The Weather , why are we obsessed ?


Dinner Time
Dec 30, 2002
I don't believe the weather person most of the time yet I still tune in .. Why is that ?? Obsessing over something we don't have any control over , it's almost like a sport.
Sex in the rain is okay. Sex during hail is really only for the S&M inclined.

We obsess because we like the security of knowing. It makes us feel powerful and reassured. Even knowing something shitty is going to happen is better than not knowing whether or not something shitty may happen.
I like how the local weatherman now gives the forcast for Iraq. I don't trust them any more than here.
Sillyman said:
Sex in the rain is okay. Sex during hail is really only for the S&M inclined.

We obsess because we like the security of knowing. It makes us feel powerful and reassured. Even knowing something shitty is going to happen is better than not knowing whether or not something shitty may happen.


Sex in the hail.

Sillyman said:
Sex in the rain is okay. Sex during hail is really only for the S&M inclined.

We obsess because we like the security of knowing. It makes us feel powerful and reassured. Even knowing something shitty is going to happen is better than not knowing whether or not something shitty may happen.

But they're wrong so often. It's like we're asking for reassurance from someone making an educated guess , but we keep going back for more. It's an oxy moron. Hear me now believe me later.I always tune in though.:confused:
loveyamon said:
But they're wrong so often. It's like we're asking for reassurance from someone making an educated guess , but we keep going back for more. It's an oxy moron. Hear me now believe me later.I always tune in though.:confused:

Oooh! That's like Hans and Frans - "Hear me now and believe me later!"

A college roommate of mine took a meteorology class once. She tried to explain the storm front and other facts to some of us, but she didn't really understand it herself! She said her professor tended to change his mind at whim, and sometimes would test them over chapters they hadn't even covered, and it was most confusing!

I wonder if all meteorologists . . .?

loveyamon said:
But they're wrong so often. It's like we're asking for reassurance from someone making an educated guess , but we keep going back for more. It's an oxy moron. Hear me now believe me later.I always tune in though.:confused:

Because we're Americans, and we are so used to being fed bullshit by just about everybody 24/7 that someone can have almost no credibility what so ever beyond the fact they are an authoritative man in a suit and we will still listen to the asshole.

"Tonight's forecast: Dark. Continued dark throughout the evening; turning to partial light in the morning."

-George Carlin
sweetsubsarahh said:
Oooh! That's like Hans and Frans - "Hear me now and believe me later!"

A college roommate of mine took a meteorology class once. She tried to explain the storm front and other facts to some of us, but she didn't really understand it herself! She said her professor tended to change his mind at whim, and sometimes would test them over chapters they hadn't even covered, and it was most confusing!

I wonder if all meteorologists . . .?


Hans and Frans indeed !! I still want you in the rain though and what the hell bring your old roomate....:p .;)
loveyamon said:
But they're wrong so often. It's like we're asking for reassurance from someone making an educated guess , but we keep going back for more. It's an oxy moron. Hear me now believe me later.I always tune in though.:confused:

Depending on what you do, the weather is a fairly important concern. Its important to remember one simple fact about weather forecasting, the further out they extend the forecast, the less accurate it becomes.

Realistically your typical weather TV person is about as accurate as a three year old. They can probably tell you what it will do 12 hours from now, but beyond that forget it.

I like amateur astronomy, so when I'm interested in finding out if I'll have decent viewing conditions, I go straight to the satellite photos and check the wind speeds. Usually thats adequate for me to know if tonight will be good enough to break out the scope or not.
"Tonight's forecast: Dark. Continued dark throughout the evening; turning to partial light in the morning."

-George Carlin

Bobmi357 said:
Depending on what you do, the weather is a fairly important concern. Its important to remember one simple fact about weather forecasting, the further out they extend the forecast, the less accurate it becomes.

Realistically your typical weather TV person is about as accurate as a three year old. They can probably tell you what it will do 12 hours from now, but beyond that forget it.

Good point , weather doesn't always dictate my work but it does at times.The way I dress , prepare , etc. Ultimately I think I'm a glutton for punishment and a victim of age and routine at times ;)
Actually, my baby brother predicts weather naturally with a 98% accuracy. I don't need the weatherman.
Well If you work outside or are making any outdoor plans,then knowing the forecast might help determine what kind clothes to wear or if alternate plans should be made.
loveyamon said:
Hans and Frans indeed !! I still want you in the rain though and what the hell bring your old roomate....:p .;)

Should we bring a meteorologist?

Notice how all the weatherman these days have names with some sorta nature reference, in LA we have Johnny Mountain and Dallas Rains and I've heard similar names in other cities. Don't remember this trend when I was younger. Anybody else notice this?:confused:
Just something to do.. and see other friends and relatives...

in others side of the world that hows the wealther.. in thire home town

and i call call them.. to tell them to wear some extra clothes when they go out.

hehe,, one of the silly thing I do in real life... muah:kiss:
Sillyman said:
Our weatherman is a dick.

LMAO What do you hate most about him ?? Is it the arrogance , condescnding tone of his voice. What is it really that makes your weather beeatch get to you ??