The Rise of Annihilation


It's all in ur head
Sep 18, 2022
0 Hours 0 Minutes

The first warning anyone had of trouble was of reporters scrambling about Cairo about some kind of super mutant attacking the city! The reports had been broken and there had been talk about the local superhero teams going in to intercept the mutant. People were fleeing, buildings falling, even the great pyramids collapsing in on themselves. It was a massive jumble of information... and then...

0 Hours 15 Minutes

Cairo went silent... All signals were lost within the city. At first, the world thought the city had just lost their communications in... till they felt the shockwaves of the mighty explosion within the grand city, leveling everything for 100 square miles and was so hot that even the sand 20 miles outside of the city had been turned to glass.

0 Hours 30 Minutes

Every country on the planet was put on alert. Satellites captured images of what had remained of Cairo. This had not been like a nuclear bomb going off, leveling some things and leaving others in rubble. This had been something entirely different. There was NO Cairo left at all. No buildings, no houses, no cars, no power plants. Cairo and all it's inhabitants were gone.

Right in the middle of the area in the exact center of it all, a man lay on the ground looking unconscious

0 Hours 47 Minutes

The Guardian, Earth's Mightiest Defender landed near the epicenter of the explosion and the world watched from afar. Of all the champions of this planet, he was the strongest and most powerful of them all. Other teams were going on alert around the globe but all watched as The Guardian walked up to the man and studied him.

Then the man moved and slowly pulled himself to his hands and knees. It was uncertain exactly what was said between the two of them, but it ended in a massive fight between him and the one who was calling himself the Annihilator! The entire planet watched with bated breath as the two beat each other down, the fate of the world at stake. Even the Cowl and his sidekicks all flew in to lend help to the Guardian...

0 Hours and 58 Minutes

Annihilator stood over the bodies of the Cowl and those sidekicks, his arms held high holding the crushed Guardian over his head... and he spoke softly... words that entered into every human beings mind...

"I am the Annihilator. For 8,000 years I have been held prisoner by your kind but no more. You will surrender your planet to me... submit to my power... or you will all meet the same fate as your protector!!!"

With every superhero, superheroine, and human being on the planet watching and now listening, the could do nothing but scream as the man took the only indestructible man on the planet and literally tore him in half, hurling the upper half of the corpse into the air out of the planets orbit and directly at the sun!

Exactly 1 hour after it all began, Annihilator was on his way to America to begin his conquest.
OOC Gwendolyn johnson. Reporter.
22 5'9 130 long blonde hair 34B chest

Aka Sonic Arrow

Gwendolyn johnson was at her news desk when she heard news of world cities being taken out. She ducked to a back alley, hit a buttin on her watch to "transform" her to her alter ego. Sonic arrow, whos arrows had a special element from space that easily defeated opponents up to this point. She was going to call other heroes when crashing sounds were happening in the streets blocks away.
Annihilation landed slowly in the middle of the city park and every citizen on the planet knew it. As he flew towards America his powers had stabilized after causing the massive detonation in Cairo. He had no desire to repeat that with this mighty city.

The next major obstacle was Lady Starlight, the leader of the Femme Fatale Five landed in the park near along with Sonic Arrow, Vipress, Sorceress Daemonic, Blue Light, and finally The Queen of the Ants. The rest of the team spread out, looking to protect the city.

I smile and say, "Surrender now... kneel before me and I will make the remainder of your days pleasant. Fight me and I will conquer you and own you... "
First on the offensive was Vipress. Her staff could shoot venom that would immobilize a y foe. However this time when she fired blasts at Annihilation. They were quickly deflected striking vipress. She was immune but it did have some effect as it put her in slow motion. Just then two amall octopus like creatures were conjured up by this powerful foe and darted in her direction. One landed on her face, the other her upper thigh by her crotch. In her slow motion state now she coukd not block what was about to happen.
Annihilation only took a single moment to see the 'entities' he created lash out and catch one of the women trying to fight him! Her eyes widened as the creatures grew nearly double in size and their tentacles nearly 4 times in length. The one that hit her face, coiled the tentacles around her neck, around her head and over her face. A hidden tentacle slithered into her mouth silencing her! The creature at her hip coiled around her waist catching her wrists and pulling them to her sides while another pair coiled around her legs down to her knees. There was a toxin inside the creatures that quickly took effect on the captive, paralyzing her body and secreting aphrodisiacs directly into her skin.

He heard Lady StarLight scream out Sonic Arrow, "Save Vipress!" She then turned with the rest of the team and faced Annihilation.


