The Shadow Academy


Quixotic Paradox
Nov 15, 2000
The Shadow Academy (closed)

Throughout the centuries, there have always been warriors for hire and there exists an organization that has the best of the best. No one knows the location of the secret institution. There are only faint whispers in the wind about a place where the most talented children are turned into the most dangerous warriors. Children who grow up to be the most fierce and powerful mercenaries in the world. The secret organization is real and the place these warriors are trained is called the Shadow Academy.

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Li Hon Kim

Li Hon doesn't remember anything before the Academy. Her oldest memories are from the children school where she had played with the other children all day long between meals. As a child, playing board games, sports, imaginary wars, solving puzzles, drawing, listening to stories and more did not seem like training. It was simply fun! Fun that made their young bodies strong, kept their minds quick, encouraged experimentation and flexibility of the mind and body. Knowledge and skills were strengths that everyone was encouraged to develop! There were no boundaries to the lengths that they could grow as long as everyone followed the rules of the Academy.

The students of the Shadow Academy train hard to take the Initiation Exam once they turn 18. There are three chances to pass the exam before their 19th birthday. Most do not survive to fail the test the first time, but if one manages to survive failure, there are a total of three chances. Li Hon just had her birthday a few weeks ago and her Exam date is coming up. She can't wait to start. This is it. This is the moment she has been waiting for all her life. Once she passes the IE, she can graduate from the Academy and gain real world experience. She can start training specialty skills and take the trials to become a Master. There's so much more she can do once she graduates!

Li Hon braided her long jet black hair into a tight French braid and coiled the heavy length at the back of her head. She pulled on a form fitting, sleeveless dark blue bodysuit made out of a strong synthetic material that allows the skin to breath and yet protect the wearer from basic impact or minor cuts.

Morning has flown by with special training on the impact course that requires deft, exact weaponless responses in order to complete a pass without any injuries. It's like a run through a secret temple and having to outwit all traps or die kind of situation. The afternoon is filled with several human sexuality lessons and practice sessions. These classes always amused Li Hon because it was easy to observe how actions affected the other person and manipulate those responses in such a way that they fall into a sexual haze. Once you make the other one have an orgasm, you win. Easy.

Li Hon's bow shaped lips curve in a confident, satisfied smile of a hunter who never fails.
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Ryan Logan lost his parents in a robbery gone wrong at the age of 5, ending up on the streets. His parents didn't have any living relatives, so no one was around to claim him and raise him right. An old man, a former thief, took Ryan into his tutelage to join the little band of thieves that he was already building. Though he was young, his thieving skills developed quickly, to the point the old man allowed him to be on his own to work the local streets.

Shortly after his 6th birthday, Ryan went after a target that was just a little more than he was able to deal with. The target turned out to be the current Head Master of the Shadow Academy. Rather than punish him, the Head Master took pity on him and took him in as his own son.

His training at the academy was deep and intense, pushing himself to the limits. Part of it was because his father wanted him to be the best, but also because he seemed to take to everything he learned naturally. Shortly after his 14th birthday he developed the knack for shadow manipulation, a very rare talent to bend and manipulate shadows to his will.

His green eyes give others the feeling of being able to pierce their inner being, sometimes giving the shivers. He kept his black hair cut short to keep it out of his eyes. A scar runs down the right side of his face from the middle of his forehead down to the middle of his cheek over the center of his eye from a sword training accident. He stands at just under six feet with a slender build.

Ryan's attitude towards the whole examination had pretty much boiled down to just getting it over with. True, he had enjoyed the learning, the training, but he had gotten to the point of just wanting it over with. The day's classes were no exception. He had decided to wear a black t-shirt and black pants, his usual attire.

His green eyes looked around slowly as he was the last to enter the classroom, checking to see who else had decided to show up. He knew a lot of the classes were the same, but the students often switched up between the classes to keep things on their edge. He gave a little smirk as he noticed Li off by herself, his rival. No one else even came close to his skills and grades, except her.
Li Hon Kim

Li Hon's almond shaped brown eyes took on challenging glint. There he is! She was hoping that Ryan would show up to this class. They were the best students at the Academy and were constantly competing against each other to be the best. There is no one else that forces her to think outside of the box as he does. There was no one like Li Hon to tweak Ryan's nose and stump him. Normally, they enjoyed fighting each other but they have also teamed up together in order to fight against all the other year mates.

