The Spider Club


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
I just had a new story approved called The Spider Club. I think it is one that can go a lot of places. I am looking for people to add to it to get it started.

I did not want to add to it myself as I want to see what other people come up with. I think the fun of Chyoo is writing on other people's stories not just my own.

Hopefully people will find it fun, in any event give it a read and hopefully add to it.

The Spider Club


Great story

I have just submitted my first thread to the story and I hope you enjoy it. Also, I'd like to tell you my thoughts. So far I have only read the introduction thread and it was really good. I thought it gave a lot of directions and opened a lot of different story possibilities. When I finish posting this I am going to go back and read the remaining threads of the Spider Club.

This story has been slowly growing over the past month. We have 10 pages know and there are at least 8 good story lines going and room to devlope plenty more.

This story can be taken any direction, I am not set on any one character or theme. I have one story line I am developing within it, but I am open to any other ideas.

I invite everyone to read it and add a thread or two if it takes them. I think it is a great place to do anytype of sexual, adventure, or thriller type of story.

Let me know if you have any questions.



The Spider Club