The Village in Orbit (closed for DungeonsOfDread)


Literotica Guru
Feb 5, 2009
This RP is closed for DungeonsOfDread and myself, DormantEvil. If you wish to take part, you need to PM one of us for permission. Any posts that are not authorized will be reported after one warning.

The small village was home to around two hundred people, and had been the home to these families for the past one hundred years. It's elders were wise and respected, and their stories were constant warnings to the youth not to disturb the long lived traditions and ways. Still using horses, carts and cattle, life was simple but hard work was common.

There was one school house, the town hall, a church of humble preportions and then the family houses. Surrounded by miles of fertile land and skies of clean pure air, the town has yet to be disrupted by the evils of the world.

However, it is the forests that surround the entire region that instill fear in the hearts of every man, woman and child. The beasts that roam are dangerous, and kill anybody that wanders too far. Often, if the boundary is crossed, livestock and children are taken and the entire town is on edge for weeks.

So this is where our story begins, but not where it may end. The skies are endless, the forests unlimited, or are they?

OOC: This story is based off the movie 'The Village' but with a twist. The entire village and the forests surrounding it are apart of a biodome, on the private spaceship of Professor Gregory Maine, an eccentric and power hungry psychiatrist, who studies early communities and how they react and develop.

Nobody has returned from wandering in the forest to say anything though.

Name:Jacob Baker

Age: 27

Occupation: Blacksmith

Appearance: 180cm, fit and muscular due to his trade. Dark black hair, tanned skin and brown eyes.

Personality: Jacob is a hard working and creative man, he works with his father in the local Blacksmith. In his spare time he designs and builds tools of his own making. His father tells him just to stick to the basics but Jacob is always looking to improve upon a currently existing tool or create a brand new one.
Name: Evelyn Collins

Age: 24

Occupation: Teacher

Appearance: 170cm tall, thin waist but curvy, long strawberry blonde hair, fair skin.

Personality: Evelyn is a kind a caring woman, she works at the local school and teaches the villages children. She is also one of the more beautiful women in the town, and has several suitors but is not in a relationship. She has dreams of moving away from the town, and discovering new lands, but her father is very strict and keeps his eye on her constantly.
Jacob Baker

Jacob wiped the sweat of his brow. It was another long day working in the shop, his father had recently fallen sick and it was his duty to keep their business running.

He looked out at the wide open plains, in the distance he spied the forbidden luscious forest. His father told him time and time again the story about the demise of his uncle.

Uncle Joe was a farmer and unlike his father he detested the local townsfolk preferring to live away from the village. He even slept out in the plains on the rocks and dirt. One day he came into the village ranting and raving about something attacking him and some of his livestock in the forest. Most people knew not to even approach the forest let alone enter it but Uncle Joe also had a curious nature about him and liked to explore.

Needless to say most of the villagers ignored him especially when he tried to rally them to get back one of his lost cattle. It was a lost cause and without help, his brave uncle returned to the forest alone. He was never seen of again.

Jacob finished placing the last shoe on Mr Ryner's Horse. It was his 10th horse for the day and it was only midday. His muscles ached from the strain and his stomach grumbled with hunger.

"Here you go Mr Ryner, all done." he said as cheerfully as possible.

"Thank you son, and give my best to your father for me." he responded.
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Carrying a typical picnic basket, Evelyn was doing her rounds in between classes. The children had an hour off to play, before they would pick up for the afternoons classes. Usually she dismissed the children around three in the afternoon, that way they had time to do chores before their families had dinner. Walking down the middle of the village, she passed by Mr Ryner and gave him a polite curtsy.

"Good afternoon, Mr Ryner, how does Mrs Ryner feel today?" she asked, wondering how the man's sick wife was feeling. She was ordered to bed and was expecting another child. Evelyn stopped by every night with a basket of fresh baked goods that were healthy for the mother and child.

Her own mother was the town's doctor and herbalist.

