The Tristesse2 Tapes in Retrospect (with another poll!)

What did you think of the interview thread?

  • I enjoyed it and would like to see more interviews.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • I enjoyed it and would like to see more interviews, but would do things differently (specify how in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I enjoyed it and would be interested in being the subject of an interview.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • It doesn't matter to me whether we do it again or not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't find it helpful because it distracted from other challenges, writing, etc., on the forum.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd like to see other challenges or workshops on the forum (specify what in the thread).

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
I think Tess's interview thread went well. We got to meet (or revisit) her poems, ask her questions, give her feedback. Maybe we saw her poems in a new light or gained a better understanding of her as a poet or even just shared pointers on how to give (and receive) feedback.To me it felt like an interactive writing workshop. And I know Tess has appreciated the opportunity to see her writing through her readers' eyes.

I'd like to do another interview thread. Or someone else can run the interview if they are interested (and in that case I'd just stick and unstick the thread). I'm wondering if others are interested as well. If so, perhaps some kind brave soul will send me a message saying they're up for the interview experience. Or not. I could always beg for interviewees. (I'm not above begging in the cause of poetry).

So let me know if you're up for having your writing scrutinized for a week or two...or I'll just ask someone. I'm discreet. I'll never admit whether you volunteered or I begged you. :D

In the meantime could you answer the poll and give me an idea of whether we should try this again? Comments and/or suggestions in this thread are also kindly welcomed.
I voted for more challenges, SWCs (same word challenge), group poems, shoot-outs. I'd also like threads dealing with inspiration sources and persona angles but th interview threads will cover that aspect.

P.S. I did find my interview very enlightening and recommend it as an exersize.
I voted for more challenges, SWCs (same word challenge), group poems, shoot-outs. I'd also like threads dealing with inspiration sources and persona angles but th interview threads will cover that aspect.

I would not mind doing a SWC again. It has been a while and they always fascinate me, seeing what different poems come from a single title.

Anyone have suggestions? If we get a list of potential titles we could try one, say, every few weeks.
Beggin' Time

Ok. I am officially begging. If you want to be interviewed (and at least one of you does, cause *I* did not choose that option), say so here or send me a private message, whichever you prefer. If you are interviewed:

1. Anyone can ask you anything about your poems or yourself. The focus will be your poems, mostly (though we do often wander here). You answer accordingly. The thread gets stuck for one or two weeks depending on how much action the thread gets. Or, if you get sick of answering questions, we can unstick after a week. :D

2. You get honest, open feedback on your poems. Praise and criticism are both fine although it is best if the interviewer (i.e., whomever is asking the question) explains why they like or don't like whatever. (That's kinda the whole point.) You get to see your poems through your readers' eyes and hear their suggestions. If you find them helpful, great. If not, no worries, right?

3. Many lurker/readers will get to know you and your poems, so potentially your reading audience will increase.

4. Everyone has the opportunity to read and learn. So it's win-win. AND you are supporting your local poetry forum, which loves you and wants you to be an even better poet.

That's all I got. Let me know if you're in, s'ok?
*raises hand*

if no-one else fancies going next i'll be happy to take part. i don't scare easily :cool:
*raises hand*

if no-one else fancies going next i'll be happy to take part. i don't scare easily :cool:

Excellent! Tag. You're it. :)

I'll start the thread Monday, ok? That'll give people a few days to look at your poems.

You are brave and this'll be fun.

It's gonna be all about butters. Go read her poems!
so long as it's not making too much work for you, that's just fine by me. it's a form of research :D
so long as it's not making too much work for you, that's just fine by me. it's a form of research :D

No, not too much work at all. And I get to read you and learn, think about poetry...which is why I'm here in the first place soooo....

:D :kiss: