The wager


Literotica Guru
Sep 6, 2001
The Wager

This is a closed thread feel free to read along.

When a new model appear on the scene and had that certain look it seemed that the leading Photographers would get together and via for that model with that certain something. The male and female Photographers were discussing this new girl and the fact that she refused to posses in the nude no matter what monetary incentive was offered.

Jules Batard walked in just as they discussed this young model and the fact that she would not pose in the nude. “Ladies, gentlemen, I’ll wager that not only will I get this girl to pose nude but also to pose in a pornographic video.” Jules outrageous statemen brought gales of laughter. Porter Davis then spoke up. “Jules I wager you can’t get the girl to pose nude never mind do a pornographic video. Shall we say £100,000.00 pounds sterling?”

Jules took Porter’s hand “Done, shall we say with in a year? And of course, not a word of warning to the girl of the wager is off.”

Jules now put out an ad for a swimsuit shoot. He hoped his reputation would draw her in like a mouth to the flame.
The up-and-coming Ashley Duveaux had mulled over the swimsuit add, but ultimately couldn't pass up the opportunity to submit a response, posting her portfolio and offering herself as a possible model for the renowned photographer. He was very well-known for his quality and for the dedication to his work. Sure he took nude photos as well, but she was simply going to politely decline them as she always had and that would be that. The photography world couldn't blacklist her just because she wouldn't show herself nudes- she was too prominent at this point for that.

She wasn't famous per se, but she was arguable being offered many deals and shoots due to her success in her latest spring-clothes shoot for a large-brand clothing store. People seemed to really like her striking red hair, pale skin, and the youthful look of her face. Having just turned 18, she was now feeling more comfortable trying new things like swimsuit shoots. Ashley hadn't even had sex with anyone yet, so she wasn't about to show off her assets to the world. It seemed embarrassing and indecent to her. But, as much as she had been resistant to bathing suit shoots, she needed to try new things and expand her portfolio.

So, she reached out to him, asking over email whether he wanted to meet somewhere for the shoot itself if he was interested.
Jules Batard smiled as her read the email and opened the girl’s attached portfolio. So, Miss Ashley Duveaux had taken the bait. As he studied the photos in her portfolio Jules had to admit that she was a stunning young beauty. There was such an innocent, girl next door, and her peaches and cream complexion only enhanced her girl next door look. Batard was of course aware of her career. So far Ashely had an impressive resume modeling several different clothing lines. She had risen quickly and was the favor of the month and in demand. How many times had Jules seen a model’s spectacular rise only to go out of demand a quickly. So far Ashely career had focused on young teen fashions.

Jules email Miss Duveaux asking her to meet him at his studio to discuss the possible swimsuit shoot, that is if she met what the company was looking for. Jules wanted the young beauty to be a bit off balance, and a bit eager to get the job. He intended to see what her limits were and to push her boundaries just a bit at first.

Dear Miss Duveaux,

I received your email and portfolio. If you are interested in the job please come to my studio so I can see if you fully meet the client’s criteria.

Jules Batard.

Now to see if the young Ashely would come to his studio innocently alone.
Dear Mr. Batard,

Thank you for the opportunity to meet and discuss what you're looking for. Of course I am excited to see where this cooperation might lead, and will meet with you at your studio.

Thank you!
Ashley Duveaux

She had then received the relevant information from his secretary: the time, address, what to bring. Ashley had a bag over her shoulder with various swimsuits she owned, as well as different jewelry, shoes, and make-up. Her make-up was already done, so it just needed a bit of a touch-up, but she had made sure it was waterproof in case he wanted to do any water shots.

When she arrived, she was wearing a cute white summer dress, knocking on the door to see if she could come inside.
Ashely Duveaux arrived at Jules Batard’s estate Chateau Le Plaisir in a very prim and proper white summer dress. Her knock on the door was a bit hesitant, and yet there was a firmness to it that spoke of determination. Jules answered the door. He stood roughly 5’ 11” his ginger hair showed a touch of sliver at the temples, he could be forty or fifty years old he had a look that defied age.

“Miss Duveaux I presume.” He opened the door wide and ushered Ashely into his home. He lead the stunning young redhead to his studio. “So, tell me Miss Duveaux how much experience have you had in modeling Swimwear Miss Duveaux………..Ashely” He corrected with a warm father smile. “The clients have been very clear on what they are looking for in a model to present their product. You will find a one piece suit in the changing room.” He paused a moment and then added. “………They are looking for the girl next door look, so just a little lip rouge, and the slightest blush on your cheeks.”

