The "right "wing" "circle jerk"" seems to hold its own here pretty well


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
The "right "wing" "circle jerk"" seems to hold its own here pretty well

Considering so-called "right "wing"" posters are outnumbered about a million to one on this cess pool site, even including alts, its a testament to the strength of their ideas and the truth behind them that they continually wip the ass of the majority of liberal losers on here. You'd think they would be embarrased, but they are too dumb to even realize it. :D
i dont understand, are you insulting liberals or conservatives here.....?
Considering so-called "right "wing"" posters are outnumbered about a million to one on this cess pool site, even including alts, its a testament to the strength of their ideas and the truth behind them that they continually wip the ass of the majority of liberal losers on here. You'd think they would be embarrased, but they are too dumb to even realize it. :D

Most excellent observation, ruse...

...have you also noticed that the progressives here don't seem to create very many threads, instead choosing to mostly troll and lie?
i dont understand, are you insulting liberals or conservatives here.....?
I think he's saying the liberals here lose consistently because they only think in the moment w/little or no foresight into the future and/or the consequences of whatever it is they propose on a political platform/agenda. Most liberals do not think of the big picture in the grand scheme of things; nor willing to take responsibility for whatever wheels they set in motion. Anything they disagree with is everyone's fault but theirs. They fail to see their roles in anything that fails society, in general.

Most excellent observation, ruse...

...have you also noticed that the progressives here don't seem to create very many threads, instead choosing to mostly troll and lie?
In general, I tend to agree with you....loosely. Very loosely. Renard makes an astute observation.

Though I consider myself a conservative, I tend to harbor progressive thoughts on some subjects. Whereas your conservative ideas date back to the cave man era, mine are somewhere around the 20th century.
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Considering so-called "right "wing"" posters are outnumbered about a million to one on this cess pool site, even including alts, its a testament to the strength of their ideas and the truth behind them that they continually wip the ass of the majority of liberal losers on here. You'd think they would be embarrased, but they are too dumb to even realize it. :D

You're confusing post count with strength of ideas. It doesn't surprise me that you think quantity is quality because you're the kind of person who's influenced by loud repetitive noises.
Most excellent observation, ruse...

...have you also noticed that the progressives here don't seem to create very many threads, instead choosing to mostly troll and lie?

Progressives make plenty of threads here. Conservatives make an absurd amount however, the vast majority of which are forgotten soon after they're created. And most threads created by conservatives are just duplicates of ones they've been creating every day since 2009. Lit conservatives come from the Mike Yates school of political talk.

What does it mean to you that so many conservatives here imploded on November 7th? Amicus, coach, fuckwaffle, Ellie, Meemie, and off2bed all went inactive or mostly inactive, while Vetteman and AJ put the GB's most active liberals on ignore. Reality throat punched all of these fuckers and they couldn't handle it so they fled - or withdrew into an echo chamber where they could whine about Obama all they wanted without ever having to hear different points of view.

That really doesn't say a lot about your strength of ideas. That says conservatism on Lit is the purview of a lot of weak, whiny girls who fear reality.
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Progressives make plenty of threads here. Conservatives make an absurd amount however, the vast majority of which are forgotten soon after they're created. And most threads created by conservatives are just duplicates of ones they've been creating every day since 2009. Lit conservatives come from the Mike Yates school of political talk.

What does it mean to you that so many conservatives here imploded on November 7th? Amicus, coach, fuckwaffle, Ellie, Meemie, and off2bed all went inactive or mostly inactive, while Vetteman and AJ put the GB's most active liberals on ignore. Reality throat punched all of these fuckers and they couldn't handle it so they fled - or withdrew into an echo chamber where they could whine about Obama all they wanted without ever having to hear different points of view.





I put the worst of the lot on ignore because of how personal the attacks get.

It is easier for those without a personal philosophy to argue the messenger rather than the message.

Merc openly lies and brags about how good he is at it.

Throb goes after the families of posters.

Too much bitterness...




I put the worst of the lot on ignore because of how personal the attacks get.

It is easier for those without a personal philosophy to argue the messenger rather than the message.

Merc openly lies and brags about how good he is at it.

Throb goes after the families of posters.

Too much bitterness...





That's right AJ. You're a winner. A WINNER, DAMMIT!

Now go ahead and flood this thread with pictures and cut-and-pastes...
I put the worst of the lot on ignore because of how personal the attacks get.

It is easier for those without a personal philosophy to argue the messenger rather than the message.

Merc openly lies and brags about how good he is at it.

Throb goes after the families of posters.

Too much bitterness...

After four years of talking to me you put me on iggy because I'm too mean to you? The fact that it coincided with the election had nothing at all to do with it, right? Just a random chance?


I pasted a section of the Affordable Care Act that proved that your death panel bunk wasn't real and you didn't like it. Instead of admitting you were lying or believing lies you chose to put me on iggy. Here's something in your own language bro.

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Oh looky

The DUMMIES are here, how cute:cattail:
The lit right thinks a copy and paste of tired old ideas and a rehash of long debunked lies is 'argument'.

The lit left thinks "Bad Source" and "you're a poopyhead" are good arguments.

Same as it was in last year's vice presidential debate.
Self-congratulation is the last refuge of those with weak logic and far fetched notions.