Ryan would be beautiful if it wasn't for the scar on his face but she thought that made him look dangerously handsome. Strength, intelligence and ability are much more attractive than a mere pretty face with no brains or brawn to back it.

Instructor Hamilton had advised her to take on a lover and learn about the way her body responds during sex. While Li Hon has had many practice sessions on learning how to apply several sexual techniques, she has yet to have intercourse with anyone. This lack of experience was holding her back in being able to understand the full affects and effects of seduction techniques. There were several options available for her to lose her virginity but she thought it would be best to pick someone that she actually knew and liked.

The current class topic was the type of touches and movements that would best used in order to bring a man or woman to pleasure. She's taken this class before and let the instructor's voice pass over her as she made her way to Ryan. "Greetings, Shadow Prince. I was hoping I would run into you here."

Li Hon leaned closer to Ryan and pushed up on her toes to whisper in his ear, "I wanted to ask you for a favor. Would you come with me to my quarters during practice hours and help me lose my virginity? I would have no other than my best friend and rival to be my first lover." She settled back on down and gazed intently into his vivid green eyes. Hoping that he would say yes.
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Though there were seats arranged for the students, most of them had been filled already. However he usually preferred to stand, even though it sometimes made the instructors a little upset that he did so. However they didn't complain and tolerated it since he was the Head Master's son. He got away with alot of things because of his position, but there were some of the instructors that had a backbone. Those had been the ones he had learned the most from.

He was half listening to the lecture at the same time trying to determine what the rest of his day would be when Li came close to him. His attention shifted to her when she began to whisper in his ear. He had often been called many names, but Shadow Prince was the only one Li called him and came up with. He had yet to figure out why she called him that, though he never bothered to ask her.

He was quiet for a moment as he looked back at her. He gave a slight smirk for a moment.

"It's been a long time since you asked for a favor from me. And it's quite the juicy favor as well."

He chuckled softly for a moment before placing a hand lightly against her right cheek.

"Though I would say it would be quite the honor of having such a deadly beauty as a partner."
Li Hon Kim

Keeping her gaze locked with Ryan's, her small hands drew his hand from her cheek and placed his palm in front of her face. She smiled, a wicked curve of rose lips, and she closed the bare distance between his flesh and hers. The tip of her tongue licked slowly up the center of Ryan's palm and Li Hon nipped playfully on the fleshy mound below his thumb.

She leaned up to whisper in his ear, "I'll meet you in my room in two hours." Then she moved back to her seat on the other side of the classroom and sat in a seat that allowed her to see the whole room.

"Pay attention to the points marked on the male and female bodies. They mark the areas that are sensitive to various touches and pressures. Everyone has a slightly unique response to being touched. You should practice a variety of touches with several people to find out general responses."

Instructor Carver drew the students' attention to the naked man and woman standing near the front of the class. She proceeded to use a laser pointer to show the literal spots on a real body and described how they can be manipulated sexually.

Li Hon has already taken this class a few times when a new instructor is scheduled. Each teacher has a different viewpoint and experience to learn from. The first instructor had emphasized how each point of pleasure can be an equally devastating one for pain. Another had taught about how each part influences unconnected parts of the body. The current instructor seemed to emphasize on the type of sensations and the effects of such. It was much more interesting to watch the reactions of the other students in the class. To see how they were responding to the visual cues. The vast range of responses are always the first thing to draw Li Hon's attention. That boy had a firm erection. The blonde girl seemed to be confused as she touched a point on her neck. The twins' attention was absorbed in clinical fascination of the processes a body may be handled. She didn't stop a smirk when she caught a boy's glazed expression of desire and light sweat as he rubbed himself. She rolled her eyes. No control.

Just before the end of class, Li Hon slipped by Ryan, pressing a light kiss on his cheek and whispered with a sassy wink, "See you soon, Shadow Prince."