"She is much better, dear. Thanks to your mothers elixir and cooking. Good day." Bowing his head, the man and horse went on their way and Evelyn return to walking along the road.

Finding Jacob hard at work, she waited until he noticed her before entering his workshop.

"Good afternoon, Jacob." Her voice was light and airy, and held no malice or tone of anger, as if she was not capable of hurting a fly.

Taking out a few bottles, and a pie that was freshly baked and still steaming hot, she placed both on his table.

"Mother sends her best wishes, and asked I deliver this pie for your lunch. And that you tell your father to remain in bed, and to give him this medicine. One pill under the tongue, twice per day until they are all dissolved. It should ease his pain whilst he rests."
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Jacob Baker

As Mr Ryner departed Jacob started working on his next project. His father had been commissioned to mould and sharpen a new plow for one of the farmers Mr Barnaby. He was just about to shape the metal on the anvil when he heard the sounds of another approach.

Jacob placed his work gently on the table and looked up, partially dreading additional work to his already full schedule. To his surprise however standing before him was the lovely Evelyn Collins, or Eve as she preferred to be called. She was by far the prettiest woman in town with her curvacious figure and long strawberry blond hair. He knew many of his friends longed to court her, always talking about how to woo her with sweet poetry and flowers. Jacob always wanted to join them in the pursuit but his father kept him busy and he just didn't have the time to even try.

"Mother sends her best wishes, and asked I deliver this pie for your lunch. And that you tell your father to remain in bed, and to give him this medicine. One pill under the tongue, twice per day until they are all dissolved. It should ease his pain whilst he rests."
she informed him

"Thanks Eve. You know my Dad, he'll do anything to back to work." he responded with a laugh.

"Speaking of work, I made you something." he informed her. Jacob bent down and below the work bench and retrieved a small necklace from one of the lower shelves. It was round and had a small movable needle on it.

"I'm not sure what to call it yet but it's a specially designed navigation tool. It always points in the same direction no matter which way you face. I remembered that you were interested in exploration. I suppose you could use it just in case you got lost exploring unknown lands. Not that we'll ever get to do such things." he handed the trinket to her with a smile.
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Excepting the necklace, she examined it with a look of admiration in her eyes. It was beautiful, Jacob had very skilled hands. She smiled at the thought, before she went about walking in a large circle, marveling at the needle changing to always point in one direction. Currently it always pointed to Jacob.

Looking up at him, for he was slightly taller than her, she gave him a warm smile.

"I love it, thank you so much, but you didn't have too..."

It looked as though she was giving it back to him, but after seeing a puzzled expression when she placed it back in his hand, she giggled.

"It's so perfect, would you mind?" she began, before turning to face away from him, one hand pulling up her hair so he could place the trinket around her neck.

Truth be told, Evelyn found Jacob to be one of three suitable men in town. And it was because he was kind, and sweet, yet strong and more than capable of looking after a family. It was her father that stood in her way from ever saying anything. She remembered listening to him telling her how she had to marry someone he picked out, someone of better standing. Perhaps the Mayor's son, that skinny boy who threw stones at her when she was but a child? Not if she would have anything to say about it.

Jacob was a good man.
Jacob Baker

When she placed the trinket back in his hand he was worried that she didn't like it. It wasn't pretty like any other trinket a woman might wear, but he preferred practicality over appearance.

"It's so perfect, would you mind?" she asked and turn around. Her response warmed his heart deeply. He had made it for her specifically and wasn't in the mind to take it back

With her back turned, Jacob took the opportunity to admire her curves without seeming too rude. He could almost imagine tracing his hands down the sides of her body and down to her shapely behind. Jacob coughed to bring himself back to reality.

"Of course Eve."he quickly told her. He stepped closer and positioned his arms around her careful not to touch her too inappropriately, even though the thought lay deep in his mind. He then brought the two halves of the chain together on the back of her neck noting the small freckle just to the right of her spine where her neck met her shoulder.

When he was done she turned around to show him. Even though it didn't quite match her dress something about the way it sat lightly on her chest made it seem like it belonged.

