The School Grounds - Deans Office.


reborn in flame
Jan 11, 2010
A new day. New music. Well truth was the music itself wasn't new, it was a throw back to some of the things he had been exposed to in his music career. One of his favorite genre's to play had been latin. Something about the beat, the energy, it was just completely intoxicating. It gripped you, didn't let you go until you were dripping from every pore.

He had done a little more decorating. A few pairs of drum sticks and a pair of brushes hung from the wall from his days as a musician. Truth was though he wasn't a big decorator. He preferred to keep things simple, and as focused as possible.

One chair sat on the opposite side of his desk. It was like most everything in this office very new. No one had even sat in that chair yet. His had not even had time to be well worn. Just a simple office chair. He did not need displays of authority to wield it.

A quick check of his e-mail found that there was a note from the headmistress. There was a young woman who needed an interview and she was asking for a hand as she was already busy. Good, he wanted to interact with the students whenever possible.

Leaving the jacket draped over the back of his table, and rolling up his sleeves just under the elbow with a soft sigh. He was going to have to get a thermostat put in here, Vivi kept this place fucking boiling and he wasn't having any of it. He'd likely just do it himself because he knew who did the maintenance around here.

His thick forearms strained as he pulled open the door knob and strode toward the sitting room. He gave a warm smile to Miss Fiala, and she handed him off the application. The poor woman looked positively harried. Still, she couldn't help but smile at him. There was just a comforting warmth that radiated off of him it seemed to put others in a comfortable state.

He wasn't super tall, he barely missed the six foot mark, but where he was not tall he made up for in bulk. Large, broad shoulders and an equally broad chest and neck. He was stocky, sturdy, the kind of guy who was chased down when he was in school for sports he couldn't have been bothered with. Music was his love, and his passion.

The black shirt was tailored to hang just right, the black and white striped tie pinned to the shirt to keep its place. His short cropped brown hair had natural hints of blonde, as did his goatee, which also had the occasional splash of red. He let his eyes wander over the new applicant and he smiled in greeting. Holding out his hand he spoke in a soft, but deep tone.

"Hello young lady, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am the Dean here. Come on back to my office and we can talk more. Right this way."

He wasn't rude, but somehow he had managed to give her an order, without it feeling like an order. With a turn on his heels he made his way back into his office, holding the door open for her.
Having misunderstood the Head Mistress, she'd risen to leave and had been gathering her things when the man came to her. She bit her bottom lip, as she commonly did when nervous, and then smiled softly at him, reaching her hand to shake his. He towered over her five foot frame. She was used to that, though, most everyone did. It was his bulk that caught her off guard. He looked more like a gym teacher than a dean. She took a deep breath and nodded, following him, tugging again at the bottom of her dress.

She wasn't quite sure why she was so nervous. If she didn't get in, she didn't get in. So what? But she still felt that nagging in the back of her mind telling her she needed to get in. That, and she didn't particularly enjoy meeting people for the first time. Her personality rarely came across accurately. She took another deep breath. She'd be fine.

She walked past him, into the room, and looked around, taking in her surroundings. The room was rather bare and had a very new feeling to it. She couldn't see a scratch on anything, nothing looked worn in. Was he new? Had he had time to decorate and just neglected to, or had he just not gotten the chance yet? She decided on the latter, although if someone asked her to, she couldn't have told them why.

She stood by the chair, hesitating, wondering if she should sit or if she should wait to be instructed to do so. She bit her lip again as she tried to decide. She chose to remain standing until instructed to sit; it seemed impolite to sit without being asked.
He was the Dean for two reasons. The first is that authority simply came easy to him. He didn't have to try, he just simply always seemed to have a very grounded way of thinking and was able to extend that reasoning without being too aggressive. The second one was he was very good at reading people, and he didn't have to probe to do it. It was just natural for him.

He walked smoothly behind her. One hand went very lightly to the middle of her back, the other pulling out the chair for her to sit in. It literally had not even been put in the right place.

