The Squalid Scam of Supply Side Economic Policy, by John Engelman


Jan 8, 2022
In The "Triumph of Politics: How the Reagan Revolution Failed" David A. Stockman sings like a canary to expose the squalid scam of supply side economics. He names names and lists dates. As the Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1981 to 1985 his is an insider’s view of an appalling crime against the U.S. economy.

In 1980 white voters were beguiled by a slick con man with smooth talk about easy money. Ronald “Dutch” Reagan told them that tax cuts for them would generate so much economic growth that they would get better jobs and big raises. The only people who might not benefit Dutch admitted with a sly wink, might be “the colored element.”

When Stockman joined the Reagan administration in 1981 he was a libertarian ideologue. He had no use for the religious right, which had made Reagan’s election victory possible. He really believed, despite abundant evidence from American economic history, that if we cut taxes and government spending the U.S. economy would grow so much that nearly everyone would benefit. Fortunately, unlike most who shared this delusion, Stockman had the perception and the integrity to admit his mistake.

Unlike most of those who voted for Reagan in 1980 Stockman knew that it was never possible to cut taxes, raise defense spending and balance the budget without making major cuts in popular domestic spending programs. These would have included Social Security, Medicare, military pensions, and farm and business subsidies. Stockman thought Reagan would use his popularity to force these cuts.

Stockman found instead that Reagan not only refused to make the cuts, he did not think they were necessary. Reagan really believed in the black magic of voodoo economics. He though tax cuts would generate so much economic growth that they would pay for themselves, and balance the budget. Stockman knew better, but Reagan’s other advisers either agreed with Reagan or pretended they did.

Stockman continued to patiently present Reagan with the financial numbers, but to no avail. One after another, Republican Senators and Representatives visited Stockman in his office, and said in so many words, “I’m all behind the President you understand, but don’t cut Program X. A lot of fine people benefit from Program X.” In other words: don’t cut a program that benefits my constituents. They will stop voting for me.

No one should have been surprised by this. No reasonable observer of the Reagan administration was. No reputable economist thought it was a good idea to cut taxes while raising defense spending. During the Second World War the top tax rate rose from 80 percent in 1940 to 94 percent in 1944. As it rose, the unemployment rate declined from 14.6 percent to 1.2 percent. Per capita gross domestic product in 1996 dollars rose from $7,423 to $12,389.

I mentioned “1996 dollars.” One of the revelations of The Triumph of Politics is that Ronald Reagan could not understand the difference between current dollars and constant dollars. He could not understand complex ideas unless they were simplified to the level of "Readers' Digest" anecdotes. The Ronald Reagan described in this book is not the bold frontiersman who faced down the Russians, won the Cold War, and restored the economy. He is an amiable duffer who refused to understand anything he did not want to believe.

The only people who really benefit from libertarian economic policies are those who have reason to be confident in their ability to earn a good income with no help from the government. David Stockman was in this category. After he left the Reagan administration in disgust he had an easy time getting a better paying job on Wall Street.

Most registered Republicans are not in this category. Most of those know it. They want the government to help them get through life. That is why the Reagan revolution failed. It is why no one should have expected it to succeed. The national debt nearly tripled under Reagan. The standard of living for most white blue collar Republicans stagnated or declined.

Nevertheless, rank and file Republicans continue to revere the memory of Ronald Reagan. One of the marks of a successful con is that the victims are too ashamed of their gullibility and complicity to draw attention to the crime.
In The "Triumph of Politics: How the Reagan Revolution Failed" David A. Stockman sings like a canary to expose the squalid scam of supply side economics. He names names and lists dates. As the Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1981 to 1985 his is an insider’s view of an appalling crime against the U.S. economy.

In 1980 white voters were beguiled by a slick con man with smooth talk about easy money. Ronald “Dutch” Reagan told them that tax cuts for them would generate so much economic growth that they would get better jobs and big raises. The only people who might not benefit Dutch admitted with a sly wink, might be “the colored element.”