"So hows the school going? Are the kids behaving themselves?" he asked trying to change the subject to prevent him from staring at her chest instead of her beautiful eyes.
Admiring the necklace, Evelyn almost didn't hear Jacob changing the topic, but looking up she gave him a shrug. "Children will be children, but most are doing their work in class, and I haven't had to talk to any parents as of late. So that has to be a good improvement."

Going quiet, Evelyn seemed to take time thinking on something before speaking up. Putting her hands behind her back, she spun from side to slowly. As if her body was procrastinating.

"Ever since that last scare, they are asking more questions about the forest. I keep on telling them the old stories, but surely they can't be all so true as to keep us locked here forever."

Suddenly, she put her hand over her mouth and gasped. "Oh, I'm sorry Jacob, I didn't mean to bring it up. Especially so close to the anniversary of your Uncles disappearance."

Stepping closer to Jacob, she put her hand on his and looked up into his eyes.

"How are you feeling about all of it?" she asked softly, obviously concerned for how he might be feeling. Having his Uncle disappear, and now his father ill in bed, life seemed to be dealing him some short straws.

Taking his hand in hers, she led him off into his workshop away from prying eyes so he could talk without anybody hearing or seeing. Alone, surrounded by walls with nobody to see them, Evelyn felt as if she could reach out to him.
"Children will be children, but most are doing their work in class, and I haven't had to talk to any parents as of late. So that has to be a good improvement." she informed him. Jacob nodded and smiled. Although he had never been a bad kid per say, he had been the cause of his fair share of trouble.

"Ever since that last scare, they are asking more questions about the forest. I keep on telling them the old stories, but surely they can't be all so true as to keep us locked here forever."

"Oh, I'm sorry Jacob, I didn't mean to bring it up. Especially so close to the anniversary of your Uncles disappearance."

When she closed the distance between them and put her hand on his, Jacob felt his heart skip a beat. Eve sometimes did this with him, he was never sure if it was just a friendly gesture or something more. The look in her eyes presented genuine concern for his well being however and so he assumed it was more of a friendly gesture. He did note that other townsfolk passing by stared at her gesture with interest; in a small village like theirs, everyone knew each other and gossiped passed around like wild fire.

"How are you feeling about all of it?" she asked gently. Before he could muster a response she guided him to a secluded area inside his work shop. Normally if a woman made such a gesture the acts to follow would be pleasurable but Jacob knew she just wanted to talk away from any nosy onlookers.

"My father doesn't like to talk about Uncle Joe, he always called him a crazy dreamer. In fact whenever I try to present him with a new idea he always tells me I'm going to end up like crazy Uncle Joe." he spoke somberly.

"I did speak briefly to my Uncle before he made his trek back into the forest. Although his state of mind wasn't entirely sound, he did tell me there were creature's living in the forest, but, he was very suspicious of their origin."
Jacob explained.
"My father interrupted us before he could tell me anymore and that was the last I saw of him.Between you and me I think there is more to the stories that we tell kids and what we've been told. I just wish....I wish there was a way to find out." he stated angrily.
Listening to all that Jacob said, Evelyn nodded slowly as she understood how much he wanted to know more about the forest. It was something that she also felt curious about. She imagined all the different herbs and plants, and even the animals that must inhabit it. How would they change medicine, or even just the variety of food in the village.

"Well, there is always one way to find out..." she said softly, biting her bottom lip as she contemplated saying what should never have been said.

"We could always see what is there? Just along the treeline and fringes perhaps?"

She knew that any talk of such things would have her whipped with a belt by her father, even at the age of 24. And it was not very teacher like to tell the students not to wander into the forest, and then do the exact same thing herself.

But she was a curious creature, and this had nagged at her ever since she was able to run through the fields.

"And with this necklace, we could find our way back."
Jacob Baker

Jacob knew how much Eve father's opposed her love of exploration. He was intrigued by the mystery and even danger of the forest but he was still concerned for their safety. Jacob held her hands tighter for comfort.

