The TTT - Trump Tariff Thread

The felon was on TV making out that tariffs are paid by foreign companies exporting to the US. Also he whines that all taxes on businesses are paid by the customers. Surely nobody is as dumb as to believe both points.
Cato Institute has intelligent, evidence driven stances on international trade and immigration. It’d be nice if either the Republicans or Democrats had the same positions on those issues.

The Trump campaign surely believes tariffs and protectionism are a winning message, but there’s reason to be skeptical. A recent Cato Institute survey found that a mere 1 percent of Americans said that trade and globalization are a top three issue for them, and large majorities worried about and were unwilling to pay for tariffs’ costs, including higher prices or lost jobs. No wonder that Trump pretends those harms don’t exist.

I like how often Trump’s pretenses are called out now.
Yet Biden kept them and increased them
With the Republican Tax cuts and the economic issues from the pandemic the income was needed to help keep the deficit down. Tariffs are a tax on us and usually on the lower income brackets.
Yet Biden kept them and increased them

From your link:

  • Candidate Trump has proposed significant tariff hikes as part of his presidential campaign; we estimate that if imposed, his proposed tariff increases would hike taxes by another $524 billion annually and shrink GDP by at least 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.7 percent, and employment by 684,000 full-time equivalent jobs. Our estimates do not capture the effects of retaliation, nor the additional harms that would stem from starting a global trade war.

If you’re genuinely concerned about the economic impact of tariffs, then Trump is the wrong person to vote for.

If you’re only pretending to care about the economic impact of tariffs, then you’re probably a MAGA. They pretend to be upset about many things.
trump needs to learn what a tarrif is before you can make a thread about trump tarrifs.
Good time to resurrect and update this thread.

Question - if Trump imposes tariffs on Mexico, how likely is Mexico going to be open to re-establish the remain in Mexico policy?
Increasing tariffs is a very dumb idea. Every economist understands this. I could be totally wrong, but I suspect this is one of those issues on which Trump will talk loudly but act more modestly. Kind of like the fairly modest revisions to the North American Free Trade Act, which Trump in 2016 called the worst trade deal ever (it wasn't). He made minor changes to it and called it a victory and the issue went away.