical and beautiful, with costumes that glittered in the light, and movements like wafting smoke.

When she grew old enough, her parents made sure to keep her away from being hurt by vile men by sending her to work in a cotton mill. Each boring day was filled with spinning spools of thread, and daydreaming of her friends back on 13th street, wondering what they were doing right then. Her parents couldn't expect that sending her to safety had really put her in danger, under the greedy eyes of the foreman and his second. Having just barely escaped her own rape, she ran for the only place she knew could save her.

That night was when she met her Madame.

Stumbling in with ripped clothes, skinned hands and knees, and tears in her eyes, it was her Madame that took her in, cleaned her up, soothed her hurt. It was her Madame that offered a solution: sneak away from her work at the mill, come to the McKenzie house to earn her money instead, and sneak back to the house so no one was the wiser. Nadia had agreed, with such enthusiasm that made her Madame smile.

How she would come to love that smile.

A room she saw more often than not was called the Indigo Room. Lavish and dark blue, with velvet fabrics, a grand four poster bed in the middle, gold trim in exotic designs, and chairs lining both sides of the grand bed, it was here, in front of a small group of well paying customers, that she had lost her virginity. The tip had been hefty that night, for the 'fresh and realistic acting' they had seen; Nadia damn near turned the money away, since she had not felt this alive and excited about anything else in her life, and that was payment enough.

However, all good things had to come to an end. After a few years of laying with other men and women alike, in many different positions, with toys, and even reenacting the losing of her virginity for coin, and growing, being shaped, under her Madame's tutelage, her parents had found her out, and disowned her. Not two weeks afterward, a man driven with jealousy and hate had shot her down in her post-orgasmic bliss. The man was quickly hung for his crimes, losing his family's good reputation and cotton mill business in one fell swoop.

Nadia did not find the brilliance of heaven waiting for her, nor the fires of hell to drag her down, but... familiar blue walls with golden trim, greeting her, embracing her, like an old friend. There she stayed, watching as more and more people lay in sexual ecstasy in a bed she knew very well, and being sad with the loss of her old friends, of her Madame, and-- finally-- her own home. She was far from being alone here, having felt other presences within the very walls, but to see it slowly taken over by time and elements was a sad thing to see.

She is a constant presence in the Indigo Room, laying across, but not really resting on, her large bed, fingers wisping through the velvet fabric that fascinated her so... and waiting, for someone to come and pay her a visit, allow her to explore their bodies and find what pleased them most, much like her Madame had taught her.
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Pat a 21 year old senior at the university. sense highschool he has been know as a smart jock. Always getting preaty good grades as well as being a good at sports. Both of these factors granted him a scholorship from both grades and sports to this university.

For the past couple years he has become somewhat popular with hes fellow class mates but never did much dating cause of his, well interest in older woman. other the sports and class the only other thing at this school that has kept his interest was the thought of getting into one of the secret societies but never gets his hopes up, until recent.

School has been going on and one evening Pats dreams come true and he is approached. soon going threw there initiation which finially brings him to his last one where he is to spend a weekend in some haunted house he only heard rumors of. which brings us to the present.

Walking up to the building over night bag on his back, cooler with alittle food in hand. walking into the house minites after some woman had gone in. no clue what to expect never believing in ghosts he steps inside. his head turning side to side taking in the view of the old first floor, soon seeing the woman go up stairs and disapear. Looking around he steps into what looked to be an old bar and puts his stuff down . figuring the place is only so big he would see the woman he was sure shortly. he begins to walking around checking out the acouple of the old rooms on the first floor wondering if he can find a fuse box sense theres no basement, soon finding himself back in the old bar with no luck.
It sat, quiet, alone, set way back from the street in its own sea of overgrown foliage. The odd tree sticking up from the tall grass like an island in a sea of waving green. For years it had been ignored by the people in this town, left to slowly decay, its whitewash wooden walls peeling, the odd roof tile fallen, the floorboards creaking. The occasional visitor never stayed long, sometimes only minutes or a hardy soul might last hours. It had become a place of urban myth, a site to go to for youthful initiations or dares. Silently it brooded, its rooms cold, shadowy, white sheets over old furniture, boarded windows letting in the odd shaft of daylight or moonlight.