"Please, sit, relax. No reason to be nervous. "

When she did take the chair he pushed it in gently under her like a proper gentleman should. Then he turned to walk to his own seat and settled in quietly. He turned to turn the music down so they could talk without having to shout, but it was still playing in the background. He would turn it off if it was a distraction, but it helped him think.

He pulled the application up and gave it a quick scan. Well it was pretty much useless. Mostly one word answers. It seemed like she struggled with the questions. Maybe it was nerves.

"Before we begin I have two things I'd like to say before we begin. Follow these two rules and more than likely you and I will be just fine. I see you mentioned respect on your application. Good. Respect will get you a long way here. I will give as good as I get from you. Also I value honesty. If I find you are dishonest with me, we are going to have serious issues. That about covers it."

"So, Lily. Tell me more about yourself. What is it about you that made you decide you needed to be here, of all places? You can learn anywhere. This place is designed for those who have trouble with focus, trouble wanting to learn, or simply have issues with authority. We do not follow the same curriculum as the average school. So why are you here?"
She smiled at him as he pulled at the chair, very much appreciating the gesture. She sat down swiftly, making sure to hold her dress so it didn't ride up as she sat. She watched him take his own seat, part of her sizing him up, trying to figure out how best to talk to him. She'd learned long ago that you can't talk to everyone the same way, but figuring out how to talk to them wasn't usually difficult. She noticed the hard look in his eyes. Not scary nor cruel, but he definitely didn't seem the coddling type, either.

She listened as he spoke, trying her best not to fidget, but finding it hard. Respect and honesty. Honesty was easy enough. Lying wasn't really her thing. The respect, though, that would be more difficult. Although, so far, he seemed the respectable type.

Lily didn't see the world as others saw it, necessarily. People would always say that respect was earned, not given, but everyone would expect respect without first earning it. It made no sense to her. Just because someone was in a position of power did not mean they deserved her respect. She truly made people earn it.

She shifted in her seat, her right leg crossing over her left, foot dangling.

Why was she here? She chewed on her lip before responding to him.

"Other schools haven't really..." She paused, trying to come up with the right word. "Other schools haven't really clicked with me, you could say. I'm eager to learn, and I do love learning, but there have been issues with teachers. I'm all for respect. But I find it hard to respect someone when they haven't earned it or don't deserve it."

She glanced at the ground, uncrossing her legs and tucking them under her instead, pulling at her dress to make sure she remained covered. She looked back at him.
She was just glowing with nervous energy. He actually found it somewhat endearing. She was fidgeting from one position to the other, trying not to let that little dress ride up, which was a little distracting, he had to admit. Occasionally his eyes flicked down to her continued efforts to pull it off, but they always came back up to her face. Well, they made a trail once in a while, along some curves, stopping for just a moment here, just a moment there. It wasn't inappropriate for the Dean to be checking on the dress of his students.

He could not help but nod and chuckle at her words. It was a deep, almost growly chuckle. His voice had a very velvety, rich tone. He had been told that if this job ever fell through he could do late night radio, or phone sex.

"Respect is a tricky thing. Some people demand it when they do not deserve it, others never learn to give it. I remember being your age and having a problem with authority. I still do to some degree. If you want my respect you have to be willing to give it back. I've quit jobs over having a boss who was a desk jocky and had his employees do all the heavy lifting, so I do understand. However you also must realize there are proper ways to handle a situation where disrespect and mistreatment is an issue. That is part of my job. So if you have an issue where someone is treating you with disrespect, come to me. My door is always open, and if I am with another student then my e-mail is on the student portal on our internet. You will get that within the next day or so."

He let the words sink in for a moment before continuing.

"You are not in a position to dispense discipline to the staff. Doing that is a one way ticket to punishment and they will be 100% right in doing so. Follow the chain of command first."
She watched him, her tongue flitting out to lick her lip where she'd been chewing, soothing it. His words and voice were easy to focus on, something, as a generally distracted person, she greatly appreciated. He seemed to echo her thoughts, and she smiled her first genuine, relaxed smile since she'd arrived.