Jules wanted Ashely to look natural and not like your typical high fashion model. The first suit of the shoot was quite modest, as were the next two, the third, still a one piece suit was more daring with a low cut bodice that displayed Ashely’s firm young breasts to perfection. The shoot went on and the swimwear became more daring.

“Ashely The next set will be Bikinis.”
Of course she had googled him when she started out, having seen that he was a prominent photographer, but it didn’t prepare her for seeing him in person. He was tall, confident, and handsome.


She raised her eyebrow as she took out the bikini she was meant to change into, thinking to herself that in a sense it was like modeling with a bra and panties. Though it was true that it certainly held a different connotation. As long as there wasn’t any weird posing, she figured it might be okay. After all, the bikini was a fairly modest blue polka-dot one that at least covered most of her breasts, the bottoms looking like normal ones rather than the thong-like ones, or string bikinis.

Ashley went to the changing room and put it on, going back to the set and making carefree poses. She was really good at making things looks fun and innocent, her face in an easy and inviting smile as she held one of the beach-ball props for him.

“Yes Ashely bikinis. “ Ashely raised her eyebrow as she took out the bikini she was meant to change into. The bikini was a fairly modest blue polka-dot affair, that at least covered most of her breasts, the bottoms looking like normal. When Ashely came back to the set and took a carefree pose. She was really good at making things looks fun and innocent, her face in an easy and inviting smile as she held one of the beach-ball props for him. “Ashely take a seat on the stool. I wand your right leg down and pointed, the left leg on the second rung of the stool. Now Look at me and place your hands behind your neck elbows out.” Jules loved the way the pose thrust the young redhead’s breast up and out as if she were offering them to the viewer.

“That’s it……..Great Ashely……….” Jules circled the young girl, the hypnotic click, click, click. of the shutter softly calling to her. “Now give me a little pout Ashely.” Jules loved the effect as Ashely’s pose made her look like a adorable little sex kitten.

As the shoot went on the bikini’s became more and more skimpy till at last the next bikini the young redhead was to model thong Bikini.
She thought the poses were odd, but none really put up any red flags for her. Some clothing brands didn’t like props for some scenes, and some just wanted her to look relaxed in the clothing. Therefore, she followed his directions to the tee, throwing a pouty look here and there as asked.

However, when she saw the last bikini, she held it up and shook her head, “hey, I’m sorry, but this is a bit too much for me. Doing bikinis was pushing it for me, but I won’t do thongs.” Her voice was polite but firm, not wanting to offend him, but also wanting to let him know what her boundaries were. That bikini bottom showed a lot of ass, the thing barely anything more than string, and the top wasn’t much better. It looked like it would be quite revealing, mostly just covering up her nipples.
Ashely had done everything that Jules had asked of her. She followed directions perfectly and posed as he directed quickly. All had gone well up until the moment when she had to model a thong bikini. Ashely held it up and shook her pretty little redhead, “hey, I’m sorry, but this is a bit too much for me. Doing bikinis was pushing it for me, but I won’t do thong’s.” The young model’s voice was polite but firm to let him know what her boundaries were. Jules knew Miss Duveaux reputation, it was time to push her boundaries a bit forward.

“Miss Duveaux If that is your decision, it is your decision………..” he paused his face was scarlet “……I was under the impression that you were a model. Thank you for wasting not only my time but the clients’ as well.” It was quite obvious that Jules Batard was furious with Ashley. “You should have let me know you only did teen fashions. I now have to tell the client that their promotion for their summer line will be delayed. Thank you so much Miss Duveaux .” Jules knew he was taking a chance, Ashely could leave in a huff, or she could swallow her prim and proper principals and model the thong bikini. If she did then her next challenge and push to her boundaries would be the string bikini.
He looked... absolutely livid. So much so in fact, that Ashley's conviction faltered for a moment. Was she being silly? There had been times when she had been admonished for being too prim or stubborn, refusing to model things that were a bit more revealing. It wasn't as though these were truly lingerie, just swimsuits. Even if they were a bit... risqué, it was innocent in that it was only swimwear. He probably hadn't thought to mention it as it was widely accepted that it wasn't going to be anything over-the-top like nude photos or some such thing. Her doubts started to mount, the pressure of the silence after his speech crushing her in her indecision. She didn't have her agent to consult on this at the moment, so it wasn't as though she could even get a second opinion.

