The wanting...{Closed for Wideeyedone}



The moon hung low that evening, it’s silvery sphere reflected off the calm waters of the royal lake brought harmony to all whom looked upon that lake that night except for the lone figure that stood upon the royal balcony. His heart was twisted and blackened by the hatred that ravished upon his very soul. His body stood trembling in the warm summer’s breeze from the rage within. His mind portraying the happiness he witnessed just moments ago increased the inferno even more.

His fist doubled up and turned white with the amount of pressure he applied to them. His anger rendering his sense of feeling non-responsive to the pain of his fingers being crushed in the palm of his own hand. His Emerald eyes gleamed from burning anger as the images of her and him holding and touching each other repeatedly assaulted his mind and not to mention his heart, for he has fallen in love with his younger brothers wife, a woman that he had wanted the day he meet her which was only a few months ago, due to the fact that he was away with the military.

“One day, One day you will be mine!” his voice whispered into the summer’s breeze. His green orbs glared into the shadows of darkness. Images of her still swirled about his mind’s eye till the wanting desire brought pain and ache to his stomach. He spat and cursed his brothers name in anguish and unequivocal hatred for him for he was the first born son and had all the rights to the barons daughters hand, but no his younger brother had to step upon his rights and take the beauty away from him.

“Milord.” came a mans voice from behind, “Your presents is requested in the banquet hall.” the voice continued to come without consent of the elder son of the King. “Yes, be gone.” Robert’s voice annoyed by the calling of his presence, no doubt by his mother whom wishes for him to parlay with his younger brother and his newly acquired wife. Rummaging his fingers through his auburn hair he made an attempt to release all the anger and jealousy that ravished him only moments ago.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it into the wind, he turned and followed the messenger back to the banquet room. His eyes darted about all the guest to some he knew others he did not but was sure that they was known by either one of is family. He didn’t really care whom was here and whom wasn’t, he just wanted this night to end so that his torture would end as well, or at least lesson up since he would no longer have to look upon the two happily married couple. He spat and sighed at the very thought of them.

Moving to greet his mother, his gaze fell upon her standing by a table of refreshments, her husband standing next to her. Anger once again built up as he stared at them. Daggers for his brother, lust and desire for her, she was breath taking, a sight that mere men had no right for her beauty was for the gods. His mouth watered with the wanting to taste her flesh, his body ached with the wanting to fell hers next to his, his heart weeping with the loss her love for him.

“Robert.” came a familiar voice. His gaze left the two and refocused upon his mother standing next to him. It appeared that she was following his gaze to his brother and wife, “They make a wonderful couple don’t you think?” her words burned like a hot iron, but he could only nod and agree with her, “Yes, mother they do.” he felt ill at the words he just spoken. “Mother if you would excuse me, I have to greet the rest of the guests.” He slightly bowed to her and swiftly moved away.

He moved about greeting members here and there and finally meet someone whom was wanting to see his brother about some business that needed to be taken care of in the southern cities of the kingdom. He was more than merrier to take him to his brother, that would give him time to talk to his wife.

He lead the man through the crowd and walked up to his brother with a smile upon his face. “Brother, Tis nice to see you again.” his mouth tasted live bile from the nicety he had to perform. “I’m sorry to intrude upon you and your wife, but this man has an urgency to speak with you.” He stepped forward, “Don’t worry I shall keep your wife in company till you come back.” he added quickly as to stop John from bowing out at that moment. Nodding his approval as John looked to his wife and smiled to her before walking away with the man.

“Greetings, Milady.” He bowed his head slightly to her, “I’m Robert Noric, Umm I’m sure you already knew that.” He felt a small lump form in his throat now that he was this close to the object of his ultimate desire. “I’m sorry I just got back from the northern borders and haven’t caught up with all the information of what has been going on around here…So I’m embarrassed to ask thee what is your name?” his eyes fell upon hers
Corinne was just getting settled in to her new home. Her father had always been a power player in the kingdom. He came from a long line of climbers, each generation he came one step closer to the throne. However, marrying his daughter to a prince was a triumph. He had wanted to hold out for the heir, but the younger brother would do. The eldest had a reputation for having a warrior’s spirit and easily, he could be lost at battle.

