The Sword, the Ring and the Scroll

Garras Agudas

Really Experienced
Dec 9, 2002
Darkness had come to the kingdom. Darkness in the form of death and despair. And with its cold presence it brought the downfall of the bright kingdom and it’s king. Death visited the old and wise king savagely, tearing his still beating heart out and waving it before his dying eyes.

“I will curse your three fair children. Drive all the love and gentleness from them, then turn them on each other and watch them destroy this world and each other.” He promised the kings fading eyes, barely hearing the wizened leaders final words and ignoring the prophesy in them.

“You may curse the living, but not even your power can reach to those not yet born”

And from that day forward, when death walked from the great castles with the children clamoring under his arms, the once great and good kingdom began to crumble. A final hand of death was dealt, striking out at a handsome woman and leaving her fatally wounded, watching her children being carried into the darkness.

In the farthest directions of the compass death spread the children,and in front of them all the lands of the past king burned, the great castles set ablaze by death as he passed, killing nearly all who tried to fight those fires and adding their bodies to the inferno, making it a funeral pyre of the living and the dead. And those children grew, as beautiful in body as they were ugly in their twisted souls. Left behind to die the woman fought for the lives of two, her own and the one inside her, refusing to let the darkness overtake her and waiting for help to come. Morning came and with the sun of the day a robed man as well, his gray beard and hair in contrast to the youthful step he walked with, his twinkling eyes showing energy and intelligence in them.

“You are Marian and need my help.” He stated simply, gathering the badly wounded woman easily in his arms and carrying her away. His gait never faltering the miles faded beneath his sandaled feet and it seemed that quickly he gently laid her on a simple yet well-made bed in his home. Along the way he had taken the time to study her, admiring the calm beauty of her face, the courage in the way she bore her pain silently, even when the first throes of child birth assaulted her already weakened body. He knew what was about to happen, it was written in the ancient tablets he had studied, and the prophecies were about to come true.

“I will help you birth your son, and then save you if the gods will it as well” He spoke again, gathering rags, water and a solid length of hard oak. And then it began, the birthing of the man child, Marian’s courage once again put to the test, wave after wave of pain washing over her as she pushed with determination, her will the sole driving force that she had left. Long seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours and she refused to weaken until finally with a triumphant cry her child was brought into their world.
“Let me hold him before I die” Her weak words begged the tall, silent man who stooped to give her the precious bundle swathed in rags. His face showed awe and sadness over what he had just witnessed, replaced by a look of determination and resolve.

“Here is your man child” He replied softly, kneeling next to her as she held him to her breast. “Hold him and rest, for you will need all you can steal to care for him in the morn when you wake” His words surprised them both, himself for though a short sentence it was the longest he had spoken in years, her for the sure way he spoke as if he would will her to live.

“Are you that sure I am to live? Are you the giver of life and the taker of it as well?” She asked gently, no malice intended in the questioning words, her gaze drawn to the young man that suckled at her breast already.

“My brother you have already met, he is the taker of life and is called simply…death” He replied solemnly, watching the child feet hungrily and then raising his eyes from her bosom to her eyes as he finished. “I am the keeper of life and will stay by your side as long as you wish me to, tonight and many nights to come as well. As for the giver of life? She was our sister until my brother struck her down…a crime which he has yet to pay for”

The tall mans hand gently stroked the woman’s hair, soothing her and relaxing her as the child finished feeding and cuddled contentedly, both mother and child drifting into a healing sleep. And as they slept the man watched, drawing from a fold in his robes a small emerald bottle that shined in the dim interior…opening it and tilting it carefully over Marion’s lips, watching the honey like liquid drip to her parted lips and into them. And as she swallowed in her sleep he repeated the process, giving the remainder and the lions portion to the young sleeping man, begging his forgiveness…”I cannot let her die, my lord…Forgive me now and then a second time, when you face …HIM”

And as he promised she lived. Lived to see the morning, her wounds healed, her pain gone miraculously, even those from her giving birth to her son…and as her eyes opened she spoke to the figure that knelt the entire night beside her, never sleeping…

“I have woken as you foretold and as I slept I have dreamt of my son and his future and a name for him…I will call him…”

“Avenir” The tall man answered for her, making her eyebrows arch in surprise before she nodded slowly, the word taken from her lips by him. “It means “future” in your homelands language, does it not?”

Marian once again nodded, questions forming in her mind as to who this man was and why he had found her as if it were preplanned. But could it be? She chided herself for being a foolish woman but was determined to find out the whom if not the why…

“Am I healed as well, then?” She asked softly, cuddling the squirming bundle as it wakened and sought instinctively her breast, baring it before the unashamed man beside her. “Will I live to care for my son and see the dreams come true?”

For the first time the man smiled and it seemed to magically remove 20 years from his face as he answered carefully. “Your dreams are predictions of the future as how it might be. Accurate predictions if the goddess fate wills them to be, but she is a fickle goddess at times. I will have a talk with her from time to time and perhaps we can place ourselves on her good side.”

Marian returned the smile, content for the moment as she nursed her son; his future and hers were now in the hands of this man she did not know. Hands she believed were strong and fair but capable of unspeakable acts if provoked and she was determined to see that he was not provoked.

“Then it is as it shall be. I will aid you in any way I can, M’Lord.”
PLEASE, if you wish to join? PM myself first with a suggested character and how it will work into the plot that now exists. We will gladly work any minor character into the story as long as we can work with it! (smiles)

Characters and thier portaying writers

Queen Marian……………………….........….HoneyB

Princess (Oldest Female )………Morwen

Prince Malakai (Oldest Male ).….Swashbuckler

Princess Aryn(Youngest Female ) Sweetp4u

Prince Avenir (youngest male and last born)………...Miltone

"Death" and "Fate"…………………….......……Garras
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The Setting

OOC: The time is now one year before the declared contest, the word has arrived by messenger of it, spreading through the different lands like wildfire, three young and strong rulers will rise to the challenge, not knowing to become leader of the divided kingdom they will have to face and kill their own blood. A fourth sibling intends to come to that fated contest, his destiny declared too by the prophets, his fate in his own hands as he delivers to his brother and sisters………The Sword, the Ring and the Scroll.


Death laughed, pulling the mailed hood from his head and then laughed louder at the horror on the young boys face that stared up at him.

“It is what you get when you trust another with your life BOY, never forget the lesson I’ve learned or you will not be so fortunate, the prophets have foretold of it”

The eldest son was left on the cold plains then, the words in his ears as the people of the far North approached him, recognizing the quality of the clothes he wore and the sign of royalty upon them. Faces grew long as the tale of their King’s death was told to them and they knew without being told the era of prosperity they had all enjoyed was gone, a new darker future coming to them that twist their beliefs and their minds. Watching the dark robed man ride the huge beast off into the horizon they knew as well who would be bringing that dark future and with his promised yearly visits they were unfortunately, never disappointed.

“NEVER let another man take what is mine, wench. I will return one day and take you as my WIFE, and expect you to be whole”

Cruel words to the oldest sister, crueler even when taken into consideration they were words of farewell and words of a bleak future, HER future. And as promised to the son the words were delivered to her, HE would visit them but once a year, inspecting their training, watching their growth. And waiting, always waiting for the moment he knew would come, the single instance in time the prophets spoke of in hushed tones. The women of the East came to her then, as he rode away, tall, warrior like they even feared his visage, knowing the wrath they faced if trying to cross him, knowing what sort of beast lay within his form and how he had returned to take his vengeance in the past. The queen herself lifted the young child and announced her adoption of the young waif at once, the cloth the frightened child wore giving away her heritage as well.

“You will learn to please a man as a whore would, But you will not give your body until WHEN and WHERE I tell you to, In return you will one day become Queen of your land and your brothers”

The female child rolled off the back of the beast and to the hard ground below, dragging a jagged rock from the roads surface and throwing it with all her might, the projectile moving forward, unerring in it’s flight and striking the huge man in his left eye, delivering a wound he would carry for the rest of his days. His hand rose, the blade of death flashing in it as it came down, striking the defenseless child to the dirt, leaving her sobbing without a backwards glance.

“I will return once a year and return the favor, child” Death promised over his shoulders, his beasts six hooves pounding the surface, thunder echoing off the trees as he loped away. The people of the South came meekly out, knowing it was wisest to show no defiance when in the presence of death, cooing and lifting the royal beauty, praying for their god’s help as they tried to stem the flow of blood and save her from HIS early return to claim her.

