The moon hung low that evening, it’s silvery sphere reflected off the calm waters of the royal lake brought harmony to all whom looked upon that lake that night except for the lone figure that stood upon the royal balcony. His heart was twisted and blackened by the hatred that ravished upon his very soul. His body stood trembling in the warm summer’s breeze from the rage within. His mind portraying the happiness he witnessed just moments ago increased the inferno even more.
His fist doubled up and turned white with the amount of pressure he applied to them. His anger rendering his sense of feeling non-responsive to the pain of his fingers being crushed in the palm of his own hand. His Emerald eyes gleamed from burning anger as the images of her and him holding and touching each other repeatedly assaulted his mind and not to mention his heart, for he has fallen in love with his younger brothers wife, a woman that he had wanted the day he meet her which was only a few months ago, due to the fact that he was away with the military.
“One day, One day you will be mine!” his voice whispered into the summer’s breeze. His green orbs glared into the shadows of darkness. Images of her still swirled about his mind’s eye till the wanting desire brought pain and ache to his stomach. He spat and cursed his brothers name in anguish and unequivocal hatred for him for he was the first born son and had all the rights to the barons daughters hand, but no his younger brother had to step upon his rights and take the beauty away from him.
“Milord.” came a mans voice from behind, “Your presents is requested in the banquet hall.” the voice continued to come without consent of the elder son of the King. “Yes, be gone.” Robert’s voice annoyed by the calling of his presence, no doubt by his mother whom wishes for him to parlay with his younger brother and his newly acquired wife. Rummaging his fingers through his auburn hair he made an attempt to release all the anger and jealousy that ravished him only moments ago.
Taking a deep breath and releasing it into the wind, he turned and followed the messenger back to the banquet room. His eyes darted about all the guest to some he knew others he did not but was sure that they was known by either one of is family. He didn’t really care whom was here and whom wasn’t, he just wanted this night to end so that his torture would end as well, or at least lesson up since he would no longer have to look upon the two happily married couple. He spat and sighed at the very thought of them.
Moving to greet his mother, his gaze fell upon her standing by a table of refreshments, her husband standing next to her. Anger once again built up as he stared at them. Daggers for his brother, lust and desire for her, she was breath taking, a sight that mere men had no right for her beauty was for the gods. His mouth watered with the wanting to taste her flesh, his body ached with the wanting to fell hers next to his, his heart weeping with the loss her love for him.
“Robert.” came a familiar voice. His gaze left the two and refocused upon his mother standing next to him. It appeared that she was following his gaze to his brother and wife, “They make a wonderful couple don’t you think?” her words burned like a hot iron, but he could only nod and agree with her, “Yes, mother they do.” he felt ill at the words he just spoken. “Mother if you would excuse me, I have to greet the rest of the guests.” He slightly bowed to her and swiftly moved away.
He moved about greeting members here and there and finally meet someone whom was wanting to see his brother about some business that needed to be taken care of in the southern cities of the kingdom. He was more than merrier to take him to his brother, that would give him time to talk to his wife.
He lead the man through the crowd and walked up to his brother with a smile upon his face. “Brother, Tis nice to see you again.” his mouth tasted live bile from the nicety he had to perform. “I’m sorry to intrude upon you and your wife, but this man has an urgency to speak with you.” He stepped forward, “Don’t worry I shall keep your wife in company till you come back.” he added quickly as to stop John from bowing out at that moment. Nodding his approval as John looked to his wife and smiled to her before walking away with the man.
“Greetings, Milady.” He bowed his head slightly to her, “I’m Robert Noric, Umm I’m sure you already knew that.” He felt a small lump form in his throat now that he was this close to the object of his ultimate desire. “I’m sorry I just got back from the northern borders and haven’t caught up with all the information of what has been going on around here…So I’m embarrassed to ask thee what is your name?” his eyes fell upon hers
His fist doubled up and turned white with the amount of pressure he applied to them. His anger rendering his sense of feeling non-responsive to the pain of his fingers being crushed in the palm of his own hand. His Emerald eyes gleamed from burning anger as the images of her and him holding and touching each other repeatedly assaulted his mind and not to mention his heart, for he has fallen in love with his younger brothers wife, a woman that he had wanted the day he meet her which was only a few months ago, due to the fact that he was away with the military.
“One day, One day you will be mine!” his voice whispered into the summer’s breeze. His green orbs glared into the shadows of darkness. Images of her still swirled about his mind’s eye till the wanting desire brought pain and ache to his stomach. He spat and cursed his brothers name in anguish and unequivocal hatred for him for he was the first born son and had all the rights to the barons daughters hand, but no his younger brother had to step upon his rights and take the beauty away from him.
“Milord.” came a mans voice from behind, “Your presents is requested in the banquet hall.” the voice continued to come without consent of the elder son of the King. “Yes, be gone.” Robert’s voice annoyed by the calling of his presence, no doubt by his mother whom wishes for him to parlay with his younger brother and his newly acquired wife. Rummaging his fingers through his auburn hair he made an attempt to release all the anger and jealousy that ravished him only moments ago.
Taking a deep breath and releasing it into the wind, he turned and followed the messenger back to the banquet room. His eyes darted about all the guest to some he knew others he did not but was sure that they was known by either one of is family. He didn’t really care whom was here and whom wasn’t, he just wanted this night to end so that his torture would end as well, or at least lesson up since he would no longer have to look upon the two happily married couple. He spat and sighed at the very thought of them.
Moving to greet his mother, his gaze fell upon her standing by a table of refreshments, her husband standing next to her. Anger once again built up as he stared at them. Daggers for his brother, lust and desire for her, she was breath taking, a sight that mere men had no right for her beauty was for the gods. His mouth watered with the wanting to taste her flesh, his body ached with the wanting to fell hers next to his, his heart weeping with the loss her love for him.
“Robert.” came a familiar voice. His gaze left the two and refocused upon his mother standing next to him. It appeared that she was following his gaze to his brother and wife, “They make a wonderful couple don’t you think?” her words burned like a hot iron, but he could only nod and agree with her, “Yes, mother they do.” he felt ill at the words he just spoken. “Mother if you would excuse me, I have to greet the rest of the guests.” He slightly bowed to her and swiftly moved away.
He moved about greeting members here and there and finally meet someone whom was wanting to see his brother about some business that needed to be taken care of in the southern cities of the kingdom. He was more than merrier to take him to his brother, that would give him time to talk to his wife.
He lead the man through the crowd and walked up to his brother with a smile upon his face. “Brother, Tis nice to see you again.” his mouth tasted live bile from the nicety he had to perform. “I’m sorry to intrude upon you and your wife, but this man has an urgency to speak with you.” He stepped forward, “Don’t worry I shall keep your wife in company till you come back.” he added quickly as to stop John from bowing out at that moment. Nodding his approval as John looked to his wife and smiled to her before walking away with the man.
“Greetings, Milady.” He bowed his head slightly to her, “I’m Robert Noric, Umm I’m sure you already knew that.” He felt a small lump form in his throat now that he was this close to the object of his ultimate desire. “I’m sorry I just got back from the northern borders and haven’t caught up with all the information of what has been going on around here…So I’m embarrassed to ask thee what is your name?” his eyes fell upon hers