The un-hung heros of Lit


Sniffing around
Jan 26, 2002
I was trapped among a cluster of tumescent phallic AV's the other day. It seemed like two for one night at a gay bar.

(Do penises travel in clusters? Herds? For those of us alone the word a clutch of penis seems appropriate.)

At any rate, I felt it was time to start a thread for those of us who not only never have shown our members on line, and would have a hard time finding a digi-cam with that much zoom capability.

C'mon guys. Own up to your true stature. Admit you won't have an all-nude wedding because everyone will know who the real best man is.
Well I've got a huuuuge cock.

It crows every bloody morning at dawn, the little feathered bastard :D
Whoo Hooo !!! Congratulations Irish on starting the thread. Will be back to check it out. :)
I try to admit this to people, but they don't seem to care. Maybe the way you use it really does matter to some people.

I'm with ya on this one Irish.
All right Irish! Good for lets see some more men post on here!:kiss:
IrishWolfhound said:
Gentlemen, please. This is a thread for the modest & truthful, not the braggarts.

I've always stated that my penis is of massively average size and girth. Nothing to be proud of true, but the damn thing works and almost never goes on the fritz. What more can ya ask for? :)
Just me & lobito are letting it all hang out tonight (such as it is).

I ain't what your packing its how you use it.
IrishWolfhound said:
Just me & lobito are letting it all hang out tonight (such as it is).

I ain't what your packing its how you use it.

I think saying "ALL" is a bit much, don't you? :p
IrishWolfhound said:
Just me & lobito are letting it all hang out tonight (such as it is).

I ain't what your packing its how you use it.

I never said I had a big dick, ever :D

Remarkably normal in the trouser department, i am :)
Starblayde said:
I never said I had a big dick, ever :D

Remarkably normal in the trouser department, i am :)

Thats did qualify it as being of the avian type.
LadyGuinivere said:
*Stands and applauds*

Honest and humorous :)

*Bowing to Lady G*

Thank you, thank you. This thread will rise up there among my other greats, like the geat Chicken Crossing The Road Conspiracy Thread
Of course what I was really going for was a plethora of females trying to prove they think men with small members are sexy.

Not one, so far. Damn... :rolleyes:
IrishWolfhound said:
*Bowing to Lady G*

Thank you, thank you. This thread will rise up there among my other greats, like the geat Chicken Crossing The Road Conspiracy Thread

Have you done a 'people never really slip on bananas' thread?
Starblayde said:
Have you done a 'people never really slip on bananas' thread?

Not yet, but I'll keep that idea on file for the future. I really try to limit self-humiliation to once or twice a year.
IrishWolfhound said:
Of course what I was really going for was a plethora of females trying to prove they think men with small members are sexy.

Not one, so far. Damn... :rolleyes:

lol... this thread wasn't going to get that. but now that you mentioned it... it might.
IrishWolfhound said:
Not yet, but I'll keep that idea on file for the future. I really try to limit self-humiliation to once or twice a year.

Well don't try this again, then :D
Yeah Irish...:kiss:

I could care less about size... It's the man attached that matters...

Been saying that till my face is blue...
IrishWolfhound said:
Of course what I was really going for was a plethora of females trying to prove they think men with small members are sexy.

Not one, so far. Damn... :rolleyes:

Average is good. :) At least these men don't fool themselves that you only need in-out-in-out-in-wiggle-cum sex. ;)