The "What I would like to write for" thread


Sep 24, 2002
I just had an idea! For a change, instead of the writers telling people their stories and asking if anybody's interested in writing, let's have a thread where the people interested in adding to a story talks about the kind of story they'd like to submit stories to. This way, writers who are interested in writing for a certain type of story ( like me :D ) can quickly contact the site editors of that story, making updates to released CHYOO stories even faster. :)

Personally, I'm interested in adding to mind control/timestop stories only. Especially ones with non-copyrighted characters or celebrities (I just don't have the will to do that). If anybody writing an MC story needs help adding to it, I'm your man. :D
Not a bad idea. :)

Personnally, I prefer stories about cartoon characters. Preferably something more than a story where you can just switch the toons' names and it wouldn't even matter. :p I especially like stories with a funny, or just plain weird twist. ;)

Oh, and fantasy stories about busty adventuress (is that even a word?!) aren't bad either. :)

What a good thread idea, Vance!

Here's an extract from couple of PMs where I was writing about what kind of stories I like to write for.
So what tends to attract me? Often it's some sort of hesitation, of "feeling out" whether there's energy between a couple of characters. A conversation or an interaction that is only sexual or seductive if both parties are paying attention.

I like characters who have distinct characteristics and a bit of wit and humor. This is what attracted me to AaronWebster 's A Middle Class Orgy, and SlidingInSilk 's works, as well as JonGrey 's Apartment 3G.

And I'm pretty much incurably nice, so even if I'm writing a "teasing" thread, I want it to be fun for both teaser and tease-ee. So I look for situations where I can do that.

On reflection, scratch the "incurably nice" bit. My threads for War and Sex in Fillindale under the "A Gnome" path have plenty of non-consensual action and dastardly scheming. Even a little teasing.

And the Melissa-Melanie kiss in one of my threads from A Middle Class Orgy perhaps isn't the nicest surprise for Melanie.
For stories outside my preferred genres/settings, I look for good "set up" situations where I can have some fun. In She's Hungry , there's a character telephoning his secretary to say he won't be in for work, while trying (and failing) to keep his sex-hungry wife quiet.
A Day At The Stone Wall Mall provided a couple of really good set-ups for teasing the ice cream store clerk.

- Zingiber
Hellooooo out there?

Anyone else care to step up and say what kind of story/situation you'd like to contribute to? I was hoping this would be a bigger discussion.

Lilguy? Ooohkitty? Daciasdesire?

Dare I ask for comment from SlidingInSilk?

- Z.
What i like to write for.

The threads i like to write for are mainly classed within the Erotic Couplings catagory. Or if in one of the others I pick maybe an Interracial story or a bit of Fan Fiction or similar. I only really write in Fan Fiction if Im really full bottle on the subject. I've written a few on Buffy and WWF for lilguy. I could perhaps write on Lesbian if i can across something that inspired me. Scifi/Fantasy, Exhibitionist/Voyeur and Cheating Wifes i could write on but just havent done so yet.

When I do add to someones stories its usally as they have added to me and I enjoy paying people back. That and i like adding to realy newly added stories. In From The Snow by Zingiber for example. Just me and Zingiber have written on this one. Sometimes I have a hard time getting started on some stories as I just cant come up with anything to write. A Day At The Stone Wall Mall by Ooohkitty is an example. Great story and I would love to add something but bugger me if i can come up with anything to write. Complete mind blank. The threads i do end up adding are uaslly early in the story as i love choices and devolping other stories. I like to influence a whole section of a story so if i pick a place to write i usally keep adding on to it.

What i dont write on is anything really long and detailed as I feel i couldnt match the quality of writting and I cant think of enough to make it worth adding. I try to keep my additions 500+ words as a personl rule. Catagoires i pretty much will stay away from are BDSM (Not Interested), Gay Male (Does nothing for me and I have nothing to base a thread on), Mind Control (Not Interested and I'm surprised at how popular it is), Non-Erotic (Go against the whole idea of Chyoo - sex!), Fetish (BIG TURN OFF as a whole), Humour & Satire (Im not funny and couldnt be if i tried) Mature (I like my characters late teens early 20's It where I'm getting my experience after all) Non-English (My French sucks) and Romance (I never was the Mills&Boon type). I also dont like to write on anal.