When Stockman joined the Reagan administration in 1981 he was a libertarian ideologue. He had no use for the religious right, which had made Reagan’s election victory possible. He really believed, despite abundant evidence from American economic history, that if we cut taxes and government spending the U.S. economy would grow so much that nearly everyone would benefit. Fortunately, unlike most who shared this delusion, Stockman had the perception and the integrity to admit his mistake.

Unlike most of those who voted for Reagan in 1980 Stockman knew that it was never possible to cut taxes, raise defense spending and balance the budget without making major cuts in popular domestic spending programs. These would have included Social Security, Medicare, military pensions, and farm and business subsidies. Stockman thought Reagan would use his popularity to force these cuts.

Stockman found instead that Reagan not only refused to make the cuts, he did not think they were necessary. Reagan really believed in the black magic of voodoo economics. He though tax cuts would generate so much economic growth that they would pay for themselves, and balance the budget. Stockman knew better, but Reagan’s other advisers either agreed with Reagan or pretended they did.

Stockman continued to patiently present Reagan with the financial numbers, but to no avail. One after another, Republican Senators and Representatives visited Stockman in his office, and said in so many words, “I’m all behind the President you understand, but don’t cut Program X. A lot of fine people benefit from Program X.” In other words: don’t cut a program that benefits my constituents. They will stop voting for me.

No one should have been surprised by this. No reasonable observer of the Reagan administration was. No reputable economist thought it was a good idea to cut taxes while raising defense spending. During the Second World War the top tax rate rose from 80 percent in 1940 to 94 percent in 1944. As it rose, the unemployment rate declined from 14.6 percent to 1.2 percent. Per capita gross domestic product in 1996 dollars rose from $7,423 to $12,389.

I mentioned “1996 dollars.” One of the revelations of The Triumph of Politics is that Ronald Reagan could not understand the difference between current dollars and constant dollars. He could not understand complex ideas unless they were simplified to the level of "Readers' Digest" anecdotes. The Ronald Reagan described in this book is not the bold frontiersman who faced down the Russians, won the Cold War, and restored the economy. He is an amiable duffer who refused to understand anything he did not want to believe.

The only people who really benefit from libertarian economic policies are those who have reason to be confident in their ability to earn a good income with no help from the government. David Stockman was in this category. After he left the Reagan administration in disgust he had an easy time getting a better paying job on Wall Street.

Most registered Republicans are not in this category. Most of those know it. They want the government to help them get through life. That is why the Reagan revolution failed. It is why no one should have expected it to succeed. The national debt nearly tripled under Reagan. The standard of living for most white blue collar Republicans stagnated or declined.

Nevertheless, rank and file Republicans continue to revere the memory of Ronald Reagan. One of the marks of a successful con is that the victims are too ashamed of their gullibility and complicity to draw attention to the crime.
Stockman has been chewed up and spit out by most credible economists. His theories are irrelevant.
Stockman has been chewed up and spit out by most credible economists. His theories are irrelevant.
You do not prove that by asserting it. Which "credible economists" are you talking about? Arthur Laffer, with his laughable curve? Milton Friedman, who wrote that the only people who matter are stock holders? What part of David Stockman's "Triumph of Politics: How the Reagan Revolution Failed" is not true? Why was Reagan unable to balance the budget, like he promised he would?

Stockman's basic assertion is that it never was possible to cut taxes, raise military spending, and balance the budget without cutting or eliminating domestic spending programs the vast majority of Americans, and probably a small majority of Republican voters, would have insisted on keeping. What is not true about that?
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Beginning with Ronald Reagan, whenever Republicans have the power to do so they cut taxes for the rich and raise military spending. What do we have to show for that? How has life gotten better for most Americans? What about the explosion of the national debt?
Supply Side is not an economic term.
It is a political pejorative devoid of any true definition other than,

I don't like it when my party is out of power, so I am going to throw in the kitchen sink,
because I know that our schools are no longer vested, in fact often prevented, from teaching any economics.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
And the Democrats, did they attack their wealthy donor class?
Are the tech moguls and Hollywood being soaked to match their rhetoric and party affiliation?