She flew at him, her fists tight and as she reached him, she landed a punch into his face, causing a massive blinding light to rip through the city! If this had been any other villain, the power of her light punch alone would have been enough to disintegrate them....

Yet when the light dimmed and eyes could clear once more, horror filled everyone's eyes as they found Lady Starlight, coiled up and bound tight by three more of the tentacle creatures! Her struggling quickly fading as the toxins entered her skin.

Annihilation turned to see who was next in his fight. Blue Light, Queen Ant and Sorceress Daemonic looked shocked at the swiftness the more powerful of the team had been taken down and feeling great uncertainty towards the foe before them.
Annihilation only took a single moment to see the 'entities' he created lash out and catch one of the women trying to fight him! Her eyes widened as the creatures grew nearly double in size and their tentacles nearly 4 times in length. The one that hit her face, coiled the tentacles around her neck, around her head and over her face. A hidden tentacle slithered into her mouth silencing her! The creature at her hip coiled around her waist catching her wrists and pulling them to her sides while another pair coiled around her legs down to her knees. There was a toxin inside the creatures that quickly took effect on the captive, paralyzing her body and secreting aphrodisiacs directly into her skin.

He heard Lady StarLight scream out Sonic Arrow, "Save Vipress!" She then turned with the rest of the team and faced Annihilation.

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She flew at him, her fists tight and as she reached him, she landed a punch into his face, causing a massive blinding light to rip through the city! If this had been any other villain, the power of her light punch alone would have been enough to disintegrate them....

Yet when the light dimmed and eyes could clear once more, horror filled everyone's eyes as they found Lady Starlight, coiled up and bound tight by three more of the tentacle creatures! Her struggling quickly fading as the toxins entered her skin.

Annihilation turned to see who was next in his fight. Blue Light, Queen Ant and Sorceress Daemonic looked shocked at the swiftness the more powerful of the team had been taken down and feeling great uncertainty towards the foe before them.

The Sorceress Daemonic uttered some chants and one by one the octopus like creatures disappeared. The chants to that magnitude weakened her so she dropped to one knee. Sonic Arrow fired cover shots at some local thugs had been attracted by the chaos. As more seemingly came out of the woodwork torward the members . The blonde archer couldnt decide to go for them or the new villian foe that had come into play.
Annihilation turned slowly towards the Lady Starlight who now lay exhausted and still covered in the toxins. She was paralyzed for a time and that would suffice. He looked to the Sonic Arrow and a long energy tentacle grew out of his hand like a bullwhip and he struck at her legs, missing as she dodged him once, then again! He reached into the minds of the thugs as well as the citizens watching. He could feel each of them and he commanded them all to go after the Arrow girl.

HE turned towards the Sorceress and was about to cast more tentacles when an unseen force slammed into his face sending him flaying back into the ground! Something grabbed his leg and sent him spinning in the air and flying into a wall! He couldn't see Queen Ant as she had the speed of a human and the strength of a million ants in her shrunken form!

Blue Light glanced over at Arrow and blasted everyone with a massive blue energy pulse sending them all back and giving her a quick breather while the Sorceress rose back up to her feet to strike again! She raised her hands to cast her next spell when a dozen hands grabbed at her and pulled her into a mass of bodies tearing at her clothes and clamping hands over her mouth and breasts. Blue Light turned to save her when a large rock thrown from the crowd cracked into the back of her head sending her flaying down.
The mob mockingly took Sorceress' hands and pinned them above her head as she normally raised her arms to call powers. So ahe couldnt utter any chants, one of the mob members stuffed his cock into her throat as her fulll D cup breasts were bared. She tried to kick but legs were grabbed as they worked to expose her lower half.
The mob was tricked into thinking she was an enemy. Meanwhile Sonic Arrow had changed back to office girl Gwendolyn and disappeared into the crowd for more research into who this enemy was and if he had any weak points.
It didn't take long for Annihilation to have taken over the scene. He had wrapped Lady Starlight, BlueLight, and Sorceress Daemonic in his tentacle creatures and had them paralyzed and nearly completely naked. He knew that there had been two others, a woman with a bow and arrow and a small woman. He had lost both of them in the crowds. It mattered not to him.

Using his powers over his creations, the captives were lifted into the air, hovering a few feet off the ground and Annihilation turned and looked at the big domed building in the middle of the city called the Capital. He began his march through the streets, his mobs of zombie slaves surrounding him for protection.