Li Hon decided to return to her room and follow the customs a woman may indulge in before a date. She didn't consider their meeting to be one but it was a nice excuse to pamper herself. First, Li Hon cleared her mind and loosened her body with Tai Chi. Her petite form moved effortlessly from one stance to the next.

Then she took a leisurely hot bubble bath and washed herself with her favorite rose mint soap. Li Hon dried her silky jet black hair and brushed the hip long length with easy strokes. She brushed a little makeup on to emphasize her shining brown eyes and stained her lips a darker rose.

She pulled on a rich royal blue silk robe with beautiful dancing fire birds. A stiff brocade formed the wide neck designed to wrap around the shoulders, held close below the breasts by a white satin belt with a fierce avenging dragon and a sharp v shaped neckline that leaves most of Li Hon's chest free.

Li Hon settled into the window seat with one leg tucked beneath her and the other framed by the silk robe. She watched the clouds in the sky as she patiently brushed her long, damp hair. A hint of a smile on her lips and a touch of a blush kissed her cheeks.
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Ryan gave a little chuckle as she teased the soft flesh of his hand with her tongue for a moment before biting beneath his thumb. He dropped his hand down by his side as she whispered in his ear, giving a nod.

"I'll be there."

He watched her move to take a seat before turning his attention back to the class. Part of his training outside the classes had been self-taught, which was self-control of his emotions. He couldn't see the reactions of most of the students from being behind them, but he did catch the fidgeting of some of them.

He smiled for a moment at Li's kiss on his cheek, watching her walk out of the classroom. He had made up his mind that just about all the training he needed in the other classes was done for him, so he went to meditate. He spent the next two hours in his room, simply mediating and getting himself focused.

Outside Li's door, he laid his hand lightly on her doorknob for a moment before pulling it away. It was a common rule for all students' to keep their door locked against ordinary intruders. Knocking on the door would have been been acceptable, but another idea came to mind. He took a deep breathe for a moment, opening his hands. The shadow at his feet wavered for a moment before floating up into the air, forming a pair of lockpicks.

He knelt in front of the door, peering at the lock mechanism. Even though electronic locks were the norm, his father thought it was amusing to have regular keylocks. Working carefully, Ryan had the lock opened with the tiniest of clicks. He turned the knob slowly and pushed his way into Li's room without a sound. He grinned for a moment seeing that she was pre-occupied looking out the window, closing the door and locking it quietly behind him.

As it was getting into early evening, the shadows had elongated from the window towards Ryan along the floor. He thought for a moment at the best way to grab her attention, looking around the room. He smiled for a moment before taking a breathe for a moment. The shadows wavered along the floor before gliding silently towards Li. They crept along the windowsill and along her slender legs, covering over them. Shadows normally didn't have a feel to them, but his power could give them feeling. The shadows felt like a gentle caress of a feather along her skin, rippling up and down them.
As she brushed her jet black hair with long strokes, Li Hon's mind leaped from thought to thought without sense or direction. She has no doubt that she will pass the Initiation Exam with flying colors. She wasn't one of the best for no cause. Slight concern about the teacher's advice about her sexuality touched her briefly but it vanished with a stroke of her brush. What she could not learn on her own will be done with Ryan.

It wasn't the norm for a Academy student to still be untouched by the age of 18 but Li Hon has been too preoccupied with other things to care about sex. She knows that it is an important aspect that can be used as a Shadow Warrior but she never really understood the appeal. None of those at the Academy are strangers to the naked flesh. Children are not separated by gender and all of them have to use public baths until they reach a rank that allows them the use of a private quarters. The size, shape and differences of the male and female form are no mystery to any of those who are raised at the Academy.

While most fall into a lusting state and spend much of their free time exhilarating in sexual exploration. Unlike those students, Li Hon has always been busy perfecting her skills. There is never a moment that is not used towards some sort of training or learning. Soon, all of that will be put to the test and she will be free to explore the world.

The smile that pulled on her bow shaped lips stilled as a light caress skimmed up her legs. She pulsed her awareness and grinned as she realized who was in the room with her. Li Hon twisted her torso to face the room, pulling the silk robe farther apart, leaving her small firm breasts framed by stiff brocade and open to her visitor's sight. She drew the brush through her hair one more time as she asked, "Ryan, will you use your shadow skills and your body to bring me pleasure? Will you use all of your tools to teach me how to love?"