But, you have a point in that they will do everything the can to "cut the war pigs down to size..."

They'll advance, to the chagrin of their voters on the power tiers of society, measures to "Defund the Police!"

What do we want?
Dead cops!
When do we want them?

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
And the Democrats, did they attack their wealthy donor class?

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
They did during the New Deal. They are not doing it now. That is why the well educated, well paid bi coastal professionals who began to dominate the Democrat Party during the War in Vietnam favor identity politics. It is also why the Democrats do not dominate the United States like they did from 1933 to 1968. For decades public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.
The New Deal?

Really? That's a stretch. "Those" Democrats in todays atmosphere would be pilloried (Hillaried)
tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. There's no real evidence that the New Deal did
nearly as much for the American Economy as did the war. That's where credit is due...


Now, you may tackle some of the other questions. Back to the Barbary Pirates?
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
The only people who really benefit from libertarian economic policies are those who have reason to be confident in their ability to earn a good income with no help from the government.

This is correct.

Most registered Republicans are not in this category. Most of those know it.

No. Quite the opposite.

They want the government to help them get through life. That is why the Reagan revolution failed. It is why no one should have expected it to succeed. The national debt nearly tripled under Reagan. The standard of living for most white blue collar Republicans stagnated or declined.

A democrat projection.

Nevertheless, rank and file Republicans continue to revere the memory of Ronald Reagan. One of the marks of a successful con is that the victims are too ashamed of their gullibility and complicity to draw attention to the crime.

It's not the memory of Reagan, but the desire for freedom. IDGAF about Reagan, I just want to be left alone to hustle and what I do for a living. Something the left absolutely CAN'T STAND, because they don't know how or don't want to put forth the effort to do so for themselves... fuck them.
This is correct.

No. Quite the opposite.

A democrat projection.

It's not the memory of Reagan, but the desire for freedom. IDGAF about Reagan, I just want to be left alone to hustle and what I do for a living. Something the left absolutely CAN'T STAND, because they don't know how or don't want to put forth the effort to do so for themselves... fuck them.
If Republican rank and file voters did not want the government to help them get through life it would be easy for Republican politicians to cut or eliminate middle class entitlements. It never has been, and David Stockman explains that it was not during the Reagan administration, because middle class entitlements are popular with the Republican base. Republican politicians win because of social issues, not because of promises to cut specific items in the budget, other than welfare programs, which are seen as helping poor blacks.
The New Deal?

Really? That's a stretch. "Those" Democrats in todays atmosphere would be pilloried (Hillaried)
tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. There's no real evidence that the New Deal did
nearly as much for the American Economy as did the war. That's where credit is due...

Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Military spending and employment is government spending and employment. I am glad that the United States entered the Second World War. Nevertheless, if the money spent on World War II had been spent on universal health coverage, free college for those who qualify, public parks, public libraries, public transportation, and stuff like that the benefits to the economy would have been greater.
If Republican rank and file voters did not want the government to help them get through life it would be easy for Republican politicians to cut or eliminate middle class entitlements.

IF they hadn't been getting ripped for them their entire lives I would be inclined to agree, but the reality is it's just not that simple.

You can't give investment opportunity back and even just giving folks their money back would be implausible.

It never has been, and David Stockman explains that it was not during the Reagan administration, because middle class entitlements are popular with the Republican base. Republican politicians win because of social issues, not because of promises to cut specific items in the budget, other than welfare programs, which are seen as helping poor blacks.

Sure... I don't really care.

"middle class entitlements" just sounds like leftist buzzwords to describe not having the federal government take all their shit.

Military spending and employment is government spending and employment. I am glad that the United States entered the Second World War. Nevertheless, if the money spent on World War II had been spent on universal health coverage, free college for those who qualify, public parks, public libraries, public transportation, and stuff like that the benefits to the economy would have been greater.