"I completely understand." Easier said than done. Not replying rudely to someone being rude was probably the hardest thing she ever did. It rarely happened. But she bit her tongue, didn't point that out. She'd try. She'd see what happened.

As she spoke, she slid one leg out from under her, keeping the other tucked beneath, and brought her ankle to rest on her knee, a position she knew looked uncomfortable, according to past friends, but she found it to be comfortable. She tugged on her dress, trying to figure out where to put it to keep herself covered, blushing slightly, before realizing there was no way she could put her dress, and she let her leg fall to the floor, her face red.

"And I'll do my best." She wasn't lying. She planned to try. She just... didn't really expect to succeed. She wondered what kind of punishments went on at a school meant for people with which normal punishment didn't work, but decided not to ask.

She bit her lip again, but stopped quickly, her lip sore. She licked it instead, wishing momentarily for the chap-stick she was so addicted to.
He saw her smile light up her features, and could not help mirror it with a smile of his own. Good, that was settled for the moment. He wasn't sure if it would stay that way, but he could hope, right?

"I completely understand."

The movement of her tongue was...distracting. She might have even caught the sudden flick of his eyes to her soft lips. He did manage to hide the intake of breath however. Damn, one day he was going to master that reaction. That day was not today though. His eyes slowly made a journey back to hers. The sea green locking on to her.

"And I'll do my best."

"I trust that you will, Lily. We are all here to help, even if the way we approach it is a little different. Just remember that, alright?"

Things were going well, he was pleased with how this was turned out.

"Alright Lily. Things are in order here, I will inform the headmistress that you are accepted. She won't need to interview you. She trusts my judgement. Her and I go way back."

A hint of a wicked smile, and a glitter in his green eyes told something of a story lay there.

"Is there anything I can do for you before you are approved? Questions, concerns?"
She did, in fact, catch his eyes. As her nerves calmed down, her senses picked up. She tilted her head slightly, watching him curiously. Suppressing a grin, she licked her lips again, this time consciously and slower, keeping an eye on his eyes.

She smiled, though, when he told her she was accepted. And then she realized that, besides what she'd read online, she didn't know much about the school. She assumed there were things about a school like this one that they didn't put online.

"Actually, yes," she said, slowly, wondering really if she'd even get an answer to her questions, wondering if they were appropriate to ask. She paused, took a deep breath, and then continued. What the hell. Why not? "How does discipline work, here? I mean, it can't be the same as most schools, if it's meant for students on whom normal discipline doesn't work..." She paused again, trying to decide if why she'd just said had actually made sense. She decided that it did.

She fidgeted again, her tucked leg sliding out again to meet the other, keeping her knees together, dress tugged down. She reached up and pulled her long red hair loose of its band, letting it fall over her shoulders and down her back. She ran her hand through it, toying with it absentmindedly.
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He was no fool, nor was he an easy mark for a pretty thing with a ready tongue. That did not mean he did not drink in the sight of her tongue sliding over ready and waiting lips. No he would not be so easily distracted. Besides, it was something of a favorite game of his, to push himself, to open the door then close it. To wiggle the tooth that hurt the most without pulling it to release the pain. So he took extra time gazing at those lips and the tongue that promised without saying a word.

The girl seemed to relax and settle in comfortably to her new situation. She knew she was in now, so she let her hair down. Both figuratively, and in reality. A red head hmmm? How did he always end up with a red head? That thought made him grin with amusement.

He wasn't sure if she would honestly ask a question or not, most often didn't. They were either too scared, or not thoughtful enough to do so. However this girl did offer a question. A good one at that! It was then that he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The quiet atmosphere of his office was shattered sharply, like a brick thrown through a plate glass window as he roared with amusement. Almost to the point of tears as his mind processed what he saw, he stood up and opened the door and motioned for Lily to follow him. He pointed down the hall way. There strode a purposeful Vivi dragging the other girl whom came in around the same time Lily had by the girls hair, nearly in the nude. She was dragging her down the hallway.