Releasing a warm laughter full of promise, Li Hon threw the silver brush at Ryan's head and waited for him to reach her.
He chuckled and smiles as Li turned to him, displaying more of her chest for him. It wasn't quite the reaction he had expected from her, but he enjoyed it none the less. He easily caught the brush and looked at it from a moment before tossing it to the bed.

"It would be my pleasure."

She wasn't his first, as he did spend some time practicing the art of seduction and sex on the other females in the academy. It wasn't that many, but he also had gotten a hold of a couple of the female instructors as well.

When he had first learned to use his shadow talent, it had required most of his concentration to use it. Now, it was with just a thought that he was able to use his skill. The shadows which caressed her slender legs continued to do so as he moved over to her. He didn't sit, but instead took her chin in his fingers for a moment, tilting her face upwards. He leaned closer to her, his lips brushing lightly against her for a moment. He kissed her soft lips gently, slowly deepening the kiss as his tongue moved to seek out hers. His fingers moved down along her neck, kneading lightly and gently.
The gentleness of his touch startled her. She didn't expect gentleness from him. The two of them have experienced many things together and against each other but she would not have counted on his touch being tender or gentle.

Li Hon found her eyes fluttering close as his kiss drew her in. The faint brushes grew stronger with each brush of his lips and testing touch of his tongue. She felt herself relaxing into his hands as her neck stretched to meet and deepen their slow, engrossing kiss.

Shivers of awareness spread from her lips and the tantalizing caresses from Ryan's shadows. A murmur of pleased anticipation was swallowed by exploring lips. Thick, dark lashes open to reveal warm brown eyes. This wasn't the first time Li Hon has kissed but it was the first time she felt her body unfurl with a smoldering heat. This was the first time she wanted to keep kissing because it felt delicious and lured her towards something more.

Making a questioning, hungry noise in her throat, Li Hon's hands slide up Ryan's strong chest, scraped his sides lightly and settled on his back. In that moment, she truly gave herself over to him. She sank into the gentle passion that he beguiled her with from the start.
Ryan closed his eyes for a few moments as he continued the deep, passionate kiss. Her lips felt wonderful beneath his, enjoying the sweet taste of her. He arched his back a little as he felt her hands glide over his chest and up along his back. He stayed that way for a few moments longer before breaking the kiss softly.

As he pulled away from the kiss, he pulled back from Li a bit. He pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it to the side. His toned upper body was revealed to her, his muscles taut. Though he wasn't overly muscular, it showed that he constantly worked out in some fashion.

He leaned closer toward her as if to kiss her once more, but he took her left earlobe in his teeth. His breathe was warm against her soft skin as he gnawed lightly on the delicate flesh, rolling it between his teeth. He ran his hand down along her side gently to the tie of her robe, pulling it loose. His left hand pushed the robe open further as he grasped one pert breast beneath his hand, squeezing the soft flesh. The shadows on her slender legs began to pulse faster along Li's skin, running from the tip of her toes to just above the middle of her thighs, Ryan mming softly at her taste between his lips.
Li Hon's mind fluttered from each sensation and observation as they flooded into her with information. The way Ryan's lips felt firm and yet soft to the touch. As their kiss deepened, tongues tangling, she drank from his mouth and thought fleeting about how he tasted cool, wet, clean and felt so warm all at once.

Ryan pulled back to remove his shirt. It wasn't the first time she's seen his well formed torso but it was the first time she was curious to see how it felt to caress rather than strike. Does it feel the same to fight him as it would to stroke? Before, contact was defined by martial strategies or intensive body care. None of which made her feel a languorous need to explore Ryan's body with her own touch and taste.

The shadow caresses grew more firm and sent skittering tingles up her legs. Everything felt more sensitive and aware. Li Hon lifted her heart shaped face for another kiss and her breath stuttered over a tiny gasp when he nibbled on her ear instead. It's not a fanciful thought! Ears are responsive to touch. Ryan's hands felt hot on her breast. Her back arched into his touch, unconsciously asking for more. Her small hands swept over the line of his hipbones, raked her nails up his firm washboard abs and explored his torso with seeking, curious touch.