It also scared her that this renowned photographer was likely going to put all the blame on her for this, possibly even billing her for the time wasted. Sure, she could refuse to do nude shots, but having someone like him spread the word about her perceived childishness... that might be the end of her career.

Biting her lip with an uncomfortable expression, she shook her head. "No, no. That's okay. I uh... I don't want to waste anyone's time or anything." With that, she took the pieces into the dressing room and put them on. When she came out, she felt quite exposed, her supple ass-cheeks caressing the string that plunged between them. She crossed her arms and covered her chest until she reached the set, looking at him shyly and quietly asking what poses he needed.
Oh, how Jules loved the way the prim and proper little redheaded model waivered in indecision the thong bikini dangling from her dainty fingers, Was that a blush that Jules saw coloring her cheeks or was it just his imagination. Ashely bit her lip, an uncomfortable expression marred her features, then she shook her head. "No, no. That's okay. I uh... I don't want to waste anyone's time or anything."

The young naïve model her decision made, retired to the dressing room. When she emerged Jules was struck by her stunning beauty he watched as Ashely crossed the set, her supple ass-cheeks caressed the strings of the thong, that plunged between her cheeks. She crossed her arms and covered her chest until she reached the set, looking at him shyly and quietly asking what poses he needed. “Lay on the beach towel one leg bent, knee up, your other leg straight and your head pillowed in on your hands.” He waited for Ashely to assume the pose he had requested. Jules was pleased with the affect, as it showed her charms to perfection.

Ashely had several more Thong bikinis to model. It was time to press the young redheaded beauty boundaries once more. This time the next bikini was a string bikini. Jules waited to see if Miss Ashely Duveaux would baulk and refuse, or would she submit and model the scandalous bikini.
She had complied with his requests, the man never pushing her too far when it came to modeling the bikinis. It was embarrassing to say the least, being photographed with so much skin showing. Ashley wouldn't even wear this kind of thing to the beach on her personal time, not being one to like the attention. Cameras were one thing, people's gazes were another. Her cheeks were indeed a soft pink with her blush, and not just the make up she was wearing. Though she assumed it would be edited out later, she wished her face wasn't so easy to read at times.

When she was presented with the new bikini, she once again had a uncomfortable look to her face, though she didn't speak right away. Her eyes glanced at him and away again, knowing that if she were to refuse once more, he might get even more angry with her. No, all she had to do was finish this shoot and she would be done- she'd never have to do this sort of thing again. This was just another kind of bikini, she tried to reassure herself.

Without speaking, she took it into the dressing room and came out in it, feeling supremely embarrassed. It almost felt like being naked, and she was itching to put her clothes on, get out, and never look back. Nevertheless she had some class, and she would stay until the swimsuits were done. Ashley went back to the set and again asked for guidance from him, avoiding his eyes now so as not to get too flustered.
Ashely once again had an uncomfortable look to her angelic face, though she didn't speak right away. Her eyes glanced at Jules and quickly away again, knowing that if she were to refuse once more, he might get even more angry with her. She took the string bikini from Jules’ hands and headed for the dressing room. When Ashely emerged from the dressing room wearing the string bikini it was not hard to see the young model was supremely embarrassed. The young redhead went back to the set and again asked for guidance from him, avoiding his eyes now so as not to get too flustered.

Jules loved that the top of the string bikini barely covered Ashely’s nipples, and the bottom of the garment’s tiny triangle of fabric barely covered her crotch. If he was not mistaken Ashely’s blush was now scarlet with her embarrassment. He had pushed the young model further then any other photographer had. For the first time in her young life Ashely was naked before a man with the exception of the three tiny scrapes of cloth that covered her nipples and crotch laced together with string.

Jules had Ashely take several poses as before that would accentuate the curve of her calf, and the innocent beauty of her angelic face. Slowly subtlety the poses became more sensual, focusing more on her breasts, the flare of Ashely’s hips and the firm roundness of her heart shaped ass. “Wonderful Ashely, hold that pose.”

Click, click, click

The soft hypnotic whisper of the camera’s shutter called to the girl.

Click, click, click

The flash of the strobe lighting created a sensual world as Jules worked.