Its decoration spoke of a time long past when money had resided here, lots and lots of money. The sound of laughter had floated through these halls and rooms, and other sounds to. Groans, moans, sighs, shouts of ecstasy, crys of passion. All that emotional outburst had to go somewhere and over the years the house itself has sucked it up. Decades, centuries of wanton sexual pleasure being undertaken inside its walls had fed its needs. But now it hibernated with only the chance passing flicker of sexual energy as a young couple dared to have sex within its walls before fleeing in terror. It sat, quiet and alone .... but not without its residence.

Oh, it still held the memories, the passions of its past tenants, those who had passed on through, and those few who had ended their lives inside its walls. It could, if it so desired, manifest them, let them play out their games again and again as if watching the same piece of film over and over. If particularly strong willed, and there were the odd one or two, the personalities could take on their own presense apart from the house. Act out whatever they chose on any unsuspecting mortal visitors.

Talking of which the whorehouse sensed new arrivals. It watched them explore is dusty interiors, watched them marvel as the dulled brass, the deep, plush velvet chairs, the once gleaming and sparkling chandeliers. They would soon be greeted by the residence of the house, the question was, would they stay, or would they go.
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He pulled his van over to the side of the road and turned the engine off. Sitting quietly he watched the house. It seemed to him to be lurking, if something so big could be described such. But whatever you would call it, there was a presense here. Even sitting in his van yards away from the gate to the property Matthew Brighton could feel it. All his life he had chased ghosts, since being introduced to the paranormal at college over thirty years ago. Now he spent his days hunting, trying to gain proof of their existance. The McKenzie manor was just the latest address in a long, a very long line of locations he had visited.

Opening the door he slipped out onto the street, pulling his thick coat around him as he looked up into the dark sky which threatened rain sometime tonight. Pushing his glasses a little further up his nose, Matthew began unpacking. He decided he would start to set up in the main lounge area. Although a lot of reported activity seemed to centre around the bedrooms, he wanted a bit more space to set up his equipment in. Carrying two large silver flight cases in each hand, a duffle bag slung over his right shoulder and a smaller case tucked precariously under his left arm he slowly made his way through the manor's front gate and up the path to the front door.

The silence gripped him more than anything, but in these places it always seemed so quiet. He couldn't hear anyone, or anything inside, but the sprawling building was so big he would be hard pressed to hear much from any of the further rooms while he stood here. Finding the double doors at the front of the building unlocked, which was odd, he pushed them open and walked into the main entry hall. For a moment he just stood and stared at the opulence of the place. In its day it must have looked amazing he decided. Finally he turned to close the doors only to find them already shut. With a shrug he carried his equipment into the main lounge and placed them on the bar and began opening his cases, making sure the cameras were charged, that his metres had power and were calibrated correctly. Nothing could be left to chance.
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One such spirit was a rather lovely barkeep by the name of Lilly. She may have had a sweet sounding name, but the patrons would soon learn that was where her sweetness ended. A wild child from day one, she soon learned that there was no place in society for one such as her. So, she adopted a façade to better fit into her surroundings. She settled down in a marriage, had a couple of darling children... and settled. By God, how she hated settling. There was so much world to discover, so many people to meet and learn about! An opening came up for a bartending position at the famed house of ill repute, across the town from where she lived. With some careful negotiating with her husband, and solemn promises not to so much a lay a finger on another man (unless she was tossing him out on his ass), he allowed her to have a position there.

She, of course, didn't fulfill his promise entirely. She laid fingers, hands, mouths and breasts on other men as deemed appropriate, but never parted her skirts for them. She could never seem to help herself! And the men certainly loved her soft curves, so why not use them? It had been a rather rewarding experience for her, once that lasted into her elder years and still gave her wistful smiles from her chair at the home. Indeed, it was the last dream she had before passing away in her sleep, a wistful smile gracing her features.

Now, she kept to her usual place behind the bar, arms crossed under her bountiful breasts in thought. The house had helped her notice the presence of a younger man striding in through the doors, before settling in to look around. He seemed wholesome, young and healthy, with that spark of life in his eyes. And then came in an older gentleman. Strange contraptions aside, he looked very smart, well put-together... and so very easy to rile up. A young man, able to keep up with her attentions for as long as she wanted, or an older gentleman, experienced in the ways of the world and of love? Or, why not both?

The door had closed behind them as a sinful smile graced her features. Decisions, decisions, indeed.
Emma knew she was doing something crazy but she had to try. Ever since professor Brighton had given that lecture to her class she had immediately fallen in love with him. She had never been into older guys but he was so wise, so intelligent, such a good speaker... He convinced her in merely an hour that ghost existed and from that day on she could only think about that. She had read all of his books and had gained a vast knowledge about the paranormal.

