The suspicious death of Paul Wellstone


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Just got back from an anarchist anti-war conference in LA. There's a lot going on right now, but first and foremost in my mind is the highly suspicious death of Paul Wellstone.

Political junkies knows Wellstone was one of the biggest liberals still left in the Democratic Party. He recently voted against war with Iraq, just as he did in 1991. Control of the Senate is hotly contested this year, with Wellstone's seat one of about eight very close races which will decide the balance of power. Wellstone had been trailing, but was just pulling ahead when he suddenly and mysteriously died in a plane crash. The timing of this-- just before the election AND just as Wellstone was pulling ahead-- cannot help but raise eyebrows. There is no doubt this improves the Republicans' chances of regaining control of the Senate.

The plane Wellstone was in had never had any previous problems, and the flight was totally uneventful until suddenly everything went wrong. The cause of the crash is unknown. Significantly, an article in today's "Grey Lady" (New York Times) DOESN'T EVEN MENTION the "black box" (flight recorder) aboard the plane, which could shed major light on what happened.

I strongly suspect this was a political assassination ordered by the White House. When future historians compile the list of Bush's crimes, it is likely the murder of Paul Wellstone will be on it.

JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., RFK, and now Paul Wellstone-- government by assassination continues in AmeriKKKa.
JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., RFK, and now Paul Wellstone-- government by assassination continues in AmeriKKKa.
You forgot John Lemmon.
Just got back from an anarchist anti-war conference in LA. There's a lot going on right now, but first and foremost in my mind is the highly suspicious death of Paul Wellstone.

Political junkies knows Wellstone was one of the biggest liberals still left in the Democratic Party. He recently voted against war with Iraq, just as he did in 1991. Control of the Senate is hotly contested this year, with Wellstone's seat one of about eight very close races which will decide the balance of power. Wellstone had been trailing, but was just pulling ahead when he suddenly and mysteriously died in a plane crash. The timing of this-- just before the election AND just as Wellstone was pulling ahead-- cannot help but raise eyebrows. There is no doubt this improves the Republicans' chances of regaining control of the Senate.

The plane Wellstone was in had never had any previous problems, and the flight was totally uneventful until suddenly everything went wrong. The cause of the crash is unknown. Significantly, an article in today's "Grey Lady" (New York Times) DOESN'T EVEN MENTION the "black box" (flight recorder) aboard the plane, which could shed major light on what happened.

I strongly suspect this was a political assassination ordered by the White House. When future historians compile the list of Bush's crimes, it is likely the murder of Paul Wellstone will be on it.

JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., RFK, and now Paul Wellstone-- government by assassination continues in AmeriKKKa.

Actually, the assasination had nothing to do with the Senate race. My sources have told me that Wellstone's wife was a Lit member and she was about to endorse REDWAVE's views when she "outed" herself here next week. Rather than allow this to happen to tarnish Senator Wellstone by extension, the American Oil Conglomerates banded together and put significant pressure on the CIA to exterminate her.

As an interesting side note, Senator Wellstone was in Dallas the day of the Kennedy Assasination, he did have words with a good friend of Martin Luther King Jr., he publically stated that "x" was his least favorite letter of the alphabet. There is no known link to RFK, but I am sure it is there. It has to be. Otherwise, it would just be a tragic accident. :rolleyes:
Review the details again. The pilot flew into known icing conditions. The weather was at or near minimums. This is one of the most common types crashes there is. Start with Buddy Holly and work forward in time. This is a tragic condition of people that have to get there no matter what and that thinking overcomes good judgement.

Three Things:

1: That type of plane does not require a flight recorder and or black box.

2: The death of Wellstone now INSURES the Demoncrats will retain the seat.

3: There is really something wrong with you. You are a sic sick puppy.
Dems Grumble Over Wellstone 'Assassination'

It's been just three days since Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone, his wife and daughter were killed in a tragic plane crash. But already some Democrats are grumbling that his death was no accident.

