The whole thumb ring thing...


May 24, 2009
It was used by medieval archers for protection from their bows and by Chinese military officials to determine rank. Today, it has become more of a fashion statement. Women's thumb rings can be traced back to ancient Rome and Egypt. I do sometimes but for many its considered a Gay symbol which I didn't know until very recently. So if I do it, I do it on my right thumb which is supposed to mean I'm single.

Do you wear them? I like um. :)
It was used by medieval archers for protection from their bows and by Chinese military officials to determine rank. Today, it has become more of a fashion statement. Women's thumb rings can be traced back to ancient Rome and Egypt. I do sometimes but for many its considered a Gay symbol which I didn't know until very recently. So if I do it, I do it on my right thumb which is supposed to mean I'm single.

Do you wear them? I like um. :)

I like them but wearing them drives me crazy. I can't forget that it is there and it irritates me. LOL.
I prefer the look of these.
I bought some for my wife many moons ago, it might be time to revisit.
It would make a great steam-punk style.

Hmm. I bet I could find some artists to make me a set in a more steampunk style. That's a great idea!

They make hand movements so much more graceful.
I heard it symbolizes you as a carpet muncher.

I know! :rolleyes: And sadly that makes me wear them less. No more performing with them either because they've flown off a couple of times while dancing. They look cool while playing zills. Gays stole the rainbow too. :catroar:
I know! :rolleyes: And sadly that makes me wear them less. No more performing with them either because they've flown off a couple of times while dancing. They look cool while playing zills. Gays stole the rainbow too. :catroar:

You could put it on your toe in the fair weather seasons. Not sure if toe-rings have any secret meanings. ;)
I love wearing lil silver toe rings on my 'ring' toes. The ones next to my pinky toe. But I don't do big toe rings. A guy with a toe ring says Gay to me... but maybe not.