Death kept his promises, Once yearly returning to each corner of the immense continent, visiting the children and inspecting their development, insisting they be trained by the greatest warriors known, punishing entire villages by having his own horde burn them to the ground, the raped bodies of the women smoldering within them as the men were gathered like two wheel carts, carried away never to be seen again. With each return his own horde grew, as did the anger in his single eye, his words driving the children to tears when he spoke of the deaths of their siblings.


His words thundered in their ears and in their hearts, the sinking feeling that they were truly alone in the cruel and cold world he had given them pushing each past the semblance of good and into his world, the world of rage, hate and death.

And in the West a new castle was being built, aided each year by new arrivals from the other three marks on the compass, the men that weren’t worked to death then forced into his growing army, an army that destroyed everything in it’s path when it moved, an army of men that wore full black masks, eyes of red fire burning behind the holes, a terrible visage that was seen by each of their victims.

Eighteen years went by, eighteen visits to each child now grown strong and tall, able to swing a sword or shoot a bow and kill coldly with each. The once great Kingdom was now split into four, each mark of the compass the home to a leader that claimed leadership over the entire, massive body of land and water within it. A contest was declared, one year in advance, the first time any one ever ventured beyond the boundaries of their now divided kingdom. A contest to find a new leader, a WAR to see who was the strongest, who was the boldest and would kill the greatest number of enemies to stand in their blood and declare themselves, RULER.

The years had passed, some more quickly than others, but the memory of the day when her destiny and that of her children had been forever changed remained foremost in her mind. Tall and slender, her bearing was regal though the simple clothes she wore belied the fact that she had once been something more than she now appeared.

Her hair, with nary a fleck of silver to mar its lustrous chestnut brown, was braided and held in place with with a golden comb, the only remnant of her life
before, but far from her most precious possession. Her eyes, a deep brown in color, were bright and observant much like those of the birds who seemed to follow her, flitting from tree to tree. Calling out to return their greetings, the woman's voice was as pure and clear as the sound of fine lead crystal when it sang.

Golden rays from the early morning sun shimmered through the canopy of trees above her head as she wandered through the forest, stooping to gather leaves from this plant and roots from that, some flowers from yet another. She had learned much from the Gray Man over time and taught herself many things both out of exigency and the sheer will to survive. The plants and roots she gathered served many purposes. Some were for healing and others simply for making tisanes and teas or to season the simple meals she prepared.

Satisfied with her gatherings, she prepared to return to the home she shared with her son, Avenir when a low lying bramble bush caught her eye.
"Berries!" She who had once been Queen chuckled with sheer delight, adding some to the woven basket draped over her arm. They will make a lovely pie, she thought as she popped some in her mouth, the purple juice running down her chin while she ate.

The man stood before the entrance to the caves, his eyes alert and following the handsome figure of the woman below and cursing softly. For eighteen years he had watched her quietly and gracefully accept her fate, and for eighteen years he had resisted the impulse to tell her how he felt in his heart for her.
From the day he had defied the prophets he was amazed by her, her calm attitude spreading from her to all she touched, her eyes showing the energy within that never failed her.

"One more year Marian, and then perhaps I can return you to your royal station and you can be treated as you deserve"

The words were for his ears only, the only consolation he would give himself for refusing to break down and tell her how he felt, for it was not just his life and hers that lay in the balance. He shivered despite the heat of the fires inside as he moved to the tables where his studies lay. Again he bent over the ancient manuscripts and began to softly chant the words written on the yellowed pages, the words a jumble of odd sounds and unknown syllables, it's ancient meaning lost to all save a rare few in the world.

Inside the roaring fire the flames parted, the red changing to swirling blue and slowly a face began to emerge, the eyes distorted with rage as the lips curled and swore.

"Who above calls me from my resting place? What would you have me do to return to my peace?"

The man called Fate smiled, his own lips curling in mirth at the demons rage and commanded with a voice stern and assured from past dealings with greater demons. "You will find and bring me the knowledge of where the artifacts I seek are. Then and only then will I let you return to your resting place"

The demon stepped from the flames, his form fully defined by the blue flames and turned without speaking, then hovered over the table where Fate stood before leaving thru the same door just used.

"May the God's have mercy on my soul for what I have just unleashed" Fate declared watching the the demon pass "For our brothers and sisters will not"

The spell finished, Fate diminished the fires with a wave of his hand and turned again for the door anxious to see if Avenir was about, if he had returned from his hunt in the forests above.

"Where are you young warrior?" He spoke out loud again "We must finish your training for word has reached my ears of the impending contests and the prize that will be given to the victors"
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Fate turned again and moved up the mountainside, climbing effortlessly along a trail formed by his feet over the past eighteen years. At the crest of the mountain where even the proud trees refused to grow he found a mound of rocks and sat, silently thinking of the past occurences and how it had brought them all to this point.

Death with his declaration was nearly certain of pitching the continent into war, brother and sister pitted against each other, each vying for the position of supreme ruler and the spoils that came to the victor. Without doubt it was his plan to see blood spill over the plains where he had named the meeting, without a doubt he would not feel remorse for the consequences of his declaration, but what was doubted was his true intent to name a new ruler. For within his own breast Fate knew how evil Death truly was, how little he cared for his fellow man, how deep the stink permeated thru his ancient heart.

"You will destroy all about you and feast on the charred remains, Arkor, IF we allow it" Fate spoke to the winds and stood, jarring himself from his reverie. "And then what will you do?"
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"Sire, we need more men if we are to finish the final fool before the tournaments begin" The man crouched low to the floor trembling in his thin robes as he voiced the words. Trembling because he was the one chosen to break the news to the disfigured face atop the massive body as it sat on the massive raised throne. Trembling because more than one messenger had met his death in the hands of the cruel leader. Trembling because no one dared to meet the eyes of the beastlike man that sat unnamed and unchallenged in the granite pedestal.

"And what are you going to do about this problem?" The words hissed over dark lips as the single unscarred eye glared at the figure now prostrate on the floor beneath him.

"puh puh puhrhaps? Perhaps we could make the three contestants send a large group of representatives under the guise of training them and force them into service?" The thoroughly frightened man gasped out as a final desperate last hope.

The voice that rattled over the dark lips was startling, its deep timbre escalating quickly to a tenor like cackle, then returning to the snake like hiss of the norm.

"I can use a man who is able to use his brain, rather than let himself be the token sacrifice. Send six messengers immediately, two to each realm with my wishes and the instructions one from each must return each realm or face my anger"

The man no longer trembled but wisely remained prostrate as he backed out of the enormous room, knowing who his choices for messengers would be, his grin showing his amusement as he thought of his fellow men and how they had chose him to bring the message to HIM.

Death rose and moved to the balcony that loomed in the clouds, taking in the insane activity that clamored antlike a half mile below and grinned, satisfaction on his twisted face.

"It is time for a woman" He bellowed to the figures that lurked about inside, his private servants that tended to his each and every need. "Bring me one that is pleasant to look upon and will keep pace with me till the morn"

Morning came and found the half man, half beast on the same balcony, his sweat covered chest bare in the early sunlight as he admired the nude and limp figure of the now broken woman laying on his rumpled bed.

"Give her to the warriors" Death hissed moving to the steps that led to the lower quarters. "When they have had thier fill, feed my pets with her remains and bring them to my rooms"

The steps quickly carried his massive frame below and he stood overseeing the "training" of another of his "warriors" as he was fitted for his mask, a mask made of metal, slitted at the eyes, nose and mouth, the result an evil grin forever pasted on the face as it was forced over and riveted into place, the ragged cries coming from within as the red hot metal was closed over him.

"How many are fully ready?" Death asked leering at the obvious pain the man was suffering "How many blood warriors do I have to use?"

