The Train of Death


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Special Alert at MEMRI: a warning from an Islamist web site about an imminent Al Qaeda attack inside the US—apparently within ten days.

"The operations have already been set and the lions have taken their positions and everything is complete. They are only waiting for permission from the heroic commander."

"Whatever the enemy may do, he will never be able, Allah willing, to thwart anything. The brigades for the main missions are ready. They are supported by their brethren, members of the supporting brigades and the reserve brigades. The alternative plans are ready."

"Hence, whatever the enemy of Allah may do, he shall not be able to harm us, Allah willing."

"The train of death is on its way. Its riders are steadfast. Nothing will stop them or turn them back, Allah willing, from the goal: neither the bushes of the enemy nor his weeds, neither his reptiles [nor] his lizards will stop its progress."

"There is no force or advancement, except from Allah, the All-Powerful..."

"It is only a matter of a few days so be patient. We will come out and announce to you the news of the great victory."

"And so I repeat: supplications, supplications, supplications, supplications to Allah..."

"We implore Allah, to protect them [the Jihad fighters]... and to take away from them [the enemies'] hearing and sight."

"Oh Allah, this is America... destroy it and shake it and all who walk in its line and entrenches with it... There is no god but you, the exalted..." much for that. They just lowered the aleart level to Tangerine or Peach or something.