The Restroom in this Forum is Disgusting


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2012
I would like to make a formal complaint.

This forum should have never hired Mike Yates as their janitor.

He is a slacker.

Hey, I have nothing to do with hiring Mike Yates.

I have never heard of him before.

I swear, my wife's disappearance has nothing to do with this thread.

Yes, I do know who Mike Yates is.

He looks similar to Steve Buscemi.

Does anybody need a ride to Fargo?

It's a long ride, but all I ask for is that you chip in for gas.

What is you name anyway?

What is my name?

It's Buffy, and here is a picture of me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Buffy."


Mr. Buscemi, do you like my little boobies?
I swear that Mr Hat and I have never been to Fargo.

Isn't that right Mr Hat?


Mr Hat, say something.
Clifton, you remind me of this other poster i knew at a site, his name was BMC.

his style of posting is just like yours.
Clifton, you remind me of this other poster i knew at a site, his name was BMC. His style of posting is just like yours.

Godfather, I know that this post to your thread upset you.

What would you like me to do?

"We can't speak now because we are in the Literotica Forum and the moderators are watching us. After I log off, then we will discuss the problem again."

I hate it when you guys try to write your name with your penis...that white wall isn't snow
I beg to differ about the bathrooms. The woman's bathroom is great. I think it's a man thing.
