The Six Million Dollar Man

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
I'm meeting one of the writers tonight. I'm going to shake his hand in slow motion. Think anyone's ever done that before?
Are you going to make the "na na na na na" bionic sound?

Or tell him to remake the show with a Hispanic Steve Austin?
You are going to make the sound effect that goes with it, aren't you?
RawHumor said:
Are you going to make the "na na na na na" bionic sound?

What do you think I am, a geek? No!

I am going to tell him that his current screenplay could be better than it is. Better, stronger, faster.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I am going to tell him that his current screenplay could be better than it is. Better, stronger, faster.

Yeah, but how much would that cost?

Kick his ass and tell him my fucking bionic man doll broke.....and it was only twenty years old :mad:
Dixon Carter Lee said:
What do you think you could get for six million today? A bionic liver?

I could get you a whole buncha human kidneys from India for a couple of grand ;)
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I am going to tell him that his current screenplay could be better than it is. Better, stronger, faster.

Yeah, but it will cost $89 million to fix. That's $6 million in inflation-adjusted dollars.
Steve Austin got two bionic legs. Tell me I'm not the only kid in America who thought that for, like, a few more inches and a few more dollars, they could have given him a bionic cock?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Steve Austin got two bionic legs. Tell me I'm not the only kid in America who thought that for, like, a few more inches and a few more dollars, they could have given him a bionic cock?

You think he needed one? Or are you just transferring? :D
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Steve Austin got two bionic legs. Tell me I'm not the only kid in America who thought that for, like, a few more inches and a few more dollars, they could have given him a bionic cock?

He coulda taken his bionic eye out with that thing you know.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Steve Austin got two bionic legs. Tell me I'm not the only kid in America who thought that for, like, a few more inches and a few more dollars, they could have given him a bionic cock?

Maybe they did but he kept breaking it when he jerked off with his bionic arm!
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Steve Austin got two bionic legs. Tell me I'm not the only kid in America who thought that for, like, a few more inches and a few more dollars, they could have given him a bionic cock?
No. "In Living Color" did a spoof of it starring James Carrey (as he was known then) as John Wayne Bobbitt.

"Better . . . Stronger . . . Faster . . . !" Instead of spending $6 million dollars they should have just ordered those pills off the porn site!