And when she found out about his trip to the whorehouse she knew she'd have to go to. Emma hoped he would be greatly surprised when she entered the place. She had dressed comfortably, she was going "hunting" anyway, but had chosen her clothes so that he wouldn't miss her this time. Once his lecture had finished she tried to approach him, but he had fled so quickly that she couldn't even say "hi". But this time he would notice her; short jeans and a wide cleavage shirt must work.

After two minutes trying to get calmer in front of the main door, Emma decided to get in. "Nothing will happen, Emma", she kept telling to herself. "Matthew will surely protect you."

The door was heavy, but it was strangely easy to push.

"Hello? Professor Brighton?", she called out as she walked inside.
Caitlyn Price, 27

This was probably the most stupid thing Cait had ever done. Now that she was standing in front of the main door to the house that was rumoured to be haunted, she felt even more dumb, or crazy. The place did not look welcoming at all. Cait could easily imagine that someone or something was watching her from the boarded up windows. It made her second guess her motives.

It had all been her friend Ali's idea. Go to the ghost house and stay there for a few hours, maybe the night. It will be the experience of a lifetime. Now Ali had chickened out. Her excuse? She was on a date! Cait had just snickered and called Ali a coward. The end result was that she now was here, alone. Eating up her own words. Just to prove to Ali and herself who was the braver woman.

Steeling her nerves she open the heavy door, surprised how easily it slid open. With one last look behind her she enter the house. It was even more frightening to be inside than looking at it from he outside. Cait swallowed hard as she walked forward while looking at the walls. It did not take much imagination to see the whore house it had once been. She payed so much attention on the surroundings that she failed to see the lonely young woman until she was almost on top of her. Cait was surprised but glad that there was someone else in the house that she almost screamed of joy. Instead she tried to sound very calm.

"Hello... Are you alone here?" She ask. Embarrassed that her voice isn't as cool as she would have liked.

"This place give me the creeps."
"Hello? Professor Brighton?", she called out as she walked inside.

Matthew almost dropped the digital video camera he was setting up at the noise. Catching his breath as he steadied the device on its tripod, he glanced over his shoulder. Since he had got in the house he had had an almost continuous feeling of being watched. As if something, or someone was assessing him. The shout from the hallway had made his heart miss a beat. But there was something familiar about that female voice, he just couldn't place it.

"Um, hello?" He called back feeling a little self conscious. He didn't do well in groups and had usually always worked alone. He hadn't been expecting anyone else to be here tonight, well, other than the ghosts he hoped. "I'm in the lounge?" He called out again for further clarity as he secured the camera and turned it on, making sure it was pointing in the right direction.

Standing up and turning fully toward the wide open double doors of the lounge he awaited whomever had just arrived. He hoped they wouldn't stay long, they would only get in his way.
Looking around the bar area. Checking out the details put into each peice of furniture. dont see bars that look like this any more he thinks to himself Walking threw out the room he hears voices coming from the front lobby area and starts to make his way.

Looking at the bar as he walks, he stops in his tracks when he gets a slight chill. Squinting his eyes alittle as he looks. Someone there he asks, thinking he saw someone standing behind the bar a second ago. Walking over to the bar and leaning over it, not seeing anyone behind it. Must be seeing things, thought there was woman standing back here.

Shaking his head he starts to walk again and turns into the lobby seeing acouple people. Noticing Professor Brighton a proffessor he had freshman year, along with 2 woman he didnt reconise. Hello everyone
"Hello... Are you alone here? This place give me the creeps", a woman said behind her.

"Um, hello? I'm in the lounge?" she heard Mr. Brighton inside the other room.

"Hello everyone", a man's voice said from the other side of the room.

So the place was crowded!

Emma hadn't thought there would be so many people in there. She thought she was only going to find Mr Brighton. And although she was sad not to be able to be with him, she was also happy that there were four of them, it made the place less creepy.

So first she turned to see who the girl was. She couldn't recognise her, but she looked a bit older than her --Emma had just turned 24 the month before--, and just a bit taller.

"Yes, me too... Follow me. My name is Emma, by the way."

As she turned around again, she suddenly recognised the other guy from college. Emma couldn't tell who he was, but she knew she had seen him before, maybe in some classes.