Corinne had been groomed for life at court. She knew how to pass time with needle and thread listening to the Queen gossip. She also knew how to dance well and disappear when the men began speaking of intrigue and war. She spoke several languages and knew how to be a gracious hostess. Her husband had been kind and gentle with her so far. He wanted her to be at home in the castle. He seemed almost boyish to her. He enjoyed carousing with his friends, and training with wooden swords during the day. He was always off to a hunt or staging some sort of tournament or ridiculous dare. It was not what Corinne expected.

This night the castle was in celebration. The heir was coming home from war. Tonight was a feast in his honor. His men were all packed into the great hall, ale was being poured freely and the tables were piled with all of the delights the royal kitchens had to offer. Corinne was dressed in her finery. She was wearing a gown of royal blue and white, the colors of her new husband’s shield. Her honey colored hair was down and soft around her face. She was smiling but her golden brown eyes were taking in her surroundings.
She was a bit surprised when her husband’s brother introduced himself. It was almost as if he was a more mature and more rugged version of Liam. They had seen each other a few times before he had been called off to war, but Corinne had hardly spoken to him.

Her voice quavered when she introduced herself to the gruff prince. He seemed to tower over her and his eyes seemed to look like through her. She took a small sip of wine to gain a moment to think.
“Your whole kingdom is glad that you are home safe and I know Liam has missed his elder brother.” Her voice was smooth and sweet. She was glad to see him home and her heart was beating just a little faster standing next to him.
She was as gorgeous as ever, her lustrous hair encompassing her soft, gentle face, Her orbs gleamed with happiness, his happiness, a distaste filled his mouth, the hatred burned deep for his little brother for taking this fair maiden from him. He raised his wine glass to her and took a sip, following her creed in politeness. She wore is brothers colors how he would love to remove them from her and place her in his battle colors of black and red, colors that she by right should be dawned upon. The anger twitched within him but he remained calm in her presents, for she hasn’t done anything to receive any of this anger.

“I’m honor milady for you to grace these halls with your elegance in our welcome home celebration.” His emerald eyes gleamed taking in her beauty. He remained a gentleman and didn’t let his eyes wonder over her. It was difficult not to do so, he was almost wishing to be on the battlefield right now instead of depriving his eyes from taking in all of her beauty. He took another sip of his wine forcing his eyes off of her. His heart was beating rapidly. Even this breakage of gaze her aroma was tantalizing, pulling his desire and lust from the depths of his soul to the brink of spilling out over the edge of his control.

“If I may step forward and be most forward with you. My brother has exquisite taste on choosing a wife whom would chase shadow and dark from all corners with her charm and beauty.” His words were his own feelings towards her, his taste of choosing her. She was by all counts the fairest of them all. The beating of his heart was now in his throat. Here he stood here talking with the woman he wanted to bed, the one he wanted to be his. She was the reason he went to war, she was the one whom he would die for, not the land of this kingdom but for her.

Her beauty. How he would love to run his fingers through her soft hair. How he would love to look upon her face in the morning light. How he would love to see that sparkle in her orbs of golden upon looking at him. How he would love to feel her hands upon his cheek with tender. To feel her soft lips upon his, to feel his upon hers. To feel her warmth in a cold nights bliss. To feel the warmth of her love binding his heart which was already hers…
Corinne smiled softly at his compliment. “Your father chose me. Your brother has been very kind to me. But I am not sure he was really ready to settle down and have a wife. He enjoys hunting and carousing with his friends. The barmaids and farmers’ daughters think he is very handsome.” She giggled as she spoke. Her words were not malicious, only honest.

Corinne led them to the head table. She would be seated between the two brothers when Liam returned. The room was full of merriment. There was good wine, musicians, and food fit for the king. Corinne raised her glass.
“To your safe return, we all rejoice.” She toasted him before she took another sip.

Her royal mother in law appeared with a wry expression on her face.
“Where is Liam off to? He isn’t off dicing with his friends is he?” She asked sharply. Corinne explained that he had been called to talk business with a traveler in for the celebration. The queen nodded and then rolled her eyes. “With these men it is always something.”

