The Ryan Plan v3.0


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
The latest rendition of the Ryan plan gets released today. He says don't expect anything dramatically different than version 2.0. Here are some pre-release tidbits:

1) Full repeal of Obamacare, which the CBO says will actually increase the deficit by $110 billion.

2) Keeps the fiscal agreement raising taxes on those making over $450,000 in place and uses that in his calculation to reduce the deficit. But wait a minute, I thought raising taxes wouldn't reduce the deficit? Now according to Ryan it does. What changed? :confused:

3) Medicare means-testing may or may not be in the budget. We need that bad and I think this aspect will see bipartisan support.
Ryan is proposing $700 billion in Medicare cuts to providers. Hypocrite.
His plan gets to a balanced budget in part by factoring in the Medicare "cuts" from Obamacare, which of course he's against. Apparently the only part of Obamacare he doesn't like is the actual "care" part:

Why is everyone spending so much time listening to last year's loser, anyway? We voted on his ideas.

He's also keeping the tax hike we just had, even though he's against it.

And it looks like his budget doesn't actually repeal Obamacare, it just operates under the assumption that Obamacare is going to be repealed through separate legislation before 2014.
He's also keeping the tax hike we just had, even though he's against it.

And it looks like his budget doesn't actually repeal Obamacare, it just operates under the assumption that Obamacare is going to be repealed through separate legislation before 2014.

Was there room for any actual budget text on the pages with an asterisk that big?
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This is a good graph explaining how Ryan's budget cuts would work.


As you can see it's a giant middle finger to lower income people. For example, it would save money by kicking 35 million people off of government backed health care programs. Which people like busybody, vette, and jenfloridasucks relie on for their crazy pills.
The Republican Fantasy

1. A recommitment to the Military State
2. Austerity for Most, Corporate Welfare for a Few
3. Strengthening the Health Insurance Industry Cartel
4. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Tax Increases for Most Others

The same ol' same ol', only more of it than ever. They never change, they never learn. It's never a problem with the brand, just the presentation.

Fuck Paul Ryan and his stupid fucking plan in the ear.
The Republican Fantasy

1. A recommitment to the Military State
2. Austerity for Most, Corporate Welfare for a Few
3. Strengthening the Health Insurance Industry Cartel
4. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Tax Increases for Most Others

The same ol' same ol', only more of it than ever. They never change, they never learn. It's never a problem with the brand, just the presentation.

Fuck Paul Ryan and his stupid fucking plan in the ear.

This should be made in to a thread.