"The numbers are three and ten thousand, my liege" Came the careful reply, the eyes averted again as the blacksmith answered. "All ready to fight and die at your command"

"Then bring the same numbers again to the arenas and begin to prepare them to serve me as well" Came the command "I will have fresh workers to replace them by the time they join my warriors"
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My 19th winter had passed, for eighteen years Death has visited as he had promised. I sat secluded in a grove, my hands applying the mud needed to stop the flow of blood from the newest mark on my body. I had now eighteen scars from his sword, but I still smirked at the damage I had done to him so long ago.
My head lifted as I heard the approaching footsteps of Dur, A warrior in the tribe and wise man. He said nothing as he approached and sat beside me on the log. He knew I sought no counsel or affection from any. My adoptive mother had died just two nights past, the same night Death had come to destroy all he could. Nothing was said between Dur and I, nothing that could be said. The villagers were rebuilding what was torn down and removing those who had died. His presence was comforting but still unwanted.
I had no weaknesses, not any longer. "You are now Queen Aryn." He spoke up but halted his speech. I knew I was Queen, I knew I had to take charge of all that was going on in the village, but I had no desire to at this moment.
"You must send the required men to train for this up and coming challenge.... if you choose to enter." He queried softly, knowing I could blow at any moment with a raging temper for being questioned.
"We will rebuild and send half of our men.... We have a year to get ready for this." It was all I would offer him, my voice cold and hard. I was trained for this role, I was trained by Death to be uncaring, he had succeeded in this endeavor. No matter how much Naomi had pleaded with me to not let him change me, it was too late. She was dead, and I was now Queen.
"Go, I wish to be alone." I turned from him, not wanting to hear anything more from this man. This was a country ruled by women, because we all knew men could not think rationally. I found it odd as a child, knowing my Father was once ruler over everything around, that this once small tribe believed men to be simple. I knew better, but said nothing. I enjoyed the power granted to me in my adoptive place. Revenge would be mine when I took control over this world, and I would take control.
Avenge my dead Mother and Father, avenge my brothers and sisters. All dead, so Death had told me, by the hands of these leaders I would be facing... I stood from the fallen log and wound my way through the jungle back to the village, my thoughts heavily burdened with preparations to come.
I greeted a few warriors as I walked into the village, stopping to aid their men with a task or two before venturing towards my own hut. I needed to think, to plan and to organize in all this chaos. Mother had been wise to do away with pairing, now that no one was tied to another our village numbered in the thousands. Though Death dealt us a harsh hand two nights ago, we still were strong and able.


He would pay for this as well, for all eighteen scars that marred my body. A cruel smile lit up my features as my eyes turned to an icy cold promise of retribution. I would hone these warriors and their men, regardless of the written laws passed before me. I would make BOTH sexes into a massive army...
Prince Malakai

Sitting on the throne carved from a single mammoth block of of dark malachite, I leaned my chin upon a palm as my elbow supported the weight of my head on the large stone arm of the chair, as the messengers from Death spoke as thogu they were instructing an errant child in his duties.

You shall have your force," I said with a wave cutting of the messenger as he reeled of the starched parchment instructions.
Immiediately, Bjorn, lept from the side of the aisle in protest, his breastplate bristling and his sword clanking in is sheath.
"Your highness!" he began as if to let his large mustache run away with a flurry of protests.

"ENOUGH!" I snapped and let the echoes of my outburst echo from the walls of the dark stoned hall. Then rising from my chair to my full hieght atop the dias as Bjorn bowed his head and stepped back to the ranks of my court. "Now remove these persons from my sight, They can wait outside the gates for thier corps to assemble." Teh messengers began a feeble protest as the lage hands of the north's finest warriors clasped them about the arms and lead them from the hall, bordering on almost showing disdain to the visitors.

After the doors had slammed with a hollow boom, Bjorn once more stepped forward as the audience was ended and the warriors of the court began to rumble lowly to themselves. "My leige," he hissed with the impatience of a general losing his troops.

Spinning to face him fully and let my peircing eyes remind him of his place before I whispered my response to him, "Bjorn, do you seriously think that I would send the finest men in all the lands to another's cause?" I watched as a wave of realisation washed over his face. "Come, the two of us have a rabble to muster," I said with a glacier smile as I clapped him on the heavily cloaked shoulder. We left the hall roaring with laughter.

The following morning the near frozen party of messengers was awoken before dawn to the steady thud of war drums. I watched from the battlements as the heralds of death scrambled to await the heavy gates to open. THough they were very cold adn huddled into thier cloaks, I seen from teh battlements that they seemed very smug as the gates cracked.

It was a moment of majesty as the first crimson rays of dawn burst over the iceshod peaks of the Knyllsts. The looks upon the messengers at first smug and delighted faces, then turning quickly to despair as their mighty host began sloddign forward. A few midwives, old men on crutches, blind sharpshooters, every pregnant woman from all the city's whorehouses had been rounded up for the march to join death's army. "Take these troops to your master, with my blessings. Let thier stomaches be a burden to his coffers so that I may take what few guards I have and reclaim my birhtright." With that I turned from the battlements and ordered the gates closed.

Grabbing Bjorn's wrist I held him with a gaze adn hissed, "Prepare the men, the my destiny is at hand."
Prince Avenir

The smell of fresh-baked pastries greeted Avenir as he came in from the fields, his hands raw and soiled, his brow sweat-stained, and his stomach growling. His mother, Marian, had been busy that day he could tell, for there was the smell of other things, fresh tubers and vegetables, and new bread. The sound of her voice singing one of the old songs came to him and drew him to the hearth.

Avenir had spent the day as he spent most other days, working the fields of the landowner upon whose kindness he and his mother were dependent. Their cottage was modest but sturdy. He feed the cattle and led them to water, he plowed and sowed the fields, he fixed the roof, he mended the fences, he sheared the sheep, and—his favorite duty—broke the horses.

Home-schooled by his mother and mentored by the man with no name, whom he thought of as the Gray Haired Old Man, Avenir had grown through his eighteen years to be quiet and painfully shy around others, especially those his own age. Not because he was fearful, but simply through not being used to the company of others. On his few occasions to visit the nearest village he kept near his mother and avoided the stares of the others.

Tall and trimly muscular, his dark eyes were often brooding, his dark hair often tousled and in need of trim, and his voice was as soft as his words were spare. But as the past year had brought a healthy growth of beard to his face, so had his voice deepened to a rich baritone, and his shadow had grown tall and erect. Avenir was puzzled lately by the reflection of his face in the millpond, the high rounded cheekbones, the clear smooth skin, and the strong chin. It was not the face of a child, but of a man.

The landowner was a garrulous old widower, a stern humorless man who never failed to remind Avenir of his debt of kindness nor of his fate as little more than a servant. He was demanding and constantly complained of how much there was to be done and how little Avenir had accomplished. But each day, except for the one day each week for his lessons, Avenir awoke at dawn and walked up the long winding path to start the day anew.

Then there was the landowner’s daughter, Mara, who had taken to shadowing Avenir the last couple of years, who was constantly falling and needing his help to rise up, who demanded Avenir make ready her horse on a moment’s notice and then provide her with a boost up into the saddle, and who had never failed in acquiring some sort of injury during her ride that needed his immediate attention, evne to the point of his having to carry her into the manse, a foreign place to Avenir. Her scent distracted him, the lilt of her laugh diverted his attention from his chores, and the warm light touch of her hand upon his shoulder always sidetracked him from his intended course.

The only other companions Avenir had were those of his own creation, the ghost of the stables who had become his father confessor of sorts, the spirit of the stream, who challenged him to feats of strength and cunning, and the phantom of woods, who taught him skills of dialect and debate, of poetry and art.

This last skill was not lost on his shadow, Mara, whose giggling laugh accompanied the most recent of his great discourses and could be heard echoing through the forest. When he begged her not to tell her father of his whiling away precious work time making up great poetic epics, she promised she would do so, but at the price of a kiss, his first and—as he hoped—his only. She had taken his hands and placed them around her waist, let her own hands rest upon his shoulders. The sweep of her breath across his face startled him, the warmth and wetness of her lips upon his own stirred up strange feelings deep inside him, and the look in her large gray eyes afterwards made him think he had violated her somehow. Only her laugh and the steady persistent touch of her hand upon him kept him from a grave apology. But the act had left him troubled and trembling and had sent him scurrying to the stables, which he scrubbed relentlessly the entire afternoon until they were spotless.

But as darkness came soon this evening, Avenir sought the sanctuary of his cottage and approached his mother who was tending the hearth, his empty stomach begging to be fed. He placed a kiss upon her cheek and was told to wash. When he dipped his hands in the bucket nearby and mopped his brow, he was startled by the appearance of the Gray Haired Old Man from out of the shadows.

“It is not the day for lessons,” Avenir protested.

“Not it is not,” said the Gray Haired Old Man with a chuckle. “I’ve simply come to join you and your mother for dinner, for I have great news to share.”

“News?” Avenir said. The look on his mother’s face seemed half of fear and half of resignation and seemed to belie the old man’s words.

“Yes. Great news,” said the Gray Haired Old Man. “Now come and we shall partake.”