But she had to focus. She was there fora reason. Maybe not the best one, but it was a great opportunity to know more about the man she admired so much.

"Professor, we are coming in!", she called out. "My name is Emma, I attended one of your lectures... And there are other people here..."

Emma would have wanted to let him know that she had nothing to do with the other two guys, but it seemed a bit rude, so she just led them towards the person who was probably the only one with a clear mind about what he was doing in there.
To say that the Professor was surprised to find so many mortal in the house was an understatement. He had assumed he would have the place to himself for some peaceful investigation. However he could hardly force them to leave, the house wasn't his, and besides he assumed they all had their reasons to be here.

"Come on in." He called and waited for the strangers to appear.

Two women and a young man entered the lounge, he didn't recognise any of them ... although, there was something vaguely familiar about the younger lady who'd stated she had attended one of his lectures. Although he loved teaching young people about the paranormal and educating them on his passion, he always felt a little nervous after the lesson was over and made sure he got out of class fast. He'd been hit on occasionally by young girls in classes, mostly they did it as a prank to get a laugh from their friends at his expense, but the odd one or two had seemed genuinely interested in him, and that had scared him a little. Not that he didn't like women, he did, a lot, but he had always been the nerd of the group from high school to now, and he didn't know how to respond to their advances.

"Well, um, hello. I'm Professor Brighton, I'm here to do an investigation into the ghostly events that have been reported manifesting at this house." He paused realising he sounded like a teacher again. he gave them a nervous smile. "Listen, I don't know why you are all here, but all I ask is if you could perhaps not interfere with my work? I need to try and get genuine activity reports and evidence, although .." He paused and considered the three young people looking at him. "Um, if you wouldn't mind, maybe you could help me out? This is a huge property as I'm sure you saw walking up here, its going to take a long time to explore the whole house. Maybe, if its not to much of an inconvenience to whatever it was you were here to do tonight, you could head off and explore for me? If you see or sense anything you could report back to me? Would you mind?"

It made sense to him that if they were here he might as well make use of them, as long as they didn't mind. He mentally smiled as an image of a Scooby Doo cartoon flashed through his head. 'Ok, lets split up, me and Daphne will go this way ...', etc, etc. So that made him Fred he supposed, so who would be his Daphne? His eyes met those of the young girl who had introduced herself as Emma, she seemed interested in his work, or at least she hadn't taken her eyes off him since entering the room. Maybe ...?

"Um, Emma was it? Um ... well, maybe your could help me finish setting up my equipment?" He asked her in a nervous tone.
The good professor wasn't the only one waiting for an answer from the lovely Emma. Such a lovely little thing she was, well-formed and obviously eager to please. Perhaps Lilly could help things along with the two lovebirds? In all her years there, she had never played match-maker before. The thought was terribly exciting!

As for Pat and Caitlyn, the house had special plans for them, indeed. The distinct feeling of the house holding its breath in anticipation was growing noticeable, while flickers from the corners of the eye could be caught just up the stairs. If one looked close enough, they could make out the tell-tale form of skirts.
"Come on in", Emma heard he professor say, and she felt more confident.

She thought maybe he'd be pissed of with their presence there, mostly if he thought they were there to "act big", as that was the usual reason why people went to haunted houses.

As the three of them joined the professor, Emma noticed that his equipment was quite vast. He had some machines in the room, and she could glimpse there were some more things still inside his bag. She was already enjoying being there, surrounded by such sophisticated things for chasing immaterial entities... Emma was sure it was going to be such an experience.

And then he started talking, explaining why he was there and what he was going to do... And suddenly Emma heard the magic words, "maybe you could help me out?" Emma wouldn't want to interfere with his speech, but she just felt like jumping and shouting "Yes, sir, I'll do whatever you need from me". Deep inside, Emma felt like a little child on her first girl-scout trip.

And when his eyes met hers, she couldn't do anything but smile. He had noticed her, finally!

"Um, Emma was it? Um ... well, maybe you could help me finish setting up my equipment?"

Emma wondered why he might be so nervous, he must have been in thousands of houses like this one, given his vas knowledge and experience... Maybe he was just excited about this new adventure.

"Yes, of course, professor. I'll be glad to help, that is why I came here. I would love to learn everything you know." she started, as she approached his still packed things.