Corinne and Robert sat side by side through the meal and chatted just a bit.
“When will your wedding be? Your father says he must start looking for a bride for his heir.”
A pause, a moment of silence occurred when he heard the words spoken by Corinne about his father choosing her instead of Liam which was odd to an extent. He would chose five or six woman of the kingdoms and then have you choose you wife from that list, but not to have a list and just point to one and say that is the one your marring was bizarre, but there might have been a circumstances that brought that on, but what really caught his attention was her decree of how Liam responded to the marriage and his demeanor toward her and their marriage. This was a breaking point that he needed. A plan was forming and all he had to do was play the Knight in shining armor to win Corinne’s hand from him. A smile rose upon his face.

Robert nodded to Corinne upon seeing her hand gestured for him to follow her. They moved from the center cornerstone room where guests were still gathered talking the latest gossip of the realm. Robert only shook his lightly at them with disgust for all the talk and chatter was about Corinne and Liam. His muscles twitched expending the mounting energy that his anger was fueling. Soon they arrived at the Kings table and took their places. Robert was on Corinne’s left and his still absent brother Liam would be on her right, which should have been his.

His green orbs gleamed in the candle light as he looked about enjoying some of the activities. His foot began unintentionally tap to the beat of the music, it has been a long time since he has heard good song and dance for that is hard to come by when your in the field of battle. His gaze caught Corinne’s raising her glass in a saluting fashion. He quickly grabbed his glass and rose it to her words.

“I thank thee and all of you for this grand welcome home celebration. But it is you that deserve the toast for allowing you sons to enter the field of battle and bring safety to our kingdom. TO YOUR SONS!” he yells and take a deep sip of the wine.

He didn’t touch the food that was placed before him. He didn’t want to eat in front of such beauty. So he remained puissant and watched the others enjoy the food and wine. He did however take several long looks upon the beauty that was so close to him. He could smell her fragrance and it was setting him on fire with lust and desire.

He turned toward her when she spoke to him. “My wedding Milady?” He chuckled as he moved the plate of food away from him. “That is something my father and I haven’t come to a full circle yet. I do not see it in the near future.” He shot a quick glance at his father and mother whom was looking this direction. He wondered if his father figured out that he sent Liam to this traveler so that he wouldn’t be here at the celebration. He just shook his head lightly and turned back toward Corinne.

“May I ask how that makes you feel about Liam and his friends, and umm his lady friends. It is shameful to leave such elegance behind for others whom are shadowed by her beauty.” He shook his head in disbelief, however these were facts that he was going to play on to win the bedding right of this woman. “May I have the first dance if your husband is not here to take you hand?” He smiled at her..
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Corinne sighed deeply.

"It is not my place to speak against my Prince. I should honor his position as my husband. If he doesn't attend to me, then that is my failing. Your mother says that I need to do more to hold his attention. She says I need to lure him into our chamber...." her voice trailed off.

The musicians began to play and Liam was no where in sight. The king and queen made the first round of the cleared stone floor. The queen was still lovely even though her hair had thick streaks of silver in it. The King was showing his age more, but he was regal and tall, just like his sons.

Corinne watched the dancing.

"Liam is absent yet again." Corinne sighed.

She began tracing the grain of the wood with her fingertips. She missed her home. Her time at court had been very lonely.
The silver goblet nestled within his palm perfectly as he swirled it around, his eyes focusing upon the liquid as it spun around the tip several times. His mind drifted to her statement that she didn’t want to finish and was wondering if he should proceed to walk down that path of conversation. It surely would bring a new light upon this situation that he is presently afflicted with. The thought of her having to lure him to do anything in this early stage of marriage meant things were not as they appear, their happiness was only a fine cloth concealing the wickedly table.

He looked over at her, taking his eyes off of the swirling liquid, to capture a glimpse of her mood. Her gaze was not to be seen by him for it was focused upon the King and Queen whom took their place upon the stone flooring. His eyes receded from them and returned to her. His mouth was dry when he lifted his glass and took a sip of sweet wine. His eyes loomed over the edge of the glass and settled upon her. She held a look of dismay. It appears that she from the beginning of this night thought that she would be curtsied by her husband all night and, therefore, would be able to spend time with him a event that seldom happens for he is with his friends and local wenches. These facts were giving by her earlier this evening.

