The Sound of Wind Chimes...

I'm listening to mine right now, too. I love them. Very low and very resonant. Definitely smile inducing.
Makes me smile too...especially when the paper boy drills the thing at 3 in the morning.
I also love wind chimes, I like that you can hear them from far off and they give off those sweet melodies.

We don't have our that close to our house, we have them spread out through out the front yard and back yard.... :)
I have wind chimes all over. Listening to them, during the cold winter, gifts me with promises of Spring. I love chimes.
It's cold as fuck here, but I have the sliding door open - just a few inches- and I'm loving the cold breeze and the sound of the chimes.

They're like a little brain tickle - they make me feel hugged.