"I know your desire to explore new places is strong but we must be cautious Eve." he warned. "Perhaps if we wait till this weekend, I will have time away from the shop and can gather tools and supplies we might need."
he suggested looking deep into her eyes.
Seeing that Jacob hadn't simply disregarded her idea, and had even said he would help, Evelyn knew that she needed to keep her head about this. But she couldn't help but smile, and in the moment she leaned up and kissed Jacob on the cheek.

"Thank you! Till the weekend then!"

With that, she pulled away from him and headed out the door, calling back after remembering herself.

"One tablet twice a day, under the tongue. Tell him not to be stubborn, okay. Thanks again for the present. I'll see you tomorrow."

Picking up the basket, she left his workshop, soon it would be time to call the children back in for class.
Jacob Baker

Her kiss on his cheek was a sudden shock to Jacob, never before had she presented such an intimate gesture, at least not to him. He caught a quick whiff of her perfume as she leaned in close and even stole a glance down her dress as the leaned forward. He stood frozen in the spot until she spoke again.

"Thank you! Till the weekend then!" she said happily
"I look forward to it." he replied with a bright smile.

He heard her calling from outside after she left

"One tablet twice a day, under the tongue. Tell him not to be stubborn, okay. Thanks again for the present. I'll see you tomorrow."
she reminded him.

"Okay I will." he replied with a shake of his head.

The rest of the day went by relatively smoothly he managed to almost finished the plow even with the two extra horse's that needed shoes. He would now have extra time to work on some of his other inventions, some that might help out with their little adventure.

Jacob finished locking up the shop at the end of the day and headed home on his way he spotted Eve walking back from the school, he decided to join her so they could talk more about their trip.

"Hi Eve, how was your afternoon?" he asked politely.
Smiling as Jacob escorted her home, she couldn't help but notice that he looked as tough he had sweated a few gallons from all his hard work. But she didn't mind, being a hard worker was just one of his best qualities.

Answering his question, they walked towards her parents house, which was about nine hundred meters away.

"It went by so quickly, didn't it? The kids all wanted to leave early, and so did I, but I made sure they all finished their work before sending them on their way. It would be so easy to give them the afternoon off one day, and just go for a walk, or a picnic or something."

Looking at the other villagers as they passed by, Evelyn could tell that some of them were taking notice of Jacob escorting her home. Such gossipers. It's not like she was hanging off his arm, although something deep inside her wished she could do that, just to make their eyes pop out of their skulls.

"Sorry about before, I got carried away in your workshop. I hope you don't think less of me for it."

She doubted he would, in all the years he had never seemed to think less of her. It was what made him such a close friend.
Jacob enjoyed the walk with Eve, normally his father would make him stay back late or rush him home before he had the chance to see anybody.

"It went by so quickly, didn't it? The kids all wanted to leave early, and so did I, but I made sure they all finished their work before sending them on their way. It would be so easy to give them the afternoon off one day, and just go for a walk, or a picnic or something."
she explained longingly.

"Truly Eve, I long for a day off. Work it seems, has become my life. My father wants me to follow in his footsteps but I just don't think I have it in me to be like him." he explained with ire.

"We're hardly ever home. I almost never get time to spend with friends and family. I think even my mother is starting to become annoyed especially now that he has worked himself sick." he complained bitterly.

Jacob, like Eve noticed the onlookers as they walked. He heard his father's voice in his head reprimanding him for spending too much time on frivolous pursuits. Courting a woman like Eve was in no way a frivolous pursuit in his opinion.

"Sorry about before, I got carried away in your workshop. I hope you don't think less of me for it."
she apoligised

"Never, I would never think less of you." he replied and stopped a moment to take her hands in his, he payed no attention to the hushed whispers around them.

"I too long for what you dream of, a way to get out of this place, this rut. I dream of being able to see what else the world has to offer us."
he explained passionately.