Avenir sat warily at the table he had hewn from a tall oak brought down in the great storm two years before. As the special dishes were placed before them and his mother joined them, Avenir’s heart beat faster. It was not from his encounter that forenoon with Mara, but something deeper and darker and foreboding, something that he knew of nothing.
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Sitting in the darkened hut, my temper still boiling over the pains Death had become. A light tapping on the door caught my attention.
Wearily I sighed, "Come." And waited to see who had a complaint this time? I was surprised to see Dur standing there in the opening.
"Well come on in and close the door behind you." I grumbled softly. I knew he had more to say.
"Everything is finished my Queen. All the villages were alerted this morn and sent their troops here for your inspection.."
"Great! Fabulous!" I jumped up and grinned, I loved being listened to. Strutting like a over stuffed cock, I made my way to the door. A hand resting on my arm stopped me, turning I glanced up at Dur's profile.
"Yes?" A slightly growled response. He dared much to touch me without asking!
"A word my Queen.." He gave me that look again. Being young and spoiled, Dur never approved of his previous queen's decision to make me her predecessor. I knew it, everyone knew his opinions, not that I cared one wit about it.
"Speak and hurry, I have business to attend." I sat on a small stool and waited for him to blurt out his 'all knowing' opinions, I could then be on my way. If I did not trust him so greatly with my very life, I would have killed him by now for his high handedness long ago.
"I request only that you ponder Death's edict before complying to his summons..."
"What is there to think about?" I questioned right back at him. I heard him sigh and grumble something before sitting across from my seat. Brow raised in questioning, I met his steel like gaze with one stubborn glance of my own.
"Death has much to gain here by you sending our strongest, sending all of our defenses to him for this..'training'... I do not trust him."
"Neither do I Dur."
"Then why are you sending so many of our men!? Weakening our villages!? We would be at his mercies, any enemies mercy should they attack!"
"You are bellowing at me, and I do not approve of this. Would you like your tongue removed?" I threatened with sincerity.
"Aryn! Think! For the God's why are you so stubborn!?"
Sighing heavily, I knew he did not know of my plans in this whole ordeal, but then again I did not give counsel to those I did not feel like informing.
"I am not sending our finest, or our bravest. I am not sending our war hardened loyal men Dur! I am not daft! I am sending half of what he requested and only the young untrained men we do not have time to ready for this .... contest.." I sat back, Dur still growling and spitting at me. A little cute, like a baby mountain lion.. Except I gutted mountain lions.
"Listen Dur, I know you care and only want what is best for all. As do I." Standing without another word, I turned to the door and headed out. Pausing at the door, I turned back and glanced back at him.
"I do not need a father Dur, soon you will learn this.." Dur was only eight years older than I was, but I swear he fathered me worse than my own father could have ever done! Little did I know Dur's feelings weren't fatherly, never were.
Exiting out into the bright light, I walked past the barracks and into the training grounds. Assembled before me were a few thousand warriors. Men and woman alike standing, sitting, gossiping among themselves. Each fell silent as their eyes landed on my approaching figure. Steadily walking, I climbed upon the platform and stood, waiting. Dur came behind me along with his four best men-at-arms.
"Filter them out carefully Dur. Only the ones who need training beyond our capabilities are to go to Death.. He is lucky I do not send him the village children.. but even I am not that cruel.." Turning from the assembled group I made my way down to go and speak with the head guards from each village. I needed reports and their ideas for a better securities from enemies..
"How are the long boats coming along?" I questioned one of our architects.
"As well as can be expected my Queen." He bowed slightly but never lower than my chin. Insolent whelp! All well.. I smiled sweetly and moved up to him, pressing closer. He was kind of attractive, big as well.. I could play with him.. Then I remembered the warning. "Damned Hell.." My mind muttered silently.
"See if you can build them quicker.. Labor all night if need be! I want enough ships to transport us over the channel to the northern boarder lands.. I want to meet with one of those rulers.. no no.. better yet! We need spies.. Find them, send them out to the three corners.. Find out their weaknesses." I turned from the architect and wandered the crowds. I had so much to do, and no time to manage it all. "And rebuild the catapults!" I barked out another order. Turning I bumped into a wall of muscles, "Dur! Watch where you are going." His eyes lowered to meet mine, but only a fraction, a slight smile curved his lips, "As you wish my Queen." I shook my head and stepped around him, moving along to talk to the blacksmith, Dur on my heels..
Fate's revelations

OOC: Sorry for the long winded post, but with this Marian and Avenir now become aware of the events that have and will occur and they can move forwards with that knowledge.

Happy New Year

IC: I sat at the heavy table again admiring the time and skill that had gone into making it and reflecting on what it meant about it’s creator. The room as well echoed the reflections of its owner, how changed it was from the bare cottage she had first found it’s welcome in. The meal as always had been simple fare, simple but excellent, showing the time and pride put into it by Marian.

“I’ve been silent for eighteen years, kept my vigil over both of you for that time and watched you both grow. All that time you’ve accepted me, no questions as to my purpose here, allowing me to be a part of your lives. For that I want to thank you and express my gratitude for letting me be a part of something that has such meaning, such significance in my own personal life”

I had attained the attention of both son and daughter now, Marian setting aside the cloth used to dry the pans and joining Avenir and I at the table.

“Avenir, You’ve grown from a boy to a man before my eyes, and the qualities that will make you a great man are instilled within you. It is time you set aside your simple upbringing and walk away from it, to serve the much greater purpose you were born for. But before the journey is begun you must be told a tale, one that will change your way of looking at myself, your siblings and mother and the events have been occurring outside of your isolated world.”

I paused, knowing the words would bring back terrible memories left unthought of until now, and knowing as well the words could greater distance the two people in my life for the past eighteen years. My eyes traveled from those of Avenir and to his mothers, both amazingly calm and similar. Marian looked back at me in the same, quiet, steady and unblinking way as her son had, then slowly nodded.

With her approval I turned back to Avenir and began to speak in earnest, my attention centered on him and how he accepted my words.

“Avenir, your name reflects great meaning, for us, yourself and your kingdom. And for your entire life you have been trained for one thing, and one thing only. To prevent the event that will happen before the year passes, a challenge decreed by the current ruler to the three hopeful’s of becoming the new king or queen. The current rulers title is Death, for that is what he has brought to this once great continent and it is what he intends to bring to us all.”

Already I could see questions forming in the young and handsome face of Avenir and raised my hand as his lips open to quiet them, smiling gently in admiration at his quick mind as I promised.

“There will come a time for answers to your questions, my young ruler and I will give them to you. But now is the time for you to listen, for tomorrow we will set out on your quest.

Another flare in his strong face, a flush spreading across his face but his will prevailed and his lips closed, looking not at his mother but me, knowing instinctively this was a decision HE was to make, the first of many in his future as a young King.

“Your mother is the true Queen of the lands Avenir. She has always been, the murder of her husband and your father did not change that. Nor did it change the future prophesied, only delayed it until you came of age. I was there when Death slaughtered your father, ruthlessly killing him and sparing my own life, mocking the prophets and myself with his murder and ignorance of mine. I could not change what happened next, the abduction of your brother and two sisters, the further slaughter of the royal court, nor stop Death from leaving with his small horde and thereby keeping the same prophesies he claimed to ignore.”

I stopped now, giving Avenir a chance to digest what I had just declared. His mother a Queen, his father a murdered King and him, the youngest Prince and sibling of four. His eyes stayed clear, his face unflinching as he returned my gaze and with three words assured me he was still clear of mind.

“Continue, Gray One”

And I did.

“Death is now the most powerful and ruthless ruler this continent has ever seen or will see. His intent for your brother and sisters is to pit them against each other, causing the greatest pitched battle and slaughter ever seen in the history of this planet and then placing the survivors of the slaughter in his own servitude. In less than a year he will watch the destruction of an entire kingdom and ensure his own place in history as the cause and curse of it all. BUT, that will not happen as he has planned for three reasons.”

“One is the knowledge I have kept quiet and safe within me for three centuries. Two is the prevalent good your mother has instilled within herself and her four children. And the third and greatest is you Avenir, for you will be the messenger and the only one who can deliver the three articles to your brother and sisters safely, ensuring they will work and be used against Death for his demise.”

And with that declaration Avenir broke his self-imposed silence and spoke, asking a single question I had dreaded for the same three centuries.

“Who then are you and for what purpose do you have in all of this?”

It was spoken with great emotion, great intellect and the need to know, but without malice and I nodded, acknowledging its purpose.

