The UN is a sickening parody, Libya elected chair of the UN Human Rights Committee


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Libyan human rights in the spotlight


Freedom of expression and independent political activity are severely curtailed, while members of banned groups, including those advocating peaceful means to oppose the state, have been ruthlessly dealt with.

Among the draconian penal laws is Law 71 which states that anyone "who calls for the establishment of any grouping, organisation or association proscribed by law" can be executed.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of Colonel Gaddafi's political opponents have been held as prisoners of conscience over the years, the most prominent of whom was Libya's longest-serving "prisoner of conscience

For a start, they say, hundreds of prisoners of conscience remain behind bars, many of them after what are described as "grossly unfair" trials by the so-called People's Court which deals with political trials.

Trials of opponents of the regime have continued, including one against a group of 150 doctors, academics, engineers and other professionals accused of membership of the Libyan Islamic Group.

Amnesty International (AI) says the group is not known to have used or advocated violence in its opposition activities
Re: Re: The UN is a sickening parody, Libya elected chair of the UN Human Rights Committee

A Desert Rose said:
Is this a fucking joke? Answer me when I come back from the grocery store, ok?

Get anything good to munch on? :)
Khadaffi deserves to be shot in the head. North African arab states continue to blatantly exploit africans to the point of slavery, yet the European TRASH like PP Man give them a pass. Why is this?
Is this a fucking joke? Answer me when I come back from the grocery store, ok?

Sadly, no...

In another case, which the People's Court eventually passed on for criminal prosecution, six Bulgarians and a Palestinian are being charged over the alleged deliberate infection of nearly 400 Libyan children with HIV, the virus which causes Aids.

The defendants say they confessed under torture - beatings with electric cables and electric shocks - a claim which Libya has so far failed to investigate fully, as it is required to do as a signatory of the UN Convention against Torture.

Libya prevents any form of independent monitoring of its justice system, despite repeated requests by respected non-governmental organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (HRW).
The UN is a complete fucking joke. This is just the most recent example of it. The institution has been on the decline for years.
I read the vote was held in secret, without the US there. and 16-17 countries "abstained" Lots of confidence was "shown"
HeavyStick said:
I read the vote was held in secret, without the US there. and 16-17 countries "abstained" Lots of confidence was "shown"

held in the Iluminati's grand festhall, no doubt.
I'm still waiting for an explanation of why Muslim terrorist regimes in Sudan are killing, raping, and murdering Sudanese. Let's see. Why aren't you answering. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T? Fucking lying leftist garbage, you talk about genocide only when it's convenient, that is about as low and dirty a shit you can be.