Combat, drills, exercises and practices all use various forms of concentrated strength. She's used to violence. She's used to fighting with Ryan with words, weapons and fists. Gentleness is used for injuries, soothing punished muscles and taking care of the old or ill. This sweet gentleness inherent in Ryan's kiss, touch and magic was a wholly different experience than what her observations of sexual encounters have given her.
The thoughts of how to take his time ran though Ryan's mind as he continued to nibble on her soft earlobe for a few more moments. He arched a little himself as he felt Li's nails rake along his taut abs and torso as she explored him. He stopped nibbling on her earlobe to give a light bite for a moment to her supple neck.

His fingers pinched her soft, but hardening nipple between the before he pulled back from her. He sat down on the window seat in front of her, his fingers working the silken tie further and pulling it apart. He hmmed softly as he took the soft material of her silken robe, tracing along the edges of the opening. He threw her robe open so that he could view her supple body more.

"You have a wonderful body, deadly beauty."

He grinned for a moment before he stroked two fingers lightly beneath her chin. He hooked his fingers and thumb over the tip of her small jaw, pulled her forward into another deep, tantalizing kiss.
Li Hon would normally accept the compliment as the obvious statement of her appearance. However, this time, she felt...shy. She felt uncertain and warm. His words made her feel warm and bright.

The silk and brocade robe fell open to his swift manipulations and lay caught in the crook of her arms. The brilliant cloth framed Li Hon's slender body with silken gold tinted, pale skin. Her pert breasts felt full, tantalizingly aroused and rose brown areolas circle the firm nipples waiting for another touch.

When he took her chin in his hand, she had to fight the instinctive response to remove it. She eagerly met his kiss with delighted enthusiasm! It felt like she could kiss Ryan forever and it would not be enough to take in his unique taste. Her curious fingers returned to explore his body with light touches, scrapping nails and intrigued firm strokes. She lingered over any spot that clenched against her touch. Wondering why and wanting more.
He gave little mms as Li's fingers ran over his taut skin, enjoying the soft feel of her fingers. His fingers stayed on her chin as he held the deep, sensual kiss, his eyes closed. He released her chin softly, as did the shadows from around her slender legs. The cold air of the room took the place of the warm touch the shadows had of her soft skin.

His hands went around her slender waist and pulled her up against him, crushing her pert breasts against his chest. The positioned placed Li's leg to either side of his waist, her slick nether lips pressing against the crotch of his jeans. She was easily able to feel his arousal beneath her.

He broke the kiss for a moment, running his tongue softly along her left soft cheek. He paused for a moment to whisper softly in her ear.

"Tell me what you want my beauty. What is it you need?"

He stroked his fingers lightly over her backside for a moment before giving her a little smack. The shadows moved to envelope her once more, this time covering from her waist to her neck, pulsating and squeezing warmly.
Li Hon gasped as Ryan pulled her to straddle his lap and joined their inguina together. She could feel his hard phallus pressed against her wet inguen. She was about to answer his question when he smacked her and it made her more wet! Instead of flaming anger, she felt her desire for Ryan grow. Thoughts of what she wanted stepped away as his shadows bathe her sensitive torso in a teasing, distracting embrace of a thousand fingers touching her just so.

She drew Ryan into a flirting dance of their tongues and she moaned her approval as she sinuously pressed against his trapped hardness. She squirmed as the shadows' touch seem to grow stronger and taunting. Her nails scratched up his back and she eagerly pressed her aching chest against his. She playfully nipped and sucked on his lower lip until it was swollen from her attentions before pulling back to ride his covered jeans with utter abandon.

Through lowered dark lashes, Li Hon watched Ryan and felt delight fill her to see that what was happening between them affected him as strongly. Seducing him with her curling, twisting slides of her hips, she pulled close to his face, staring directly into his brilliant green eyes and said, "I want to see you naked, Shadow Prince. I don't know why it matters more now. I have seen you before. But now, I need to see you naked as I am."