The problem was that she didn't know where to start. She had read a lot about his job, but she hadn't actually seen any of the equipment he had in there. So she just started getting everything out of his bags, hoping that he'd do the rest.
Or maybe once it was all out, she'd be able to match things as she had always been good with puzzles. Anyway, she wasn't going to start with telling him she had no idea what she was doing, or he would surely loose his interest in her.
Smiling at the young girls enthusiasm, Matthew watched the other two strangers walk away to investigate the house on their own leaving him and his new assistant alone. Although he did usually work alone, it made life so much simpler when he had a helping hand to set things up. He doubted he could teach the girl everything in one night, but her obvious delight at him asking her to assist had driven off some of his nerves and he tried to slip into teacher role rather than the nervous nerd in company of pretty girl role he usually acted in these situations.

"Ok, if you could start by attaching those digital video cameras there to those tripods for me, Emma." He asked with a smile. "We'll set them up all over the house and watch the feeds from this bank of monitors here. If we see something strange we can invesitgate further with these EM metres and sensing devices. I also want to try to contact any spirits who might still live here. From rumour the place is supposed to be very haunted with many different apparitions so I'm hoping to speak to at least one."

His excitment over his work was making his eyes light up and his voice, previously nervous sounding, now had a strong and sure overtone to it.

"Lets hope the ghosts of this house are feeling lively tonight, hm?" He said with a smile at Emma. "So, you've sat through one of my lectures and you still want to get into this work? Thats good to hear. I'm always afraid I bore you young people with my work. I know most of you would rather be shopping, or watching movies, or playing sports than hanging around dusty old houses drinking coffee from a flask and spending hours in silent boredom." He chuckled.
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Emma was so lad to hear him explain what he was planning to do, and tell her how to prepare everything. After all he was a teacher, so he should know how to explain things and be patient.

Emma also realised how excited and relaxed he had become as soon as the other people left the room. Would it be because of her? She doubted it, but she liked to think so, anyway. He was now even smiling.

"So, you've sat through one of my lectures and you still want to get into this work? Thats good to hear. I'm always afraid I bore you young people with my work. I know most of you would rather be shopping, or watching movies, or playing sports than hanging around dusty old houses drinking coffee from a flask and spending hours in silent boredom," he started a conversation.

That was so great. Emma felt they were starting to connect. She was going to impress him tonight.

"Well, maybe I'm a weirdo, but you really won me with that lecture," she stopped what she was doing for a moment and looked at him. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since then," she added as she went back to setting the apparel.

First hit, and she would let him assimilate what it meant for some seconds. But the second hit wasn't going to take much longer.

"And drinking coffee from your flask doesn't seem like such a boredom to me; or we could always think of more entertaining things to keep us busy while we wait for the spirits to get lively, don't you think?"

Emma kept speaking without looking directly to him. He seemed like a shy guy, and she guessed it would be better if she wasn't looking at him when throwing such blunt messages to him, so she went on preparing the cameras.
With his attention focused on his work, Professor Brighton didn't really catch Emma's first comment, or at least if he did he felt happy that she had remembered his lecture, thats how he took her meaning. But the second comment, about finding more entertaining things to do registered, even if he still missed the point.

"Well, yes I suppose we could play cards, or read, or explore a little." He answered her remark as he galnced in her direction to make sure she was doing a good job on the cameras. "But this is serious work and we shouldn't distract ourselves to much from why we're really here tonight."

Matthew looked around the room, once again his mind took him back to how it would have looked all those years ago in its original splendour and he sighed.

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something incredible is going to happen tonight, something I've not experienced before. This house ..." He felt a shiver run down his spine and he smiled self consciously at Emma. "Well, its very atmospheric wouldn't you say?"

He looked over at the pretty girl again.

"Looks like you have those cameras set up perfectly, well done." He waved her over to him where he sat in front of a bank of monitors. "Now, let me show you how we link each camera and its feed to a particular monitor. The system automatically records everything the camera sees so we can replay them at a later date."

He took off his coat and threw it over the back of a nearby chair, leaving him in a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up to the elbows, his old, worn khaki coloured pants and black shoes, oh and of course his glasses.
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Secretly pleased with how things turned out, Lilly followed the pair around the room, watching each of their bodies as they set up the strange looking equipment. It was obvious they intended to capture something; she was determined that it would be each other's sexual interest before the night was through. And if she thought this professor was handsome before? When he had loosened up and finally removed his jacket, Lilly could feel the anticipation starting to build in the air as well.

