The suddenly re-occuring ppman hates America and not just Bush thread.

Problem Child

Feb 21, 2001
This thread is to let everyone know what ppman really thinks about us.

p_p_man said:
Only an American mind can invent such a twisted cartoon, sell it out as humour and actually like the fucking rubbish.

Have you ever heard of the word dysfunctional because I'm begining to think that Americans are exactly that...


p_p_man said:

The Yanks could have stopped both wars if they'd wanted to, they didn't because like vultures or hyenas we all see on TV, they were waiting in the wings to pick at the bones of whatever country won that particular fight...

...I say no Rex, for one simple reason you and I can't trust the American Govt or the the people because they have this 'If he's my President he must be right' attitude....


p_p_man said:
No I'm not.

All I'm saying is that Americans are so fucking brainwashed by their system...

That they can't do anything unless their Administratin says OK.

Be it Gun Lobby...

Be it the jewish lobby...

Basically they're...



p_p_man said:
Because your (America's) greatness is built on myth...

And fairy stories...

And George Washington. Now he was an absolute wanker for a start. Fancy admitting he chopped down that tree. The kid wasn't real...


p_p_man said:
I can't think of one where you have, without the help of others.

Except Grenada. But that had to be a fluke because America couldn't even handle Sierra Leone...


p_p_man said:
'Force fed' need not have anything to do with the press. The constant drip...drip...drip...of pledging allegience to your flag, the incessant self delusion that you are the best, the biggest and the most mighty, the totally incorrect assumption and continual reminders that you are the greatest in the world at anything can have a very damaging affect on a person's view on the true reality...

No other country I have ever come across has to keep reminding itself of its status with a non-stop litany. After a while you come to believe it...


That's enough for tonight. Next time I'll get to page two.
How did I know the first was about Beavis and Butthead?

Oh wait. I'm on that thread.
I bet pp is really from either Montana or somewhere in the mountains of Appalachia.
p_p_man said:
Americans are obsessed with power...

Money is power therefore you are obsessed with money...

Bush and every President you've ever had has had money therefore Americans are obsessed with Presidents "My Commander in Chief right or wrong"

Americans are known to obey orders. Therefore if your President says do it, you do it...

Or you're unpatriotic and open to social ostracism...

And Americans love being 'one of the guys'...

Apart from a few brave souls that is...


p_p_man said:
that you give the biggest aid...

that you help people in dier need...

that one day you're going to keep your promises...

to Afghanistan for starters...

Do you think it's something in the BigMacs?

funny how most of the things he called americans could also be applied to brits. power hungry? who controlled most of the known world...
I think this one from today exemplifies the problem ... way out there:

p_p_man said:
is it true that you would happily jump up and down on the head of someone who's collapsed in the street?

Send all the wrinklies to euthanasia farms because they're a drain on the economy?

Kill off anyone who can't or is incapable of supporting themselves?

Let the sick die who haven't insurance?

Let the homeless suffer because they're in a poverty trap?

Treat with disdain anyone who is on a low income?

Foolishly dream that you, too, could be a billionaire and President of the United States?

Yeah...I thought so...

p_p_man said:
live through his term of office.

I reckon yes. It's only the Americans who count when it comes to domestic politics...

The rest of us don't exist.

And y'all have the fucking cheek to call yourselves the 'Leaders of the Free World'...

Some leaders...some freedom...

p_p_man said:
All it should do is put him under suspicion.

But the attitude you reveal is a fairly typical example of how the world sees America and Americans and the twisted logic in how you view justice and the law. It depends very heavily on your emotional well being at the time.

If the police saw you drunk as a skunk Oliver, does that give them the right to arrest you before you've broken any law?


p_p_man said:
So a with thread like this you Americans if you don't have anything serious to say degenerate immediately into infantile humour.

So bugger you lot who wants an ally who dreams in a fantasy world...

this one is a winner.

p_p_man said:
but the younger ones seem to have this problem with being able to tell the difference between Hollywood and reality. They actually believe Americans can 'kick ass'. They actually believe that America is the greatest thing since sliced bread. And they actually believe that America is the 'Land of the Free'.

The American slavish, sycophantic attitude to all things powerful and rich is a great turn-off. Even here on Lit where I think there are a terrific bunch of intelligent posters I see that attitude creeping through time and time again.

Americans are slow to take the opposite view point, and some never do, but once they see the other side of the coin they become much more open and fun to debate with.

Americans tend to twist history to such an extent that most of the rest of the world can only stand back and gaze in astonishment.

You fly too many flags on your buildings.

You believe that you're not a racist society.

You hypocritically believe in God yet call on Him for every minor mishap that might happen to you.

You have a written Constitution, a written Bill of Rights and a written Declaration of Independence, all of which hinder your natural development as a country.

You have extremes just as bad as the Islamic fundamentalists you profess to hate so much.

You hurt easily.

You take more from the world than you put in.

You think the world owes you a living.

You think you should be universally liked just because you are Americans.

Your corruption of English is so dangerous that it is now deemed unsafe for foreign pilots to fly in American airspace because they can't understad your slang.

You are behind in your pereption of what is actually happening in the world.

You're insular.

Your present leader is the most dangerous man on the planet.

And you don't help your fellow citizens as much as you should.

But, in general, Americans are OK...

In this one ppman shows that we can't even speak English. We're so pathetic.

p_p_man said:
No Molican what you as an American speak is Websters, whch let's face it, was a contrived dictionary. Because Mr. Webster had an extremy complicated system as to how words shoud be written and pronounced it became very difficult for the bloke in the street to know what he was trying to convey.

So you as Americans had to communicate with each other on some sort of level so you used, and still use, slang.

A bit like pidgin English in Africa or the Acadamie de France in Paris.

In this one ppman lies about liking Americans. He lies out of his big fat ass.

p_p_man said:
First of all naded I have no beef with Americans or America...BUT when you set yourselves up as the Leader of the Free World, and I'm talking about hypocracy here. then I give myself every right to say to MY LEADER that what he's doing, or tries to do or says something I can't agree with, don't you think, as a member of that Free World I can't disagree with you or your policies...

Or can you only be a member of the Free World if you're an American?

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HeavyStick said:
I have a feeling there's gonna be 10233 quotes, from PC about ppman.

You know the saying Heavy stick:
"You mess with the bull you get the horns"
breaking news!

apparently the brits just found out smoking weed is bad or you! Cunting genius I tell you. Where would we be without the brits to make pointless discoveries and observations.
For more news on this groundbreaking announcement see the marijauna is bad for you thread.
I rarely read anything posted by pp_man anymore, it just isn't worth my time. Now I see what I've been "missing."
this one is fun. Here we are all mindless robots. Automatons, programmed to follow our leader. It must be the flouridation.

p_p_man said:
That depends on the courage of the American people.

If they are prepared to accept the shit and the cover ups and the lies then yes, it will blow over.

But if they can rid themselves of this very ridiculous attitude of "My Commander in Chief right or wrong" then things may yet get moving.

Maybe the relatives of the victims will get themselves organised.

There's no power as strong as the Power of the People.

They just don't use it very often that's all. And politicians fall into the trap of thinking the people can be easily manipulated...