"Well girl, this is one way discipline can differ from traditional schools. Something tells me this child gave her a wrong answer."

Laughter still settling around his shoulders as he pushed the door shut firmly and settled back into his seat, his eyes focusing upon Lily again with still obvious amusement. It took him a moment to catch his breath.

"Now we all might take a different approach, and the needs of each individual is different you see... But I'd say that is a different method, wouldn't you?"
Lily jumped slightly at the sudden laughter, her eyes widening, her racing. Her eyes followed him as he got up and walked to the door, opening it. She saw him staring, and her eyes followed his gaze, landing on the scene outside the door. A soft sound of surprise left her lips, her jaw hanging open.

She quickly closed it before he turned around. Her eyes were glued to the girl, though. The look on her face, the hand in her hair, being dragged through the office like she was on display... Her eyes moved down the girl's body, slowly, taking everything in. Her mind wasn't sure how to react. That could have been her. That girl had been waiting while she filled out her application. If she hadn't have been, would that be Lily?

Her mind raced, unsure of whether to be scared or excited. Her eyes remained glued to the spot until the door was shut and he had returned to his seat. She slowly turned her gaze to him as he spoke. That's what the girl got for simply giving a wrong answer during an interview? She nodded slowly, still trying to wrap her mind around what she'd just seen, what she'd just signed up for.

What scared her most was the fact that she wasn't sure how to react. Shouldn't she automatically be terrified? Shouldn't she be running screaming from his office, never to look back? Instead, she stayed in her seat, calmer than she would have expected, still very interested in attending this school.

"Definitely different," she finally said.
Oh, her reaction was almost as entertaining as watching that poor girl get dragged around by her hair half naked. Lily managed to keep focused however, which did impress him. Perhaps she had the will to be a source of entertainment after all. Well, time to change the feeling of this whole interview.

He stood up from behind his desk. Emerald eyes locked on hers for a moment of quiet consideration. Then he walked around the desk which was a real, tangible barrier between them. Closing the distance allowed him to get a better look at her, oh sure she appeared calm, but there were telltale signs that what she had just seen had shaken her on some level. Her pupils were dilated, and he had a feeling if he put a fingertip over her pulse he would feel it running like a dear in hunting season.

His voice was a deep rumble, almost like a rock slide coming down the side of a mountain. "So now you are here, you are looking for a spark, something special, something to engage you and keep you in line. How do you think we should do that?"

His hips found the edge of the desk, he simply settled down upon it as if it were just another chair. His body eased into comfort, his legs parting enough to leave that which made him decidedly male plenty of room. The action also made his length nudge against the thin fabric pants. That was the thing about dress pants, they really didn't leave much to the imagination.

His voice was rich. It was almost like wrapping velvet around broken glass. There was a tangible smoothness to it, but beneath it all was rough, hard edges.

"I find it most useful to go to the source for information. What are you really after, Lily?"
She tried to calm herself, her heart still pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath as she looked at him, biting her lip once more. Her hazel eyes watched as he got back up, wondering what he was doing. He was silent as he moved, his large frame even larger as he got closer to her sitting form. When he finally spoke, she listened to his words with intense curiosity. What could be possibly say after that? What could anyone say?

A spark. Motivation. He was definitely right. Motivation had always been an issue for Lily, though she'd rarely admit it out loud. How to motivate her, though? How to keep her schoolwork and attitude in check? No one had succeeded yet. That was why she was there.

She hated to admit it, but what she'd just seen had definitely excited her. She was surprised and curious about her reaction, and made a mental note to figure out what that meant about herself later.

Her eyes caught the movement between his legs and she blushed. This man was the dean. Not some classmate she could stare at, have fun with. A man to respect. She looked down at the ground sheepishly, a part of her knowing that the forbidden nature of the situation made it all the more tempting to her. She licked her lips at the thought and blushed deeper.