But, the best start was a slow one, something to get their appetites awoken. As the young lady walked over to the professor, she would feel a light brush trailing down her arm, a slight sensation of fingers teasing just the inside of her elbow. Lilly gauged her reaction, see how open she'd be to any further prompting.
"Well, yes I suppose we could play cards, or read, or explore a little. But this is serious work and we shouldn't distract ourselves to much from why we're really here tonight."

Too bad, Emma thought. She was really interested in his work, so it was not that bad. But she would have liked for him to also be interested in... her!

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that something incredible is going to happen tonight, something I've not experienced before. This house ... Well, its very atmospheric wouldn't you say?"

She was into her own thoughts trying to prepare the cameras, so she didn't really hear him.

"Looks like you have those cameras set up perfectly, well done. Now, let me show you how we link each camera and its feed to a particular monitor..."

As Emma went towards him she felt something touching her skin. It felt like a brush on her elbow. She stopped for a second and her whole body shivered in response. She had always been so sensible to the touching of her skin, it turned her on quite a lot.

There must be an open window somewhere, and the cold breeze comes down here, she explained herself and she started walking again

She went back to him, grabbed a chair and sat as close to him as he let him, which wasn't as much as she would have like. But, the night was young, there was plenty of time for a further approach.

As he fiddled with the monitors and stuff she couldn't help staring down at him. He was so sexy in his rolled-up shirt. And Emma had always been attracted to men with glasses. It wasn't always like that, but it gave them a more sophisticated look. And he was definitely handsome.

"The system automatically records everything the camera sees so we can replay them at a later date."

"That is so nice, Matthew," she regained her interest in his work. "It must have been so difficult to set this system, right? You are such an intelligent man!" she said as she rested her arm on his shoulder, approaching the monitors and him as well.
"Well, its not to difficult." He smiled over his shoulder at her, blushing a little as he tried to stay modest. "Thank you though. Maybe I could train you? How would you like to be my full time assistant? I could help you gets those grades up a little maybe?"

He smiled wider at Emma even though he didn't know why he had offered her the position. He always worked alone, always had, but something about the girl, her enthusiasm for the work, for him, made him blurt the offer out. He blushed harder as he saw the way she looked at him, not really having noticed it before. he could feel her bodies warmth as she got closer to him, felt her arm on his shoulder, her scent wafting around him. He coughed a little as his throat went dry and he quickly turned away to pour himself some coffee from his thermos flask.

"Um, would you like some coffee?" He asked lamely, trying to refocus his mind on the job.

He noticed one of the monitors showed a camera was slightly out of alignment, the picture unfocused. He looked around the large empty room and noticed it was the one on top of the bar.

"Would you be a darling and refocus that camera over there for me, Emma? If you hold it up so I can see you on the monitor then I can tell you when its sharp enough, ok?"
Well, now... what have we here? Lilly thought to herself. Seeing Emma's reaction was a very hopeful one indeed, one that made the barmaid ever more hopeful about getting the two of them together! And the sweet professor was definitely picking up the signals this young lady was exuding. That could make things plenty easier for Lilly to peruse...

She took up her normal spot again by the bar, to better plan her next moment and what she could do next, when it seemed to be decided for her. The camera, now trying to focus on a form that wasn't of this world, was going to have to be fixed. By sweet little Emma. The opportunity was too good to pass up, but that left how Lilly could contribute. Well, maybe that all depended on what kind of character the professor had? Was he the more clinical observer, or was there some chivalry to his nature, an innate habit to be the dashing knight in shining armor for the damsel in distress? There was one way to find out.

Moving over to behind Emma as she reached up to fix the strange 'camera' contraption, Lilly set her fingers against the young lady's ribs, gentle, yet firm enough to be noticeable. Then, a woman's voice, right next to her ear, whispered her name. ".... Emma...."
Train? Full time? Assistant? Emma would have screamed and jumped all over the room, but luckily she had the common sense to stay calm and not look like a teenager.

"Oh, professor, that would be just wonderful. I would love that", she just told him before he offered her some coffee. She kindly refused it, as she had already had two cups at her place before leaving so she wouldn't fall asleep. One more cup so soon and she might start being too active and crazy.

He seemed shy again. Emma thought she might be being too daring on him, but she couldn't help the urge to touch him, be closer to him. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable, but she didn't either want to let him escape. This was the perfect opportunity to get closer to him, maybe get some action together, and she wanted to make the best of the night.

So when he asked her to refocus the camera, Emma got up so quick she got a little dizzy. She walked towards the bar, the camera he had pointed out. She held it up and again something strange happened.