"I'm only concerned because uncle never returned from the forest and I just want to make sure we don't make the same mistakes he did." he cautioned.

"But do not fear, dear Eve. I'm sure with out combined efforts we should have little trouble exploring the great beyond." he added excitedly.

"I only have one request. I do hope you own more appropriate clothing and footwear for a trek into the forest."
he asked looking at her less than practical dress and shoes.
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Pausing as he took her hand, she felt her heart skip a beat, but as he spoke of caution and keeping a clear mind and coming back safe, she put his touch down to friendly concern. As he mentioned his Uncle not returning, Evelyn bit her bottom lip and looked out towards the forest. Something had to be in there, too many people disappeared for it to be accidents occuring.

And then there was the noises that could be heard late at night, when the moon was full and the wind quiet.

His mention of suitable clothing caused her to open her mouth in protest.

"What do you mean," she started to say, before noticing that she would catch every barb and thorn, and trip or scratch her ankles on every stick or branch.

"Oh, I see now. I could borrow some of Roberts. He won't miss them."

Robert was Evelyn's younger brother, and he was a bit of a twig. His trousers and shirt would be loose still, but at least she would be more capable.
Jacob Baker

"Oh, I see now. I could borrow some of Roberts. He won't miss them." she told him.

Jacob knew Eve's younger brother Robert, he wasn't entirely sure Roberts clothes would fit her but at least they would be a tad more practical. Jacob loathed to lose the soft warmth of her hands in his but if word got back to his father about the closeness of their proximity for such a long duration of time he knew that the lecture he would receive would be in liking to a horse kick to the groin. Something he was not fond of.

Jacob gestured to Eve that they continue their walk to her house until she was at the doorstep.

"Until the morning dear Evelyn." he dismissed himself with a tip of his head. With the weekend only two days away he would need to work hard to prepare for their trip.
Waving as Jacob heading home, Evelyn quickly went inside to wash up for dinner. She still had to help prepare the meal, before her father returned home. Finding her mother in the kitchen, Evelyn gave her a hug and placed the picnic basket down.

"Mr Rhyner's wife seems to be doing better, and I dropped off the pills for Mr Baker, and the pie you baked for Jacob. He was hard at work, just like he usually is. I think they are getting more orders since the weather is starting to get colder. More horses losing shoes, or something."

Evelyn's mother smiled, and nodded her head. She was a woman of few words, unlike her daughter.

"I was thinking of making Robert a new set of clothes, for his upcoming birthday next month. Can I borrow your sewing case?" she asked, hoping it didn't sound to unusual.

Her mother turned around and raised an eyebrow, but said that Evelyn was welcome to work on her sewing and clothe making skills anytime she had the spare time.

In the back of her mind, Evelyn jumped up and down in joy, she could tailor her own adventure clothes before the weekend.

Soon there were footsteps at the front door and her father returned home, luckily nobody seemed to have spoken to him about her closeness to Jacob earlier. They went about dinner, and soon the house retired for the night, all but Evelyn, who cut and sewed by candlelight in her loft bedroom.
Jacob Baker

For the first time in a long time Jacob returned to his home with excitement. The prospect of adventuring into the unknown was beginning to sate his thirst for knowledge. What would they find the forest? Was there something beyond the forest? and most importantly would they survive the forest? He did not wish to dwell on the latter, it would put an unnecessary negative tone to whole experience.

When he arrived home he greeted his mother who was busily preparing dinner. His younger sister Jade was joyfully playing with her toys in the living room. After a quick wash and change of clothes he took a tray with his father's dinner along with the pills and made his way to the room.

When Jacob opened the door his father was in the middle of a coughing fit.

"Ah..Jacob my boy(cough, cough) is the shop(cough) everything going well." his father asked. Seeing his father so sick humbled Jacob greatly, he'd only ever seen his father healthy and hard working; always teaching him about the lessons of a good blacksmith. The redness in his eyes and the pale look of his skin not to mention the horrid sound of his cough completely changed his fathers outward appearance, it showed a frailty Jacob was not used to.