What was she really after? She looked back up at him, considering the question. She knew exactly what she wanted at that moment. But it wasn't an option. It was innapropriate. She thought back to what she'd just seen. The headmistress dragging a prospective student around by the hair, half naked. Clearly the boundaries at this school differed from normal. But by how much? Where was the line drawn here. She was tempted to ask for what she really wanted, tempted to tell him the truth, but she didn't know if she could.

In her mind, she saw it play out. She heard herself tell him, explain to him that at that moment, she wanted to please him. She saw herself get up, make her way towards him, and remove his pants. She saw herself teasing him, pleasuring him, his hands wrapped in her hair. She blinked, getting rid of the scene in her head, blushing even deeper.

"I... I don't know..." she said slowly. A part of her wanted him to punish her, although she didn't really know what for. Another part felt as though this was a test, and she didn't know the right answer. And yet another part wanted exactly what she'd just imagined, wanted to ask his permission to please him however she could. She glanced again at his crotch, very briefly, before looking away, hoping he hadn't caught her look. "I want something different," she finally said. "I don't want what every other school has offered. They're too... Free. I want... I want to be restricted and controlled...I want to be taught and... I want what this school has to offer. All of it."

Okay, not the most straightforward answer. Not the answer she wanted to give. But it was true.
He watches his words sink in as he sat on the edge of his desk. Perched where he was he had a very good view of her. The view elevated him above her in a way that spoke to the carnal side of him. From this angle he could almost imagine her on her knees before him and that sent a rush of heat surging through his body. It made his length shift again beneath the thin dress pants. It was becoming harder and harder to focus.

Reality brought him tumbling back with a focus that was razor sharp. Either she did not quite know what she wanted, or she was afraid to say it. Oh sure there was a ring of truth to her answer, but it was not the complete truth either. Hmmm what to do about that? Should he push, or should he withdraw? It was time to motivate the girl.

He stood up again, this time the motion put the slowly growing arousal almost right in her face. It was a purposeful temptation. Not only was he assaulting her vision, but her sense of smell as well. He was close enough that she could smell the tangy scent of his arousal. The growing head was already slick with precum and soaking through the thin fabric of his undergarments. Though the dampness did not show through his slacks, the scent was obvious from this short of a distance.

He paused there, and spoke down to her. His voice was strong, and firm.

"You want to be controlled? To what end? We can give you strict discipline but discipline without a goal is pointless. You have to want something. Want it in the depths of your soul. We can give you the tools, but you have to make the choice to follow through. If you don't it will slip through your fingers and you will lose your chance"

He turned and began to walk back to his desk. As he did, he wore a big grin. The question was, would she bite the hook?
Her eyes left his face and migrated back downwards as she saw the movement out of the corner of her, only for a moment, but this time she felt her gaze was obvious. She looked down at the ground and blushed. She wasn't imaging it, she knew that now. But what did that mean? Really, after what she'd seen out in the reception area, she shouldn't have been surprised. She looked back up at him, biting her lip once more.

She watched him stand and took a deep breath, trying hard to keep her focus. She caught the scent and her breath caught in her throat. When he started speaking, it took all of her willpower to tear her gaze away and look up at him, but she managed. She felt there were words behind the ones he spoke, meanings that she thought she grasped. She nodded slowly, barely, but enough for him to notice if he was paying attention.

And then he walked away. She almost whimpered, but she caught herself before the noise escaped. She wasn't sure where it had come from, but somehow, it felt like an appropriate representation of how she felt. The need burning inside of her, unsure of how to express it. Her thighs squeezed together ever so slightly. What was it about the situation that was so alluring for her? She couldn't quite figure it out, yet the allure was there. If she didn't speak up now, the chance would be lost.

"I..." Her voice was meek and much softer than it had been when she'd first entered the room. Her eyes closed and she took another deep breath before opening them, looking at him. "I do," she said finally. How far could she really take this. "I don't know much about this school," she told him. "And I don't know if this is allowed. But I do know what I want." Another pause. "I want to please you," she said finally. Then, as an afterthought. "Please?"