Unlikely as we would have gotten Ukraine'ed along the way.

Also, nothing stopping the states from doing what they want.... and some did spend on that, it had some benefits and some unforeseen consequences... not at all the boon the left likes to pretend it will be. If prosperity were as simple as MINDLESLLY throwing money at public spending why is California so fucked up?? Because it's actually not that simple.
IF they hadn't been getting ripped for them their entire lives I would be inclined to agree, but the reality is it's just not that simple.

You can't give investment opportunity back and even just giving folks their money back would be implausible.

Sure... I don't really care.

"middle class entitlements" just sounds like leftist buzzwords to describe not having the federal government take all their shit.

Unlikely as we would have gotten Ukraine'ed along the way.

Also, nothing stopping the states from doing what they want.... and some did spend on that, it had some benefits and some unforeseen consequences... not at all the boon the left likes to pretend it will be. If prosperity were as simple as MINDLESLLY throwing money at public spending why is California so fucked up?? Because it's actually not that simple.
You have refuted nothing that David Stockman and I have said about the essential dishonesty of Reagan's economic policies.

In his book The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed Stockman made it clear that, despite Reagan's assertions, it was never possible to cut taxes, raise military spending, and balance the budget without cutting or eliminating domestic spending programs most voters, including Republcian voters, would insist on keeping.
You have refuted nothing that David Stockman and I have said about the essential dishonesty of Reagan's economic policies.

No I refuted the oversimplistic opinion as to why they are "dishonest" ..... it's not dishonesty, it's complexity.

We economic liberals, capitalist.... are in favor of getting the government the fuck out of our way.

Problem is it's not as simple as just cutting it off or abolishing a program.... Social Security isn't some petty EO the next POTUS can just undo.
We economic liberals, capitalist.... are in favor of getting the government the fuck out of our way.
I know you are, but you lack anything close to majority support for your policies.

Your policies were put into effect during the last fourth of the nineteenth century. As a result capitalists lived like European royalty, while factory and mine workers worked twelve hours a day in dangerous environments, six days a week for subsistence wages. Food was often contaminated by bacteria and unhealthful to eat. Patent medicines were at best worthless, and frequently full of dangerous chemicals.

During the twentieth century American voters progressively rejected your policies. Republican politicians can only win elections by emphasizing social issues, or by making the dishonest claim that tax cuts generate enough economic growth that they balance the budget.
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I know you are, but you lack anything close to majority support for your policies.

Clearly... thus the shitty situation we are in. :D

Your policies were put into effect during the last fourth of the nineteenth century.

No... they weren't, not even close... LOL the exact opposite has been happening since WWII.

As a result capitalists lived like European royalty, while factory and mine workers worked twelve hours a day in dangerous environments, six days a week for subsistence wages. Food was often contaminated by bacteria and unhealthful to eat. Patent medicines were at best worthless, and frequently full of dangerous chemicals.

Nothing anti-capitalist about public safety.

I like how that's where the left runs when they can't support their "Fuck anyone with 5 bucks more than I got!!" mentality for self destruction..... as if they are even in the same ballpark.

During the twentieth century American voters progressively rejected your policies.

I understand, that's why they are bent over and getting fucked by the elites the way they are.

American's were too naïve to think all those WONDERFUL zero downside never ANY unforeseen consequences regulations could possibly be used to take advantage of them.... LOL fuckin' idiots.

Republican politicians can only win elections by emphasizing social issues,

That's pretty standard for politics though.... social issues are like a large and deeply intertwined with economics half of politics.

or by making the dishonest claim that tax cuts generate enough economic growth that they balance the budget.

Yea I don't get that last part is goofy.

They need to take a clue from the (D)ems and just come out straight forward on this ..... balancing the budget is going to requires a whole shit load of fat trimming.
They need to take a clue from the (D)ems and just come out straight forward on this ..... balancing the budget is going to requires a whole shit load of fat trimming.
For years most Americans have wanted a more progressive tax system.