It was disheartening to him to see her belittle as to nothing but a trophy that would only be dusted off on special events or dignitaries coming to the castle to meet with the royal family, other than that this is what she will be doing sitting alone waiting for him to come home so she can put on a smile and act as if she is above content. A life of loneliness.

He watched her picking at the table, sorrow was settling in upon her face and orbs, for they no longer sparkled as they did earlier. Her eyes continued to look at the empty chair beside her. “Mi’lady, I see that your husband has yet to return from his concern of the southern towns. Since this is a celebration upon our return would you honor this old solider a welcome home dance?” he kept the asking as political as he could, but the truth was he lusted to dance with her. He extended his bent elbow to her. “If I may your highness.”
Corinne took his arm and allowed Robert to lead her to the dancefloor. The dancefloor was filled with women in brightly colored dresses and noblemen wearing the colors of thier houses.

The music filled the room and Corinne allowed herself to enjoy the music and the dance. Robert was light on his feet and his hand nestled the small of her back. She found herself wanting to lay her head on her shoulder but she could not. It would be unseemly.

The queen looked over at them with pursed lips. She looked at Corrine and scowled.

"Your mother looks displeased." Corinne sighed deeeply.

They stayed on the dancefloor together for the remaineder of the song and the entirety of the next. Corinne felt at ease in Robert's arms. She wished that the King had been patient. Robert was much more suited for her.
His ocean blue orbs closed slightly when he felt her take his arm. The contact sent shivers escalating across his body. This was the moment he has been waiting for, dreaming of every since he laid his eyes upon her. She was his inspiration for waking the next morning, to take the first breath of a new day. He looked upon her with a smile, and a respectful nod. “Shall we my lady.” his hand gestured to the dance floor.

The room was vibrant with music and cheer. He held her close, his hand centered upon the small of her back as he gently took the lead and spun her around a few times and caught her into his arm with exceptional accuracy. His hands always remaining in contact with her body in a fashionable manner, never betraying the gentlemen’s mannerism. He kept his eyes upon her for she was the most stunning creature that graced these halls this very evening.

He noted her gaze leading his to his mother whom was more than irritated that her favorite son was not here showing off his trophy, but the war mongrel was here and had his hands upon her body and the way Corinne responded to the touching was approving. He only looked upon her with hidden hatred for her as well, for she was the one that was really controlling what was going on here this evening, his father giving in just to avoid confrontation.

“My mother is only worried about her political ambitious son, and this, you dancing with me shows that all is not well in the royal house. But don’t fear she will not hold you responsible for this. I will be her target. “I shall shield you my lady.” he whispered to her. So close to her neck he wanted to bury his head deep and taste her very skin.

The night went on and not only did he get one dance with the one he desired to bed, but two, making the evening even more acceptable to him. “My Lady after the dance would you mind taking a walk in the garden with me. He knew it was going to be a full moon this night and nothing would be more romantic than walking the garden in the full moon light. “That is of course if your husband is not back.”
Before they could make their exit to the garden, Liam arrived with his passle of young friends. They were laughing and it was obvious they had been drinking.

Liam was smiling when he joined them. "Here is my pretty wife and my hero brother... a traveler brought me sweet wines from the east. " He grabbed Corinne by the waist tightly and began wetly kissing her neck.

"Isn't she pretty, Robert. I am so very lucky that you were off to war." Liam laughed and his friends laughed with him.

Liam began to fondle Corinne through her dress. Corinne tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Please, Liam.... let me go."
It wasn’t that long after asking Corinne about going to the garden that her husband and rag tag band of over merited friends entered into the ceremonial hall. Their slandering words and ridiculous laughter told the story all to well. Robert shook his head at the poor display that his brother was giving all to see, but was at the same time hoping that he would make things worse, because every little crack that he makes in the bonding of marriage makes it easier for him to take her away from him.

He stood watching the events unfold when all of a sudden Liam jolted over and joined Corinne and Him. His eyes narrowed as the anger of him coming back just as he was about to take her to the garden enraged him inside but he was calm and collected on the exterior. He wanted to much as to tell Liam that he should go and sleep off his drunkenness and stop making a fool of himself, in which, would have been rid of him and gave him more time with her.