Tenderly, she kissed him again and moved away to stand. Li Hon let her arms drop and the silk robe fell away to puddle on the burnished wooden floor. She grabbed his hands to pull him up to stand. Gleefully, her strong fingers played over his exposed skin before trailing along the waist band of Ryan's jeans. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans with nimble pulls and twists and pulled it down to reveal his virile, engorged member.
He licked his lips for a moment as he watched Li stand up from him, letting her robe fall to the floor around her feet. He stood up at her bit of helping, though he dropped his hands down to his sides to see her next course of action. He mmed as he took in his breathe a little as her fingers and nails played over his skin before she disrobed him completely.

He didn't say anything for a moment as he reached for her wrists, holding them gently. With a small grin on his face, he guided Li back against the wall. He lifted her wrists above her head, placing them against the wall. The shadows emerged from the wall to slide over her delicate wrists like a pair of shackles, a piece of five linked chain holding them above her head.

He grinned for a moment as he stepped back from her to admire her once more as the shadows moved to engulf her body from her neck down, minus her slick nether lips and pulsating faster. He moved closer to her, kissing her deeply and passionately for several seconds before breaking the kiss. He slid his hands down along her shadowed-covered rear, squeezing deeply before lifting her into the air with her thighs spread to either side of him, holding her up.

Since this was Li's first time, Ryan probably should have let her know it was going to hurt. However he decided to say nothing, but smile. Instead, he suddenly plunged her down onto his thick shaft, breaking through her maidenhood without a pause. He moaned deeply at the tight feeling of her walls clamping tightly around him. He paused for a couple of seconds to let her feel the fullness of him before using his arms and hands to bounce her up and down his length, moving a little faster than a slow pace.
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The instinct to act in order to remain unbound made Li Hon jerk when Ryan tied her hands above her head with his shadow skill. It was more difficult than she had thought it would be to stay still and not act. All of her training has been aimed at being the one acting, not being passively and allowing another to manipulate her movements. She has never been at being passive.

Overlapping sensations soon flooded her mind as the shadows covered her torso in pulsating ripples. It was like being touched by hands everywhere! Li Hon pressed passionately into the kiss and made a sound of displeasure when he pulled away. Curious, she watched and danced in his hands as he slid them down her sides and drew her legs to rest over his hips. She knew what he meant to do when he moved closer. With one strong surge, Ryan slammed into her and filled her to the brim.

A sharp pain faded as she felt strangely full. She could feel it beat inside her. Ryan's heartbeat throbbing within her and she squeezed his erection in rolling motion as she rocked on him. Years of learning how to manipulate and control her body made it easy for her to give in to her instincts and pulsate her tight tunnel around his manhood. She matched his powerful thrusts with her own.
Ryan moaned as he could feel her massage his length with each thrust into her. He arched his back in pleasure as he continued the pace for a few moments moments longer. He suddenly stopped the motion as he held Li in place against the wall. The shadows released their hold around her slender wrists, giving her freedom of movement once more.

Holding Li in place, he moved towards the window seat. Seeing it was big enough for what he had in mind, he laid her on her back on the cushions. One knee was curled under him as he planted his other foot on the floor. He lifted her legs so they folded over his shoulders, giving his member a bit of a deeper angle into her tight sheath.

"How does that feel, my deadly beauty?"

He grinned before thrusting into her into a fast pace, hitting deeply with each thrust. His fingers wrapped around her slender thighs, holding her in place, loving the feel of her around him as sweat began to roll down his taut body.
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He carried her like she weighed nothing at all and kept them fused together as he settled her onto the window seat. Nerves danced in startling rays of pleasure from points that she's studied but never felt before now. At first, she had danced in tandem with Ryan's thrusts because it felt like the right thing to do. It was what she has seen others do but what ambushed her was how he made her body feel as he kept up the punishing rhythm. He made her feel shockingly alive from the inside. It wasn't just the way he touched her skin or kissed her. His throbbing phallus also moved her from inside and the feeling shattered her.

