The Ugly Person Register


Game Face Status: On
Feb 8, 2002
Sign in here if you are ugly...if you are ugly inside then you can sign in too. This will act as a warning to everyone else not to talk to you.
Yeah. Sign me up!! I'm a horribly ugly person. Ugly inside too, so I meet both criteria.

WARNING: Don't talk to me, I'm ugly.
April said:
Yeah. Sign me up!! I'm a horribly ugly person. Ugly inside too, so I meet both criteria.

WARNING: Don't talk to me, I'm ugly.

Im like April Plus I have ugly moods.
April said:
Yeah. Sign me up!! I'm a horribly ugly person. Ugly inside too, so I meet both criteria.

WARNING: Don't talk to me, I'm ugly.

can I stand beside you? it'll make me look cuter.
I was really ugly this morning...well, nasty is more like it...does that count?
calypso_21 said:
I was really ugly this morning...well, nasty is more like it...does that count?

I bet you're cute even when you're nasty. ;)

Get outta here! :D
BigDawg69 said:

Well the 'f' part is true I just take exception to the "ugly" bit!

Didn't you know I was a greek hag dripping black ooze all over the place?

I think that's pretty ugly. :D
calypso_21 said:
I was really ugly this morning...well, nasty is more like it...does that count?

Not in your case! You are not ugly anyhow nor anyway! Nope! You are probably the most "unugly" person at Lit! :rose:
I've been known to scare animals and small children...

It feels *really* good to finally come clean about how ugly I am. Thanks, all.