When he grabbed his wife by the waist and pulled her to him. Kissing her neck barbarically he stepped forward with the wanting desire to bash is brothers face in with his fist, but he stopped himself from acting upon the event, however, he clenched his fists in extreme anger when Liam’s words hit him, His body trembled with the rage that was burning him so deep that images of his brothers death was becoming more real to him.

His eyes narrowed and he could no longer stand the events that unfolded, Liam began to fondle Corinne through her dress even with her trying to escape his grasp, begging him to let her go. Robert stepped forward with rage burning in his eyes.

“RELEASE THE PRINCESS AT ONCE!” He shouted after his fist was already heading Liam’s face. The hit echoed within the silent hall as Liam reared backward from the impact of Roberts’s heavy fist. “You do not treat a lady of the royal house like some bar wench.” He stepped forward cutting off his path to Corinne. “I highly suggest you take your drunken ass to your room and sleep it off, and take your worthless cowards with you.” His hands still clenched into fists ready to spring upon him again if needed… He stood and waited for Liam to decided if he was going to retreat or get bashed some more…
Corinne staggered backwards when Liam let go of her. She stared in disbelief and then the Queen arrived.

"Stop this unseemly behavior. Corinne escort your husband to your chamber. Please make sure he gets to bed safely. Robert, this is not the battlefield. Your brother is within his rights to touch his wife any way he likes." She hissed.

The Queen stood between the brothers until Corinne helped Liam to the stairs. She looked back over her shoulder at Robert, but could say nothing with the Queen staring at her.

The Queen turned to Robert.
"You have shamed your brother and yourself this night. I expect to talk to you about it tomorrow."

She turned on her heel and headed back to the king. Soon the music was playing again and the room was back to the celebration.

Upstairs, Corinne was helping Liam undress. Liam was moaning and holding the side of his face.

"He is a bully. He has always picked on me. He wants you because you are mine."
Rage, jealousy, betrayal coursed through Roberts body and mind while his gaze was locked upon Liam. He wanting nothing less than death for his brother. The one whom took his destiny away and then the lady of his dreams was palming her like an animal pouncing upon it’s pray. He wasn’t going to stand by and watch him humiliate her in front of god and country.

Robert turned with such anger and rage his hand went to his pommel as he squared off with his mother. “He does not have the right to grope and humiliate her in front of the guests, nor me.” he stepped toward his mother fist still clenched upon his sword. “No mother this isn’t the battlefield. It’s the castle that a prince still has to suck on his mothers TIT!”

Robert caught Corinne’s gaze back at him and he instantly nodded toward the garden. His eyes filled with the wanting look of a man to a woman that held his heart. He lowered his head to hide the pain that ravished his gut. The jealous of his brothers hands upon her body ignited his anger even more.

He turned and looked at his mother and her last words to him. “Mother, “ he bowed his head to her but held a stone cold face as he watched her rejoin the king. He looked over the room before walking up the stairs toward his bothers room. He wanted her and if he had to take her this night he was going to do so…And while he was taking her pussy, he would make sure he was watching him fucking his wife…
Corinne helped Liam to bed. She peeled his clothes off and covered him up. She waited a few minutes to make sure he was asleep. Then she covered herself with his cloak and made her way down to the garden.

Corinne quietly snuck down the kitchen stairs and then out to the garden. The celebration was still going. Corinne could feel her heart pounding.

"Robert...." She whispered into the night air. The sky was full of stars and the breeze was fragrant with the scent of flowers.

"Your highness.... are you here?" Corinne could hear the quaver in her voice.
Robert made his way toward the bedroom, but stopped when someone left closed the door and headed down the corridor, they dawned Liam’s cloak, but the frame was too small for it to be him. He followed the figure quietly down the Kitchen stairwell, curiosity waging high with him as they moved across the kitchen floor and out into the garden. There he stood in the shadows watching the figure intently.

He heard his name whispered , and his title called out to him. The voice was well known to him. Heavily his breath took a hold of him, his body trembled for the one he so desperately wanted came to him on her own accord. He swallowed hard trying to rid himself of the lump in his throat but failed in doing so. His eyes looked upon her as the moonlight struck her. She was the most beautiful woman he has ever had the privilege to lay his eyes upon.