Li Hon could only moan needy when he asked her how she felt. She had no words to describe what was happening inside her. As though there was a shivery burning sweeping her from where they merged to the ends of her body. Normally when she fought, she was utterly silent unless she it was practice. Now, she gave voice in singing moans and flowering sighs to show Ryan how he made her feel.
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When he had first accepted the request to help Li with her sexual practice, he had planned on something completely different than what they were doing. His actions, technique, were definitely not what he had planned on happening. He had only planned on a purely sex session, but he felt it had turned into something more. This session was much different than the ones he had been in before, something more personal and deeper. The need to continue with the way he was going was deep, and do otherwise felt wrong.

His breathing was fast, but controlled as he looked down at the writhing Li in front of him. The sight and sounds of her was becoming a little bit intoxicating, spurring him onward. He slowed his pace for a few moments before going faster into her pulsating body. He leaned over her, pushing her slender legs up so that her knees touched her shouldered. The shadows squeeze more deeply on her pert mounds, pinching the taut nubs. He ran a hand along her shapely rear for a moment before giving her soft flesh a smack.

The sudden slap of his hand caused her to clench down hard and it forced Ryan to use more strength to sink into her. The change in her position and his angle made everything more intense. He seemed to swell, pushing against her inner walls, dragging tension higher and more intense. The impact of him hitting into her womb sent shattering touches of desire pain that took her breath away.

"Ryan--" she moaned huskily. The shadow touches kneaded her erect flesh until she burned with the need for relief. She wanted to touch him, to hold onto him but she couldn't reach with her legs tucked by her shoulders and her back curved to make her center raised just so for his slamming entrance. Her hands clawed into the window seat as the sensations grew stronger and more out of control. She needed something, something she wasn't sure what it was she needed but the edges of her vision started to fog. Li Hon moaned his name in halting gasps, pleading him for something.
He didn't expect her to clench up so much with his smack, but it only added to his pleasure. Ryan clenched his teeth for a moment at the intense pressure she created for him, making him work a bit harder. He knew he was close to release, doing his best to hold back. Part of the reason for the session was practice, and he didn't want to lose.

Despite the urge not to lose, he decided to ignore the feeling. Losing this time wouldn't be so bad, but it didn't feel like he would be losing. His breathing was shallower as he looked down at her, continuing to pound into her clenching passage. He felt every inch within her with each thrust deep inside her body.

With a cry of Li's name, Ryan let himself go. He drove a stroke into into her as his thick, warm fluid exploded into her. He continued to thrust into her writhing body till he was spent. He panted deeply as he lifted from atop Li, leaning back against a few cushions, sweat rolling down his body.
Li Hon's almond shaped eyes grew large as Ryan thrust fiercely into her and spilled hot streams of his release deep inside her. Her heart thundered loudly in her ears and she couldn't stop herself from clenching down on him when he cried out her name. Her vision blanked for a moment and she didn't even hear herself cry out for Ryan as her whole body seized once, twice and again in harsh shudders that wrecked her form. Stuttering waves of intense sensations slowly ebbed and she saw that her best friend and rival was panting next to her.

Suddenly, a laugh grew out from below her chest and her bright infectious laughter filled the room. "That was different! Crazy. How many different ways can we do that? We should do them all! Lots of practice, Shadow Prince. Lots of practice. In fact, we should practice more now."

With that declaration, Li Hon sat up with one fluid movement, grasped Ryan and flipped him over onto the floor. She playfully blew a raspberry on his stomach, nipped it with her teeth and then sucked the bite of his washboard abs into her mouth and sucked hard enough to make him clench.
He had only closed his eyes for a moment to catch his breathe when Li began to babble about more practice. More practice would have done her good, but he hadn't given a thought to how fast or slow they should go. He was caught off-guard when she flipped him onto the floor.

He shivers and laughed as he felt her teeth nip at his skin. He opened his eyes and gasped as he felt her suck on his abs, causing him to tense up. He lifted his head to look down at her, a hand reaching down to grasp lightly on Li's head.

"I do believe we have created a monster of you Li. And we have plenty of time to practice."

He didn't give a negative answer to her suggestion, merely looking at her. The shadows had retreated from Li's slender body for now, resuming their normal position. He remained where he was, curious as to her next action.