“You’re the best model I have worked with in a very long time Ashely. I have several projects I think you would be wonderful for. I am offering you an exclusive four shoot contract Ashely.” Jules did not give the naive young girl time to really think, such a contract could make her career. “Ashely I need and answer now.”
"I'm very flattered, but I'm afraid I'm booked for the foreseeable future," Ashley replied, turning and quickly scuttling away before she could be stopped. The woman popped into the dressing room and leaned against the door for a minute, as though worried that he would burst through and scold her for turning him down. It absolutely could not happen. She couldn't do this kind of bikini shoot again, and she didn't want to be flustered into signing contracts she hadn't read. At the very least she had that bit of wits going for her. The curvy young lady changed out of her bikini and back into her white dress, packing up all her stuff before taking a deep breath and exiting the room again.

"Thank you for this shoot, Mr. Batard. I hope the pictures turn out well." She gave him a slight nod of her head, a polite smile on her face.
"I'm very flattered, but I'm afraid I'm booked for the foreseeable future," Ashley replied, turning on her heel she quickly scuttling away before she could be stopped. What a fiery little thing Miss Duveaux was. Jules had half expected that the young girl would turn him down. Jules was used to getting his way and had no intention of letting this gorgeous young creature slip through his fingers, not to mention the thought of losing his wager with Porter.

When Ashely emerged from the dressing room she was once more wearing her prim and proper white summer dress. Even this dress could not fully hide the girl’s gorgeous figure. "Thank you for this shoot, Mr. Batard. I hope the pictures turn out well." She gave him a slight nod of her head, a polite smile on her face. Jules smiled and extended his hand to the young model. “I am sure they will…….” He continued to hold the young redhead’s hand. “……….I wish you would reconsider my offer Miss Duveaux; the contract would pay a little over £100,000.00 English pounds. I shall send a copy to your agent.”

If Ashely again refused again Jules would make sure she had no work until she accepted the contract that would make her his exclusive model.
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The handshake was a little too long for her taste, but she didn't break away until she had responded with a short, "thank you, have a good day." While he was a handsome man, she had to admit that his fury made her a bit nervous, and she was eager to get out of there. The amount of money he was offering was staggering, but she still wasn't going to be swayed until she had her agent review the documents.

With that, she left and didn't look back.

In the weeks that followed a few of her clients cancelled, and work dried up completely after she was finished with the clients that stayed. At first she suspected that maybe he had rigged things against her, but then again, she had played her part for him and completed the shoot. While he had wanted her for another, surely he wouldn't blacklist her just for refusing him. She wasn't the only pretty, young model out and about, so she figured had many lined up for him. Money was starting to become tight, and every day she got turned down, the offer sounded more and more enticing. Four shoots for a hundred thousand was insane, and it would literally set her for at least a year.

Eventually, she instructed her agent to go through the documents, and everything seemed to be on the up-and-up. So... reluctantly, she found herself back at his studio, hand knocking at his door once more. She was simply signing papers today, or at least that was the plan. Having already reviewed everything, her agent had felt that it was fine if she simply signed them alone with him. It wasn't ideal, but her agent had a personal emergency to attend to.

Today, she was in a black skirt with white blouse, black suspenders holding it up to complete the look.
It had taken a few weeks for Jules to ensure that Miss Ashely Duveaux bookings had dried up. Jules knew that it was only a matter of time before the lack of income would force the gorgeous young creature back to his door. But one could not leave too much to chance. Batard contacted Ashely’s agent and convinced him to recommend Ashely sign the contract that in fact would bind her exclusively to Jules Batard, of course the bribe of £20,000.00 ensured the recommendation.

Jules watched Ashely Duveaux came up the walk. She was dressed in a black skirt, white blouse, and black suspenders holding the outfit together to complete the look. He idly wondered if the girl knew how sensually her suspenders outlined her breasts and drew the viewer’s eye to them. He shook the thought from his mind as he let Ashely in. “Shall we see to business Miss Duveaux?” Jules showed the young redhead into his office. Both his and hers copies of the contract were on the desk. Then with the formality of the contract signing done. It was time to let the naïve young beauty know what her next shoot will be.