Silently he looked around the garden to ensure that no one else was around. Before making is location known to her. After several sharp scanning’s over the place everything was secure, the garden was empty.
My Lady! Over here.” he stepped out of the darkness so that she could see him.
Corinne swept her skirts into a curtsy.

"I am so sorry for Liam's behavior, Prince Robert. Liam is upstairs sleeping off his drink."

Corinne allowed the hood of the cloak she was wearing to fall down off her hair. In the moonlight, she felt a little more brave.

"Sometimes I wonder what might have happened if you weren't at war... if our father's had been willing to wait. " She bit her lip. She knew she shouldn't be saying such things, but she was tired of Liam's antics.

Seeing Robert in the flesh made her even more aware of the lack in Prince Liam.
Robert stood dazzled by the beauty that Corinne held, her elegance more worth that his weight in pure gold. He questioned his own worth when compared to the rights to have this woman’s hand. No matter how he weighted it, he was not worthy of such elegancy. His gaze lowered from her to the ground beneath him. His hand hooked upon his sword belt the other rubbing his chin in thought. Even with his own perspective of not measuring up to her, he wanted her, he wanted to know how she would feel next to him in a state of sleep, How she would look greeting the morning sun with him next to her. He wanted to hear her voice when she greeted the morning birds as they sang their song.

Her words of apology brought him up sharply. “No, Milady, You have nothing to apologize about. You do not carry the shame that my brother has brought to himself. You have not aided in his flaws or character; in fact, you have brought out the best in him which wasn’t much for you to work with.” He stepped toward her, his gaze upon her face, when her hood dropped he stopped himself. Her beauty in the moonlight stuck him as if he was stabbed by a dagger. ‘By the gods, she is so beautiful.’ his mind voiced outward.

He swallowed hard upon hearing her last words. Was she wishing that he was here so that he would have her hand? His heart raced with the thoughts that made him feel weak in the knees. He scanned over her face, reading what he could. He was good at reading faces of poker, but now he was at a loss, should he advance upon her with these words or should he agree with her and stand in his place as an escort for her in the garden. His soul ached with the pain of her being so close and surrounded by a mist of unknown ground. A battlefield would be easier to navigate at this very moment.

He decided, He moved up to her, sliding his arms around her waist he pulled her to him. Lowering his head, “I want you now.” he pressed his lips to hers, slid his tongue out and pressed the tip against he lips. He wanted to taste the sweetness of her mouth. He moaned with an animal growl…
Corinne was surprised when Robert's mouth closed over hers. She whimpered against his mouth. Her hands pressed to his strong chest. He held her to him so tightly that she was drawn up to her tiptoes. She started to pull away, but it just felt right to be in his arms. She snuggled in tighter.

"Don't let go..." She whispered against his kisses.

He seemed to own her with his kisses, his hands caressing her body through her gown.

Corinne felt the garden wall behind her. Robert's body was against her. His chest pressed to her. His strong arms, holding her close.

"My Robert..." She whispered against his neck.
The forbidden fruit, a fruit that held his soul like a vice grip since the very first time he saw her. The pull upon his very soul would be detrimental in time if he had not taken the steps that he was taking now. Her lips were soft, moist and most desirable. He could not get enough of her so he embraced her even more, pulling her body to his.

He felt her hands upon his chest that burned him like a branding iron. His animalistic growl escaped his lips as he pushed his tongue forward wanting to taste her sweetness. His hands explored her back, and squeezed her flesh with wanting desire and burning lust. She felt so good in his arms, against his body. His mind crazed by the feelings of her, he plotted to kill his brother just to have this woman to bed for the rest of his life. He moaned into her mouth as he explored hers with his tongue.

“By the Gods.” he whispered into her when he felt her resign and faltered into his embracing arms. “Milady I shall never let go.” He promised her, His hands now moving down over her well-toned curves of her behind.

Upon hearing her whispering his name, he picked her up and placed her on top of the garden wall. His hands moving up grasping her fabric near her neck and pulling if off over her shoulder. He nibbled, sucked and kissed her tender nape, only to rise up and nibble upon her earlobe before moving back to her nape kissing her.

“I want you Milady,” he whispered in wanting desire…
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Corinne slid her leg around his.

"We shouldn't do this. I do not want to cause you more heartache..." She whispered.