“I have been called “fate” by many for two hundred centuries, by you and your mother I am called “the gray one” and by one I am called brother. I am a keeper of magic, a prophet in a time when guidance is needed, an immortal who cannot die except at the hand of another of his own kind. My true name is simply Daktre`, a lone being come to prevent history from repeating itself. You ask for proof and I will give it to you and your mother as the journey proceeds. I will balance the scales of good and evil, offset the Deal made between Death and Evil, and watch you keep those scales even with the aid of your family.”

I had not told all, it was not a lie, rather the truth withheld. For so great was the outcome of this venture I could not dare risk the reaction to my final and as of yet untold revelation. I had told Avenir everything I came to tell that evening and needed to ask but two questions and without further pause I did just so.

“Avenir, your future and that of a kingdoms has been ordained since the beginning of time, to turn your back on it would be an action from you I could not believe. And with that faith I will see you in the ‘morrows earliest light. But you need to answer two questions of my own before I begin to answer yours in the daylight.”

My hands flashed outwards, capturing his stronger right hand and Marian’s left, holding them as I looked at both of them and asked for the truth.

“Have either of you knowledge of the three articles hidden by your King, left behind in his death to be given to his children? And will you both accept my guidance even if it appears to mean the death of us all?”

I released their imprisoned wrists as quickly, feeling the answers in their hearts by way of the blood in their own veins before the words needed to be spoken, knowing I needed to leave them alone now and make decisions of their own.

“I will wait for you where we have trained for so many years, Avenir. And will bid you goodbye tonight, Queen Marian, in case I do not return”

I rose then and moved thru the doorway, letting their words slide off me unheard as I moved to my own lair and gathered the potions to be packed away for the journey.
writer changes

There has been several changes in OUR thread.

I've spoken to a very gracious and new friend and she has graciously accepted to take the vacant role of mother and Queen. She needs no further introduction and I will publically thank her for her kind words and support. HoneyB

My apologies for being so unsure, it was my first attempt at writing at this site and I was trying to be considerate of all. All roles that I introduced have significant meaning to them, each is a peice of string that will hopefully be finely woven into the tapestry.

Again, my heartfelt Thank You:rose: and Welcome:kiss: to HoneyB
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The sword, the ring, and the scroll…

Marian had not thought of them for so very long. The sword of her husband, her ring, and the scroll that traced Avenir’s linage back through the mists of time. Of them she now spoke.

“It was not your father that hid the legacy of my children so very long ago. It was I.”

She turned to look up into the dark waters that were her son’s troubled eyes. He had grown so tall and as she looked at him in the soft light of the fire, she knew with unwavering certainty that Avenir had become a man. A feeling of intense sadness knifed her heart even as she felt the pride of a mother for her son.

“Sit. I have something to tell you.”

Marian returned to her seat at the table and began her tale.

“When I was a young girl, I came upon an injured bird. A young thrush. I remember how the bird tore at the skin of my hands, but I held on, knowing the creature would surely die if I did not help it. This I did, carefully nursing it back to health until it was strong enough to fly. When it came time to set her free, something extraordinary happened. The thrush began to transform itself until a woman stood before me. I fell to my knees, frightened beyond belief. And then she spoke. I shall never forget the timbre of her voice, all at once human yet still echoing the tones of the bird. ‘Marian,’ she said to me, ‘You are young, but you already possess a wisdom that few grown men could claim. Despite injury to yourself, you saved me when I was too weak to transform myself. I will be forever in your debt.’

She paused and poured herself a goblet of her honeyed wine before continuing.

“It was to this woman, this sorceress that I entrusted the sword of your father, Avenir, my ring, and the scroll of your ancestors. It is to her that you must go come the morning light.”

Marian took another sip of wine. When she spoke again, her voice was steeled by the iron of her conviction.

"If our benefactor thinks that I will be left behind, he is sadly mistaken. Only I know how to find that which you two seek and I shall hold onto the knowledge until it has served its purpose."
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Dur followed throughout the battlements, constantly on my heel and standing stolidly silent as usual. This wore on my nerves, the constant shadowing of my person, it was almost as if I was once again under my adoptive Mother's thumb. Always watched and still chastized for things they had no business pointing out!
I sent Dur away when it came twilight and the evening meal was being prepared and served. Moving into my little hut, I sat down and thought yet again on Death's commands. He was surely up to something, that evil creature never helped or did anything to bennefit another.
My only conclusion was he was trying to weaken us, in favor of something.. No. Someone.. But whom? Who would death help other than himself? My only thought was perhaps the northerner? The leader there was rumored to be of great strengths and little weaknesses. He would slay his own mother if she stood in his way.. Was it him? The men did agree a spy should be sent and I felt it best to send a woman to be that spy. Whom better? They were ignored and stepped on by the northerner's and considered inept in everything...
I smiled coldly as I thought about my best warriors. Inkra was talented, she was beautiful and she would most likely be given to the leader as a prize... Put her into his little circle of slaves and all would come easily. And then a peddler would also go unnoticed, perhaps a young man to travel with Bragdon? The next time the old fool came through was some time in the next few days.. Bragdon was easily bribed into many things, and having extra help for nothing would lure him into acceptance..
All figured out.. Send Inkra and a young man with Bragdon towards the northerner's homestead, this would possibly allowe infiltration...
Standing, i changed quickly into the silken robes of the 'Queen' and washed my face. Exiting my hut I once again was standing chest to (well nearly) chest of one stubborn ox! "Dur?! What is it now?" I asked inpatiently.
"Merely wish to escort my Queen to her sup.." He smooth voice was once again laced with that sarcasm tone and yet the sappy pleading one as well.
"Yes, of course.. Lead on." I sighed, saying nothing more but wanting to beat him again with swords.. Well I best not, Dur could be testy at times but he was a shifty bastard when it came to hand to hand combat, even with a woman.
Sitting around the crude tables, the servers began sending bowls down the table. Another night, another meal, but at least the fare was passable for a change..
Prince Malakai

The dawn broke cold on across the plain to the east with a brilliance of crimsons and fire. The wind was light, enouch to lift my banners of scarlets, saphires, and the dragon of my house. Now, I have added a balck cast to the dragon, signifying the denial of my birthright as my father's oldest heir. I shouted the command to strke tents and the might of the north, forged by my own hand in the unquenched furnal fires of my destiny, moved. The prescision beat of drum, boots, and hooves fell in an unwavering determination in pursuit of the dawn.
Our bearings were east by south, straightforward. It was to the southeast that the ancient capitol of my ancestors held court of more just times. It was there I would regain my father's fallen crown. Be it delivered to me by cheering raise hands of the liberated, or ripped from the last cold, dead hand of any pretender. It mattered not, for the tides of destiny were turning to a new age. My age, and no power divine, diabolic, or of the hands of man could turn them.

As I rode in the saddle of my charger, my mind burned from the depths of my helm. There were those rumors of a lost triumverate of power. Whispers of a last betray of my birhtright by my own mother. And the strangest tales of a witch that held all.

Bjorn rode slgihtly behind me at the head of the collum of cleansing fire that moved relentlessly towards the dawn. I turned in my saddle a bit and nodded for my chief luetenant to join me in council. Quickly spurring his steed o my side, he asked, "Your highness?"

"Bjorn," I began in a hushed tone, the gravity of my mood heavy in the cloud of my voice, "as we gain closer ground to the eastern lands, once there, I want you to find my mother, should she live. She may have some information of my birthright. She is to live only so long as it pleases me. You will find her and we, you and I, shall decipher the crone's screams until I am satisfied with her answers. Then...," I let my voice trail off and the silence of horses gathered around the two of us.

After a moment, Bjorn, dared a whisper, "And then, my liege?"

"And then, my old friend, and then," I said with a laugh echoing from my helm like a devil's from the tomb, "and then we shall listen to her final screams as she pleads for me to grant her the mercy she does not deserve."

"Of course, your highness," Bjorn whispered as his eyes returned to the barrens before our chosen course. With that we rode in silence for a time.

After we had crested a small hill that opened upon a long valley leading further east, Bjorn lifted his gaze to the sky and then back again to me. "My liege," he began trying to judge if my temper would handle any distraction.

Deciding that my old freind may have some information that I should hear, I nodded, signalling him to continue. I knew that I needed a new distraction from the road of destiny. With that, he continued knowing that I would have silenced him if I did not wish to hear his news. "My liege, I have been informed that we have picked up a beautiful woman in the baggage train. I am sure your eyes would find ehr appealing if reports of her beauty are true."