“Miss Duveaux the next shoot will be for Fredricks as you may know they are a cutting edge lingerie night wear.” Jules was waiting for her to refuse because the lingerie was known for it sensual and intimate styling.
"Wait, wait, wait! Lingerie wear?! That wasn't in the contract!" She looked shocked and appalled, her arms crossing defensively, squishing her breasts slightly. There was no way she would have missed that when she went over the contract with her agent, the man having assured her that it was simply more of the same- bathing suits, spring clothing, and loungewear/pajamas. It hadn't mentioned lingerie in the slightest. Ashley reached for the contract, intent on giving it another read-through.
"Wait, wait, wait! Lingerie wear?! That wasn't in the contract!" Jules loved the shocked look on Ashely’s angelic face. He watched as she searched through the contract. He knew her agent had assured her that it was simply more of the same- bathing suits, spring clothing, and loungewear/pajamas. It was then that Jules decided to make known to the young innocent redhead model what she had signed in reality.

“Miss Duveaux,………Ashely if you read clause 15 on page three you will see that I may choose any client for you to model their product.” Jules let the reality of his words sink in. “You will also notice clause 20 states you will model exclusively for me for the next three years Ashely, and that you will reside here at Chateau Le Plaisir. The last clause States that if you break any of the above you will have to pay a termination fee of £200,000.00 pounds Ashely.” Batard studied the young, trapped beauty. He had seen her spirit when Ashely initially refused to wear the thong bikini, and he could hardly wait to seduce her to his will. But just in case he had nude photo of her in the changing room’s hidden camera the day of the bikini shoot.
Her brows furrowed into a frown and her eyes narrowed at him, untrusting of his words. Yes they were shocking and they certainly put a bit of fear into her, but she needed to see the physical proof before she let his words have any sway over her actions. Flipping through the contract, she found clause 15 and 20, the woman soon sitting there dumbfounded. It was all there as he said, her ink signature at the bottom of the page acknowledging that she had read and understood it all. This was a legally binding contract, and there was nothing she could do about it, short of ripping it up. There was was hardly any chance of her being able to do so to both copies of it before she was restrained though, so that was out.

She couldn't believe that for the next three years, she had to stay here, working for this man. On one hand, the contract still said that she was going to be paid quite a lot of money per year, not including the free accommodations. One might think this was a fabulous contract for an aspiring model, but she found it restrictive and limiting. Of course she was free to walk away... if she had 200,000 to fork over.

"How...?" she uttered softly, her eyes watering slightly as she bit her lip. How had this happened? What was she supposed to do?

Ashley cleared her throat and stood up, her eyes a lot less friendly now. "Well then. If I'm staying here, I need a room. Can you take me there? I'd like to be alone for the rest of the day."
Jules smiled to himself as he watched the stunning young redhead desperately search the contract that she had signed for some way out. Miss Ashely Duveaux was not the first naïve beauty that he had caught in such a contract. She had trusted her agent and to him she was only a client to make him money and that she had. Slowly Jules saw Ashely’s expression change from open and friendly, to shock, and then to resignation. "How...?" the young redhead uttered softly; her soft eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Ashely looked so adorable, so innocent, and oh so vulnerable as she worried her lower lip.

The silence between them lingered and then Ashley cleared her throat and stood up, her eyes a lot less friendly now. "Well then. If I'm staying here, I need a room. Can you take me there? I'd like to be alone for the rest of the day." Jules knew better than to press his advantage at the moment, there would be plenty of time later. “Of course, Miss Duveaux……….Ashely, if you follow me I shall show you to your room.” Chateau Le Plaisir was a marvelous and tastefully decorated in the Louis XIV style. Jules led Ashely to a room on the second floor. “This will be your room Ashely.” The room was large light and airy it was dominated by a four poster, canopy bed. There was a desk, an entertainment suit, and an easy chair and floor lamp. Jules’ watched as Ashely took in the opulence of what would be her room. Jules opened a door “This is your wardrobe and bath.” They walked through a walk-in closet to the bath. The room was white marble clad and the tub was somewhere between a large tub and a small swimming pool. Jules then bowed and left Ashely alone.

The day dawned bright, the morning light flooding into the room. There was a knock at the door, "Ashely breakfast will be in half an hour. It will be served in the dining room.” Jules went down to await Ashely. There was everything a young model, who was watching her figure, could desire, and that contract probably covered that too. With each passing moment the time for the lingerie shoot grew near. Jules broke the silence; "It is time we start the shoot Ashely.” Batard’s demeanor was relaxed and friendly as if it was any other day at work.

Jules lead Ashely to his studio and in the dressing room was the first nightgown, a virginal white lacy affair that was translucent. The gown would hardly do much to hide Ashely’s charms. With camera in hand Jules waited for the young redheaded model to appear. He was not disappointed The sensual lingerie highlighted Ashely's sexual charms. The gown was like a shimmering smoke mist that cloaked and yet revealed her gorgeous young body.