As he reached the building, the guards all began open firing on him which of course was deflected away. Nothing could stop him and nothing would. He moved his hands along the breasts of Blue Light and Lady Starlight as he forced all those police and guards and civlians inside to submit to his will as well. Within a hour of landing in the city, he controlled the Capital, the police, and the leaders.
Gwendolyn headed back to the news studio to check out secret archives on this annihilation character. She waa back in regular clothes in the following..

She was in her office when she heard a rumbling. She slipped into the hallway and her eyes grew big aa she saw more mindless mob members flooding the hallway. Before Gwendolyn knew what hit her she was grabbed by the mob as two pinned her arms behind her back. Hands went for buttins on her blouse and on her nykon clad legs uo under her skirt.

Meanwhile in a building actoss town lady StarLight was tied to some apparatus that had her spread like a star. One octopus type creature pumping her exposed pussy as her suit was in shreds and a mysterious voice asking her repeatedly the secret identiies of the other members of the femme fatale five as he grew closer to figuring out hers.
Through the sounds of neverending cascading orgasms, Lady StarLight, Blue Light, and Sorceress Daemonic gives up secret ID after secret ID. Queen Bee was actually a police officer who had been ambushed by my mobs. She shrunk down tiny and did manage to escape. He found the one known as Sonic Arrow working as a reporter it seemed and the mobs turned on her. It was nothing to capture that one and she would be brought to him.

He turned his attention to the men who fought him whose fates were more merciful than the lady superheroes. He knelt down and pulled up the head of Red Diamond and smiled. His eyes moved along hero after hero, Denim Lord, Star King, Deep Pulse, and the list went on and on of the heads that now rolled separated from their bodies. Tossing Red Diamond's head into the pile, he could sense anger from the mob bringing Sonic to him. Apparently, the mob was ambushed by millions of bees and Sonic Arrow was rescued from her captivity!

Rage filled him and he launched more tentacle creatures... dozens... tens of dozens into the general direction of the Queen Bee and Sonic Arrow! He would have them both very soon.
The mob had Gwendolyn pinned to the wall holding arms at her sides. Just then the mob seemed to clear a path for a dark figure eho seemed to have smaller tentacle creatures for hands and a beard looking like feelers of aome sort. The figure approached and in a low voice and with an inquisitive look and said "hero? Or just another zero?"
He nodded and the mob pulled open Gwendolyn's blouse revealing a lacy bra
Gwendolyn gasped as the figure hiked up her skirt above her waist to reveal her shaved and pantiless pussy under her pantyhose.
"Your pretty mouth says no answer but bodies give up secrets". Just then one of the hands shot forth and poked a hole in the thin nylon materail and wormed up into Gwendolyn's tight pussy as thevother latched on and began almost sucking one of her small but perky breasts. At the same time a ring was removed by a mob member who was in route to annihilation as the dark figure continued his "interrogation" to see if Gwendolyn was heroine or just a random city slut.
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The dark figure, a persona of Annihilation himself held a hand out in front of new prize. He was not really a fully entity, rather than a ghost like creature with the ability to manipulate things around him. Only Annihilation was able to be the real thing. However, from this entity, tentacles leapt out and attached to both tits and rubbed on that pussy.

He examined the ring a moment before having it sent back to Annihilation, certain of what the assessment would be on it and the ghost like entity remained. His eyes shifted towards the 6 people who were holding her in place. She had already been stripped of any weapons and possible traps on her so he wasn't worried about this. His eyes glowed a menacing red a moment and the six men pulled her off her feet, a person holding each arm and leg and two holding the waist. They spread her arms and legs as wide apart as they could go and the entity walked up to her. He growled, "You don't bend like these sheep. You are a heroine. I always wanted a pretty herroine. The entity lashed out with tentacles aiming towards every hole she had. A tentacle raced down her throat, another slid inside her pussy and ass, and two more coiled each breast! The entity looked down at her and said, "Heroines fall like any other. When you orgasm for me, your body will submit completely to me against your mind."

Slowly the tentacles began to ravage and assault those tight holes!
"Just a reporter no hero" Gwendolyn managed to get out before the tentacles invaded her tight holes. The young blonde writhed as her small but perky breasts were fondled and her holes pumped at different speeds so she couldn't adjust to them.
Meanwhile about a block away Nikki London aka the Neurolizer, with the power to control the thoughts of the enemies. She put signals in the brain of the figure molesting Gwendolyn to confuse it to thinking it was mistaken and the blonde it had was not a heroine but only time would tell if her powers worked.