First she started feeling some pressure against her ribs. It felt like fingers grabbing her. She stood still with the camera on her hand. Trying to calm down.

Emma, you are tired and excited. You've just started to imagine things. Please be calm or you'll ruin everything with the professor

But then she heard her name whispered on her ear: ".... Emma...." It was unmistakably a female voice. It scared her so much that she screamed and bounced, hitting lightly the camera she was holding. With the movement of her body she felt the touch on her ribs go.

She turned around and explained it to Matthew. He wouldn't think she was going crazy, right.

"Someone... Something..." she stuttered "I felt a grip on my ribs... And a woman whispering my name"

She hoped he believed her. He couldn't think she was making fun of him. Something must have appeared on his screen
Excited, Matthew lept from his seat, grabbed a monitor and walked quickly to Emma's side, sweeping the device to left and right.

"Hmm, a slight elevation in the electromagnetic background noise." He said to himself, but out loud. "Lets check the replay."

His excitment was obvious, his face a little flushed. To imagine that already they may have had actual ghostly contact was incredible and spoke well of what they might expect from the rest of the night. Quickly he sat down at the screens and replayed the last few minutes of footage from the camera Emma had been holding. Luckily it had been pointing at the girl and although a little fussy, as they watched, definate finger marks appeared on Emma top where the ghost had held her. Matthew could actually see the material being pressed in. He gasped and grinned as he looked up at Emma.

"It seems, my dear, you have had your first real ghostly encounter. Now lets see if we can work out who it might have been should we?"

He grabbed an Ipad from his bag and turned it on, selected a file, and began to flick through copies of old newspaper clippings he had scanned and uploaded to the device, and also his own files that he had written on the whorehouses history.

"Well, you said the voice sounded female? Ok, well that narrows it down a little, but of course there were many ladies who worked and lived here over the years, but ...." He skimmed a little more before finding an old photo of a buxom young lady leaning on a bar, this very bar in front of them, smiling at whomever had taken the picture. It was an old black and white style photo and the lady pictured was very pretty and dressed to show ample skin, as you might expect from an employee of a whorehouse, Matthew thought to himself. He read the blurb underneath the photo. "Well, this young lady is Lilly and she seems to have been a fixture of the bar here for many a long year. She had quite a reputation is seems."

The Prof grinned up at Emma.

"How do you feel about being touched up by the ghost of this young woman, hmm?" He meant it as a joke, but suddenly realised its sexual conitations as well and blushed a little, even though his mind conjured up an image of Lilly and Emma together kissing. He coughed again and reached for the ever present coffee.
Emma was starting to worry about him drinking so much coffee. Maybe it didn't affect him as much as it did to her. But if he went on drinking each time any comment made him a little uncomfortable, he'd be shaking from the caffeine in an hour.

But if any, Emma was more worried about the ghost that had just touched her. She was started to worry about what would happen in this Lily lady was not a friendly ghost. Could she hurt them? Or would she just touch them?

Emma kept looking at the lady's picture. She admitted that for a woman of that time, she looked so pretty. Emma was mainly focused on guys, but she had had some moments with a couple of girls. She looked at Lily's buxom and she could easily understand why Lily would have been so famous at the time.

So the professor's question made her think about many things.

"Well, scared, for starters," she admitted.

"But also curious. You know, why would she have touched me and not you. You know, her being a lady, you being a man... I guess I'm somehow flattered."

Emma started wondering about lesbians in that century. She guessed sex-girls (she hated to think about the words whore or prostitutes) would only be with other sex-girls. She doubted any lady would be going to a whorehouse looking for a service. So, did she looked like a whore to the lady ghost?

"Why do you think she has grabbed me like that?" She asked the professor, now imagining the busty woman holding her the way she felt before.
"Well, there could be many reasons." Matthew said sitting back and looking up at Emma from his chair, his expression thoughtful. "We believe that ghosts keep the personalities of how they were when alive. Now, if Lilly was bi sexual, or even a lesbian, it would make sense that she would possibly be more inclined to play with you than me maybe? You are after all a very attractive young girl, anyone would be ...." He stopped and blushed a little. "You know what I mean, I'm sure. You must have men chasing at school all the time."

He smiled at her, trying to make the mood less uncomfortable, or was it just him who felt a little warmer now. She really was very attractive he realised.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He blurted out before he could stop himself.