The Terrifying Line in Obama's Speech That Everyone Missed


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
His Agenda: President Obama's convention speech got rough reviews, and rightly so. He offered little but tired bromides and recycled promises. But critics overlooked one promise that will guarantee an even bleaker future.

There was plenty to dislike in Obama's speech. The language was flat, his delivery languid. The speech was stuffed with standard Obama chestnuts about the smallness of politics, the corrupting influence of money in politics, and how cynicism is our worst enemy.

Instead of stirring rhetoric filled with hope and promise, Obama pledged that under his leadership, "our path is harder" and "our road is longer."

Seriously? After four years of the worst economic recovery since the Depression, falling incomes, lower-paying jobs, increased hopelessness and exploding debt, all Obama has to offer is that he'll make this nightmare last even longer?

He also told the public that they "elected me to tell you the truth" not to "tell you what you wanted to hear," but then proceeded to hide inconvenient truths while filling the public's ears with sweet nothings.

For example, he pledged government help for everyone who could possibly want or need it, but managed to avoid any mention of the hard truth that the national debt just topped $16 trillion and entitlements are unsustainable.

He said he'd spend money saved from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on roads, bridges and schools. Even the liberal press wasn't buying this one. As the AP pointed out, Obama "laid claim to a peace dividend that doesn't exist."

Obama promised to "take responsible steps" that would "keep the promise of Social Security." But he failed to mention that the only options he's left on the table are raising taxes or cutting benefits. That may not be what people want to hear, but it's the absolute truth.

He trotted out his supposed plan to cut deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade. But his actual plan — the budget he presented in February — would add $3.5 trillion in deficits, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Then Obama said he'd create a million new manufacturing jobs, recruit another 100,000 math and science teachers, cut tuition growth in half, and reform the tax code. All by magic, apparently, since he's provided no detailed plans on any of this.

But while everyone was picking apart these and other flaws in Obama's speech, they overlooked the most frightening line of all. That was when Obama promised that he'd pursue "the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one."

That promise might have made liberal hearts swoon. But as Amity Shlaes explained in her outstanding history of the era — "The Forgotten Man" — it was precisely FDR's "bold, persistent experimentation" that was largely to blame for the length, depth and severity of the Great Depression.

Convinced that the government had to do something, FDR tinkered and experimented, she said, figuring that if he didn't "get it right the first time ... maybe he'd get it right the second time." But the very arbitrariness of FDR's actions, she found, made it impossible for businesses to make plans. And so, as FDR's bold experiments increased, business activity decreased and markets froze.

"From the point of view of a business," Shlaes said in a 2009 interview, "it is annihilating to hear Washington uncertain, and that itself retards recovery because you really don't know what to expect."
Like Clinton, I can't watch him. He diminishes the office of the Presidency and violates the public trust with every partisan lie.

So you're saying that both you and Clinton can't watch the President. Okay:rolleyes:
The countries biggest problem is...

The real threat to this country is people like you and your two friends who have posted above me.

You poor sick bastards seem to think that the rich give a shit about you. Otherwise why would you want to give away all your rights, like union membership, public schools and public works projects. You would rather drive through potholes and have you kids denied a fighting chance of having a good life just to put more money in some rich guys pocket.

The fact that people like you make up nearly half of the country is the saddest part of American history.
The real threat to this country is people like you and your two friends who have posted above me.

You poor sick bastards seem to think that the rich give a shit about you. Otherwise why would you want to give away all your rights, like union membership, public schools and public works projects. You would rather drive through potholes and have you kids denied a fighting chance of having a good life just to put more money in some rich guys pocket.

The fact that people like you make up nearly half of the country is the saddest part of American history.

You're brainwashed and missing the point, entirely. Unions??

America is the land or opportunity, but it's not guaranteed.....Dodo
The real threat to this country is people like you and your two friends who have posted above me.

You poor sick bastards seem to think that the rich give a shit about you. Otherwise why would you want to give away all your rights, like union membership, public schools and public works projects. You would rather drive through potholes and have you kids denied a fighting chance of having a good life just to put more money in some rich guys pocket.

The fact that people like you make up nearly half of the country is the saddest part of American history.


