The Vampire Queen's Servant


Apr 5, 2009
((Closed for myself please do not post here))


IC: Lorellei Morrigan

Queen Lolrellei Morrigan was hungry tonight. She wanted a meal-a real meal-a feast actually. Preferably one that was big and muscular, a man whose long powerful body she would push to its limits as she drank his blood tonight. She would pin him down and take her fill as she rode him hard. Take his cock deep within herself making him give up his rich life-giving sustenance. Both his seed and his blood at the same time would fill her. She would push him to the point of exhaustion and make him beg her to give her more. She would push him beyond all rational though. He would be just a pure beast acting on primal rutting instinct. All those wonderfully gorgeous muscles would be taut and slick with sweat as he pounded his big hard cock deep into with a fierce irrational animal need. He would be a beast she'd ride and command with the skill and expertise of a rodeo rider.

Just thinking on her desires for her lucky man made heat pool in her poor neglected pussy. She was hungry, and when she hungered she became horny. Her fangs ached to pierce his flesh, feel the gush of his warm red blood down her throat. She hungered.

Lorellei had only eaten functionally from surgical blood bags for the past four months. But like most Vampires, her desire for blood was intertwined with her instinctive need to dominate her victims sexually. Without that, the blood had no taste, no flavor, no life to it. She was sick to death of it, so now that she was three hundred miles away from her husband, korinn, she was here on the hunt tonight.

She pulled her blood red ferrari into a parking garage and climbed out of the car. She headed towards the loud throbbing music and the long line of young humans waiting for the bouncers to let them in. One look as she cut ahead of everyone was all it took for them to usher her in. Perhaps because this club was owned by an old ally of Lorellei's, Lord Jason, or perhaps one look was all it took for the big bouncer to recognize a predator on the prowl for some prey and choose not to get in her way.

She walked inside and immediately heads started turning. She had dressed to impress or to lure with a black backless minidress thin enough to reveal every detail underneath like the outline of the barely concealing thong she wore over a smoldering and impatient pussy. Other than that she wore open-toed heels high enough that it made the back of her legs taut and her ass stick out accentuated with a purposeful gait that swung hips and displayed the length of her legs to its fullness. The heels were the type the laced up all the way up to her knees like gladiator sandals. The last thing she wore was a long leather coat that bounced and fluttered with each hip swaying stride she made.

IC: Caleb Reese

Caleb did not know what he was doing in this place. Don't get him wrong, mixing and serving up drinks to kids out clubbing beat the hell out of getting shot at by the Taliban, but at least in Afghanistan he had a purpose, orders to follow, a cause to serve. Here now as a civilian he had none of that. Earn a day's wage to live night after night behind the bar in the Kismet dance club was a poor substitute to fighting and preserving something greater than himself. He was a marine, for god's sake. What the hell was he even doing here?

He was pouring some cute redhead's fruity flavored martini monstrosity when he saw her strut through the doors of the club. She was gorgeous. A dark goddess straight out of his wet dreams-literally. He froze as visions from the dreams he had his entire life came flooding through his mind as he watched her walk across the club to sit at a table near the corner. It couldn't be her. His erotic dream woman was not real. He had grown up convinced she was just a figment of his juvenile hormone-driven imagination.

Yet here she was in front of him in all her gorgeous beauty. She sat her shapely ass down in a chair. She leaned back, one arm draped over the back of her chair, leg crossed over the other. She sat waiting, and Caleb had the very real impression that she was like a spider waiting to feel that tug on her web.

Did that make him the fly?

Drawn to her he left the bar to the surprise of his coworkers. Caleb walked over to her. He remembered dreams where he crawled towards her. He remembered nights of passion and beauty. He remembered her, the woman in his dreams. He remembered the thing he always called her in those dreams.

His lips were dry and his voice was rough as he sounded the title out loud to his dream woman, "Mistress."

She stiffened at that, and looked up to him, and he saw in those dark eyes, recognition.

"So," She told him low, soft, vulnerable, remorseful, and yet still pleased, "You've found me yet again, my first servant."
IC: Lorellei Morrigan and Caleb Reese

"So," She told him low, soft, vulnerable, remorseful, and yet still pleased, "You've found me yet again, my first servant."