"Interesting indeed," I said turning my head with a lustful smile. The pursuit of power always flamed the insatiable fres of lust within my heart. "Tonight, bring her to my prescence. Make certain that she is kept bound, and unfetered to my examination by the frivolties of dress, as she will have no use for them."

"Yes, of course, your highness," Bjorn hissed as he wetted his lips. "It would of course serve no prupose for her to have anything in which to conceal rebellion agaisnt youmy liege."

I laughed, "Yes, I should think we can investigate any natural concealments as well," calming myself, I asked, "What of her companions?"

"She had none, my leige," my shieldman answered quickly, knowing full well that for a woman to travel without escort was a serious criminal act in the codix of my justice.

"None, you say," I noted rubbing my chin in lecherous thought. "When you bring her, Bjorn, bing my implements as well." I raised a gauntled hand and he bowed his head and let his charger slow to reform his position in the rank of the finest machine of conquest ever assembled.

I sat in my hut, reclining back into the soft feather pillows as Inkra stood at attention before me.

"You will do well in this. I am certain of it. Not only strength of mind and body but beautiful as well." I stood from the pillows moving around her and eyeing her up and down.

Clapping twice two servers came in and began stripping her down.
"You will wear something softer, a common dress of a slave. Make up whatever tales you need too Inkra to get safely where you are needed.. You do this for your fellow warriors and your Queen. By whatever means Inkra." Her head nodded once, her eyes staring over my shoulder as the women dressed her.

"Gather information.. Their weakenesses and strong points. Their numbers and their battlements as well. Tell me of this leader's cunning abilities and how he thinks.. Learn all this that you can.. " I would not say "if you can" because failure was not an option.

"I want to know where this man sleeps each night and how many guard him. His name, his guardsmen's names.. Anything and everything. Use humiliation to get it if that is what must be done. He is a leader, a strong man and he will not like defiance. Remember this." I stopped pacing and sat back down.

"The peddler will take you with him, he will claim ownership of you and will sell you, but you know Inkra you are a free warrior and we will come for you if you can not get to us in the next few months. Be well and may the God's keep you safe." She bowed to me and smiled, "No problem my Queen. I will do all you ask and help their down fall." She turned and marched out.

Dur entered next and glared down at me.

"What is it now Dur?" He was a meddlesome busy body I swear!

"I do not like Inkra going in to the Northerner's camp."


"She is fair, she is single with no man nor children. She is needed here!" He growled out at me again.

"Watch your tone!" I rose from the bed, moving towards him until I stood chest to.. well close to his chest.
"You insult your Queen?!"
He bowed his head and denied it.
"Well I will have you know this! She is beautiful, She is talented in the bed sheets! She is single and without children yes! So why Do i send her?" I turned and moved over to fill my goblet with wine. "Because of those reasons..."

Three Days Later


Standing behind the peddler I watched the blonde giants trading and bartering like the best. I wondered who they were? Where and what were their locations? Positions? They dressed in heavy armor, carried swords much like our own only heavier in appearences.
"Inkra! Come!" The peddler ordered. If I had a knife, I would have killed him two nights ago! The mouthy little worm!
"Aye?" I stood, head down and waited.
"These men wish to purchase you and take you to their Leader. Go now."
I nodded my head, already knowing this was happening before hand. The peddler was bad at acting.. No one asks a slaves permission! If he jeapordized my mission, I would gut him!

One of the men grabbed me and asked my escort?
"Escort? I am a slave Sir. We do not have escorts.. Unless the Peddler is whom you mean?" Our language differences were hard to understand. Escort for what? Why would a slave have an armada behind her? Shaking my head, I was tossed up onto the back of what resembled a Lopi. (A large hairy Horse, but approximently twice the normal size). Their's were naked but built as well.
"Quiet Slave!" A man barked and slapped the curve of my ass with his gloved hand. The men laughed at that as it turned red, I climbed up and sat down on his lap, an evil smile curving my lips as I thought about the ride and this man's discomfort..
We rode for awhile and stopped in a camp. Taken down I was placed into a tent and told to stay here. Two guards were placed outside the flaps, like that was going to stop me?
Shaking my head, I laid down and relaxed, I did not want to run away anyway.. I wanted to get next to that big Blond leader I heard alot about..

I stood outside of the small house that the Queen had made such a home for the past years, never complaining for the sacrifices she had been forced to make for the sake oh her child and country.

Gone were the flowing robe, replaced by more suitable walking leathers and tunic and gone as well the accumulation of hair grown over the many years, my face cleanly shaved, the hair on my head cut short.

The first day of our journey and we were already late, the voices of Avenir and his mother aguing loudly inside until I pounded on the heavy door for the third time, this time LOUDLY!

"Are you ready, my young warrior?" I called out loudly and heard his footsteps lightly approaching, then smiled as he stepped out of the house and greeted me with a solemn face.

"I am ready, Gray One. But I fear we have a problem already. A rather large and insistent one?"

"What problem could be so large it stops us?" I challenged curiously, noting Avenir did indeed have his pack and staff in his hand, an ancient but yet quite worthy sword at his belt.

Servants darted frantically from corner to corner, hiding behind heavy drapes hung in the great chambers, trembling under the enormous piles of fine satin pillows cast casually about the gargantuan room and when no cover provided itself falling to bare knees, praying and whispering to each other.

"What has put our master in such a rage?"
"The armies he has demanded from each country arrived last night"
"And why has that put him in such a mood?"
"One foolish leader sent half the men demanded, green and untrained. A second delivered the amount demanded but of such a weak and feeble nature several hundred are nearly dead and thirty whores delivered their children on the way"
"Then Death is in a furious rage and embarked on a killing spree?"
"No! He is laughing and gloating like a madman, standing outside on his balcony as he oversees the worthless offerings sent from each country"

And in truth Death was on the balcony, a trembling warrior standing at his enormous side expecting to follow his last orders as he had just delivered the news and numbers to his leader.

"Forgive me my liege, for only one ruler sent the proper amount and type of men you requested. The others sent what you can see yourself below. Shall I send them back before they starve us all and tax our resources in caring for them?"

Death laughed, tears running down his cheeks as he placed enormous hands upon the ornate railing, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

"NO" He choked out between huge gasps of air into his lungs.

"No, My Lord?" The young and thoroughly terrified man asked, convinced his master had gone insane.

"NO. Give all the children and newborn to the care of the feeble and old, then lead that group into the dungeons where my HORDE are kept" Death announced as he wiped the last of the tears away from his scarred face.

"But the horde will kill them and feast upon them, my Lord" the young man gasped as he heard the words.

"Exactly! And when they are glutted in belly their thoughts will turn to their loins. That is the time when you will send in the whores and female criminals to satisfy that need" Death gloated and watched the young mans face turn pale.

"They will die or be with child, and that child will be of the making of more of my HORDE, Demons that will grow into loyal armies quickly and serve me well"

"And the three thousand that are male and strong, though untrained?" The young man quavered, sickened by the orders he was to follow.

"Lead them directly to the deepest levels and I will oversee their transformations myself" Death began to laugh again, a deep, low rumble that grew into manic proportions and quality.

"Three thousand to add to my army of thirty thousand, each having the strength of ten grown men and serving me faithfully in my mission to kill all that will not side with me and serve me"

The young man had his orders and scampered from the room, fear on his face and the beginnings of vomit on his trembling lips.

"Send me the archer that I have called for" Death commanded his bent over and fleeing form, tears once again in his eyes.
Prince Avenir

The words of his mother clashed with those of the Gray Haired Old Man in Avenir’s mind all evening. Although she knew much of where the precious artifacts were located and would be of great assistance on this journey, the road that the Gray One would be leading them down would be most perilous and he feared greatly for her safety. He walked out alone into the mist of the evening, the clouds hanging low over the verdant fields, holding a lush earthy fertile smell near the ground. He was to leave this land, the only land he had ever known, and take up arms for his country, perhaps even battle the brother and sisters he had never known existed. And with what? He had no army and no resources other than his strength of mind and body!

He was unsure of the strong feelings flowing inside him, though he knew none were fear. The Old Gray One had taught him that fear was a weapon that clouded the minds of the weak. He had learned to see through his fear and take action. Yet it was other things that concerned him as he walked through the fields and along the hillsides. Who were his siblings? What were their names? What were they like? Why had his mother not told him of them? And what of this land he was leaving behind, this land that he knew so well? Who would care for the crops and the livestock? And what about Mara?