Anyway these are just my reasons for writting what i do. Everyone is free to write what they want which is what makes Chyoo the great site it is. Im Australian too which means i spell a little differently and I am a little unsure on some American cultural themes. I didnt know what a Hang-dog gaze was and things like that. Hope i havnt bored you.


Thank you, Dacia. :cathappy: -Z.

(a "hangdog gaze" isn't especially American, it just means I've swallowed a dictionary)
I like wild and adventurest thing. Stories with a little action in it along with the sex. That why I like fanfiction because you can do my wild stuff. Dont like to make it to easy for the guys

I also like mature women stories or where the woman the aggreser. Love rooting for the geeks in stories.

Also sometime I like to read and write just pure and mindless smut. I also like to write different fethishes
Tough question to answer

Hello folks,
the question of what do I like to write on is a tough one to answer. I don't want to sit here all night and type a 1000 word response. First off I am attracted to school girl stories as you can tell from my story A College Girl to be... It's the uniforms! Secondly I haven't found too many spy kind of stories. The first interactive story I ever read was George Tasker's Agent Hooters story. Which was a humor/statire story about Anna Nicole Smith... back when she was still sexy... I have a branch in my story about secret agent things.

I have experience writing about everything from f-f-m and m-m-f three sums to anal sex to cum shots and almost anything else. I've never wrote anything with two men being gay, I doubt I will. For some reason I feel like adding to a interracial story a blacks on blondes kind of thing. maybe you guys can sugest one or two.

I think that is all for now. To date I have wrote 61 threads, 40 for my story and 21 for other stories. The thing is, nobody likes to add to my story, I am not sure why. Any answers on that?

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
Don't worry about it Tim. :) I have started 7 stories so far. One of them got a LOT of additions (Jessica's Dream Life), others got a few (Tomb Raider: Escape from the Temple, Snow White and the Seven Inches) but only in the first few days, others get additions slowly but regularly (Bukkake Family)... Personnally, I contributed "steadily" to two stories so far, with a thread here and there in other stories. I also have a few stories noted down for when I'll have both time and inspiration. :)

All in all, getting regular updates to your stories is as much about writing good threads as getting another inspired author to read them. I suspect most Chyoo members to be more of the lurker than writer type... :p

Minerios the poofed Ranger
bungakawa2000 said:
All in all, getting regular updates to your stories is as much about writing good threads as getting another inspired author to read them. I suspect most Chyoo members to be more of the lurker than writer type... :p

So true! A story in particular I really wanted to add to was "Jack Takes Control", but unfortunately Parasite set that one to be a closed-up story. :( I'd also like to write some threads for "The Watch", "Time Stop", and "Sappho's Amulet". It's just that I heard CHYOO is pretty slow when it comes to updates and I don't want to work on anything unless I know that it will get posted relatively quickly.

Personally my favorite is the Cheating Wives category. The whole idea of sneaking around, tempting fate, being caught, and all the possible outcomes keeps me searching.

I am also an addict of the mind control stories, though I haven't added to any yet (none of them have inspired me).

I like the power control aspect of some of the BDSM stories.

In general I add on to a story that after I read a thread, I have a vivid picture in my head of what's going to happen next. I almost feel compelled to bang something out on my keyboard and contribute to the story. The better the writing, the more compelled I am to contribute.

I look for great character buildup, not simply great sex! I also like to get into the mindsets of the characters, to think what they're thinking, to feel what they are feeling. :p

I hate stories where the threads are extremely short, not thought out, and simply designed for depth of threads. Also bad grammar, and bad spelling mistakes are a real turnoff! :(

Beyond that, I also find it difficult to lure people to add on to my contributions! Is it all in the "hook" at the end of the thread?:confused:
Re: Favorites

SparkyMan said:
Beyond that, I also find it difficult to lure people to add on to my contributions! Is it all in the "hook" at the end of the thread?:confused:

I'm no professional when it comes to Literotica, but I can imagine that the more page views you have, the more likely people are going to add to your story. And to get a lot of page views, you need a story that' has as many threads and as much quality as possible.

Personally, I wouldn't write for a story unless the characters are so attractive or drawn out that I can't help but write about 'em. I'm not a big fan of hooks either; to me, that just says that the author ran out of ideas and wants to hand the story to somebody else. Quality breeds quality; if a story has a drawn-out plotline, that encourages people adding new threads to the story to innovate as well. ;)
Vance said:
I'd also like to write some threads for "The Watch", "Time Stop", and "Sappho's Amulet". It's just that I heard CHYOO is pretty slow when it comes to updates and I don't want to work on anything unless I know that it will get posted relatively quickly.

