The way a story series is displayed on an author's page


Mar 28, 2011
Good evening. If there is a better area of the forum for this question please let me know.

I am writing and submitting three books in a trilogy:
Finding Home: Odyssey
Finding Home: Sanctuary
Finding Home: Refiner's Fire

Each "book" has about 10 chapters, and I have submitted all of Odyssey, and am up to chapter 8 of Sanctuary. So far, the chapters have been all lumped together under the title "Finding Home - 19 Part series" and the chapters are listed 1 to 10 and then start over again at 1 and go up to 8.

What I would like is for each book to be listed separately:
Finding Home: Odyssey - 10 part series
Finding Home: Sanctuary - 8 part series

I requested this arrangement about 4 times, using the notes section on the submission page, and then kind of just gave up. Am I asking for something that is not possible for some reason? I don't know if there is something computer-generated that makes the similar titles unable to be separated? Are the editors just so busy sometimes they can't accommodate requests?

Thanks for your help
Confusing if you don't note that you're talking about how they are listed on the Series List rather than on your public author's list.

You'd probably have to take the colon out of the title to get them listed anywhere close to how you want them--and you'd still have trouble then, because the series list is by genre category and you cross category lines within your series.

But, no, you aren't going to get customized alphabetizing outside the set standard.
To the best of my knowledge, it's automated code that generates the series listings.

Assuming that's correct, it's not as simple as someone splitting that single series into multiple series. It would involve rewriting the code to have a second level of recognition for the second title level, which would then possibly muck up the recognition for other things ( such as recognizing entries without numbers... Prelude, Epilogue, etc. )

Honestly, I doubt there's any way you can split them up under the current code base, and when you get to book 3, it's going to display in alphabetical order, rather than series order. That's going to put it in the middle rather than at the end.

Like so many of us, you're pretty much stuck unless they get around to providing author-directed series grouping ( as was described when the series grouping was first introduced all those years ago )

Good evening. If there is a better area of the forum for this question please let me know.

I am writing and submitting three books in a trilogy:
Finding Home: Odyssey
Finding Home: Sanctuary
Finding Home: Refiner's Fire

Each "book" has about 10 chapters, and I have submitted all of Odyssey, and am up to chapter 8 of Sanctuary. So far, the chapters have been all lumped together under the title "Finding Home - 19 Part series" and the chapters are listed 1 to 10 and then start over again at 1 and go up to 8.

What I would like is for each book to be listed separately:
Finding Home: Odyssey - 10 part series
Finding Home: Sanctuary - 8 part series

I requested this arrangement about 4 times, using the notes section on the submission page, and then kind of just gave up. Am I asking for something that is not possible for some reason? I don't know if there is something computer-generated that makes the similar titles unable to be separated? Are the editors just so busy sometimes they can't accommodate requests?

Thanks for your help
My bet: it's your colon! No I am not calling you an asshole....I saw your titles running down in order Finding home: ## Followed by Finding Home: S.... The machine is alphabetizing and your titles are the same before the colon so it grouped them all into one series.
How to cure? My guess would be PM Laurel and tell her, she might be able to remedy the situation.
sr71plt - I am afraid I don't understand what a "Series list" is vs. "public author's list" - which one is the link I provided? And where do I find the other?

And you said the series list is by genre - I am also confused. They are listed by chapter, regardless of genre, again in the link I provided.

I'm not asking for customized alphabetizing - I'm asking for separate series to be listed separately. If the third book gets listed second because of alphabetizing, I don't care, as long as it's clear it's a separate book.

Reject Reality - I think I kind of understand what you are saying. Will the chapters for "Refiner's fire" end up in the middle of that long list, and not in the order submitted? If that is the case, then I might have to rename it all, with each book having a completely different name, or rename the last book when I submit it, to something that is after the letter "S".

I wish I had seen some guidance on this before I started. And yes, I looked everywhere and read almost every piece of advice that I thought was relevant.

Saxon_Hart - THANK YOU! that was the simple explanation I was hoping for. You posted while I was typing the above. I believe I understand now and will PM Laurel.
You can manage one element of it by editing the titles before you start book 3.