"Good father, everything is on schedule." Jacob replied reassuringly.

"Good, good.(cough) I may not be around forever my boy, it will be up to you to look after your mother and sister." his father reminded him.

"Don't talk like that father. It's just a simple cold you'll be fine." Jacob returned trying to comfort him.

"Hmph,(cough, cough, cough) of course, of course. Now leave me the tray and keep your mother company. She's been(cough, cough) worried about me all day and its driving me nuts." his father joked.

"I will, rest well father and remember to take your pill."
he replied. Jacob left the tray on the bedside table and returned downstairs. He helped his mother set the table up for the rest of them and they sat down to eat. His sister ranted and raved about all the things she learned at school from Miss Collins.

"Speaking of Miss Collins." his mother interrupted. "I heard from Mrs Woolner, that you and her were speaking with her earlier today. Alone." she inquired with a small smile.

"There's nothing to it mother, we're just friends." he replied nonchalantly. Jacob couldn't keep the smile from forming on his face as he recalled the events in his mind.

"I see." his mother responded picking up on his subtle hint. "Well, her mother and I were only just talking the other day about that fact that her daughter was still unmarried. I told her that my boy was a handsome and strong young man very capable of filling the role of husband." she informed him.

"Thank you mother." he replied annoyingly. Jacob felt the warm rush of embarrassment flood to his face. "I think that father has me too busy in the shop to think about such things." he reminded her. His mother's shoulders slumped at the mention of her sick husband. The recent sickness worried her greatly and Jacob was starting to see the effects.

"Don't worry mother, father will be fine. You'll see." he stated comfortingly.

For the rest of dinner they ate mostly in silence. Jacob retired to his room after helping his mother clean up and get his sister ready for bed. He retrieved a small box under his bed that contained all of his personal projects and began work on some of them. When he could no longer keep his eyes open he collapsed on his bed in a fit of exhaustion. It was unlike him to work so late into the night especially when he had an early start in the morning but he knew that they would need all the help they could get on their little adventure.
The weekend arrived quickly, and before Evelyn knew it, she was having to pack some food and supplies and hide it from her parents. The morning had been rather foggy, and even as mid morning arrived there was still a blanket over the town.

Perhaps it was an omen of bad fortune?

Her parents thought nothing of her leaving the house so early, and nobody had noticed that she wore a skirt over a pair of tight fitting trousers. It turned out that her brother didn't have curves, and although she had made them for her shape, the sizing hadn't been perfect. So they were snug. But they would do.

"Good bye mother, do you think you could visit Jacob's father today and see how he is doing?" she asked, hoping that once they had left the village that both families wouldn't be left without necessary help.

Jacobs family would be worst off, but the town was close and everyone lent a hand when needed.

Heading down the road, it took her about ten minutes before she arrived a small orchard, the place she had arranged to meet Jacob. Laying down under one of the tree's she just had to wait.

The fog was just thick enough that it was difficult to see anybody before they were perhaps a yard or two away.
Jacob Baker

The next few days flashed by. Jacob kept up with his work in the shop along with his personal projects for the trip. He hoped that his ragtag bunch of trinkets would be helpful in someway. Jacob ferreted away all the supplies he would need for the journey and made sure he packed a suitable amount of clothing.

On the morning of their departure a thick fog rolled over the village. The visibility was so poor Jacob could barely see a few meters in front of him. The mid-morning sun barely broke through the thick haze but it was marginally better.

He greeted his mother and sister in the morning and sat down to eat breakfast. "Mother, I am going to spend the day with my friends in the fields. I may not be home til late." he explained.

"Okay dear, you deserve a break after all the hard work you've been doing lately." she replied. Jacob finished his breakfast and completed his morning chores. When he was done, he packed the remainder of his belongings and headed out.

He found Eve lying underneath the orchid.

