The Sturgeon Surgeon


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
Or " the family that fishes together..."

Hubby/Dad is an avid sportfisherman. So long ago Mom & the kids decided if you can't fight it join it. Even though the kids are now 19 and 20, they still vacation each year at fishing spots. This year, they hire a guide to take them on the St. Lawrence River in search of the mighty sturgeon- one of the few spots in the world where they can be commonly harvested.

Big fish require big hooks. Is it Wife or Daughter that gets the hook through her thigh accidentally, leading the grizzled old guide to joke "they don't call me the sturgeon surgeon for nothing." He digs out his first aid kit, as the woman realizes she'll have to undo her shorts/pants to allow him to stitch her up.... and he really does have delicate but strong old fingers...

(if you don't like full family incest situations, it could be just hubby & wife. There could also be a gay version.)
it turns out the grizzled old guy is a retired fabulously wealthy heart surgeon and they all live happily ever after in his mountain top mansion.