Finding Home Bk. 1: Subtitle
Finding Home Bk. 2: Subtitle

That will at least allow the series to list in order, because it will arrange according to the "Bk. x"

If you take it a step farther and go with "Book One" it might interpret that as a different series.

You'll then run into a problem I encountered in my main pen name, though. The code doesn't really account for title changes. When I posted one of mine without the "Ep. x" once, it created an entirely new, duplicate series.

( The LST3K series )

Editing the title so it matched the rest didn't fix the problem.

Even if it does split them up, I'd be willing to make at least a small wager that you'll end up with three separate series, and one huge series that includes them all.

Think I'd go the safe route and just use the "Bk. x" to make sure that one large series lists in series order.

If you're unfamiliar with the editing process at Lit, here's a post I made a couple of days ago that covers it.

You might be able to appeal to Laurel in a PM to make the title change, but I usually go through the standard editing process.
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Ok, that makes sense, and I really appreciate the post you made yesterday - that helps a lot.

One reason I didn't list them with "Book x " in the title was the space constraints in the box for the title. Is there a way around that? There is room for "Finding Home: Refiner's Fire Ch. 01" but not "Refiner's Fire: Finding Home Bk. 1 Ch. 01"

I wish I had thought of a shorter title ;-)
Ok, that makes sense, and I really appreciate the post you made yesterday - that helps a lot.

One reason I didn't list them with "Book x " in the title was the space constraints in the box for the title. Is there a way around that? There is room for "Finding Home: Refiner's Fire Ch. 01" but not "Refiner's Fire: Finding Home Bk. 1 Ch. 01"

I wish I had thought of a shorter title ;-)

That could certainly be a problem. If the title line isn't long enough to add the Bk. 1, then you're more or less stuck with appealing directly to Laurel. She's the only one who can override those limits.
sr71plt - I am afraid I don't understand what a "Series list" is vs. "public author's list" - which one is the link I provided? And where do I find the other?

And you said the series list is by genre - I am also confused. They are listed by chapter, regardless of genre, again in the link I provided.

I'm not asking for customized alphabetizing - I'm asking for separate series to be listed separately. If the third book gets listed second because of alphabetizing, I don't care, as long as it's clear it's a separate book.

Reject Reality - I think I kind of understand what you are saying. Will the chapters for "Refiner's fire" end up in the middle of that long list, and not in the order submitted? If that is the case, then I might have to rename it all, with each book having a completely different name, or rename the last book when I submit it, to something that is after the letter "S".

I wish I had seen some guidance on this before I started. And yes, I looked everywhere and read almost every piece of advice that I thought was relevant.

Saxon_Hart - THANK YOU! that was the simple explanation I was hoping for. You posted while I was typing the above. I believe I understand now and will PM Laurel.

On the link you give, the series are listed separately, with the chapters in order, so I guess I don't understand what you're asking. In the Stories Series listing, they are all lumped under "Finding Home" under separate categories.
On the link you give, the series are listed separately, with the chapters in order, so I guess I don't understand what you're asking. In the Stories Series listing, they are all lumped under "Finding Home" under separate categories.

What she's looking for is for each sub-titled series to be listed as its own series, rather than as parts of one large one.

Finding Home: Subtitle ( x part series )
Finding Home: Subtitle 2 ( x part series )

Since that's unlikely, we've moved on to trying to find a way to at least list the books in order, since the subtitle of #3 is going to put it in the middle of the series when alphabetized.
Thanks again, RejectReality.

I am still curious - where do I find the "Story Series" that sr71plt is referring to?
And one more question - is there any reason I can't put the chapter number in the description box (Chapter 10 - Everything happens) instead of in the title box, which would give me more room for the title?

Thanks again
And one more question - is there any reason I can't put the chapter number in the description box (Chapter 10 - Everything happens) instead of in the title box, which would give me more room for the title?

Thanks again

You could, but then it wouldn't mean anything as far as the order or inclusion in the series. The description field is just that, a text field for describing the story, chapter, part, book, whatever.