From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the last year President Carter was in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) declined from 114% to 32%. It declined during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. When he left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 50%.

Because Republicans have kept the top tax rate low, when Trump left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP had grown to 129%.
Beginning with Ronald Reagan, whenever Republicans have the power to do so they cut taxes for the rich and raise military spending. What do we have to show for that? How has life gotten better for most Americans? What about the explosion of the national debt?

Life IS better on average for most Americans at all income levels today than it was in 1979. After tax income (including benefits) is higher for every quintile, although obviously it's up a lot more for the rich than for the poor. People enjoy better everything today than they did then: houses, cars, entertainment, communication, means of travel, food. Life certainly is MUCH better if you are gay, or a woman, or a racial minority, than it was then.

I'm not crediting Reagan or the Republicans, but it's pretty clear that the economic system that has worked since the end of the Second World War is a mix: it's not strictly capitalist and not strictly socialist, but there's no doubt that a substantial element of relatively free markets and relative economic freedom is an important part of the mix.
Life IS better on average for most Americans at all income levels today than it was in 1979. After tax income (including benefits) is higher for every quintile, although obviously it's up a lot more for the rich than for the poor.

To the extent that anyone has benefited from Republican economic policies it is because of the rise in the national debt. It is not real. It is credit card prosperity.
To the extent that anyone has benefited from Republican economic policies it is because of the rise in the national debt. It is not real. It is credit card prosperity.

That remains to be seen, but in the meantime people ARE better off. It may be that we now live in a society that better accommodates credit card debt than before (in fact, that's likely to be true).
For years most Americans have wanted a more progressive tax system.

Yes. Already having one of the most progressive and thus un-fair tax systems on the planet they want to make it less fair while talking out their ass about making the folks who already pay almost all the taxes, pay their "fair share". It's absolutely fucking insane.

Never said the USA wasn't full of fuckin' idiots.

From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the last year President Carter was in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) declined from 114% to 32%. It declined during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. When he left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 50%.

Because Republicans have kept the top tax rate low, when Trump left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP had grown to 129%.

Yes, and it's not just the lower taxes, it's also the absolutely astro-fucking-nomical wasteful spending on buuuuu shit. From bailing out Wall St. to the ludicrously corrupt bullshit spend-a-thon for Covid.
That remains to be seen, but in the meantime people ARE better off. It may be that we now live in a society that better accommodates credit card debt than before (in fact, that's likely to be true).
This chart, which I have posted before, demonstrates that the best paid 20% of the country are better off. The best paid within that 20% benefited the most. The chart does not demonstrate a broadly based economic expansion, which is what we did have when the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher, and when the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) steadily declined, as I have also documented. Facts matter. inequality.jpg
Yes. Already having one of the most progressive and thus un-fair tax systems on the planet they want to make it less fair while talking out their ass about making the folks who already pay almost all the taxes, pay their "fair share". It's absolutely fucking insane.

Never said the USA wasn't full of fuckin' idiots.
By condemning the popular desire for a more progressive tax system you are saying that most Americans have a moral obligation to favor economic policies that benefit the best paid 20% of the population at their expense.
Military spending and employment is government spending and employment. I am glad that the United States entered the Second World War. Nevertheless, if the money spent on World War II had been spent on universal health coverage, free college for those who qualify, public parks, public libraries, public transportation, and stuff like that the benefits to the economy would have been greater.
And who would we be trading with to build such an economy?

Canada? Mexico? Nazi Europe? The English rump state?

Cheap stuff like with the Masters of Uighur?
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
By condemning the popular desire for a more progressive tax system you are saying that most Americans have a moral obligation to favor economic policies that benefit the best paid 20% of the population at their expense.
Those who actually enact your Progressive Tax dreams are
those best in a position to protect themselves...

It's an illusion; a pipe dream.
(Where the rich pay their fair share VOLUNTARILY! and the poor get all the breaks.)