THE SEVEN SAMURAI!! (well, sans three) a fun game!

I think the idea lends itself better to movie format...

I never got better at ANY striking art by doing something else.

"Do no thing of no use..." Musashi Miyamoto
now, i follow both trains of thought, though i don't agree with either.

the name of the thing is to gain hits. nothing more. dressing up something that would otherwise not do quite so well.

as to it being useless, step back and take a closer look at it. especially the Tips. changing a few words like "mouse" to "sword/boken/shinai/practice weapon" and so on, and the Tips sound like something you'd hear your sensei/instructor say. especially the posture bit and the moving fast/moving calmly bit.

what the hell am i doing? it's just a fricking game, for chreezy's sake! i don't have to defend it against you, it's fun!