"For the first pose Ashely lay down on your back, pillow your head on your hands elbow out, and your body in a lazy "S"" Jules knew well that the pose would be provocative.
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The accommodations were extravagant to say the least, being on par with a 5-star hotel (not that she had ever been to one of those). While it was nice, it also made her a bit wary. With a room like this, it would be difficult for anyone to believe that she was being mistreated here, and she was suspicious that this was why she had been given such lavish things. The food was amazing too; everything was healthy, low-calorie, yet filling and tasty.

When the time came for the actual shoot, she dutifully put on the gown, wishing that it didn’t fit the way it did. She could see her small nipples poking into the fabric, the outline of her breasts tantalizing anyone who gazed upon them. That was probably the point- to illustrate how well the garment could show off one’s curves. She didn’t like it one bit, regardless of how nice the fabric was. Every time she moves, the silky cloth rubbed against her nipples, sensually sending tingles down her body. This was absolutely uncomfortable.

Her reluctance and discomfort showed in her pose, as even though she did exactly what he said, her body looked stiff and guarded. Even though her expression was a soft smile, there were minute hints of nervousness upon it.
Ashely assumed the pose that Batard had requested, the night gown fit the young redhead model perfectly almost as if had been made for her. Jules could see Ashely’s small nipples poking into the fabric, the outline of her breasts tantalizing, the round contours of her firm little derrière, and the shadow of her Venus mons, she was gorgeous. Jules took a couple of shoots, the camera whispered click, click, click

Ashely had a shy smile that parted her moist ripe lip and yet her pose was reluctant and showed her moral discomfort at being so exposed. It definitely showed in her pose, even though she did exactly what Jules directed, her body looked stiff and guarded, and there was an overall nervousness to the way Ashely posed.

“No, no, no Ashely this will never do.” There was a disappointed harshness to Batard’s voice as he laid his camera down. “Take a break Ashely…………have a sip or two of water relax Ashely it is just a shoot.” His voice had grown a bit softer, and he handed the young model a bottle of water. Little could Ashely Duveaux know that it was drugged, and the drugs would lower her inhibition and make the young redheaded beauty more pliable.

Jules waited several minutes, time for the drugs to have an initial effect. “Ashely lets try again. Resume the pose.” Batard took a couple of more shoots. As the shoot continued he started to adjust Ashely’s pose. “bare your right leg to the hip Ashely, and easy back the material at your breast.”
His underlying anger set her on edge once more, but the uncharacteristic softness to his next words made her feel a bit better. It was almost as though he had realized that while she was generally experienced, this was an entirely new experience for her. She wasn't used to posing provocatively, nor was she used to making facial expressions that enticed men. Furthermore, she didn't even feel like she was the right model for the job. Her image was one of playfulness, of youth. Ashley wasn't cut out to be some underwear model.

She sighed and took the water, taking several gulps before sitting down and continuing to sip on it. Soon, she started to feel like she could breathe easier, as though her body had lost all of its tension. It was as though her worries had been subdued, and part of her felt somewhat lazy in a way.

The young woman walked over to the set and started to work once more, but this time she fit the vibe more. Her posture was relaxed, unbothered, her expression almost drunk with a sensual look to her eyes. It didn't feel so uncomfortable to pose like this now. After all, she was still clothed and it was still just her job.

Her had languidly raised the hem of her gown while her other hand moved the material at her breast slightly back. The cute pink nipple it his wasn't exposed, but just barely.
Jules watched as the drugs to effect he loved her sensual posture now relaxed, unbothered, her expression almost drunk with a sensually seductive look to her eyes, it gave the vibe of come hither. When Jules told Ashely to bare her leg to the thigh languidly raised the hem of her gown bearing it as he had directed. Jules smiled as Ashely complied. He took it a step further “…………easy back the material at your breast.” The young model hand moved the material at her breast slightly back. Ashely’s cute pink nipple poked at the edge of the material, it wasn't exposed, but just barely covered by the translucent material. click, click, click the camera whispered to the young redhead.

Jules could see that Ashely was in the thrall of the drugs he had given her. “Ease the material back just a little more Ashely” his voice was soft and reassuring. click, click, click Jules held his breath would this be the first photo of the prim and proper Miss Ashely Duveaux’ s naked breast.