The standard rule to fighting and winning a war...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
know what you're fucking doing in the first place...

HeavyStick said:
The Falkland Campaign is one to be studied for centuries to come.

Iraq, Vietnam...America never learns does it...

Jeez you couldn't even subdue a tin pot country like Somalia...

What is wrong with the Iraqi campaign?

Vietnam was a French mess we inherited.

They would have been defeated if it wasn't for massive amounts of support from the Russians and Chinese and neighboring countries.

Somalia... watch Black Hawk Down, there was no incentive for the local populace to turn over Adid. The UN controlled portion was a success.

BTW, I really admire how you Europeans really stretch out the humanitarian hand of friendship to the people of the former Yugoslavia.
HeavyStick said:
What is wrong with the Iraqi campaign?

Check out the New Yorker article on Monday on Donald Rumsfeld and find out how the Pentagon really think of the Defence Secretary's handling of the war.
jodarby said:
Check out the New Yorker article on Monday on Donald Rumsfeld and find out how the Pentagon really think of the Defence Secretary's handling of the war.

Rumsfeld is nothing more than a chicken in hawks clothing. He's afraid to tell the President to let the generals handle the war.
jodarby said:
Check out the New Yorker article on Monday on Donald Rumsfeld and find out how the Pentagon really think of the Defence Secretary's handling of the war.

The CENTCOM Commander, is the one with the battle plan. Yes Rumsfield is overall in charge. But Rumsfield is not drawing up the battle plans or attack routes.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Rumsfeld is nothing more than a chicken in hawks clothing. He's afraid to tell the President to let the generals handle the war.

And because of him, some U.S. soldiers are not getting enough supplies and the supply line itself is in danger every day.
HeavyStick said:
The CENTCOM Commander, is the one with the battle plan. Yes Rumsfield is overall in charge. But Rumsfield is not drawing up the battle plans or attack routes.

He had final approval on the appropriations for the battle and rejected 6 times to recommendations of the Pentagon on troop deployment. He doesn't know what he is doing.
Rumsfeld can't really be taken out of the loop, but he should give a lot more control to the generals. I'm sure they are far better tacticians.
It's nice to see the Arm Chair Generals come out and spout how things are going.

War is not surgery, it is not so easily contained. rejection of plans is not a sign of competency.

Since you're an expert, why don't you tell me how the war should be waged.

Please don't give me the I wouldn't wage war speech either.
HeavyStick said:
It's nice to see the Arm Chair Generals come out and spout how things are going.

War is not surgery, it is not so easily contained. rejection of plans is not a sign of competency.

Since you're an expert, why don't you tell me how the war should be waged.

Please don't give me the I wouldn't wage war speech either.

Rumsfeld was the arm chair quarterback. He is the one that rejected the advice of the senior generals.

Wouldn't you say that the Pentagon knows more about fighting a war than Rummie does? He knows business. That's his job.
jodarby said:
Rumsfeld was the arm chair quarterback. He is the one that rejected the advice of the senior generals.

Wouldn't you say that the Pentagon knows more about fighting a war than Rummie does? He knows business. That's his job.

Nice deflection.

How would you wage the war?

If Rumsfield is doing such a shitty job what would you do?
HeavyStick said:
Nice deflection.

How would you wage the war?

If Rumsfield is doing such a shitty job what would you do?

Wouldn't have gone in the first place unless I had built a much larger coalition and ensured that a northern front was going to be achieved from day 1.

Bush and Rumsfeld were working on a hasty timetable though. Why else would you start with 100,000 soldiers still in transit and not expected to arrive mid to late April?

And if you think things are pefect, why are they running out of crtical supplies?

Much of the supply of Tomahawk cruise missiles has been expended, aircraft carriers were going to run out of precision guided bombs and there are serious maintenance problems with tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment according to the Pentagon source speaking to the New Yorker.
p_p_man said:
know what you're fucking doing in the first place...


Precisely the reason you weren't asked to participate.

The Northern front is a luxury ... not a necessity.

The hasty timetable was to keep Saddam at a disadvantage. He can't fight in the colder weather.

In every conflict, supply is always an issue. The supply lines are "in danger" but they have not been compromised.

Ships, no matter their size can carry only so many bombs and Tomahawks.

The critical targets have been taken out.

You can't win a war with only bombs and missiles, it comes down to the soldiers and Marines taking the buildings and bridges.
The lessons are still being learned from Dunkirk about the British folly there over 50 years later. :nana:
HeavyStick said:
The Northern front is a luxury ... not a necessity.

The hasty timetable was to keep Saddam at a disadvantage. He can't fight in the colder weather.

In every conflict, supply is always an issue. The supply lines are "in danger" but they have not been compromised.

Ships, no matter their size can carry only so many bombs and Tomahawks.

The critical targets have been taken out.

You can't win a war with only bombs and missiles, it comes down to the soldiers and Marines taking the buildings and bridges.

So in other words, the Pentagon was wrong about what they needed in this war and Rumsfeld was right?
HeavyStick said:

How would you wage the war?

If Rumsfield is doing such a shitty job what would you do?

hrmm ...first off i'd sent in 4 seal teams .. north east south and west disrupt and destroy, 2 sniper teams on each nw,
give them a week to do their work with at least one or two companies ready to go in if they ran into trouble . after a week i'd send in the calvary infantry and armor all at once with supply lines kept as secure and short as possible ..
as for rules of engagment... i would announce before the seal teams anyone not wanting to be considered combatant to either stay in homes or leave the country you leave your a target .. may be harsh but fuck it its war and war is hell ..
maybe sadam would be taken out by the seal teams or snipers and no war would be needed :p
jodarby said:
So in other words, the Pentagon was wrong about what they needed in this war and Rumsfeld was right?

Be more specific.

You haven't discussed any of my replies.

Overall the Generals know what they need.

Rumsfield is the link in the chain of command to the president, his wishes have to be respected.

Unlike Clinton, GW has done a better job of keeping his nose from getting too deep in the situation.
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khatnyp said:
hrmm ...first off i'd sent in 4 seal teams .. north east south and west disrupt and destroy, 2 sniper teams on each nw,
give them a week to do their work with at least one or two companies ready to go in if they ran into trouble . after a week i'd send in the calvary infantry and armor all at once with supply lines kept as secure and short as possible ..
as for rules of engagment... i would announce before the seal teams anyone not wanting to be considered combatant to either stay in homes or leave the country you leave your a target .. may be harsh but fuck it its war and war is hell ..
maybe sadam would be taken out by the seal teams or snipers and no war would be needed :p

You've done this sort of thing before, haven't you?