And just as that thought came to him, he found himself standing by the landowner’s manor. There were still some lamps lit, their yellow glow flickering in the windows downstairs and in Mara’s room upstairs. Avenir was consumed with seeing her again, to say goodbye to her. Through the shadows he approached the window of a sitting room and peered inside. In an old worn chair beside the fire that had fallen to little more than sparks sat the old man, his head fallen to the side asleep, his plump belly rising and falling in slow slumber. A half empty flagon of mead sat on the table beside him.

Avenir stepped back from the window and looked up to the window that was Mara’s. There was a trail of heavy vines that lead up the side of the house and without another thought, Avenir climbed up reaching the ledge near her window. He managed to make his way along the ledge until he reached the window and looked inside. She sat at a dressing table, her delicate hands running a brush through her long curly dark hair. He remembered the kiss she had bestowed upon him and felt a recurrence of the feelings it had stirred inside him. The Old Gray One had taught him many things, but nothing about this.

“Mara!” he called out in a loud whisper. “Mara!”

She turned, startled by the unexpected voice, but when she recognized the voice and the face, she smiled.

“Avenir! What are you doing here?” she answered, her voice also barely above a whisper. “If my father finds you, he will …”

“Shh! I have to see you … I have to talk with you,” Avenir replied, beckoning to her. “Here, come with me.”

Mara looked about her simple room, the oil lamp glowing warmly, the bedcovers already turned down, then back to Avenir’s face in her window. Slowly she arose from the table and came toward Avenir, her pale body dressed in a light gossamer fabric that even in the dim gentle light let her firm sculpted curves show through.

“Where? Where can we go?” she asked when she reached the window. Her warm hands slipped over Avenir’s.

“Come with me … we can go to the stables,” he answered.

“But …” Mara went to say, but Avenir took her hands and quickly helped her through the window and out onto the ledge. She began to giggle softly as he lead the way down the vines. As she neared the bottom Mara began to slip and Avenir caught her in his arms. He thought it might have been an intentional slip, but when her warm little body slipped into the circle of his arms, he forgot his suspicions. She moved her head toward his as if to kiss him again, but he pulled back and took her hands in his. They hurried to the stables and Avenir chased Mara up into the hayloft. She stumbled and fell into the hay piled near the bay door. She quickly righted herself when he stooped beside her to see if she was all right.

“Are you all right?” he asked tenderly, his hands reaching for her.

“Of course I am, Avenir,” she said. “Now.”

Avenir settled beside her and looked into her large blue-gray eyes. He mulled over the thoughts that he wanted to share with her, the news that he needed to tell her, and the goodbye he didn’t want to say.

“Sooo, what was so important that you had to tell me that it can’t wait till morning?” she asked, her hand slipping almost undetected around his waist.

“I’m not sure where to begin, Mara,” Avenir began, his dark eyes heavy with the sudden news of his departure. “But I have a … I need to … I must go away. For a long dangerous trip from which I may never return.”

“What? What is this all about?”

“I can’t tell you for there is much I don’t know or understand,” Avenir said slowly, his dark eyes looking deeply into hers as he continued. “It’s all part of a plan to reunite our land with that of the north and south and east. My mother was once the Queen of all the realm and it has become my charge to find and carry the remaining special symbols of our once mighty country to the great city and somehow use them to reunite our country.”

“And when is this all supposed to happen?” Mara laughed. Avenir could tell by the look in her eyes and the sound of her voice that surely she didn’t believe him, that his news was just an imaginary figment of his imagination.

“I leave in the morning,” Avenir said. “I couldn’t leave with out saying goodbye to you.”

“But … but I shall never see you again … and who will help my father tend his land? He cannot do it himself.”

“He can hire Seth and Levi, sons of Grainger, ” Avenir suggested.

“But I hate them,” Mara spit. “They are coarse and ugly and smell like the filthy pigs they are.”

“I don’t want to leave,” Avenir admitted. His hand reached up to her face, so pale and delicate, her big eyes glistening with a trace of tears. “I don’t want to leave you, Mara. But I must. And should the gods favor my quest, I will return to you … and to your father.”

“But will you not then be King if you do all this?” Mara said, pulling away from him. “Then you will have no time for me.”

“Mara, please understand me,” Avenir said, letting his feelings overtake him and pulling her into his arms. “I don’t want to leave this land. I don’t want to leave you. But I must.”

Mara’s hands slowly eased around Avenir’s shoulders and she looked deeply into his eyes. He could feel the warmth of her body through the light gown she was wearing. He had never touched something that felt so delicate and yet so alive in his life. The firm curves of her body sent strange sensations through him, some of which he knew not the meaning. Outside the stables the call of a nighthawk was heard overhead and the wind from the north began to rustle the tree limbs laden with their bounty of fresh leaves.

* * * * *

“I cannot let you come, Mother!” Avenir said as calmly and firmly as he could. He loved and respected his Mother, but he could not be quiet and accept her decision to join their quest. And as the dawn began to brighten, he felt more determined that she must remain behind. “Who knows what dangers this journey is fraught with? You must remain behind, Mother. You must!”

Avenir secured the band that held his sword at his side, a gift from his mother upon his twelfth birthday. His pack was ready and his staff was set out by the door. As his fingers worked the heavy laces, he listened to his mother’s arguments. He had always known her to be a strong-willed woman and this morning was no exception. And now in the morning light with his understanding of what she once was—of what she still was, he felt certain that there was nothing he could do to convince her otherwise. Ultimately, it was the decision of the Old Gray One.

“Mother, it is time!” Avenir said with an tone of finality. “The Old Gray One will be waiting. I must go!” He had thought of how he would say goodbye to her, and stepped over to her. He leaned over her and bent down to kiss her brow. “Good bye, Mother.”

“Take me with you, Avenir,” Marian told her son. “You need me. Let me help you!”

Suddenly a loud pounding at the door broke them apart.

“That must be the Old Gray One,” Avenir stated. “I have to go.”

“I'm going with you, Avenir,” said his mother loudly and determinedly. “I can help you both.”

“That’s not my choice, Mother.” When a second and third pounding on the door sounded, Avenir took up his bag and staff. “Goodbye.” He tried to smile but felt his lips only curl the least bit.

“Tell him,” his mother said as she gathered her things. "I am coming with you."

Avenir stepped out through the door into the dawning light. The Old Gray One was waiting. Gone were his beard and long hair and the flowing robes. He looked younger and more warrior like, yet there was not mistaking him.

"Are you ready, my young warrior?" he called out.

"I am ready, Old Gray One,” Avenir answered. “But I fear we have a problem already. A rather large and insistent one?"

"What problem could be so large it stops us?" the Old One asked.

Avenir looked back at the cottage that had been his home for all his young life. He could see the form of his mother in the shadows of the doorway.

“My mother,” Avenir said. “My mother is coming along too. She knows where the artifacts are hidden.”

“That is a problem,” said the Old Gray One. “But one that is easily resolved.
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Queen Marian

Marian spoke, her voice loud enough to be heard by all.

“Indeed. Quite easily, my lord.”

She stepped out of the cottage and planted herself firmly in front of her son, looking defiantly into those gray eyes she knew so well.

“I shall be accompanying you on your journey. You heard my son speak the truth. Of us three, only I know where the sword, the ring, and the scroll lie. It was not my husband, but I who secreted them away so very long ago.”

Marian held up a small but strong white hand as she supposed the Gray Man was about to speak.

“Please wait until I have said what I will. It is true that I could reveal this knowledge to Avenir and yourself, leaving you free to engage this quest without me. If this were done as my son wishes, you would find the task of retrieving the three laborious beyond belief. You would waste much time and resources. Please consider that the place I have chosen has been made simple for me to enter, but difficult for others.”

She paused to collect her thoughts. The women of Marian’s generation were not taught the warfare of men. Rather they employed the weapons of the mind. She selected a tact that would steel her argument..

“It has not occurred to my son, but I am sure it has to you, that should you leave I will be in grave danger. Are there not forces stacked against us that would surely suspect my knowledge. Am I to be abandoned, vulnerable to capture, subject to the interrogation by that beast or his spawn.”

Marian spat out the last word, for she had forced herself to think of her other children as dead, adopted into the family of the dead. She kept the tears from falling only by sheer force of will. Marian had saved the sharpest blade and she used it now to drive her point home.