Chyoo is slow at approving the first pages of new stories. But after that, the quickness of adding new threads in the hands of the editor. Your thread might be added in a few minutes, if the editor is online at the time - or it might never be added, if the editor has left the scene.

A rough guide to how quickly a story will be updated could be founds by seeing when it was last updated. If it has not been touched for months, then the editor may have left.

A better guide would be to see who posts here in the forum. I know from experience that Zingiber, lilguy, Ooohkitty and of course myself will generally add a thread within 24 hours. That is probably true of others who post here regularly too. Because if we are here regularly, we must also be checking our stories regularly.
well the e-mail tell me when a story is done

For those who like cartoons

there is a kingdom Hearts story you may want to check out that I did in the Fan fiction section
Vance said:
So true! A story in particular I really wanted to add to was "Jack Takes Control", but unfortunately Parasite set that one to be a closed-up story. :( I'd also like to write some threads for "The Watch", "Time Stop", and "Sappho's Amulet". It's just that I heard CHYOO is pretty slow when it comes to updates and I don't want to work on anything unless I know that it will get posted relatively quickly.

I will respond in a very timely manner to additions to "Sappho's Amulet." I check my mail every day!
Just about anything

I like adding threads to just about any category of story. I agree with some other comments to the extent that a well-written introduction that leaves lots of possibilities open is good.

I also prefer longer threads, at least 500 words, and like to see the story developed as well as the sexual action. I like stories that are just pure sex, but it is fun to develop the story as well.

What would be cool would be the ability to map out in general where you see a story going on see if additional people would help with pieces.

I am new though so still feeling out how things work. I do agree that swift attention to new additions is a key. I have 10 threads that have been posted for over 10 days that I am beginning to wonder if the editor is still around.

Is there a way for the site monitor to shift editors for abandoned stories? There seem to be a lot of good stories that are not getting any attention.
gystex said:
I will respond in a very timely manner to additions to "Sappho's Amulet." I check my mail every day!

Oh really? :) Well then, looks like I'm going to have an MC story to write for until a school-related mf story (my favorite kind) gets opened up.

Thanks Gystex. I have some errands to run but as soon as the coast is clear I'm gonna whip up the old word processor and start spanking it like the bitch it is. :p
There are a number of factors that appeal to me in a story.

First, I like lesbians. Often I'll find a story I like that's set up for MF and make a FF thread come out of it. So far, I've had no objections from the editors.

I like a clever set up. "Kristin's first day at college" isn't nearly as interesting to me as something like Population Crisis or Aaralon's Discoveries. I like stories that involve situations that simply couldn't happen in real life. What else is CHYOO for? :D

I'm a stickler for grammar. I can't get into a story that's written in a sloppy manner, and I usually can't drum up the interest to write a thread for such a story.

I prefer the build-up to the climax. I have a lot more fun writing the tense moments before sex than the actual sex itself. This has caused some of my own stuff to be terminally unfinished, but when I'm adding threads to someone else's, I don't generally feel as obligated to wrap it up and bring everyone to orgasm.

I confess a thing for mind-control, even though I feel that such a thing belongs firmly in the realm of fantasy and would be immoral in real life.

What I don't write: BDSM (does nothing for me), anal (which I find icky), gay male (just not me), stuff involving real people (I just can't suspend my disbelief far enough to write it), incest (tasteless), or non-consent (which CHYOO doesn't support anyway, but I wouldn't do it if they did). Sex with inhuman characters in the realm of sci-fi and fantasy is also not on my list. I've made one exception to this in a thread I submitted to the aforementioned "Aaralon's Discoveries", but don't plan to do so again.

There are two ways to get me to submit a thread to a story. One is to simply ask me directly! I will always try my best to respond to requests. The other is to submit to one of mine (I have two, but right now only "Sappho's Amulet" is a going concern - the other one fizzled and I would remove it if I could).

Okay! I'm begging for people to add to my stories!

I have three out there right now!

Cheating Wives: The Politician's Wife

BDSM: Paying The Rent

BDSM: Andrea's Submission

Help! Tell me if they're worth contributing to!

... Or just contribute!

To make it easy for potential contributors to SparkyMan, here's his Chyoo "about" page with links to and a synopsis of each story:

About SparkyMan

- Z.