The dog next door puts enough shit on it, dont need more from you:cool:
The real threat to this country is people like you and your two friends who have posted above me.

You poor sick bastards seem to think that the rich give a shit about you. Otherwise why would you want to give away all your rights, like union membership, public schools and public works projects. You would rather drive through potholes and have you kids denied a fighting chance of having a good life just to put more money in some rich guys pocket.

The fact that people like you make up nearly half of the country is the saddest part of American history.

just so you know

us RICH PEOPLE dont drive in potholes, we have THEM filled in when we arrive

sorta like D Patrick did when the First HO! came for a visit in his town

second, we wouldnt send OUR KIDS to Public School cause we wont CONTAMINATE our precious kids with the animals there.....sorta like MANURE and SHITHEAD go to PVT SCHOOL

Public works, no, they dont, they have their hands out!

Unions? ALL OF EM SHOULD BE SHOT.........:rose:
sorta like D Patrick did when the First HO! came for a visit in his town



and doesnt give a shit about you either

Mass. Governor asks town to fill pothole in path of FLOTUS motorcade to upcoming $20k a seat fundraiser

Sources tell me an alternate procedure is in the works in case the pothole isn’t filled in time. The contingency planning includes slightly altering the route of the First Lady’s motorcade to steer around the pothole, but hopefully those kinds of drastic measures won’t be necessary:

The office of Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a staunch ally of President Barack Obama, asked town officials in the Berkshires to fix a pothole in the path of an upcoming Michelle Obama motorcade, according to a report.

The Boston Herald reports Patrick is hosting a $20,000-a-seat fundraiser for the first lady at his home in the western Massachusetts hamlet of Richmond (pop. 1,475) next month. A Patrick aide called Richmond’s town administrator and asked him to fix a pothole on the road Obama will have to take to Patrick’s estate, called Sweet P Farm. Richmond’s administrator alerted officials in the next town over, where the pothole is actually located.

The town administrator in West Stockbridge, Mark Webber, was happy to oblige the governor’s request.

“That’s one of those spots we had planned to fix. Now we’ll just fix it a couple weeks sooner,” Webber said, adding the repair “isn’t a big deal” and will cost “a couple of tons of blacktop, a couple of hundred bucks.”

You’re probably asking yourself, “won’t the pothole be covered by the red carpet and the rose petals Governor Patrick will put down?” Possibly, but that would only take care of the problem from an aesthetic standpoint. The real fear is that if the motorcade might hit the pothole on the way back to the airport after the dinner, spilling the fundraising haul everywhere.

In defense of Governor Patrick, those limos ride pretty low and, if not filled in, the pothole might have been enough to stop the motorcade in its tracks.

Howie Carr ponders a hypothetical imaging doomsday scenario:

Imagine if Mitt Romney as governor had called up the town manager of Wolfeboro, N.H., and asked that the road to his lakefront digs be repaired so that he could entertain … Laura Bush.

At $20,000 a head.

If for some reason the pothole isn’t filled in time, it will be Bush’s fault.
You're brainwashed and missing the point, entirely. Unions??

America is the land or opportunity, but it's not guaranteed.....Dodo

Every land has opportunity. America's glory was that it was easier here. Thanks for fucking it up.
He lied to the American people, he lied under oath, and he lied to a federal judge. As a dumb youth he helped the KGB propagandize the Vietnam War in Moscow. Real men turned their back on Clinton, lesser men turned their back on him after he wagged his finger in their face and lied, losers look up to him today as the Democrat Party patriarch.

so you want to hang a guy on what he did as a dumb youth?


The lie you are referring is the blowjob scandal, right? what I find more repugnant and disgraceful is the 30 plus million the republicans spent to find out he got a blowjob. A consensual sex act between consenting adults. Of course he lied What married man wouldn't. Basically the republicans took a marital indiscretion and spent millions on their witch hunt to discredit a Democratic president.

Do Republicans ever lose gracefully. No they do not as evident on how the GOP has stymied economic recovery to make Obama look bad in their bid for the white house.

You fuckers can all die a painful death.
If Obama's speech was just a repeated message why are you suddenly terrified?