Corinne whimpered when his mouth found the hollow of her throat and then trailed to her bared shoulder. She had lost her maidenhead to her husband but had not found any real pleasure with him. She could feel the heat building in her body.

"Robert." She whispered. She felt his hand slip under her skirts. His warm strong hand sliding up her sleep leg.
He held her, touched her, and wanted her. Her words were fire, dangerous, commanding but yet filled with wanting or was it just his wanting desire to believe that she wanted him. His hand touching her inner thigh, his lips upon her skin, tasting, licking, wanting to touch every inch of her body, but her words, a dagger to the mood, but in contradiction to the language of her body. He moaned not wanting to stop, but not wanting to ruin what he might have forever for only one moment.

His breathing heavy, his lips still kissed and sucked upon her nape, but his hand backed off, waited to see if she still wanted nothing from him. He nibbled her flesh, pressed himself into her legs bringing himself closer to her love nest. His hand falling away but moved to her waist, pulling her even more to him, wanting her body to feel him, him to feel hers.

“Milady.” he took a moment to answer her calling of him. He slightly pulled back to look into her eyes only momentarily before lowering his lips to hers..
Corinne pulled him closer.

"My love..." She whispered, her thighs parting even more, drawing him close.

Corinne kissed his throat again, her legs wrapped him.

"Don't stop, my love. Please" She moaned against his throat.

Corinne's heart pounded, she was breathless. She knew that if they were caught, the scandal would rock the palace.
Robert felt her pulling him into back into her. Her words of love blazed through him. He longed to hear her say those words and now that she has, it was his right to passage. A forbidden love accepted by her at this very moment. She didn’t say these words in heated desire for she willing came to him in the dead of night in a desolate garden and now is offering her to him.

He didn’t feel power, or that he was a better man than his brother, what he felt was the love that he held for this woman ,whom was taken away from his right to have her hand, was now in the arms of the man that deserved her love. She, she was paraded around like a trophy, when she should be worshipped as the soon to be Queen. He would make her Queen, have her rule at his side, not shamed nor abused by one who only had power by having it handed to him instead of earning the right to bear the crown.

Her kissing upon his throat, the feel of her legs wrapping around his waist snapped his dwelling and refocused his mind upon her. “Milady, I do want to take you this evening, But I want more, I want you as my wife.” His hands moved up and slipped the cloak off of her. His breathing heavy as she continued to kiss upon him and encourage him to continue. Her soft moans aroused him further into the quest of taking the forbidden fruit.

His hands continued, slowly he began to slide the gown off of her left shoulder, lowering his head down, he began to kiss and nibble upon the flesh of her shoulder. His hands roaming over her back pressing her to his devouring lips. He moaned with the savor of her skin, her softness. His breathing now labored as he pushed the other side down over her shoulder exposing more of her skin, and the cleavage of her breasts…
Corinne whimpered when he said he wanted her for more than this night.

"I can not undo what has been done. I belong to your brother. Our union was sealed by your father the king."

Corinne felt herself melting into Robert's touch. Her skirts were drawn up and bunched at her thighs. Her bodice was pulled and pushed from her skin, exposing the tops of her breasts. She clung to Robert. She didn't want to think of the reality of her situation. She knew Robert was the man she was meant to marry, if only his father had been patient enough for him to come home.
“There is a way.” lifting his lips from her shoulder long enough to whisper the words. His love for her well worth the betrayal that he would do to his own blood. He has already set the events in motion, he just had to wait now, that’s all he had to do was wait.

He returned his lips to her exposed flesh of her shoulder. His tongue gliding over her nakedness reeking in her exquisite taste. He moan with the heat that was rising from his loins. He stepped into her opened thighs pressing further into her, his thickness now pressing against her slit, barred from feeling its heat by layers of clothing. He growled with burning desire, uncontrollable lust. His hands heatedly push the fabric down her arms reveling more of her breasts.

“I want to feel you skin against mine, lets discard the barring barrier from our bodies and remorse in each others desires.” he whispered through his nibbling the flesh of her shoulders, his hands continued to push down the fabric revealing the some of her areola. His mouth worked its way down her collarbone to her larynx, licking, sucking her flesh. He paused for a moment but only a moment before kissing, licking his way down toward her exposed cleavage.