The Training - My first story

Alicia Charms

Mistress of Seduction
Nov 15, 2002
The Training - Chain Story Sign-Up

Hi all!

The Training is my first 'official' story and I intended it to be a continuing story with chapters written by other authors. I didn't want to pidgeonhole it into one fetish though it centers around BDSM, D/s and Mind control as the basis and can include any fetish you prefer.

This is an idea of some of the things I wanted to happen to me
in "The Training". The physical changes are an important part along with the psychological changes, transforming from a housewife who might say no to a slut that wants to do anything at all. I also don't like cuckold stories. There is no intention to humiliate my husband. He will join in and enjoy the changes he wanted.

I see the Master's Guild mansion as a sort of English Mansion or Manor. The Guild is rich and powerful and can do anything money can buy and perhaps magic as well. There are members of all races and many women who serve there in different capacities. All are marked in some similar way as slaves.

I love different hair styles and colors (especially blonde), big breasts, pregnant, transexual, group sex, forced prostitution, breeding, being part-animal or changing into an animal, being a black or asian girl, punky, goth, pierced, tattooed or anything else you'd enjoy creating!

So basically, I'm asking for other authors to write different chapters in their own comfortable style. Individual chapters can be presented highlighting your favorite fetishes.

Thanks to all who want to participate!

Please feel free to ask any questions you like!

These Chapters have been posted:

Chapter 1 written by me
Chapter 2 written by Dr. Mabeuse
Chapter 3 written by The Earl
Chapter 4 written by Tatewaki
Chapter 5 written by Un-registered
Chapter 6 written by Master Vassago

Comments are encouraged!

And that's where it stands now. Maybe I'll write another chapter.
Maybe not. Anyway, it will lie there as is until something happens, or nothing. Thanks to everyone who joined in!

(Dates are approximate and chapters may be posted as soon as they are ready after the previous chapter has been posted.)

Hope that works for everyone. Please let me know.

New authors are always welcome to join the chain!

(You must have a legal age in your Yahoo Adult Profile)
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Hey Alicia!

Congrats on your first story up!

I thought I'd get you the info on how to make your story a "chain story" -

- I would like to start a chain story. How do I do this?

A Chain Story is one in which several authors collaborate to create a story on a specific theme or topic. The first author writes the first chapter of the story according to the theme or topic. The next author reads the previous chapter and picks up where the first author left off, continuing the story as he or she sees fit. And so on, and so on...until the last chapter is completed.

Chain Stories are a special category on Literotica. To start one, you must do the following:

1) Post your idea to the Author's Hangout in the Bulletin Board and round up any interested authors who would like to participate. If you already have a group of writers who are interested, then continue on to step #2.

2) Once you know how many authors are interested, you must get a schedule together of who will do the first chapter, who will do the second, etc. Then, you must decide how much time will be between chapters to allow each author to write their piece. We suggest that you leave no less than 4 days, but no more than 8. A week is generally a good amount of time, but it's all up to you!

3) Email this information to Laurel so she's aware of the time frame and thus knows when to expect each chapter. If you've been planning this in the Author's Hangout and have posted the schedule there, you can simply email us a link to the thread containing the information.

4) The first person submits his or her chapter to us, selecting the category "Chain Stories". Any story which is submitted to "Chain Stories" without following these steps will be moved to whatever category the subject matter requires.

Good luck! Oh, and if you get it going, I would like to write a chapter = )

Thank you, Chicklet! I guess I missed some important information!

I'd be delighted to have you write a chapter! If anyone else is interested, please respond to this thread. I hope we can get enough volunteers to submit.

By the way, you ARE a cutie and you CAN move in for a kiss!

Hugs & Kisses,
Help! We need more authors!

Chicklet has volunteered to help out. I hope we can get a few more authors interested!

Maybe if I take my clothes off, that will help?

The "Before" version of Alison



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More authors needed!

Gosh, that didn't help at all!

Isn't there anyone else who would like to play?

After being transformed?

The After version of Alison


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Re: After being transformed?

Alicia Charms said:
The After version of Alison
Better dye or shave! (The eyebrows, of course; they give the game away.) ;-)

There are loads of dyed blondes running around with dark pubes, but I'm guessing the Masters would want me shaved, don't you?



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New "After" pic 1

I thought perhaps a few more 'after' looks were in order. The possibilities of a slutty blonde Alison are endless, of course.


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The new Alison is pleased to be a serving wench.


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Hi I see you have got some fine authors involved and I fear my humble attempt would be a mere shadow of Chicklet's words as I live in ore of the mistress that is chick.

I will attempt a chapter if that is ok with you of course, I understand that Chicklet is doing chapter 3 Un-registered is doing chapter 4 there is no mention of chapter 2 or have I miss-read the thread.


Love the pictures of Alison and it has given me an idea be in touch.

Love Lin
Here's the list:

Chapter 1 - Alicia Charms (finished above)
Chapter 2 - Chicklet
Chapter 3 - Dr. Mabeuse
Chapter 4 - Un-registered

Your humble attempt at Chapter 5 would be most welcome, MsLinnet.

P.S. You and Chicklet have cute bottoms!:kiss:
I am having problems starting this but I will keep trying I will read once again the parts I have seen and see where it takes me (to bed with screams of ecstasy probably)

Love Linnet :kiss:

Let's hope so! It looks like you're going to have plenty of time to get it ready. Chicklet was a bit busy, so she and Dr. Mabeuse have traded chapters. Here's how it's shaping up now:

The Training

Chapter 1 - Alicia Charms (finished)

Chapter 2 - Dr. Mabeuse

Chapter 3 - Chicklet (Dec 25)

Chapter 4 - Un-Registered

Chapter 5 - MsLinnet
Re: Schedule

Alicia Charms said:
Let's hope so! It looks like you're going to have plenty of time to get it ready. Chicklet was a bit busy, so she and Dr. Mabeuse have traded chapters. Here's how it's shaping up now:

The Training

Chapter 1 - Alicia Charms (finished)

Chapter 2 - Dr. Mabeuse

Chapter 3 - Chicklet (Dec 25)

Chapter 4 - Un-Registered

Chapter 5 - MsLinnet

I will get off my vibrator and don a pen or keyboard
Indeed! Don't be in too much of a hurry. I'm sure we can find a good use for that vibrator too!:kiss:
Author Change

Chicklet is no longer participating, so the Chapters numbers will change.

Alicia - Chapter 1
Dr.Mabeuse - Chapter 2
Un-Registered - Chapter 3
MsLinnet - Chapter 4
Re: Author Change

Alicia Charms said:
Chicklet is no longer participating, so the Chapters numbers will change.

Alicia - Chapter 1
Dr.Mabeuse - Chapter 2
Un-Registered - Chapter 3
MsLinnet - Chapter 4

that is a shame as she dose have the talent
Re: Re: Author Change

MsLinnet said:
that is a shame as she dose have the talent
She sure doos have a dose of talent.

Ooops sorry, not logged on, still Lin knows who it is!
Re: Re: Re: Author Change

Unregistered said:
She sure doos have a dose of talent.

Ooops sorry, not logged on, still Lin knows who it is!

:confused: I DO?
Yes, I'm very sorry she won't be able to take part. I would have liked to see what she'd do with me!