“Before I conclude, please, allow me one thought more. Eighteen years ago, you revealed who you were. It was then, you told me, ‘I will stay by your side as long as you wish me to.’ It comforted me then and through all the hardships that followed. Do you intend to leave me now? Even if it be not my wish?”

Mara listened to what Avenir was telling her, but all she kept hearing was that he was leaving her. Her Avenir, the one who was always there to help her, even when she only pretended she needed it. Mara thought about all the times they spent together, how he begged her not to tell her father about his poetic epics, and how she had come to despise the way her father treated him.

Mara had started taking more of interest in Avenir when she began noticing her father’s treatment of him. She didn’t understand it, Avenir was young, like herself, and looked so innocent, so gentle and she knew this had to bother him. As she began to pay more attention, doing everything in her power to find a reason to be around him, she began to feel an ache in her heart anytime there was an unkind word tossed at Avenir.

This feeling only increased with time and now as there were changes in his appearance, there were in hers as well. Mara was developing into an attractive young lady and her attraction to Avenir had been growing. She knew what things went on between a man and women, having one time caught Seth and a girl hiding in the hayloft and once Levi had tried to kiss her but she had pulled away and ran in the house. That was a while back, but now every time she looked at Avenir, or was near him, she wondered what it would be like if he kissed her. But he was so shy, she had finally had to make the first move and all she had thought about the rest of that day was the feel of his lips when they kissed.

Now he was leaving and she didn’t know when she would see him again. Mara stared deep into his dark eyes and put her arms to his shoulders.

“Avenir I will miss you so. I don’t know what I will do without you here.” Mara said softly to him. “Please kiss me before you go. Hold me tight and promise me you’ll come back to me.”

“I will do my best Mara, that’s all I can promise.” Avenir replied embracing her tightly.

Words were lost as Mara brought her lips to his, silencing him. Their kiss was gentle, soft and she loved the feel of his hands as they moved over her and how his body felt against hers. With on hand she combed her fingers through the softness of his hair, her other hand slowly caressed his back, and she could feel him shaking like she was. He mirrored her moves, running his fingers through her hair, caressing her back and she felt the warmth of his hands through her light gown.

Mara parted her lips, her tongue reaching out to lightly lick across his lips and he did the same. Their kiss deepened, their tongues slowly became entwined, both of them reveling in a passion, neither had felt before. Avenir’s hand brushed the side of her breasts then gently came around to caress it. She gasped softly and her back arched from the warm sensations this stirred in her. But then he broke their kiss, moving his hands back to her waist and a look of uncertainty passed between them.

“I have to go now, Mara.” Avenir said with regret, his eyes looking deeply into hers, telling her without words what he felt.

“Avenir, please don’t go.” Mara pleaded with tears welling up in her eyes. Could this really be happening, and why must he go leaving her here alone, without him.

“Good bye Mara. Please don’t cry, but I have to go. Someday I hope you will understand.” Avenir embraced her, kissing her passionately and then quickly left.

She had caught a glimpse of the pain in his eyes and knew why he had left so abruptly. As she walked back to her room, all she could think about was being away from him, who would look out for him, who would be there for him when he needed someone, who would help make sure he came back to her. By the time she slipped beneath the quilt on her bed, she had already made up her mind that she was going to find a way to go with him.

I stood between Mother and Son, Queen and Prince, listening carefully to the debate of heart and mind.Passion and reason, want and need, both were in this heated discussion and both pressing for a decision.

"Avenir, I am afraid our Queen is correct in all her reasoning" I confessed, cocking my head to admit defeat.

"Without the possesion of the artifacts your quest is over before it has begun" I conceded "And her memory is correct, I did voice a promise to her that can not be forgotten"

Memories returned to me and for a few seconds I debated the third reason I would favor Marian's presence. One that I had not voiced the entire time I watched over her.

"A leader must make decisions based on need AND humanity, Avenir. You need Marian and the knowledge she possesses and you could not face another day knowing she was killed because she was left undefended"

I had cast my lot with these two and in time would die for them if need be, was it not fitting to take a final journey with them as well?

"Follow your heart Avenir and be true to those feelings"

The matter decided, Marian looked to them both and said,

"I shall need a moment to prepare for this journey. If you will excuse me."

She turned on her heel and returned to the cottage. Marian knew she would have to pack light, but having few possessions made this simple. A medicinal bag was essential. She looked to her stock of dried herbs. Among the ones she selected were comfrey, valerian, willow's bark, and peppermint. She paused over the foxglove for several long moments, wondering whether she should bring the herb that could be made into a powerful poison. Better to have it than not she decided and included some of its powdered leaves in her pack.

Next, she turned to her clothing. Exchanging her lightweight skirt and blouse for heavier versions of sturdy wool, Marian changed quickly. Excitement brought a rosy glow to her skin and her sable eyes sparkled. For so long, Marian had lived her life in stasis, knowing that bold action had to be taken to save her world, but knowing too that the time had not yet come. Praised by to the gods that it had finally arrived. She raised arms and braided her long hair into a single braid that fell all the way down her back. Reaching for a wide leather girdle, she tied it securely around her waist.

She turned to packing a few cooking elements and some foodstuffs for the long journey. Knowing the peril to come, Marian tied a sheathed knife to her calf with leather thongs. Finally she retrieved her cloak and flung it over her shoulders. Her eyes surveyed her humble home and knew this would be the last she would see of it, come what may.

Mara tossed and turned all night not being able to get the idea of Avenir leaving her out of her mind. Finally she got up, it was still dark outside and she packed a small bag, just putting in what was absolutely necessary to take. Mara thought about leaving her father a note, but decided that it was best not too. She wasn’t exactly sure where they were going and she didn’t want to cause Avenir any more problems then he already had.

She quietly left her home, making her way to Avenir’s. She wasn’t sure what she planned on doing, but she had to do something. Mara had to be with him, the thought of him being away from him was tearing at her heart. She waited quietly as she listened to the arguments back and forth about Avenir’s mother going with them on thier journey and saw that she had one chance of being allowed to go with them.

When Marian went inside, Mara snuck around and when no one was looking went inside. Even though they knew each other, Mara saw the startled look on Marian’s face having not expected to see Mara there.

“Please Marian, I want to go with Avenir on this journey. “ Mara began, her eyes were wet and pleading. “I cannot think of being parted from him and I know that he wants me near him, but he is afraid for me.” Mara then pleaded her case with Marian, opening her heart up so that she could see the love and protection that Mara felt for her son. “I promise not get in the way, and to help whenever I can. I just need to be with Avenir and he needs me. Please take me with you so that I can be there for him.”
Prince Avenir

Realizing the uncertain future that his Mother faced should she be left behind had made the decision all the easier. In fact, Avenir knew that there was no decision about it. His mother was coming with them. She was determined to come and he welcomed her presence. The landowner would be of no help in protecting her, were the hordes to come from the north or south or east. But that thought then made him think of Mara and his secret farewell to her the night before. This quest was far too dangerous to bring her along, yet he longed to be with her. Avenir was uncertain that Seth and Levi could protect her and not take advantage. Something about the touch of her hand and her lips upon him last night had made him tingle inside, and and the sensations told him now that he would be coming back to this place if only to fetch her. He regarded The Old Gray One for a moment, but decided not to say anything about Mara to him.

As they stood outside the small cottage that had been his only home, the sky beginning to brighten as the sun rose, the clouds turning shades of pink and scarlet and deep purple against an azure sky, Avenir drew in the smell of the fields, trying to burn the scent into his memory. This abundant fertile land of the western provinces would always be his home, no matter where his life took him. But as he waited with the Gray One another thought occurred.

“A leader must make decisions based on need AND humanity, Avenir …” the Gray One had said. “Follow your heart, Avenir, and be true to those feelings.” Avenir had always learned much from The Gray One’s words. But those words held a special meaning for him now. He was no longer just a field hand, a mere stable boy, or a strong back to mend the fences and reap the hay. He had become a man and had to become a warrior and a leader of men and armies.

Avenir knew of no greater challenge, and as he stood on this ground, his home, he felt the strength of purpose flow into his body and mind and spirit; his raven dark eyes looked off to the eastern horizon; he drew his lungs full of this clean crisp air. The simple men he had known from this county would tend the fields and shepherd the livestock. This quest was to shape his life; it was his Destiny.

As the Old Gray One fidgeted impatiently, Avenir looked back toward the cottage. What was taking his mother so long? She had to dress for their journey, surely, and pack some provisions, but they had far to go this first day. Then the door swung open again and Avenir anxiously waited for his mother to emerge from the shadows.
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