Just hours after the man liberals referred to as "the soul of the Senate" perished in the fiery accident, WABC radio's resident Democrat Richard Bey complained that he thought the Wellstone crash defied mere coincidence - then pointed out that the Bush White House had made the Minnesota liberal one of its top political targets.

By the next day Bey had second thoughts, telling his audience he didn't want to encourage such bizarre speculation.

But over at the, wild-eyed Wellstone death conspiracy theories spread like wildfire, with a full-blown "Wellstone Assassination" thread attracting some of the most outlandish commentary.

"Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone is the latest victim of this clandestine assassination group, racing to consolidate total power in the hands of George Bush," wrote one poster. "Wellstone was assassinated under the exact same circumstances as Mel Carnahan, two years ago."

"I was shocked when I heard the news of Wellstone’s death," another poster wrote. "I am deeply saddened by this, as well as terrified. Within a few seconds, I began to think about it being an assassination. ... How many people 'in the way' of the Bush family have died over the years?"

Another bizarre commentary began with the headline "Strange How Only Democrats Die in these Freak Plane Crashes."

"It's always an unexplained mechanical failure in the plane's steering," this poster complained. "And it is always opponents to the Bush crime dynasty. I see a pattern here. It looks like sabotage."

Oddly enough, those on the far left now raising eyebrows over Wellstone's demise generally dismissed as "nutty" questions about the untimely deaths of Clinton scandal witnesses like Vince Foster, Ron Brown and James McDougal.

But at least conservative conspiracy theorists waited until some evidence of foul play had emerged in each case.

So far, nothing of the sort has materialized in the Wellstone case.
Hanns Schmidt
Washington couldn't allow regular people to actually have a voice on Capitol Hill. Some people aren't fooled so easily, Nov 5th those people will vote to retain the Senate and win the HOUSE.

Thanks for the welcome, Rose. It's good to be back, although I did enjoy the conference. How are you doing?
If there is this republican hit squad why didn't they off Bill or Hilliary?
Redwave, no one on the face of the Earth is more full of shit than you.

Jesus Z. Christ, man. The conspiracy shtick is bad enough. But an
anarchist anti-war conference?

Re: Rosie

Thanks for the welcome, Rose. It's good to be back, although I did enjoy the conference. How are you doing?

Ah RED, I'm great. Hope you had a fabby time..... You know I can't even mention it without gigglin at you. LOL.

So, you all had transportation? Good for you..... I guess. LOL

Well. I missed you pal.
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Hey Red, you ARE good for a laugh now and then.

I'm sure your unemployment benefits ran out months ago, so I guess that means you've found some other means of support. Your sugardaddy must be generous for you to be traveling to attend weirdo conferences. Good for you.
Re: The unsuspicious death of Paul Wellstone

Just got back from an anarchist anti-war conference in LA. There's a lot going on right now, but first and foremost in my mind is the highly suspicious death of Paul Wellstone....

1. An anarchist conference is a contradiction in terms. Real anarchists don't gather under such auspices as conferences. Admit you were in LA to visit your estranged aunt (her red hair always inspired your mission) and you also finally visited Universal Studios; you've always wanted to...

2. You obviously have access to some of the finest recreational chemicals on this content. Slow down though, you're gonna burn out...
Re: Re: The unsuspicious death of Paul Wellstone

hogjack said:
1. An anarchist conference is a contradiction in terms. Real anarchists don't gather under such auspices as conferences. Admit you were in LA to visit your estranged aunt (her red hair always inspired your mission) and you also finally visited Universal Studios; you've always wanted to...

2. You obviously have access to some of the finest recreational chemicals on this content. Slow down though, you're gonna burn out...

Now, this is funny....... LMAO. I bet even RED is laughing at this one.

Many people, including me, have respect for Sen. Wellstone.

Hate to see his death (plus his aides and the pilots) hijacked by a pseudo-intellect like REDISDEADWAVE.