"Hi Eve, I see you haven't backed down. Are you sure you still want to do this?" he asked.
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Looking up, having almost dozed off, Evelyn stood up and brushed herself off. Jacob seemed dressed for the occasion, and he had put a lot more gear into his backpack than what Evelyn seemed to. But all in all she knew she had enough food to last several days. Smiling, she stepped forward and nodded.

"I think so, I'm anxious, but I want to know what is out there. I'm not getting any younger."

Untying her skirt, she kicked it off and rolled it up. She wanted to keep it, but knew she couldn't wear it in the woods. So instead she placed it in her bag, the fabric might be useful even as a blanket or something.

"Better?" she asked, slowly spinning in a circle to show off her pants and the loose white top she had made. Her pants were tucked into a pair of boots that were Roberts, but they fitted her good enough.

"I'm not my mother when it comes to sewing, but its better than having to take Roberts clothes."
Jacob Baker

Jacob would have been lying if he didn't share Eve's nervousness but he wasn't quite as brave to voice it out in the open.

Eve twirled on the spot to show Jacob her new attire, it seemed so odd not seeing her in a dress. Her new clothing didn't fit her quite right, but it was a grade more practical.

"Much better. They look great" he replied smiling.

"I have a few things I want to show you as well." he began. Jacob pulled the pack of his back and opened one of the compartments. He fished several metallic objects and laid them on the ground in front of her. He picked up two of the objects first. They were about thirty centimeters long, cylindrical and had a small switch at each end.

"These are what I like to call glow sticks. Well that is until I can think of a better name." he explained.

"You simply press on the switch like so and a bright light appears on the other side." he demonstrated. A bright luminous light likening a flame erupted from one end of the stick. "It uses specially designed flint to create the spark and a highly condensed flammable material in the stick. It will last at least a few hours." he added. He then let go of the switch, blew the light out and handed it to her for inspection.

"And there's this." he continued and showed her a home made crossbow. The metallic frame and trigger mechanism were made of a alloy that John had spend hours painstakingly experimenting with to create. In essence it was much lighter and stronger than any other base metal he used in the shop.

"Just in case we run into trouble."
John explained and demonstrated its use by showing her how to load the weapon and then firing a bolt into the soft grass. When he was done, he handed her the crossbow so she could practice.

"Next are these." John presented four pairs of odd looking gloves. They were made from a thick cloth surrounded by a metallic mesh.

"They're heat resistance, strong, flexible and very light." he explained. John had spend many evenings slowly intertwining each metallic chain to form the gloves. Hopefully they would perform how he boasted

"Last but not least is this." John lifted his final tool. It was a short sword sheathed in a specially designed hardened case. He demonstrated its strength by striking it against a nearby tree trunk. When he unsheathed the weapon the newly forged glean of metal reflected in the limited light available. One side of the blade was straight and the other serrated, with its dual use it may become an invaluable tool.

"Just in case we need to cut something." he added handing her the last object.

He looked at Eve's expression trying to gauge what she thought of his inventions.

((I took a little poetic license with these tools, I hope you don't mind. Bit hard to work out how much I can do with such limited technology available in this setting))
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((No worries, they all seem fine to me))

Eve looked at the glow stick, as he called it, and was shocked when he created light with no more effort than pressing a button. How much simpler would working in the fields be with such a device, or walking the streets, or fetching water after dark. The uses seemed limitless. She looked at him with wild eyes as he extinguished the flame and handed her the tube.

She examined it, and could see that he had spent a long time creating the device. Handing it back, she took the crossbow and had expected to have to lift the heavy weight but instead she found it quite light for its size.

Picking up the bolt that he had fired into the ground, she loaded it and aimed, firing it not too far away from his initial target.

Nodding as he explained the next device, she wondered exactly what he would need them for.

But when he unsheathed the short sword her jaw dropped when it gleamed in the light. He looked like one of the men from her story books, a Knight.

"I'm sure you won't need to use it, but I'm glad you have it just in case. These are all marvelous and wonderful. How do you come up with such ideas! This is like nothing I've read in books beyond children's stories."