"You know me," He asked pulling out a chair to sit across from her, "I've never met you before, but have had dreams about you since I could remember. How is that possible?"

"You remember me from your past lives." She explained slowly. She'd have to be very careful on just how she worded his answer. "Over these long long years you've found me time and again." She reached out and fingers closed around his hand. They were cool despite the heat in here. "Tell me, what name do you go by in this life?"

"It's Caleb, Caleb Reese from, uh, Jersey." He told her noting the ring on her finger, "And does your husband know about me and my dreams of you and me together?"

"Well, Caleb Reese from Jersey, my marriage is...what we can call rather complicated." Her hand left his and she leaned forward giving him a bountiful view down her cleavage in that tight black dress she wore. She took hold of the collar of his white button-up shirt and pulled enough to show the top edge of his marine corps tattoo. "It seems I'm not the only one that has external obligations."

"I was in the Marine corps, fought in Afghanistan." He shrugged. "I'm out now though."

She sat back and nodded, "You've always sought ways to serve something greater than yourself, Caleb Rreese from Jersey." Her dark eyes met his, "And now that's been taken from you. You must feel so lost without your purpose. I am sad for you because of that, but I rejoice that now you have a chance at a long and happy life."

"Thanks...I think." There was so much left unasked between them, so much he wanted to learn from her. But one thing above all. "So, all my dreams are memories of you and me?"

"The last time was in France during the second great war. You were an American soldier then too." She said remembering those few days she had owned him.

"The Farmhouse," His eyes shot wide, "You didn't want me to go, but I had to."

"You had already chosen the master of your life." She nodded. She had tied him to the farmhouses bed, fucked him all night long to convince him to stay with her. It hadn't worked then. He had a mission to complete. She hated and loved him for that. She had learned later that he had earned a medal of honor for his actions, albeit posthumously.

"So, why did you come here." He asked, "To find me?"

She shook her head. "You were a pleasant surprise, Caleb. I came for only a night of freedom and fun from complications in my life. To find a lucky man to dance with, to take back to my hotel room and enjoy myself until morning."

He cleared his throat, "Then I think you found me."
IC: Lorellei Morrigan

He cleared his throat, "Then I think you found me."

Lorellei leaned back in her chair at that. She regarded him keenly. In so many ways Caleb was perfect for her, and that would be the problem. She had one night and one night only away from her life filled with dangers and the scheming of enemies around every turn. She must be forever vigilant. Except for tonight. Tonight was all she could grant herself of freedom to enjoy a man's company like the reincarnation of Cairn's soul.

In some ways it was kismet that they met now, tonight. Caleb was free. For the first time ever he had found her untied to other obligations.

She could have him tonight, but she knew herself all too well. She knew that come morning she wouldn't want to let Caleb go. Neither would he for that matter. If he were to stay, he'd be forced to bow to her world, and it would either break the light in his eyes she treasured so much already, or her world would cost him his life just as a way to spite her.

"How much of your dreams do you remember, Caleb," She asked him slowly.

"How could I forget any of it," He shook his head, "You leave quite the unforgettable impression."

She nodded at the truth of that, "Then you should realize that I am no ordinary woman."

"That much goes without saying," He agreed.

"And as an extraordinary woman it would stand to reason that I would have extraordinary tastes." She went on tonguing the back of her fangs. "Do you remember those from your dreams."

Caleb swallowed past a lump in his throat. He'd had so many dreams of this woman over the years. Most were happy ones he'd love to relive...and others...whips and chains and pain and blood...she scared him shitless in those. Not because she was evil or cruel but because she excitedly wanted to do those things to him, and god help him he wanted to let her despite how it scared the hell out of him. "I remember it all, mistress."

She got up from her seat graceful as any ballerina and looked back at him. "I'm going to dance tonight. Caleb, If you follow after me I will take you back to my hotel room," She explained, "And we will see just what I am in the mood for with you when we get there." The long leather coat slid off her shoulders and she laid it across her chair before strutting towards the throng of young supple bodies writhing together on the dance floor.